blob: 37a660fdc418cf9d76c6dbf56efeb391223e0f9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.core;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.http.auth.AuthSchemeProvider;
import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.config.Lookup;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded.EmbeddedSolrServer;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpClientUtil;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.SolrHttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.SolrHttpClientContextBuilder;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.SolrHttpClientContextBuilder.AuthSchemeRegistryProvider;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.SolrHttpClientContextBuilder.CredentialsProviderProvider;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.util.SolrIdentifierValidator;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionAdminParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.ExecutorUtil;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
import org.apache.solr.core.DirectoryFactory.DirContext;
import org.apache.solr.core.backup.repository.BackupRepository;
import org.apache.solr.core.backup.repository.BackupRepositoryFactory;
import org.apache.solr.handler.RequestHandlerBase;
import org.apache.solr.handler.SnapShooter;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AutoscalingHistoryHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.CollectionsHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.ConfigSetsHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.CoreAdminHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.HealthCheckHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.InfoHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.MetricsCollectorHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.MetricsHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.MetricsHistoryHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.SecurityConfHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.SecurityConfHandlerLocal;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.SecurityConfHandlerZk;
import org.apache.solr.handler.admin.ZookeeperInfoHandler;
import org.apache.solr.handler.component.ShardHandlerFactory;
import org.apache.solr.logging.LogWatcher;
import org.apache.solr.logging.MDCLoggingContext;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrCoreMetricManager;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrMetricManager;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrMetricProducer;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrRequestHandler;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrCoreState;
import org.apache.solr.update.UpdateShardHandler;
import org.apache.solr.util.DefaultSolrThreadFactory;
import org.apache.solr.util.OrderedExecutor;
import org.apache.solr.util.stats.MetricUtils;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.AUTHC_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.AUTHZ_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.AUTOSCALING_HISTORY_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.COLLECTIONS_HANDLER_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.CONFIGSETS_HANDLER_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.CORES_HANDLER_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.HEALTH_CHECK_HANDLER_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.INFO_HANDLER_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.METRICS_HISTORY_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.METRICS_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.ZK_PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.core.CorePropertiesLocator.PROPERTIES_FILENAME;
import static;
* @since solr 1.3
public class CoreContainer {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
final SolrCores solrCores = new SolrCores(this);
public static class CoreLoadFailure {
public final CoreDescriptor cd;
public final Exception exception;
public CoreLoadFailure(CoreDescriptor cd, Exception loadFailure) { = new CoreDescriptor(cd.getName(), cd);
this.exception = loadFailure;
protected final Map<String, CoreLoadFailure> coreInitFailures = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
protected CoreAdminHandler coreAdminHandler = null;
protected CollectionsHandler collectionsHandler = null;
protected HealthCheckHandler healthCheckHandler = null;
private InfoHandler infoHandler;
protected ConfigSetsHandler configSetsHandler = null;
private PKIAuthenticationPlugin pkiAuthenticationPlugin;
protected Properties containerProperties;
private ConfigSetService coreConfigService;
protected ZkContainer zkSys = new ZkContainer();
protected ShardHandlerFactory shardHandlerFactory;
private UpdateShardHandler updateShardHandler;
private ExecutorService coreContainerWorkExecutor = ExecutorUtil.newMDCAwareCachedThreadPool(
new DefaultSolrThreadFactory("coreContainerWorkExecutor") );
private final OrderedExecutor replayUpdatesExecutor;
protected LogWatcher logging = null;
private CloserThread backgroundCloser = null;
protected final NodeConfig cfg;
protected final SolrResourceLoader loader;
protected final String solrHome;
protected final CoresLocator coresLocator;
private String hostName;
private final BlobRepository blobRepository = new BlobRepository(this);
private PluginBag<SolrRequestHandler> containerHandlers = new PluginBag<>(SolrRequestHandler.class, null);
private boolean asyncSolrCoreLoad;
protected SecurityConfHandler securityConfHandler;
private SecurityPluginHolder<AuthorizationPlugin> authorizationPlugin;
private SecurityPluginHolder<AuthenticationPlugin> authenticationPlugin;
private BackupRepositoryFactory backupRepoFactory;
protected SolrMetricManager metricManager;
protected String metricTag = Integer.toHexString(hashCode());
protected MetricsHandler metricsHandler;
protected MetricsHistoryHandler metricsHistoryHandler;
protected MetricsCollectorHandler metricsCollectorHandler;
protected AutoscalingHistoryHandler autoscalingHistoryHandler;
// Bits for the state variable.
public final static long LOAD_COMPLETE = 0x1L;
public final static long CORE_DISCOVERY_COMPLETE = 0x2L;
public final static long INITIAL_CORE_LOAD_COMPLETE = 0x4L;
private volatile long status = 0L;
protected AutoScalingHandler autoScalingHandler;
private enum CoreInitFailedAction { fromleader, none }
* This method instantiates a new instance of {@linkplain BackupRepository}.
* @param repositoryName The name of the backup repository (Optional).
* If not specified, a default implementation is used.
* @return a new instance of {@linkplain BackupRepository}.
public BackupRepository newBackupRepository(Optional<String> repositoryName) {
BackupRepository repository;
if (repositoryName.isPresent()) {
repository = backupRepoFactory.newInstance(getResourceLoader(), repositoryName.get());
} else {
repository = backupRepoFactory.newInstance(getResourceLoader());
return repository;
public ExecutorService getCoreZkRegisterExecutorService() {
return zkSys.getCoreZkRegisterExecutorService();
public SolrRequestHandler getRequestHandler(String path) {
return RequestHandlerBase.getRequestHandler(path, containerHandlers);
public PluginBag<SolrRequestHandler> getRequestHandlers() {
return this.containerHandlers;
log.debug("New CoreContainer " + System.identityHashCode(this));
* Create a new CoreContainer using system properties to detect the solr home
* directory. The container's cores are not loaded.
* @see #load()
public CoreContainer() {
this(new SolrResourceLoader(SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome()));
* Create a new CoreContainer using the given SolrResourceLoader. The container's
* cores are not loaded.
* @param loader the SolrResourceLoader
* @see #load()
public CoreContainer(SolrResourceLoader loader) {
this(SolrXmlConfig.fromSolrHome(loader, loader.getInstancePath()));
* Create a new CoreContainer using the given solr home directory. The container's
* cores are not loaded.
* @param solrHome a String containing the path to the solr home directory
* @see #load()
public CoreContainer(String solrHome) {
this(new SolrResourceLoader(Paths.get(solrHome)));
* Create a new CoreContainer using the given SolrResourceLoader,
* configuration and CoresLocator. The container's cores are
* not loaded.
* @param config a ConfigSolr representation of this container's configuration
* @see #load()
public CoreContainer(NodeConfig config) {
this(config, new Properties());
public CoreContainer(NodeConfig config, Properties properties) {
this(config, properties, new CorePropertiesLocator(config.getCoreRootDirectory()));
public CoreContainer(NodeConfig config, Properties properties, boolean asyncSolrCoreLoad) {
this(config, properties, new CorePropertiesLocator(config.getCoreRootDirectory()), asyncSolrCoreLoad);
public CoreContainer(NodeConfig config, Properties properties, CoresLocator locator) {
this(config, properties, locator, false);
public CoreContainer(NodeConfig config, Properties properties, CoresLocator locator, boolean asyncSolrCoreLoad) {
this.loader = config.getSolrResourceLoader();
this.solrHome = loader.getInstancePath().toString();
containerHandlers.put(PublicKeyHandler.PATH, new PublicKeyHandler());
this.cfg = requireNonNull(config);
this.coresLocator = locator;
this.containerProperties = new Properties(properties);
this.asyncSolrCoreLoad = asyncSolrCoreLoad;
this.replayUpdatesExecutor = new OrderedExecutor(
new DefaultSolrThreadFactory("replayUpdatesExecutor")));
private synchronized void initializeAuthorizationPlugin(Map<String, Object> authorizationConf) {
authorizationConf = Utils.getDeepCopy(authorizationConf, 4);
//Initialize the Authorization module
SecurityPluginHolder<AuthorizationPlugin> old = authorizationPlugin;
SecurityPluginHolder<AuthorizationPlugin> authorizationPlugin = null;
if (authorizationConf != null) {
String klas = (String) authorizationConf.get("class");
if (klas == null) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "class is required for authorization plugin");
if (old != null && old.getZnodeVersion() == readVersion(authorizationConf)) {
}"Initializing authorization plugin: " + klas);
authorizationPlugin = new SecurityPluginHolder<>(readVersion(authorizationConf),
getResourceLoader().newInstance(klas, AuthorizationPlugin.class));
// Read and pass the authorization context to the plugin
} else {
log.debug("Security conf doesn't exist. Skipping setup for authorization module.");
this.authorizationPlugin = authorizationPlugin;
if (old != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private synchronized void initializeAuthenticationPlugin(Map<String, Object> authenticationConfig) {
authenticationConfig = Utils.getDeepCopy(authenticationConfig, 4);
String pluginClassName = null;
if (authenticationConfig != null) {
if (authenticationConfig.containsKey("class")) {
pluginClassName = String.valueOf(authenticationConfig.get("class"));
} else {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "No 'class' specified for authentication in ZK.");
if (pluginClassName != null) {
log.debug("Authentication plugin class obtained from security.json: "+pluginClassName);
} else if (System.getProperty(AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN_PROP) != null) {
pluginClassName = System.getProperty(AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN_PROP);
log.debug("Authentication plugin class obtained from system property '" +
AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN_PROP + "': " + pluginClassName);
} else {
log.debug("No authentication plugin used.");
SecurityPluginHolder<AuthenticationPlugin> old = authenticationPlugin;
SecurityPluginHolder<AuthenticationPlugin> authenticationPlugin = null;
// Initialize the plugin
if (pluginClassName != null) {"Initializing authentication plugin: " + pluginClassName);
authenticationPlugin = new SecurityPluginHolder<>(readVersion(authenticationConfig),
new Class[]{CoreContainer.class},
new Object[]{this}));
if (authenticationPlugin != null) {
this.authenticationPlugin = authenticationPlugin;
try {
if (old != null) old.plugin.close();
} catch (Exception e) {/*do nothing*/ }
private void setupHttpClientForAuthPlugin(Object authcPlugin) {
if (authcPlugin instanceof HttpClientBuilderPlugin) {
// Setup HttpClient for internode communication
SolrHttpClientBuilder builder = ((HttpClientBuilderPlugin) authcPlugin).getHttpClientBuilder(HttpClientUtil.getHttpClientBuilder());
// The default http client of the core container's shardHandlerFactory has already been created and
// configured using the default httpclient configurer. We need to reconfigure it using the plugin's
// http client configurer to set it up for internode communication.
log.debug("Reconfiguring HttpClient settings.");
SolrHttpClientContextBuilder httpClientBuilder = new SolrHttpClientContextBuilder();
if (builder.getCredentialsProviderProvider() != null) {
httpClientBuilder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(new CredentialsProviderProvider() {
public CredentialsProvider getCredentialsProvider() {
return builder.getCredentialsProviderProvider().getCredentialsProvider();
if (builder.getAuthSchemeRegistryProvider() != null) {
httpClientBuilder.setAuthSchemeRegistryProvider(new AuthSchemeRegistryProvider() {
public Lookup<AuthSchemeProvider> getAuthSchemeRegistry() {
return builder.getAuthSchemeRegistryProvider().getAuthSchemeRegistry();
} else {
if (pkiAuthenticationPlugin != null) {
//this happened due to an authc plugin reload. no need to register the pkiAuthc plugin again
if(pkiAuthenticationPlugin.isInterceptorRegistered()) return;"PKIAuthenticationPlugin is managing internode requests");
private static int readVersion(Map<String, Object> conf) {
if (conf == null) return -1;
Map meta = (Map) conf.get("");
if (meta == null) return -1;
Number v = (Number) meta.get("v");
return v == null ? -1 : v.intValue();
* This method allows subclasses to construct a CoreContainer
* without any default init behavior.
* @param testConstructor pass (Object)null.
* @lucene.experimental
protected CoreContainer(Object testConstructor) {
solrHome = null;
loader = null;
coresLocator = null;
cfg = null;
containerProperties = null;
replayUpdatesExecutor = null;
public static CoreContainer createAndLoad(Path solrHome) {
return createAndLoad(solrHome, solrHome.resolve(SolrXmlConfig.SOLR_XML_FILE));
* Create a new CoreContainer and load its cores
* @param solrHome the solr home directory
* @param configFile the file containing this container's configuration
* @return a loaded CoreContainer
public static CoreContainer createAndLoad(Path solrHome, Path configFile) {
SolrResourceLoader loader = new SolrResourceLoader(solrHome);
CoreContainer cc = new CoreContainer(SolrXmlConfig.fromFile(loader, configFile));
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
return cc;
public Properties getContainerProperties() {
return containerProperties;
public PKIAuthenticationPlugin getPkiAuthenticationPlugin() {
return pkiAuthenticationPlugin;
public SolrMetricManager getMetricManager() {
return metricManager;
public MetricsHandler getMetricsHandler() {
return metricsHandler;
public MetricsHistoryHandler getMetricsHistoryHandler() {
return metricsHistoryHandler;
public OrderedExecutor getReplayUpdatesExecutor() {
return replayUpdatesExecutor;
// Initialization / Cleanup
* Load the cores defined for this CoreContainer
public void load() {
log.debug("Loading cores into CoreContainer [instanceDir={}]", loader.getInstancePath());
// add the sharedLib to the shared resource loader before initializing cfg based plugins
String libDir = cfg.getSharedLibDirectory();
if (libDir != null) {
Path libPath = loader.getInstancePath().resolve(libDir);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (!libDir.equals("lib")) { // Don't complain if default "lib" dir does not exist
log.warn("Couldn't add files from {} to classpath: {}", libPath, e.getMessage());
metricManager = new SolrMetricManager(loader, cfg.getMetricsConfig());
coreContainerWorkExecutor = MetricUtils.instrumentedExecutorService(
coreContainerWorkExecutor, null,
SolrMetricManager.mkName("coreContainerWorkExecutor", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "threadPool"));
shardHandlerFactory = ShardHandlerFactory.newInstance(cfg.getShardHandlerFactoryPluginInfo(), loader);
if (shardHandlerFactory instanceof SolrMetricProducer) {
SolrMetricProducer metricProducer = (SolrMetricProducer) shardHandlerFactory;
metricProducer.initializeMetrics(metricManager, SolrInfoBean.Group.node.toString(), metricTag, "httpShardHandler");
updateShardHandler = new UpdateShardHandler(cfg.getUpdateShardHandlerConfig());
updateShardHandler.initializeMetrics(metricManager, SolrInfoBean.Group.node.toString(), metricTag, "updateShardHandler");
logging = LogWatcher.newRegisteredLogWatcher(cfg.getLogWatcherConfig(), loader);
hostName = cfg.getNodeName();
zkSys.initZooKeeper(this, solrHome, cfg.getCloudConfig());
if(isZooKeeperAware()) pkiAuthenticationPlugin = new PKIAuthenticationPlugin(this, zkSys.getZkController().getNodeName(),
(PublicKeyHandler) containerHandlers.get(PublicKeyHandler.PATH));
securityConfHandler = isZooKeeperAware() ? new SecurityConfHandlerZk(this) : new SecurityConfHandlerLocal(this);
this.backupRepoFactory = new BackupRepositoryFactory(cfg.getBackupRepositoryPlugins());
createHandler(ZK_PATH, ZookeeperInfoHandler.class.getName(), ZookeeperInfoHandler.class);
collectionsHandler = createHandler(COLLECTIONS_HANDLER_PATH, cfg.getCollectionsHandlerClass(), CollectionsHandler.class);
healthCheckHandler = createHandler(HEALTH_CHECK_HANDLER_PATH, cfg.getHealthCheckHandlerClass(), HealthCheckHandler.class);
infoHandler = createHandler(INFO_HANDLER_PATH, cfg.getInfoHandlerClass(), InfoHandler.class);
coreAdminHandler = createHandler(CORES_HANDLER_PATH, cfg.getCoreAdminHandlerClass(), CoreAdminHandler.class);
configSetsHandler = createHandler(CONFIGSETS_HANDLER_PATH, cfg.getConfigSetsHandlerClass(), ConfigSetsHandler.class);
// metricsHistoryHandler uses metricsHandler, so create it first
metricsHandler = new MetricsHandler(metricManager);
containerHandlers.put(METRICS_PATH, metricsHandler);
metricsHandler.initializeMetrics(metricManager, SolrInfoBean.Group.node.toString(), metricTag, METRICS_PATH);
autoscalingHistoryHandler = createHandler(AUTOSCALING_HISTORY_PATH, AutoscalingHistoryHandler.class.getName(), AutoscalingHistoryHandler.class);
metricsCollectorHandler = createHandler(MetricsCollectorHandler.HANDLER_PATH, MetricsCollectorHandler.class.getName(), MetricsCollectorHandler.class);
// may want to add some configuration here in the future
containerHandlers.put(AUTHZ_PATH, securityConfHandler);
securityConfHandler.initializeMetrics(metricManager, SolrInfoBean.Group.node.toString(), metricTag, AUTHZ_PATH);
containerHandlers.put(AUTHC_PATH, securityConfHandler);
PluginInfo[] metricReporters = cfg.getMetricsConfig().getMetricReporters();
metricManager.loadReporters(metricReporters, loader, this, null, null, SolrInfoBean.Group.node);
metricManager.loadReporters(metricReporters, loader, this, null, null, SolrInfoBean.Group.jvm);
metricManager.loadReporters(metricReporters, loader, this, null, null, SolrInfoBean.Group.jetty);
coreConfigService = ConfigSetService.createConfigSetService(cfg, loader, zkSys.zkController);
// initialize gauges for reporting the number of cores and disk total/free
String registryName = SolrMetricManager.getRegistryName(SolrInfoBean.Group.node);
String metricTag = Integer.toHexString(hashCode());
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> solrCores.getCores().size(),
metricTag,true, "loaded", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "cores");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> solrCores.getLoadedCoreNames().size() - solrCores.getCores().size(),
metricTag,true, "lazy", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "cores");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> solrCores.getAllCoreNames().size() - solrCores.getLoadedCoreNames().size(),
metricTag,true, "unloaded", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "cores");
Path dataHome = cfg.getSolrDataHome() != null ? cfg.getSolrDataHome() : cfg.getCoreRootDirectory();
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> dataHome.toFile().getTotalSpace(),
metricTag,true, "totalSpace", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "fs");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> dataHome.toFile().getUsableSpace(),
metricTag,true, "usableSpace", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "fs");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> dataHome.toAbsolutePath().toString(),
metricTag,true, "path", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "fs");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> {
try {
return org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils.spins(dataHome.toAbsolutePath());
} catch (IOException e) {
// default to spinning
return true;
metricTag,true, "spins", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "fs");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> cfg.getCoreRootDirectory().toFile().getTotalSpace(),
metricTag,true, "totalSpace", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "fs", "coreRoot");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> cfg.getCoreRootDirectory().toFile().getUsableSpace(),
metricTag,true, "usableSpace", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "fs", "coreRoot");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> cfg.getCoreRootDirectory().toAbsolutePath().toString(),
metricTag,true, "path", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "fs", "coreRoot");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> {
try {
return org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils.spins(cfg.getCoreRootDirectory().toAbsolutePath());
} catch (IOException e) {
// default to spinning
return true;
metricTag,true, "spins", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "fs", "coreRoot");
// add version information
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> this.getClass().getPackage().getSpecificationVersion(),
metricTag,true, "specification", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "version");
metricManager.registerGauge(null, registryName, () -> this.getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion(),
metricTag,true, "implementation", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "version");
SolrFieldCacheBean fieldCacheBean = new SolrFieldCacheBean();
fieldCacheBean.initializeMetrics(metricManager, registryName, metricTag, null);
if (isZooKeeperAware()) {
metricManager.loadClusterReporters(metricReporters, this);
// setup executor to load cores in parallel
ExecutorService coreLoadExecutor = MetricUtils.instrumentedExecutorService(
new DefaultSolrThreadFactory("coreLoadExecutor")), null,
SolrMetricManager.mkName("coreLoadExecutor", SolrInfoBean.Category.CONTAINER.toString(), "threadPool"));
final List<Future<SolrCore>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
try {
List<CoreDescriptor> cds =;
if (isZooKeeperAware()) {
//sort the cores if it is in SolrCloud. In standalone node the order does not matter
CoreSorter coreComparator = new CoreSorter().init(this);
cds = new ArrayList<>(cds);//make a copy
Collections.sort(cds, coreComparator::compare);
for (final CoreDescriptor cd : cds) {
if (cd.isTransient() || !cd.isLoadOnStartup()) {
} else if (asyncSolrCoreLoad) {
if (cd.isLoadOnStartup()) {
futures.add(coreLoadExecutor.submit(() -> {
SolrCore core;
try {
if (zkSys.getZkController() != null) {
core = createFromDescriptor(cd, false, false);
} finally {
if (asyncSolrCoreLoad) {
try {
zkSys.registerInZk(core, true, false);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
SolrException.log(log, "Error registering SolrCore", e);
return core;
// Start the background thread
backgroundCloser = new CloserThread(this, solrCores, cfg);
} finally {
if (asyncSolrCoreLoad && futures != null) {
coreContainerWorkExecutor.submit(() -> {
try {
for (Future<SolrCore> future : futures) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
log.error("Error waiting for SolrCore to be loaded on startup", e.getCause());
} finally {
} else {
if (isZooKeeperAware()) {
// initialize this handler here when SolrCloudManager is ready
autoScalingHandler = new AutoScalingHandler(getZkController().getSolrCloudManager(), loader);
containerHandlers.put(AutoScalingHandler.HANDLER_PATH, autoScalingHandler);
autoScalingHandler.initializeMetrics(metricManager, SolrInfoBean.Group.node.toString(), metricTag, AutoScalingHandler.HANDLER_PATH);
// This is a bit redundant but these are two distinct concepts for all they're accomplished at the same time.
// MetricsHistoryHandler supports both cloud and standalone configs
private void createMetricsHistoryHandler() {
PluginInfo plugin = cfg.getMetricsConfig().getHistoryHandler();
Map<String, Object> initArgs;
if (plugin != null && plugin.initArgs != null) {
initArgs = plugin.initArgs.asMap(5);
initArgs.put(MetricsHistoryHandler.ENABLE_PROP, plugin.isEnabled());
} else {
initArgs = new HashMap<>();
String name;
SolrCloudManager cloudManager;
SolrClient client;
if (isZooKeeperAware()) {
name = getZkController().getNodeName();
cloudManager = getZkController().getSolrCloudManager();
client = new CloudSolrClient.Builder(Collections.singletonList(getZkController().getZkServerAddress()), Optional.empty())
} else {
name = getNodeConfig().getNodeName();
if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
name = "localhost";
cloudManager = null;
client = new EmbeddedSolrServer(this, CollectionAdminParams.SYSTEM_COLL) {
public void close() throws IOException {
// do nothing - we close the container ourselves
// enable local metrics unless specifically set otherwise
if (!initArgs.containsKey(MetricsHistoryHandler.ENABLE_NODES_PROP)) {
initArgs.put(MetricsHistoryHandler.ENABLE_NODES_PROP, true);
if (!initArgs.containsKey(MetricsHistoryHandler.ENABLE_REPLICAS_PROP)) {
initArgs.put(MetricsHistoryHandler.ENABLE_REPLICAS_PROP, true);
metricsHistoryHandler = new MetricsHistoryHandler(name, metricsHandler,
client, cloudManager, initArgs);
containerHandlers.put(METRICS_HISTORY_PATH, metricsHistoryHandler);
metricsHistoryHandler.initializeMetrics(metricManager, SolrInfoBean.Group.node.toString(), metricTag, METRICS_HISTORY_PATH);
public void securityNodeChanged() {"Security node changed, reloading security.json");
* Make sure securityConfHandler is initialized
private void reloadSecurityProperties() {
SecurityConfHandler.SecurityConfig securityConfig = securityConfHandler.getSecurityConfig(false);
initializeAuthorizationPlugin((Map<String, Object>) securityConfig.getData().get("authorization"));
initializeAuthenticationPlugin((Map<String, Object>) securityConfig.getData().get("authentication"));
private static void checkForDuplicateCoreNames(List<CoreDescriptor> cds) {
Map<String, Path> addedCores = Maps.newHashMap();
for (CoreDescriptor cd : cds) {
final String name = cd.getName();
if (addedCores.containsKey(name))
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Found multiple cores with the name [%s], with instancedirs [%s] and [%s]",
name, addedCores.get(name), cd.getInstanceDir()));
addedCores.put(name, cd.getInstanceDir());
private volatile boolean isShutDown = false;
public boolean isShutDown() {
return isShutDown;
* Stops all cores.
public void shutdown() {"Shutting down CoreContainer instance="
+ System.identityHashCode(this));
isShutDown = true;
if (metricsHistoryHandler != null) {
if (metricManager != null) {
metricManager.unregisterGauges(SolrMetricManager.getRegistryName(SolrInfoBean.Group.node), metricTag);
metricManager.unregisterGauges(SolrMetricManager.getRegistryName(SolrInfoBean.Group.jvm), metricTag);
metricManager.unregisterGauges(SolrMetricManager.getRegistryName(SolrInfoBean.Group.jetty), metricTag);
if (isZooKeeperAware()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Error removing live node. Continuing to close CoreContainer", e);
if (metricManager != null) {
try {
if (coreAdminHandler != null) coreAdminHandler.shutdown();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Error shutting down CoreAdminHandler. Continuing to close CoreContainer.", e);
try {
// First wake up the closer thread, it'll terminate almost immediately since it checks isShutDown.
synchronized (solrCores.getModifyLock()) {
solrCores.getModifyLock().notifyAll(); // wake up anyone waiting
if (backgroundCloser != null) { // Doesn't seem right, but tests get in here without initializing the core.
try {
while (true) {
if (backgroundCloser.isAlive()) {
synchronized (solrCores.getModifyLock()) {
solrCores.getModifyLock().notifyAll(); // there is a race we have to protect against
} else {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("backgroundCloser thread was interrupted before finishing");
// Now clear all the cores that are being operated upon.
// It's still possible that one of the pending dynamic load operation is waiting, so wake it up if so.
// Since all the pending operations queues have been drained, there should be nothing to do.
synchronized (solrCores.getModifyLock()) {
solrCores.getModifyLock().notifyAll(); // wake up the thread
} finally {
try {
if (shardHandlerFactory != null) {
} finally {
try {
if (updateShardHandler != null) {
} finally {
// we want to close zk stuff last
// It should be safe to close the authorization plugin at this point.
try {
if(authorizationPlugin != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Exception while closing authorization plugin.", e);
// It should be safe to close the authentication plugin at this point.
try {
if(authenticationPlugin != null) {
authenticationPlugin = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Exception while closing authentication plugin.", e);
org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(loader); // best effort
public void cancelCoreRecoveries() {
List<SolrCore> cores = solrCores.getCores();
// we must cancel without holding the cores sync
// make sure we wait for any recoveries to stop
for (SolrCore core : cores) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
SolrException.log(log, "Error canceling recovery for core", e);
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
log.error("CoreContainer was not close prior to finalize(), indicates a bug -- POSSIBLE RESOURCE LEAK!!! instance=" + System.identityHashCode(this));
} finally {
public CoresLocator getCoresLocator() {
return coresLocator;
protected SolrCore registerCore(CoreDescriptor cd, SolrCore core, boolean registerInZk, boolean skipRecovery) {
if( core == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Can not register a null core." );
if (isShutDown) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This CoreContainer has been closed");
SolrCore old = solrCores.putCore(cd, core);
* set both the name of the descriptor and the name of the
* core, since the descriptors name is used for persisting.
if( old == null || old == core) {
log.debug( "registering core: " + cd.getName() );
if (registerInZk) {
zkSys.registerInZk(core, false, skipRecovery);
return null;
else {
log.debug( "replacing core: " + cd.getName() );
if (registerInZk) {
zkSys.registerInZk(core, false, skipRecovery);
return old;
* Creates a new core, publishing the core state to the cluster
* @param coreName the core name
* @param parameters the core parameters
* @return the newly created core
public SolrCore create(String coreName, Map<String, String> parameters) {
return create(coreName, cfg.getCoreRootDirectory().resolve(coreName), parameters, false);
* Creates a new core in a specified instance directory, publishing the core state to the cluster
* @param coreName the core name
* @param instancePath the instance directory
* @param parameters the core parameters
* @return the newly created core
public SolrCore create(String coreName, Path instancePath, Map<String, String> parameters, boolean newCollection) {
CoreDescriptor cd = new CoreDescriptor(coreName, instancePath, parameters, getContainerProperties(), isZooKeeperAware());
// TODO: There's a race here, isn't there?
// Since the core descriptor is removed when a core is unloaded, it should never be anywhere when a core is created.
if (getAllCoreNames().contains(coreName)) {
log.warn("Creating a core with existing name is not allowed");
// TODO: Shouldn't this be a BAD_REQUEST?
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Core with name '" + coreName + "' already exists.");
boolean preExisitingZkEntry = false;
try {
if (getZkController() != null) {
if (!Overseer.isLegacy(getZkController().getZkStateReader())) {
if (cd.getCloudDescriptor().getCoreNodeName() == null) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "non legacy mode coreNodeName missing " + parameters.toString());
preExisitingZkEntry = getZkController().checkIfCoreNodeNameAlreadyExists(cd);
// Much of the logic in core handling pre-supposes that the file already exists, so create it
// first and clean it up if there's an error.
coresLocator.create(this, cd);
SolrCore core = null;
try {
core = createFromDescriptor(cd, true, newCollection);
coresLocator.persist(this, cd); // Write out the current core properties in case anything changed when the core was created
} finally {
return core;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// First clean up any core descriptor, there should never be an existing file for any core that
// failed to be created on-the-fly.
coresLocator.delete(this, cd);
if (isZooKeeperAware() && !preExisitingZkEntry) {
try {
getZkController().unregister(coreName, cd);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
SolrException.log(log, null, e);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
SolrException.log(log, null, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
SolrException.log(log, null, e);
Throwable tc = ex;
Throwable c = null;
do {
tc = tc.getCause();
if (tc != null) {
c = tc;
} while (tc != null);
String rootMsg = "";
if (c != null) {
rootMsg = " Caused by: " + c.getMessage();
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
"Error CREATEing SolrCore '" + coreName + "': " + ex.getMessage() + rootMsg, ex);
* Creates a new core based on a CoreDescriptor.
* @param dcore a core descriptor
* @param publishState publish core state to the cluster if true
* WARNING: Any call to this method should be surrounded by a try/finally block
* that calls solrCores.waitAddPendingCoreOps(...) and solrCores.removeFromPendingOps(...)
* <pre>
* <code>
* try {
* solrCores.waitAddPendingCoreOps(dcore.getName());
* createFromDescriptor(...);
* } finally {
* solrCores.removeFromPendingOps(dcore.getName());
* }
* </code>
* </pre>
* Trying to put the waitAddPending... in this method results in Bad Things Happening due to race conditions.
* getCore() depends on getting the core returned _if_ it's in the pending list due to some other thread opening it.
* If the core is not in the pending list and not loaded, then getCore() calls this method. Anything that called
* to check if the core was loaded _or_ in pending ops and, based on the return called createFromDescriptor would
* introduce a race condition, see getCore() for the place it would be a problem
* @return the newly created core
private SolrCore createFromDescriptor(CoreDescriptor dcore, boolean publishState, boolean newCollection) {
if (isShutDown) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Solr has been shutdown.");
SolrCore core = null;
try {
MDCLoggingContext.setCoreDescriptor(this, dcore);
if (zkSys.getZkController() != null) {
zkSys.getZkController().preRegister(dcore, publishState);
ConfigSet coreConfig = getConfigSet(dcore);
dcore.setConfigSetTrusted(coreConfig.isTrusted());"Creating SolrCore '{}' using configuration from {}, trusted={}", dcore.getName(), coreConfig.getName(), dcore.isConfigSetTrusted());
try {
core = new SolrCore(this, dcore, coreConfig);
} catch (SolrException e) {
core = processCoreCreateException(e, dcore, coreConfig);
// always kick off recovery if we are in non-Cloud mode
if (!isZooKeeperAware() && core.getUpdateHandler().getUpdateLog() != null) {
registerCore(dcore, core, publishState, newCollection);
return core;
} catch (Exception e) {
coreInitFailures.put(dcore.getName(), new CoreLoadFailure(dcore, e));
if (e instanceof ZkController.NotInClusterStateException && !newCollection) {
// this mostly happen when the core is deleted when this node is down
unload(dcore.getName(), true, true, true);
throw e;
final SolrException solrException = new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to create core [" + dcore.getName() + "]", e);
if(core != null && !core.isClosed())
throw solrException;
} catch (Throwable t) {
SolrException e = new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "JVM Error creating core [" + dcore.getName() + "]: " + t.getMessage(), t);
coreInitFailures.put(dcore.getName(), new CoreLoadFailure(dcore, e));
if(core != null && !core.isClosed())
throw t;
} finally {
public boolean isSharedFs(CoreDescriptor cd) {
try (SolrCore core = this.getCore(cd.getName())) {
if (core != null) {
return core.getDirectoryFactory().isSharedStorage();
} else {
ConfigSet configSet = getConfigSet(cd);
return DirectoryFactory.loadDirectoryFactory(configSet.getSolrConfig(), this, null).isSharedStorage();
private ConfigSet getConfigSet(CoreDescriptor cd) {
return coreConfigService.getConfig(cd);
* Take action when we failed to create a SolrCore. If error is due to corrupt index, try to recover. Various recovery
* strategies can be specified via system properties "-DCoreInitFailedAction={fromleader, none}"
* @see CoreInitFailedAction
* @param original
* the problem seen when loading the core the first time.
* @param dcore
* core descriptor for the core to create
* @param coreConfig
* core config for the core to create
* @return if possible
* @throws SolrException
* rethrows the original exception if we will not attempt to recover, throws a new SolrException with the
* original exception as a suppressed exception if there is a second problem creating the solr core.
private SolrCore processCoreCreateException(SolrException original, CoreDescriptor dcore, ConfigSet coreConfig) {
// Traverse full chain since CIE may not be root exception
Throwable cause = original;
while ((cause = cause.getCause()) != null) {
if (cause instanceof CorruptIndexException) {
// If no CorruptIndexException, nothing we can try here
if (cause == null) throw original;
CoreInitFailedAction action = CoreInitFailedAction.valueOf(System.getProperty(CoreInitFailedAction.class.getSimpleName(), "none"));
log.debug("CorruptIndexException while creating core, will attempt to repair via {}", action);
switch (action) {
case fromleader: // Recovery from leader on a CorruptedIndexException
if (isZooKeeperAware()) {
CloudDescriptor desc = dcore.getCloudDescriptor();
try {
Replica leader = getZkController().getClusterState()
if (leader != null && leader.getState() == State.ACTIVE) {"Found active leader, will attempt to create fresh core and recover.");
resetIndexDirectory(dcore, coreConfig);
// the index of this core is emptied, its term should be set to 0
getZkController().getShardTerms(desc.getCollectionName(), desc.getShardId()).setTermToZero(desc.getCoreNodeName());
return new SolrCore(this, dcore, coreConfig);
} catch (SolrException se) {
throw se;
throw original;
case none:
throw original;
log.warn("Failed to create core, and did not recognize specified 'CoreInitFailedAction': [{}]. Valid options are {}.",
action, Arrays.asList(CoreInitFailedAction.values()));
throw original;
* Write a new index directory for the a SolrCore, but do so without loading it.
private void resetIndexDirectory(CoreDescriptor dcore, ConfigSet coreConfig) {
SolrConfig config = coreConfig.getSolrConfig();
String registryName = SolrMetricManager.getRegistryName(SolrInfoBean.Group.core, dcore.getName());
DirectoryFactory df = DirectoryFactory.loadDirectoryFactory(config, this, registryName);
String dataDir = SolrCore.findDataDir(df, null, config, dcore);
String tmpIdxDirName = "index." + new SimpleDateFormat(SnapShooter.DATE_FMT, Locale.ROOT).format(new Date());
SolrCore.modifyIndexProps(df, dataDir, config, tmpIdxDirName);
// Free the directory object that we had to create for this
Directory dir = null;
try {
dir = df.get(dataDir, DirContext.META_DATA, config.indexConfig.lockType);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
SolrException.log(log, e);
* @return a Collection of registered SolrCores
public Collection<SolrCore> getCores() {
return solrCores.getCores();
* Gets the cores that are currently loaded, i.e. cores that have
* 1: loadOnStartup=true and are either not-transient or, if transient, have been loaded and have not been aged out
* 2: loadOnStartup=false and have been loaded but are either non-transient or have not been aged out.
* Put another way, this will not return any names of cores that are lazily loaded but have not been called for yet
* or are transient and either not loaded or have been swapped out.
public Collection<String> getLoadedCoreNames() {
return solrCores.getLoadedCoreNames();
/** This method is currently experimental.
* @return a Collection of the names that a specific core object is mapped to, there are more than one.
public Collection<String> getNamesForCore(SolrCore core) {
return solrCores.getNamesForCore(core);
* get a list of all the cores that are currently known, whether currently loaded or not
* @return a list of all the available core names in either permanent or transient cores
public Collection<String> getAllCoreNames() {
return solrCores.getAllCoreNames();
* Returns an immutable Map of Exceptions that occured when initializing
* SolrCores (either at startup, or do to runtime requests to create cores)
* keyed off of the name (String) of the SolrCore that had the Exception
* during initialization.
* <p>
* While the Map returned by this method is immutable and will not change
* once returned to the client, the source data used to generate this Map
* can be changed as various SolrCore operations are performed:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Failed attempts to create new SolrCores will add new Exceptions.</li>
* <li>Failed attempts to re-create a SolrCore using a name already contained in this Map will replace the Exception.</li>
* <li>Failed attempts to reload a SolrCore will cause an Exception to be added to this list -- even though the existing SolrCore with that name will continue to be available.</li>
* <li>Successful attempts to re-created a SolrCore using a name already contained in this Map will remove the Exception.</li>
* <li>Registering an existing SolrCore with a name already contained in this Map (ie: ALIAS or SWAP) will remove the Exception.</li>
* </ul>
public Map<String, CoreLoadFailure> getCoreInitFailures() {
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(coreInitFailures);
// ---------------- Core name related methods ---------------
private CoreDescriptor reloadCoreDescriptor(CoreDescriptor oldDesc) {
if (oldDesc == null) {
return null;
CorePropertiesLocator cpl = new CorePropertiesLocator(null);
CoreDescriptor ret = cpl.buildCoreDescriptor(oldDesc.getInstanceDir().resolve(PROPERTIES_FILENAME), this);
// Ok, this little jewel is all because we still create core descriptors on the fly from lists of properties
// in tests particularly. Theoretically, there should be _no_ way to create a CoreDescriptor in the new world
// of core discovery without writing the file out first.
// TODO: remove from the conf directory in test files, it's in a bad place there anyway.
if (ret == null) {
oldDesc.loadExtraProperties(); // there may be changes to extra properties that we need to pick up.
return oldDesc;
// The CloudDescriptor bit here is created in a very convoluted way, requiring access to private methods
// in ZkController. When reloading, this behavior is identical to what used to happen where a copy of the old
// CoreDescriptor was just re-used.
if (ret.getCloudDescriptor() != null) {
return ret;
* Recreates a SolrCore.
* While the new core is loading, requests will continue to be dispatched to
* and processed by the old core
* @param name the name of the SolrCore to reload
public void reload(String name) {
SolrCore core = solrCores.getCoreFromAnyList(name, false);
if (core != null) {
// The underlying core properties files may have changed, we don't really know. So we have a (perhaps) stale
// CoreDescriptor and we need to reload it from the disk files
CoreDescriptor cd = reloadCoreDescriptor(core.getCoreDescriptor());
try {
ConfigSet coreConfig = coreConfigService.getConfig(cd);"Reloading SolrCore '{}' using configuration from {}", cd.getName(), coreConfig.getName());
SolrCore newCore = core.reload(coreConfig);
registerCore(cd, newCore, false, false);
if (getZkController() != null) {
DocCollection docCollection = getZkController().getClusterState().getCollection(cd.getCollectionName());
Replica replica = docCollection.getReplica(cd.getCloudDescriptor().getCoreNodeName());
assert replica != null;
if (replica.getType() == Replica.Type.TLOG) { //TODO: needed here?
if (!cd.getCloudDescriptor().isLeader()) {
getZkController().startReplicationFromLeader(newCore.getName(), true);
} else if(replica.getType() == Replica.Type.PULL) {
getZkController().startReplicationFromLeader(newCore.getName(), false);
} catch (SolrCoreState.CoreIsClosedException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
coreInitFailures.put(cd.getName(), new CoreLoadFailure(cd, e));
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to reload core [" + cd.getName() + "]", e);
finally {
} else {
CoreLoadFailure clf = coreInitFailures.get(name);
if (clf != null) {
try {
createFromDescriptor(, true, false);
} finally {
} else {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "No such core: " + name );
* Swaps two SolrCore descriptors.
public void swap(String n0, String n1) {
if( n0 == null || n1 == null ) {
throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Can not swap unnamed cores." );
solrCores.swap(n0, n1);
coresLocator.swap(this, solrCores.getCoreDescriptor(n0), solrCores.getCoreDescriptor(n1));"swapped: " + n0 + " with " + n1);
* Unload a core from this container, leaving all files on disk
* @param name the name of the core to unload
public void unload(String name) {
unload(name, false, false, false);
* Unload a core from this container, optionally removing the core's data and configuration
* @param name the name of the core to unload
* @param deleteIndexDir if true, delete the core's index on close
* @param deleteDataDir if true, delete the core's data directory on close
* @param deleteInstanceDir if true, delete the core's instance directory on close
public void unload(String name, boolean deleteIndexDir, boolean deleteDataDir, boolean deleteInstanceDir) {
CoreDescriptor cd = solrCores.getCoreDescriptor(name);
if (name != null) {
// check for core-init errors first
CoreLoadFailure loadFailure = coreInitFailures.remove(name);
if (loadFailure != null) {
// getting the index directory requires opening a DirectoryFactory with a SolrConfig, etc,
// which we may not be able to do because of the init error. So we just go with what we
// can glean from the CoreDescriptor - datadir and instancedir
SolrCore.deleteUnloadedCore(, deleteDataDir, deleteInstanceDir);
// If last time around we didn't successfully load, make sure that all traces of the coreDescriptor are gone.
if (cd != null) {
coresLocator.delete(this, cd);
if (cd == null) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot unload non-existent core [" + name + "]");
boolean close = solrCores.isLoadedNotPendingClose(name);
SolrCore core = solrCores.remove(name);
coresLocator.delete(this, cd);
if (core == null) {
// transient core
SolrCore.deleteUnloadedCore(cd, deleteDataDir, deleteInstanceDir);
// delete metrics specific to this core
if (zkSys.getZkController() != null) {
// cancel recovery in cloud mode
if (cd.getCloudDescriptor().getReplicaType() == Replica.Type.PULL
|| cd.getCloudDescriptor().getReplicaType() == Replica.Type.TLOG) {
// Stop replication if this is part of a pull/tlog replica before closing the core
core.unloadOnClose(cd, deleteIndexDir, deleteDataDir, deleteInstanceDir);
if (close)
if (zkSys.getZkController() != null) {
try {
zkSys.getZkController().unregister(name, cd);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Interrupted while unregistering core [" + name + "] from cloud state");
} catch (KeeperException e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error unregistering core [" + name + "] from cloud state", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error unregistering core [" + name + "] from cloud state", e);
public void rename(String name, String toName) {
try (SolrCore core = getCore(name)) {
if (core != null) {
String oldRegistryName = core.getCoreMetricManager().getRegistryName();
String newRegistryName = SolrCoreMetricManager.createRegistryName(core, toName);
metricManager.swapRegistries(oldRegistryName, newRegistryName);
// The old coreDescriptor is obsolete, so remove it. registerCore will put it back.
CoreDescriptor cd = core.getCoreDescriptor();
cd.setProperty("name", toName);
registerCore(cd, core, true, false);
SolrCore old = solrCores.remove(name);
coresLocator.rename(this, old.getCoreDescriptor(), core.getCoreDescriptor());
* Get the CoreDescriptors for all cores managed by this container
* @return a List of CoreDescriptors
public List<CoreDescriptor> getCoreDescriptors() {
return solrCores.getCoreDescriptors();
public CoreDescriptor getCoreDescriptor(String coreName) {
return solrCores.getCoreDescriptor(coreName);
public Path getCoreRootDirectory() {
return cfg.getCoreRootDirectory();
* Gets a core by name and increase its refcount.
* @see SolrCore#close()
* @param name the core name
* @return the core if found, null if a SolrCore by this name does not exist
* @exception SolrCoreInitializationException if a SolrCore with this name failed to be initialized
public SolrCore getCore(String name) {
// Do this in two phases since we don't want to lock access to the cores over a load.
SolrCore core = solrCores.getCoreFromAnyList(name, true);
// If a core is loaded, we're done just return it.
if (core != null) {
return core;
// If it's not yet loaded, we can check if it's had a core init failure and "do the right thing"
CoreDescriptor desc = solrCores.getCoreDescriptor(name);
// if there was an error initializing this core, throw a 500
// error with the details for clients attempting to access it.
CoreLoadFailure loadFailure = getCoreInitFailures().get(name);
if (null != loadFailure) {
throw new SolrCoreInitializationException(name, loadFailure.exception);
// This is a bit of awkwardness where SolrCloud and transient cores don't play nice together. For transient cores,
// we have to allow them to be created at any time there hasn't been a core load failure (use reload to cure that).
// But for TestConfigSetsAPI.testUploadWithScriptUpdateProcessor, this needs to _not_ try to load the core if
// the core is null and there was an error. If you change this, be sure to run both TestConfiSetsAPI and
// TestLazyCores
if (desc == null || zkSys.getZkController() != null) return null;
// This will put an entry in pending core ops if the core isn't loaded. Here's where moving the
// waitAddPendingCoreOps to createFromDescriptor would introduce a race condition.
core = solrCores.waitAddPendingCoreOps(name);
if (isShutDown) return null; // We're quitting, so stop. This needs to be after the wait above since we may come off
// the wait as a consequence of shutting down.
try {
if (core == null) {
if (zkSys.getZkController() != null) {
core = createFromDescriptor(desc, true, false); // This should throw an error if it fails.
finally {
return core;
public BlobRepository getBlobRepository(){
return blobRepository;
* If using asyncSolrCoreLoad=true, calling this after {@link #load()} will
* not return until all cores have finished loading.
* @param timeoutMs timeout, upon which method simply returns
public void waitForLoadingCoresToFinish(long timeoutMs) {
public void waitForLoadingCore(String name, long timeoutMs) {
solrCores.waitForLoadingCoreToFinish(name, timeoutMs);
// ---------------- CoreContainer request handlers --------------
protected <T> T createHandler(String path, String handlerClass, Class<T> clazz) {
T handler = loader.newInstance(handlerClass, clazz, null, new Class[] { CoreContainer.class }, new Object[] { this });
if (handler instanceof SolrRequestHandler) {
containerHandlers.put(path, (SolrRequestHandler)handler);
if (handler instanceof SolrMetricProducer) {
((SolrMetricProducer)handler).initializeMetrics(metricManager, SolrInfoBean.Group.node.toString(), metricTag, path);
return handler;
public CoreAdminHandler getMultiCoreHandler() {
return coreAdminHandler;
public CollectionsHandler getCollectionsHandler() {
return collectionsHandler;
public HealthCheckHandler getHealthCheckHandler() { return healthCheckHandler; }
public InfoHandler getInfoHandler() {
return infoHandler;
public ConfigSetsHandler getConfigSetsHandler() {
return configSetsHandler;
public String getHostName() {
return this.hostName;
* Gets the alternate path for multicore handling:
* This is used in case there is a registered unnamed core (aka name is "") to
* declare an alternate way of accessing named cores.
* This can also be used in a pseudo single-core environment so admins can prepare
* a new version before swapping.
public String getManagementPath() {
return cfg.getManagementPath();
public LogWatcher getLogging() {
return logging;
* Determines whether the core is already loaded or not but does NOT load the core
public boolean isLoaded(String name) {
return solrCores.isLoaded(name);
public boolean isLoadedNotPendingClose(String name) {
return solrCores.isLoadedNotPendingClose(name);
* Gets a solr core descriptor for a core that is not loaded. Note that if the caller calls this on a
* loaded core, the unloaded descriptor will be returned.
* @param cname - name of the unloaded core descriptor to load. NOTE:
* @return a coreDescriptor. May return null
public CoreDescriptor getUnloadedCoreDescriptor(String cname) {
return solrCores.getUnloadedCoreDescriptor(cname);
public String getSolrHome() {
return solrHome;
public boolean isZooKeeperAware() {
return zkSys.getZkController() != null;
public ZkController getZkController() {
return zkSys.getZkController();
public NodeConfig getConfig() {
return cfg;
/** The default ShardHandlerFactory used to communicate with other solr instances */
public ShardHandlerFactory getShardHandlerFactory() {
return shardHandlerFactory;
public UpdateShardHandler getUpdateShardHandler() {
return updateShardHandler;
public SolrResourceLoader getResourceLoader() {
return loader;
public boolean isCoreLoading(String name) {
return solrCores.isCoreLoading(name);
public AuthorizationPlugin getAuthorizationPlugin() {
return authorizationPlugin == null ? null : authorizationPlugin.plugin;
public AuthenticationPlugin getAuthenticationPlugin() {
return authenticationPlugin == null ? null : authenticationPlugin.plugin;
public NodeConfig getNodeConfig() {
return cfg;
public long getStatus() {
return status;
// Occasaionally we need to access the transient cache handler in places other than coreContainer.
public TransientSolrCoreCache getTransientCache() {
return solrCores.getTransientCacheHandler();
* @param cd CoreDescriptor, presumably a deficient one
* @param prop The property that needs to be repaired.
* @return true if we were able to successfuly perisist the repaired coreDescriptor, false otherwise.
* See SOLR-11503, This can be removed when there's no chance we'll need to upgrade a
* Solr isntallation createged with legacyCloud=true from 6.6.1 through 7.1
public boolean repairCoreProperty(CoreDescriptor cd, String prop) {
// So far, coreNodeName is the only property that we need to repair, this may get more complex as other properties
// are added.
if (CoreDescriptor.CORE_NODE_NAME.equals(prop) == false) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
String.format(Locale.ROOT,"The only supported property for repair is currently [%s]",
// Try to read the coreNodeName from the cluster state.
String coreName = cd.getName();
DocCollection coll = getZkController().getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getCollection(cd.getCollectionName());
for (Replica rep : coll.getReplicas()) {
if (coreName.equals(rep.getCoreName())) {
log.warn("Core properties file for node {} found with no coreNodeName, attempting to repair with value {}. See SOLR-11503. " +
"This message should only appear if upgrading from collections created Solr 6.6.1 through 7.1.",
rep.getCoreName(), rep.getName());
coresLocator.persist(this, cd);
return true;
log.error("Could not repair coreNodeName in file for core {}", coreName);
return false;
class CloserThread extends Thread {
CoreContainer container;
SolrCores solrCores;
NodeConfig cfg;
CloserThread(CoreContainer container, SolrCores solrCores, NodeConfig cfg) {
this.container = container;
this.solrCores = solrCores;
this.cfg = cfg;
// It's important that this be the _only_ thread removing things from pendingDynamicCloses!
// This is single-threaded, but I tried a multi-threaded approach and didn't see any performance gains, so
// there's no good justification for the complexity. I suspect that the locking on things like DefaultSolrCoreState
// essentially create a single-threaded process anyway.
public void run() {
while (! container.isShutDown()) {
synchronized (solrCores.getModifyLock()) { // need this so we can wait and be awoken.
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Well, if we've been told to stop, we will. Otherwise, continue on and check to see if there are
// any cores to close.
for (SolrCore removeMe = solrCores.getCoreToClose();
removeMe != null && !container.isShutDown();
removeMe = solrCores.getCoreToClose()) {
try {
} finally {