blob: fa5f2679cd3a91c02f6dc17a3e7812fd926e08d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues;
import org.apache.lucene.util.DocIdSetBuilder;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Abstract numeric comparator for comparing numeric values.
* This comparator provides a skipping functionality – an iterator that can skip over non-competitive documents.
public abstract class NumericComparator<T extends Number> extends FieldComparator<T> {
protected final T missingValue;
protected final String field;
protected final boolean reverse;
protected final boolean primarySort;
private final int bytesCount; // how many bytes are used to encode this number
protected boolean topValueSet;
protected boolean singleSort; // singleSort is true, if sort is based on a single sort field.
protected boolean hitsThresholdReached;
protected boolean queueFull;
protected NumericComparator(String field, T missingValue, boolean reverse, int sortPos, int bytesCount) {
this.field = field;
this.missingValue = missingValue;
this.reverse = reverse;
this.primarySort = (sortPos == 0);
this.bytesCount = bytesCount;
public void setTopValue(T value) {
topValueSet = true;
public void setSingleSort() {
singleSort = true;
* Leaf comparator for {@link NumericComparator} that provides skipping functionality
public abstract class NumericLeafComparator implements LeafFieldComparator {
protected final NumericDocValues docValues;
private final PointValues pointValues;
private final boolean enableSkipping; // if skipping functionality should be enabled
private final int maxDoc;
private final byte[] minValueAsBytes;
private final byte[] maxValueAsBytes;
private DocIdSetIterator competitiveIterator;
private long iteratorCost;
private int maxDocVisited = 0;
private int updateCounter = 0;
public NumericLeafComparator(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
this.docValues = getNumericDocValues(context, field);
this.pointValues = primarySort ? context.reader().getPointValues(field) : null;
if (pointValues != null) {
this.enableSkipping = true; // skipping is enabled on primarySort and when points are available
this.maxDoc = context.reader().maxDoc();
this.maxValueAsBytes = reverse == false ? new byte[bytesCount] : topValueSet ? new byte[bytesCount] : null;
this.minValueAsBytes = reverse ? new byte[bytesCount] : topValueSet ? new byte[bytesCount] : null;
this.competitiveIterator = DocIdSetIterator.all(maxDoc);
this.iteratorCost = maxDoc;
} else {
this.enableSkipping = false;
this.maxDoc = 0;
this.maxValueAsBytes = null;
this.minValueAsBytes = null;
/** Retrieves the NumericDocValues for the field in this segment */
protected NumericDocValues getNumericDocValues(LeafReaderContext context, String field) throws IOException {
return DocValues.getNumeric(context.reader(), field);
public void setBottom(int slot) throws IOException {
queueFull = true; // if we are setting bottom, it means that we have collected enough hits
updateCompetitiveIterator(); // update an iterator if we set a new bottom
public void copy(int slot, int doc) throws IOException {
maxDocVisited = doc;
public void setScorer(Scorable scorer) throws IOException {
if (scorer instanceof Scorer) {
iteratorCost = ((Scorer) scorer).iterator().cost(); // starting iterator cost is the scorer's cost
updateCompetitiveIterator(); // update an iterator when we have a new segment
public void setHitsThresholdReached() throws IOException {
hitsThresholdReached = true;
// update its iterator to include possibly only docs that are "stronger" than the current bottom entry
private void updateCompetitiveIterator() throws IOException {
if (enableSkipping == false || hitsThresholdReached == false || queueFull == false) return;
// if some documents have missing points, check that missing values prohibits optimization
if ((pointValues.getDocCount() < maxDoc) && isMissingValueCompetitive()) {
return; // we can't filter out documents, as documents with missing values are competitive
if (updateCounter > 256 && (updateCounter & 0x1f) != 0x1f) { // Start sampling if we get called too much
if (reverse == false) {
if (topValueSet) {
} else {
if (topValueSet) {
DocIdSetBuilder result = new DocIdSetBuilder(maxDoc);
PointValues.IntersectVisitor visitor = new PointValues.IntersectVisitor() {
DocIdSetBuilder.BulkAdder adder;
public void grow(int count) {
adder = result.grow(count);
public void visit(int docID) {
if (docID <= maxDocVisited) {
return; // Already visited or skipped
public void visit(int docID, byte[] packedValue) {
if (docID <= maxDocVisited) {
return; // already visited or skipped
if (maxValueAsBytes != null) {
int cmp = Arrays.compareUnsigned(packedValue, 0, bytesCount, maxValueAsBytes, 0, bytesCount);
// if doc's value is too high or for single sort even equal, it is not competitive and the doc can be skipped
if (cmp > 0 || (singleSort && cmp == 0)) return;
if (minValueAsBytes != null) {
int cmp = Arrays.compareUnsigned(packedValue, 0, bytesCount, minValueAsBytes, 0, bytesCount);
// if doc's value is too low or for single sort even equal, it is not competitive and the doc can be skipped
if (cmp < 0 || (singleSort && cmp == 0)) return;
adder.add(docID); // doc is competitive
public PointValues.Relation compare(byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue) {
if (maxValueAsBytes != null) {
int cmp = Arrays.compareUnsigned(minPackedValue, 0, bytesCount, maxValueAsBytes, 0, bytesCount);
if (cmp > 0 || (singleSort && cmp == 0)) return PointValues.Relation.CELL_OUTSIDE_QUERY;
if (minValueAsBytes != null) {
int cmp = Arrays.compareUnsigned(maxPackedValue, 0, bytesCount, minValueAsBytes, 0, bytesCount);
if (cmp < 0 || (singleSort && cmp == 0)) return PointValues.Relation.CELL_OUTSIDE_QUERY;
if ((maxValueAsBytes != null && Arrays.compareUnsigned(maxPackedValue, 0, bytesCount, maxValueAsBytes, 0, bytesCount) > 0) ||
(minValueAsBytes != null && Arrays.compareUnsigned(minPackedValue, 0, bytesCount, minValueAsBytes, 0, bytesCount) < 0)) {
return PointValues.Relation.CELL_CROSSES_QUERY;
return PointValues.Relation.CELL_INSIDE_QUERY;
final long threshold = iteratorCost >>> 3;
long estimatedNumberOfMatches = pointValues.estimatePointCount(visitor); // runs in O(log(numPoints))
if (estimatedNumberOfMatches >= threshold) {
// the new range is not selective enough to be worth materializing, it doesn't reduce number of docs at least 8x
competitiveIterator =;
iteratorCost = competitiveIterator.cost();
public DocIdSetIterator competitiveIterator() {
if (enableSkipping == false) return null;
return new DocIdSetIterator() {
private int docID = -1;
public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
return advance(docID + 1);
public int docID() {
return docID;
public long cost() {
return competitiveIterator.cost();
public int advance(int target) throws IOException {
return docID = competitiveIterator.advance(target);
protected abstract boolean isMissingValueCompetitive();
protected abstract void encodeBottom(byte[] packedValue);
protected abstract void encodeTop(byte[] packedValue);