blob: 0daf0623f90a089c3efa656837c4ff92f14c93c1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.util.packed;
import static org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedInts.checkBlockSize;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Accountable;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LongValues;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;
* Utility class to compress integers into a {@link LongValues} instance.
public class PackedLongValues extends LongValues implements Accountable {
private static final long BASE_RAM_BYTES_USED = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(PackedLongValues.class);
static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 1024;
static final int MIN_PAGE_SIZE = 64;
// More than 1M doesn't really makes sense with these appending buffers
// since their goal is to try to have small numbers of bits per value
static final int MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 1 << 20;
/** Return a new {@link Builder} that will compress efficiently positive integers. */
public static PackedLongValues.Builder packedBuilder(int pageSize, float acceptableOverheadRatio) {
return new PackedLongValues.Builder(pageSize, acceptableOverheadRatio);
/** @see #packedBuilder(int, float) */
public static PackedLongValues.Builder packedBuilder(float acceptableOverheadRatio) {
return packedBuilder(DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, acceptableOverheadRatio);
/** Return a new {@link Builder} that will compress efficiently integers that
* are close to each other. */
public static PackedLongValues.Builder deltaPackedBuilder(int pageSize, float acceptableOverheadRatio) {
return new DeltaPackedLongValues.Builder(pageSize, acceptableOverheadRatio);
/** @see #deltaPackedBuilder(int, float) */
public static PackedLongValues.Builder deltaPackedBuilder(float acceptableOverheadRatio) {
return deltaPackedBuilder(DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, acceptableOverheadRatio);
/** Return a new {@link Builder} that will compress efficiently integers that
* would be a monotonic function of their index. */
public static PackedLongValues.Builder monotonicBuilder(int pageSize, float acceptableOverheadRatio) {
return new MonotonicLongValues.Builder(pageSize, acceptableOverheadRatio);
/** @see #monotonicBuilder(int, float) */
public static PackedLongValues.Builder monotonicBuilder(float acceptableOverheadRatio) {
return monotonicBuilder(DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, acceptableOverheadRatio);
final PackedInts.Reader[] values;
final int pageShift, pageMask;
private final long size;
private final long ramBytesUsed;
PackedLongValues(int pageShift, int pageMask, PackedInts.Reader[] values, long size, long ramBytesUsed) {
this.pageShift = pageShift;
this.pageMask = pageMask;
this.values = values;
this.size = size;
this.ramBytesUsed = ramBytesUsed;
/** Get the number of values in this array. */
public final long size() {
return size;
int decodeBlock(int block, long[] dest) {
final PackedInts.Reader vals = values[block];
final int size = vals.size();
for (int k = 0; k < size; ) {
k += vals.get(k, dest, k, size - k);
return size;
long get(int block, int element) {
return values[block].get(element);
public final long get(long index) {
assert index >= 0 && index < size();
final int block = (int) (index >> pageShift);
final int element = (int) (index & pageMask);
return get(block, element);
public long ramBytesUsed() {
return ramBytesUsed;
/** Return an iterator over the values of this array. */
public Iterator iterator() {
return new Iterator();
/** An iterator over long values. */
final public class Iterator {
final long[] currentValues;
int vOff, pOff;
int currentCount; // number of entries of the current page
Iterator() {
currentValues = new long[pageMask + 1];
vOff = pOff = 0;
private void fillBlock() {
if (vOff == values.length) {
currentCount = 0;
} else {
currentCount = decodeBlock(vOff, currentValues);
assert currentCount > 0;
/** Whether or not there are remaining values. */
public final boolean hasNext() {
return pOff < currentCount;
/** Return the next long in the buffer. */
public final long next() {
assert hasNext();
long result = currentValues[pOff++];
if (pOff == currentCount) {
vOff += 1;
pOff = 0;
return result;
/** A Builder for a {@link PackedLongValues} instance. */
public static class Builder implements Accountable {
private static final int INITIAL_PAGE_COUNT = 16;
private static final long BASE_RAM_BYTES_USED = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance(Builder.class);
final int pageShift, pageMask;
final float acceptableOverheadRatio;
long[] pending;
long size;
PackedInts.Reader[] values;
long ramBytesUsed;
int valuesOff;
int pendingOff;
Builder(int pageSize, float acceptableOverheadRatio) {
pageShift = checkBlockSize(pageSize, MIN_PAGE_SIZE, MAX_PAGE_SIZE);
pageMask = pageSize - 1;
this.acceptableOverheadRatio = acceptableOverheadRatio;
values = new PackedInts.Reader[INITIAL_PAGE_COUNT];
pending = new long[pageSize];
valuesOff = 0;
pendingOff = 0;
size = 0;
ramBytesUsed = baseRamBytesUsed() + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(pending) + RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOf(values);
/** Build a {@link PackedLongValues} instance that contains values that
* have been added to this builder. This operation is destructive. */
public PackedLongValues build() {
pending = null;
final PackedInts.Reader[] values = Arrays.copyOf(this.values, valuesOff);
final long ramBytesUsed = PackedLongValues.BASE_RAM_BYTES_USED + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(values);
return new PackedLongValues(pageShift, pageMask, values, size, ramBytesUsed);
long baseRamBytesUsed() {
public final long ramBytesUsed() {
return ramBytesUsed;
/** Return the number of elements that have been added to this builder. */
public final long size() {
return size;
/** Add a new element to this builder. */
public Builder add(long l) {
if (pending == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot be reused after build()");
if (pendingOff == pending.length) {
// check size
if (values.length == valuesOff) {
final int newLength = ArrayUtil.oversize(valuesOff + 1, 8);
pending[pendingOff++] = l;
size += 1;
return this;
final void finish() {
if (pendingOff > 0) {
if (values.length == valuesOff) {
grow(valuesOff + 1);
private void pack() {
pack(pending, pendingOff, valuesOff, acceptableOverheadRatio);
ramBytesUsed += values[valuesOff].ramBytesUsed();
valuesOff += 1;
// reset pending buffer
pendingOff = 0;
void pack(long[] values, int numValues, int block, float acceptableOverheadRatio) {
assert numValues > 0;
// compute max delta
long minValue = values[0];
long maxValue = values[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numValues; ++i) {
minValue = Math.min(minValue, values[i]);
maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, values[i]);
// build a new packed reader
if (minValue == 0 && maxValue == 0) {
this.values[block] = new PackedInts.NullReader(numValues);
} else {
final int bitsRequired = minValue < 0 ? 64 : PackedInts.bitsRequired(maxValue);
final PackedInts.Mutable mutable = PackedInts.getMutable(numValues, bitsRequired, acceptableOverheadRatio);
for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ) {
i += mutable.set(i, values, i, numValues - i);
this.values[block] = mutable;
void grow(int newBlockCount) {
ramBytesUsed -= RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOf(values);
values = Arrays.copyOf(values, newBlockCount);
ramBytesUsed += RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOf(values);