blob: e3c9d07efa401d49a658e61b06fc766a5c735219 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.solr.handler;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.WhitespaceTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.FlagsAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.FlagsAttributeImpl;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.TokenFilterFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.TokenizerFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeFactory;
import org.apache.solr.analysis.TokenizerChain;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.FieldAnalysisRequest;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.AnalysisParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.request.LocalSolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType;
import org.apache.solr.schema.TextField;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
* A test for {@link FieldAnalysisRequestHandler}.
* @since solr 1.4
public class FieldAnalysisRequestHandlerTest extends AnalysisRequestHandlerTestBase {
private FieldAnalysisRequestHandler handler;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
handler = new FieldAnalysisRequestHandler();
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
initCore("solrconfig.xml", "schema.xml");
public void testPointField() throws Exception {
FieldAnalysisRequest request = new FieldAnalysisRequest();
NamedList<NamedList> nl = handler.handleAnalysisRequest(request, h.getCore().getLatestSchema());
NamedList pintNL = (NamedList)nl.get("field_types").get("pint");
NamedList indexNL = (NamedList)pintNL.get("index");
ArrayList analyzerNL = (ArrayList)indexNL.get("org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType$DefaultAnalyzer$1");
String text = (String)((NamedList)analyzerNL.get(0)).get("text");
assertEquals("5", text);
* Tests the {@link FieldAnalysisRequestHandler#resolveAnalysisRequest(org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest)}
public void testResolveAnalysisRequest() throws Exception {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.add(AnalysisParams.FIELD_NAME, "text,nametext");
params.add(AnalysisParams.FIELD_TYPE, "whitetok,keywordtok");
params.add(AnalysisParams.FIELD_VALUE, "the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dogs");
params.add(CommonParams.Q, "fox brown");
SolrQueryRequest req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(h.getCore(), params);
FieldAnalysisRequest request = handler.resolveAnalysisRequest(req);
List<String> fieldNames = request.getFieldNames();
assertEquals("Expecting 2 field names", 2, fieldNames.size());
assertEquals("text", fieldNames.get(0));
assertEquals("nametext", fieldNames.get(1));
List<String> fieldTypes = request.getFieldTypes();
assertEquals("Expecting 2 field types", 2, fieldTypes.size());
assertEquals("whitetok", fieldTypes.get(0));
assertEquals("keywordtok", fieldTypes.get(1));
assertEquals("the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dogs", request.getFieldValue());
assertEquals("fox brown", request.getQuery());
// testing overide of query value using analysis.query param
params.add(AnalysisParams.QUERY, "quick lazy");
req=new LocalSolrQueryRequest(h.getCore(), params);
request = handler.resolveAnalysisRequest(req);
assertEquals("quick lazy", request.getQuery());
// testing analysis.showmatch param
params.add(AnalysisParams.SHOW_MATCH, "false");
req=new LocalSolrQueryRequest(h.getCore(), params);
request = handler.resolveAnalysisRequest(req);
params.set(AnalysisParams.SHOW_MATCH, "true");
req=new LocalSolrQueryRequest(h.getCore(), params);
request = handler.resolveAnalysisRequest(req);
// testing absence of query value
req=new LocalSolrQueryRequest(h.getCore(), params);
request = handler.resolveAnalysisRequest(req);
// test absence of index-time value and presence of q
params.add(CommonParams.Q, "quick lazy");
request = handler.resolveAnalysisRequest(req);
assertEquals("quick lazy", request.getQuery());
// test absence of index-time value and presence of query
params.add(AnalysisParams.QUERY, "quick lazy");
request = handler.resolveAnalysisRequest(req);
assertEquals("quick lazy", request.getQuery());
// must fail if all of q, analysis.query or analysis.value are absent
try (SolrQueryRequest solrQueryRequest = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(h.getCore(), params)) {
SolrException ex = expectThrows(SolrException.class, () -> handler.resolveAnalysisRequest(solrQueryRequest));
assertEquals(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST.code, ex.code());
* Tests the {@link FieldAnalysisRequestHandler#handleAnalysisRequest(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.FieldAnalysisRequest,
* org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema)}
public void testHandleAnalysisRequest() throws Exception {
FieldAnalysisRequest request = new FieldAnalysisRequest();
request.setFieldValue("the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dogs");
request.setQuery("fox brown");
NamedList<NamedList> result = handler.handleAnalysisRequest(request, h.getCore().getLatestSchema());
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
NamedList<NamedList> fieldTypes = result.get("field_types");
assertNotNull("field_types should never be null", fieldTypes);
NamedList<NamedList> textType = fieldTypes.get("text");
assertNotNull("expecting result for field type 'text'", textType);
NamedList<List<NamedList>> indexPart = textType.get("index");
assertNotNull("expecting an index token analysis for field type 'text'", indexPart);
List<NamedList> tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer");
assertNotNull("Expcting StandardTokenizer analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 10);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("red", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 10, 13, 3, new int[]{3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 14, 17, 4, new int[]{4}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("jumped", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 18, 24, 5, new int[]{5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("over", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 25, 29, 6, new int[]{6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 30, 33, 7, new int[]{7}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("lazy", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 34, 38, 8, new int[]{8}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(8), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 39, 44, 9, new int[]{9}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(9), new TokenInfo("dogs", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 45, 49, 10, new int[]{10}, null, false));
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.LowerCaseFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting LowerCaseFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 10);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("red", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 10, 13, 3, new int[]{3,3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 14, 17, 4, new int[]{4,4}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("jumped", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 18, 24, 5, new int[]{5,5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("over", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 25, 29, 6, new int[]{6,6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 30, 33, 7, new int[]{7,7}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("lazy", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 34, 38, 8, new int[]{8,8}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(8), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 39, 44, 9, new int[]{9,9}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(9), new TokenInfo("dogs", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 45, 49, 10, new int[]{10,10}, null, false));
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.StopFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting StopFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 8);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2,2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("red", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 10, 13, 3, new int[]{3,3,3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 14, 17, 4, new int[]{4,4,4}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("jumped", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 18, 24, 5, new int[]{5,5,5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("over", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 25, 29, 6, new int[]{6,6,6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("lazy", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 34, 38, 8, new int[]{8,8,8}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 39, 44, 9, new int[]{9,9,9}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("dogs", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 45, 49, 10, new int[]{10,10,10}, null, false));
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.PorterStemFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting PorterStemFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 8);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2,2,2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("red", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 10, 13, 3, new int[]{3,3,3,3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 14, 17, 4, new int[]{4,4,4,4}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("jump", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 18, 24, 5, new int[]{5,5,5,5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("over", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 25, 29, 6, new int[]{6,6,6,6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("lazi", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 34, 38, 8, new int[]{8,8,8,8}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 39, 44, 9, new int[]{9,9,9,9}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("dog", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 45, 49, 10, new int[]{10,10,10,10}, null, false));
NamedList<List<NamedList>> queryPart = textType.get("query");
assertNotNull("expecting a query token analysis for field type 'text'", queryPart);
tokenList = queryPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer");
assertNotNull("Expecting StandardTokenizer analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals("Expecting StandardTokenizer to produce 2 tokens from '" + request.getQuery() + "'", 2, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2}, null, false));
tokenList = queryPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.LowerCaseFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting LowerCaseFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(2, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2,2}, null, false));
tokenList = queryPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.StopFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting StopFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(2, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1,1,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2,2,2}, null, false));
tokenList = queryPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.PorterStemFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting PorterStemFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(2, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1,1,1,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2,2,2,2}, null, false));
NamedList<NamedList> nameTextType = fieldTypes.get("nametext");
assertNotNull("expecting result for field type 'nametext'", nameTextType);
indexPart = nameTextType.get("index");
assertNotNull("expecting an index token analysis for field type 'nametext'", indexPart);
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.WhitespaceTokenizer");
assertNotNull("Expcting WhitespaceTokenizer analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(10, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("the", null, "word", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "word", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("red", null, "word", 10, 13, 3, new int[]{3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "word", 14, 17, 4, new int[]{4}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("jumped", null, "word", 18, 24, 5, new int[]{5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("over", null, "word", 25, 29, 6, new int[]{6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("the", null, "word", 30, 33, 7, new int[]{7}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("lazy", null, "word", 34, 38, 8, new int[]{8}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(8), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "word", 39, 44, 9, new int[]{9}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(9), new TokenInfo("dogs", null, "word", 45, 49, 10, new int[]{10}, null, false));
queryPart = nameTextType.get("query");
assertNotNull("expecting a query token analysis for field type 'nametext'", queryPart);
tokenList = queryPart.get(WhitespaceTokenizer.class.getName());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "word", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "word", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2}, null, false));
NamedList<NamedList> fieldNames = result.get("field_names");
assertNotNull("field_nameds should never be null", fieldNames);
NamedList<NamedList> whitetok = fieldNames.get("whitetok");
assertNotNull("expecting result for field 'whitetok'", whitetok);
indexPart = whitetok.get("index");
assertNotNull("expecting an index token analysis for field 'whitetok'", indexPart);
assertEquals("expecting only MockTokenizer to be applied", 1, indexPart.size());
tokenList = indexPart.get(MockTokenizer.class.getName());
assertNotNull("expecting only MockTokenizer to be applied", tokenList);
assertEquals("expecting MockTokenizer to produce 10 tokens", 10, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("the", null, "word", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "word", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("red", null, "word", 10, 13, 3, new int[]{3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "word", 14, 17, 4, new int[]{4}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("jumped", null, "word", 18, 24, 5, new int[]{5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("over", null, "word", 25, 29, 6, new int[]{6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("the", null, "word", 30, 33, 7, new int[]{7}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("lazy", null, "word", 34, 38, 8, new int[]{8}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(8), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "word", 39, 44, 9, new int[]{9}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(9), new TokenInfo("dogs", null, "word", 45, 49, 10, new int[]{10}, null, false));
queryPart = whitetok.get("query");
assertNotNull("expecting a query token analysis for field 'whitetok'", queryPart);
assertEquals("expecting only MockTokenizer to be applied", 1, queryPart.size());
tokenList = queryPart.get(MockTokenizer.class.getName());
assertNotNull("expecting only MockTokenizer to be applied", tokenList);
assertEquals("expecting MockTokenizer to produce 2 tokens", 2, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "word", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "word", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2}, null, false));
NamedList<NamedList> keywordtok = fieldNames.get("keywordtok");
assertNotNull("expecting result for field 'keywordtok'", keywordtok);
indexPart = keywordtok.get("index");
assertNotNull("expecting an index token analysis for field 'keywordtok'", indexPart);
assertEquals("expecting only MockTokenizer to be applied", 1, indexPart.size());
tokenList = indexPart.get(MockTokenizer.class.getName());
assertNotNull("expecting only MockTokenizer to be applied", tokenList);
assertEquals("expecting MockTokenizer to produce 1 token", 1, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dogs", null, "word", 0, 49, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
queryPart = keywordtok.get("query");
assertNotNull("expecting a query token analysis for field 'keywordtok'", queryPart);
assertEquals("expecting only MockTokenizer to be applied", 1, queryPart.size());
tokenList = queryPart.get(MockTokenizer.class.getName());
assertNotNull("expecting only MockTokenizer to be applied", tokenList);
assertEquals("expecting MockTokenizer to produce 1 token", 1, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("fox brown", null, "word", 0, 9, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
public void testCharFilterAnalysis() throws Exception {
FieldAnalysisRequest request = new FieldAnalysisRequest();
NamedList<NamedList> result = handler.handleAnalysisRequest(request, h.getCore().getLatestSchema());
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
NamedList<NamedList> fieldTypes = result.get("field_types");
assertNotNull("field_types should never be null", fieldTypes);
NamedList<NamedList> textType = fieldTypes.get("charfilthtmlmap");
assertNotNull("expecting result for field type 'charfilthtmlmap'", textType);
NamedList indexPart = textType.get("index");
assertNotNull("expecting an index token analysis for field type 'charfilthtmlmap'", indexPart);
assertEquals("\n\nwhátëvêr\n\n", indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.charfilter.HTMLStripCharFilter"));
assertEquals("\n\nwhatever\n\n", indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.charfilter.MappingCharFilter"));
List<NamedList> tokenList = (List<NamedList>)indexPart.get(MockTokenizer.class.getName());
assertNotNull("Expecting MockTokenizer analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 1);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("whatever", null, "word", 12, 20, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
public void testPositionHistoryWithWDGF() throws Exception {
FieldAnalysisRequest request = new FieldAnalysisRequest();
request.setFieldValue("hi, 3456-12 a Test");
NamedList<NamedList> result = handler.handleAnalysisRequest(request, h.getCore().getLatestSchema());
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
NamedList<NamedList> fieldTypes = result.get("field_types");
assertNotNull("field_types should never be null", fieldTypes);
NamedList<NamedList> textType = fieldTypes.get("skutype1");
assertNotNull("expecting result for field type 'skutype1'", textType);
NamedList<List<NamedList>> indexPart = textType.get("index");
assertNotNull("expecting an index token analysis for field type 'skutype1'", indexPart);
List<NamedList> tokenList = indexPart.get(MockTokenizer.class.getName());
assertNotNull("Expcting MockTokenizer analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(4, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("hi,", null, "word", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("3456-12", null, "word", 4, 11, 2, new int[]{2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("a", null, "word", 12, 13, 3, new int[]{3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("Test", null, "word", 14, 18, 4, new int[]{4}, null, false));
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous.WordDelimiterGraphFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting WordDelimiterGraphFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(6, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("hi", null, "word", 0, 2, 1, new int[]{1,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("345612", null, "word", 4, 11, 2, new int[]{2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("3456", null, "word", 4, 8, 2, new int[]{2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("12", null, "word", 9, 11, 3, new int[]{2,3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("a", null, "word", 12, 13, 4, new int[]{3,4}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("Test", null, "word", 14, 18, 5, new int[]{4,5}, null, false));
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.LowerCaseFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting LowerCaseFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(6, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("hi", null, "word", 0, 2, 1, new int[]{1,1,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("345612", null, "word", 4, 11, 2, new int[]{2,2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("3456", null, "word", 4, 8, 2, new int[]{2,2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("12", null, "word", 9, 11, 3, new int[]{2,3,3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("a", null, "word", 12, 13, 4, new int[]{3,4,4}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("test", null, "word", 14, 18, 5, new int[]{4,5,5}, null, false));
public void testSpatial() throws Exception {
FieldAnalysisRequest request = new FieldAnalysisRequest();
request.setFieldValue("MULTIPOINT ((10 40), (40 30), (20 20), (30 10))");
NamedList<NamedList> result = handler.handleAnalysisRequest(request, h.getCore().getLatestSchema());
NamedList<List<NamedList>> tokens = (NamedList<List<NamedList>>)
List<NamedList> tokenList = tokens.get("org.apache.lucene.spatial.prefix.PrefixTreeStrategy$ShapeTokenStream");
List<String> vals = new ArrayList<>(tokenList.size());
for(NamedList v : tokenList) {
vals.add( (String)v.get("text") );
assertEquals( "[s, s7, s7w, s7w1+, s9, s9v, s9v2+, sp, spp, spp5+, sv, svk, svk6+]", vals.toString() );
@Test //See SOLR-8460
public void testCustomAttribute() throws Exception {
FieldAnalysisRequest request = new FieldAnalysisRequest();
request.setFieldValue("hi, 3456-12 a Test");
FieldType fieldType = new TextField();
Analyzer analyzer = new TokenizerChain(
new TokenizerFactory(Collections.emptyMap()) {
public Tokenizer create(AttributeFactory factory) {
return new CustomTokenizer(factory);
new TokenFilterFactory[] {
new TokenFilterFactory(Collections.emptyMap()) {
public TokenStream create(TokenStream input) {
return new CustomTokenFilter(input);
NamedList<NamedList> result = handler.analyzeValues(request, fieldType, "fieldNameUnused");
// just test that we see "900" in the flags attribute here
List<NamedList> tokenInfoList = (List<NamedList>) result.findRecursive("index", CustomTokenFilter.class.getName());
// '1' from CustomTokenFilter plus 900 from CustomFlagsAttributeImpl.
assertEquals(901, tokenInfoList.get(0).get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.FlagsAttribute#flags"));
@Test(expected = Exception.class)
public void testNoDefaultField() throws Exception {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.add(CommonParams.Q, "fox brown");
SolrQueryRequest req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(h.getCore(), params);
/** A custom impl of a standard attribute impl; test this instance is used. */
public class CustomFlagsAttributeImpl extends FlagsAttributeImpl {
public void setFlags(int flags) {
super.setFlags(900 + flags);//silly modification
private class CustomTokenizer extends Tokenizer {
CharTermAttribute charAtt;
FlagsAttribute customAtt;
boolean sentOneToken;
public CustomTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory) {
addAttributeImpl(new CustomFlagsAttributeImpl());
charAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
customAtt = addAttribute(FlagsAttribute.class);
public void reset() throws IOException {
sentOneToken = false;
public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
if (sentOneToken) {
return false;
sentOneToken = true;
return true;
private class CustomTokenFilter extends TokenFilter {
FlagsAttribute flagAtt;
public CustomTokenFilter(TokenStream input) {
flagAtt = getAttribute(FlagsAttribute.class);
if (flagAtt == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("FlagsAttribute should have been added already");
if (!(flagAtt instanceof CustomFlagsAttributeImpl)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("FlagsAttribute should be our custom " + CustomFlagsAttributeImpl.class);
public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
if (input.incrementToken()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;