blob: 784d3bbf3f42ccc2d2917a01bb717f01264a9476 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* Utility class for asserting expected hits in tests.
public class CheckHits {
* Tests that all documents up to maxDoc which are *not* in the
* expected result set, have an explanation which indicates that
* the document does not match
public static void checkNoMatchExplanations(Query q, String defaultFieldName,
IndexSearcher searcher, int[] results)
throws IOException {
String d = q.toString(defaultFieldName);
Set<Integer> ignore = new TreeSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
int maxDoc = searcher.getIndexReader().maxDoc();
for (int doc = 0; doc < maxDoc; doc++) {
if (ignore.contains(Integer.valueOf(doc))) continue;
Explanation exp = searcher.explain(q, doc);
assertNotNull("Explanation of [["+d+"]] for #"+doc+" is null",
Assert.assertFalse("Explanation of [["+d+"]] for #"+doc+
" doesn't indicate non-match: " + exp.toString(),
* Tests that a query matches the an expected set of documents using a
* HitCollector.
* <p>
* Note that when using the HitCollector API, documents will be collected
* if they "match" regardless of what their score is.
* </p>
* @param query the query to test
* @param searcher the searcher to test the query against
* @param defaultFieldName used for displaying the query in assertion messages
* @param results a list of documentIds that must match the query
* @see #checkHits
public static void checkHitCollector(Random random, Query query, String defaultFieldName,
IndexSearcher searcher, int[] results)
throws IOException {
Set<Integer> correct = new TreeSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
final Set<Integer> actual = new TreeSet<>();
final Collector c = new SetCollector(actual);, c);
Assert.assertEquals("Simple: " + query.toString(defaultFieldName),
correct, actual);
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
IndexSearcher s = QueryUtils.wrapUnderlyingReader
(random, searcher, i);, c);
Assert.assertEquals("Wrap Reader " + i + ": " +
correct, actual);
* Just collects document ids into a set.
public static class SetCollector extends SimpleCollector {
final Set<Integer> bag;
public SetCollector(Set<Integer> bag) {
this.bag = bag;
private int base = 0;
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {}
public void collect(int doc) {
bag.add(Integer.valueOf(doc + base));
protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
base = context.docBase;
public ScoreMode scoreMode() {
return ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES;
* Tests that a query matches the an expected set of documents using Hits.
* <p>
* Note that when using the Hits API, documents will only be returned
* if they have a positive normalized score.
* </p>
* @param query the query to test
* @param searcher the searcher to test the query against
* @param defaultFieldName used for displaing the query in assertion messages
* @param results a list of documentIds that must match the query
* @see #checkHitCollector
public static void checkHits(
Random random,
Query query,
String defaultFieldName,
IndexSearcher searcher,
int[] results)
throws IOException {
ScoreDoc[] hits =, 1000).scoreDocs;
Set<Integer> correct = new TreeSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
Set<Integer> actual = new TreeSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(query.toString(defaultFieldName), correct, actual);
QueryUtils.check(random, query,searcher, LuceneTestCase.rarely(random));
/** Tests that a Hits has an expected order of documents */
public static void checkDocIds(String mes, int[] results, ScoreDoc[] hits) {
Assert.assertEquals(mes + " nr of hits", hits.length, results.length);
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(mes + " doc nrs for hit " + i, results[i], hits[i].doc);
/** Tests that two queries have an expected order of documents,
* and that the two queries have the same score values.
public static void checkHitsQuery(
Query query,
ScoreDoc[] hits1,
ScoreDoc[] hits2,
int[] results) {
checkDocIds("hits1", results, hits1);
checkDocIds("hits2", results, hits2);
checkEqual(query, hits1, hits2);
public static void checkEqual(Query query, ScoreDoc[] hits1, ScoreDoc[] hits2) {
final float scoreTolerance = 1.0e-6f;
if (hits1.length != hits2.length) {"Unequal lengths: hits1="+hits1.length+",hits2="+hits2.length);
for (int i = 0; i < hits1.length; i++) {
if (hits1[i].doc != hits2[i].doc) {"Hit " + i + " docnumbers don't match\n"
+ hits2str(hits1, hits2,0,0)
+ "for query:" + query.toString());
if ((hits1[i].doc != hits2[i].doc)
|| Math.abs(hits1[i].score - hits2[i].score) > scoreTolerance)
{"Hit " + i + ", doc nrs " + hits1[i].doc + " and " + hits2[i].doc
+ "\nunequal : " + hits1[i].score
+ "\n and: " + hits2[i].score
+ "\nfor query:" + query.toString());
public static String hits2str(ScoreDoc[] hits1, ScoreDoc[] hits2, int start, int end) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int len1=hits1==null ? 0 : hits1.length;
int len2=hits2==null ? 0 : hits2.length;
if (end<=0) {
end = Math.max(len1,len2);
sb.append("Hits length1=").append(len1).append("\tlength2=").append(len2);
for (int i=start; i<end; i++) {
if (i<len1) {
sb.append(" doc").append(hits1[i].doc).append('=').append(hits1[i].score);
} else {
sb.append(" ");
if (i<len2) {
sb.append(" doc").append(hits2[i].doc).append('=').append(hits2[i].score);
return sb.toString();
public static String topdocsString(TopDocs docs, int start, int end) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("TopDocs totalHits=").append(docs.totalHits).append(" top=").append(docs.scoreDocs.length).append('\n');
if (end<=0) end=docs.scoreDocs.length;
else end=Math.min(end,docs.scoreDocs.length);
for (int i=start; i<end; i++) {
sb.append(") doc=");
return sb.toString();
* Asserts that the explanation value for every document matching a
* query corresponds with the true score.
* @see ExplanationAsserter
* @see #checkExplanations(Query, String, IndexSearcher, boolean) for a
* "deep" testing of the explanation details.
* @param query the query to test
* @param searcher the searcher to test the query against
* @param defaultFieldName used for displaing the query in assertion messages
public static void checkExplanations(Query query,
String defaultFieldName,
IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException {
checkExplanations(query, defaultFieldName, searcher, false);
* Asserts that the explanation value for every document matching a
* query corresponds with the true score. Optionally does "deep"
* testing of the explanation details.
* @see ExplanationAsserter
* @param query the query to test
* @param searcher the searcher to test the query against
* @param defaultFieldName used for displaing the query in assertion messages
* @param deep indicates whether a deep comparison of sub-Explanation details should be executed
public static void checkExplanations(Query query,
String defaultFieldName,
IndexSearcher searcher,
boolean deep) throws IOException {,
new ExplanationAsserter
(query, defaultFieldName, searcher, deep));
* Asserts that the result of calling {@link Weight#matches(LeafReaderContext, int)}
* for every document matching a query returns a non-null {@link Matches}
* @param query the query to test
* @param searcher the search to test against
public static void checkMatches(Query query, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException {, new MatchesAsserter(query, searcher));
private static final Pattern COMPUTED_FROM_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*, computed as .* from:");
* Assert that an explanation has the expected score, and optionally that its
* sub-details max/sum/factor match to that score.
* @param q String representation of the query for assertion messages
* @param doc Document ID for assertion messages
* @param score Real score value of doc with query q
* @param deep indicates whether a deep comparison of sub-Explanation details should be executed
* @param expl The Explanation to match against score
public static void verifyExplanation(String q,
int doc,
float score,
boolean deep,
Explanation expl) {
float value = expl.getValue().floatValue();
// TODO: clean this up if we use junit 5 (the assert message is costly)
try {
Assert.assertEquals(score, value, 0d);
} catch (Exception e) {": score(doc="+doc+")="+score+" != explanationScore="+value+" Explanation: "+expl);
if (!deep) return;
Explanation detail[] = expl.getDetails();
// TODO: can we improve this entire method? it's really geared to work only with TF/IDF
if (expl.getDescription().endsWith("computed from:")) {
return; // something more complicated.
String descr = expl.getDescription().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
if (descr.startsWith("score based on ") && descr.contains("child docs in range")) {
Assert.assertTrue("Child doc explanations are missing", detail.length > 0);
if (detail.length > 0) {
if (detail.length==1 && COMPUTED_FROM_PATTERN.matcher(descr).matches() == false) {
// simple containment, unless it's a freq of: (which lets a query explain how the freq is calculated),
// just verify contained expl has same score
if (expl.getDescription().endsWith("with freq of:") == false
// with dismax, even if there is a single sub explanation, its
// score might be different if the score is negative
&& (score >= 0 || expl.getDescription().endsWith("times others of:") == false)) {
} else {
// explanation must either:
// - end with one of: "product of:", "sum of:", "max of:", or
// - have "max plus <x> times others" (where <x> is float).
float x = 0;
boolean productOf = descr.endsWith("product of:");
boolean sumOf = descr.endsWith("sum of:");
boolean maxOf = descr.endsWith("max of:");
boolean computedOf = descr.indexOf("computed as") > 0 && COMPUTED_FROM_PATTERN.matcher(descr).matches();
boolean maxTimesOthers = false;
if (!(productOf || sumOf || maxOf || computedOf)) {
// maybe 'max plus x times others'
int k1 = descr.indexOf("max plus ");
if (k1>=0) {
k1 += "max plus ".length();
int k2 = descr.indexOf(" ",k1);
try {
x = Float.parseFloat(descr.substring(k1,k2).trim());
if (descr.substring(k2).trim().equals("times others of:")) {
maxTimesOthers = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// TODO: this is a TERRIBLE assertion!!!!
if (false == (productOf || sumOf || maxOf || computedOf || maxTimesOthers)) {
q+": multi valued explanation description=\""+descr
+"\" must be 'max of plus x times others', 'computed as x from:' or end with 'product of'"
+" or 'sum of:' or 'max of:' - "+expl);
double sum = 0;
float product = 1;
float max = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double maxError = 0;
for (int i=0; i<detail.length; i++) {
float dval = detail[i].getValue().floatValue();
product *= dval;
sum += dval;
max = Math.max(max,dval);
if (sumOf) {
// "sum of" is used by BooleanQuery. Making it accurate is not
// easy since ReqOptSumScorer casts some intermediate
// contributions to the score to a float before doing another sum.
// So we introduce some (reasonable) leniency.
// TODO: remove this leniency
maxError += Math.ulp(dval) * 2;
float combined;
if (productOf) {
combined = product;
} else if (sumOf) {
combined = (float) sum;
} else if (maxOf) {
combined = max;
} else if (maxTimesOthers) {
combined = (float) (max + x * (sum - max));
} else {
Assert.assertTrue("should never get here!", computedOf);
combined = value;
// TODO: clean this up if we use junit 5 (the assert message is costly)
try {
Assert.assertEquals(combined, value, maxError);
} catch (Exception e) {": actual subDetails combined=="+combined+
" != value="+value+" Explanation: "+expl);
* an IndexSearcher that implicitly checks hte explanation of every match
* whenever it executes a search.
* @see ExplanationAsserter
public static class ExplanationAssertingSearcher extends IndexSearcher {
public ExplanationAssertingSearcher(IndexReader r) {
protected void checkExplanations(Query q) throws IOException {,
new ExplanationAsserter
(q, null, this));
public TopFieldDocs search(Query query,
int n,
Sort sort) throws IOException {
public void search(Query query, Collector results) throws IOException {
checkExplanations(query);, results);
public TopDocs search(Query query, int n) throws IOException {
return, n);
* Asserts that the score explanation for every document matching a
* query corresponds with the true score.
* NOTE: this HitCollector should only be used with the Query and Searcher
* specified at when it is constructed.
* @see CheckHits#verifyExplanation
public static class ExplanationAsserter extends SimpleCollector {
Query q;
IndexSearcher s;
String d;
boolean deep;
Scorer scorer;
private int base = 0;
/** Constructs an instance which does shallow tests on the Explanation */
public ExplanationAsserter(Query q, String defaultFieldName, IndexSearcher s) {
public ExplanationAsserter(Query q, String defaultFieldName, IndexSearcher s, boolean deep) {
this.d = q.toString(defaultFieldName);
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
this.scorer = scorer;
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
Explanation exp = null;
doc = doc + base;
try {
exp = s.explain(q, doc);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException
("exception in hitcollector of [["+d+"]] for #"+doc, e);
assertNotNull("Explanation of [["+d+"]] for #"+doc+" is null", exp);
Assert.assertTrue("Explanation of [["+d+"]] for #"+ doc +
" does not indicate match: " + exp.toString(),
protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
base = context.docBase;
public ScoreMode scoreMode() {
return ScoreMode.COMPLETE;
* Asserts that the {@link Matches} from a query is non-null whenever
* the document its created for is a hit.
* Also checks that the previous non-matching document has a {@code null} {@link Matches}
public static class MatchesAsserter extends SimpleCollector {
private final Weight weight;
private LeafReaderContext context;
int lastCheckedDoc = -1;
public MatchesAsserter(Query query, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException {
this.weight = searcher.createWeight(searcher.rewrite(query), ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES, 1);
protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
this.context = context;
this.lastCheckedDoc = -1;
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
Matches matches = this.weight.matches(context, doc);
assertNotNull("Unexpected null Matches object in doc" + doc + " for query " + this.weight.getQuery(), matches);
if (lastCheckedDoc != doc - 1) {
assertNull("Unexpected non-null Matches object in non-matching doc" + doc + " for query " + this.weight.getQuery(),
this.weight.matches(context, doc - 1));
lastCheckedDoc = doc;
public ScoreMode scoreMode() {
return ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES;
public static void checkTopScores(Random random, Query query, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException {
// Check it computed the top hits correctly
doCheckTopScores(query, searcher, 1);
doCheckTopScores(query, searcher, 10);
// Now check that the exposed max scores and block boundaries are valid
doCheckMaxScores(random, query, searcher);
private static void doCheckTopScores(Query query, IndexSearcher searcher, int numHits) throws IOException {
TopScoreDocCollector collector1 = TopScoreDocCollector.create(numHits, null, true); // COMPLETE
TopScoreDocCollector collector2 = TopScoreDocCollector.create(numHits, null, false); // TOP_SCORES, collector1);, collector2);
checkEqual(query, collector1.topDocs().scoreDocs, collector2.topDocs().scoreDocs);
private static void doCheckMaxScores(Random random, Query query, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException {
query = searcher.rewrite(query);
Weight w1 = searcher.createWeight(query, ScoreMode.COMPLETE, 1);
Weight w2 = searcher.createWeight(query, ScoreMode.TOP_SCORES, 1);
// Check boundaries and max scores when iterating all matches
for (LeafReaderContext ctx : searcher.getIndexReader().leaves()) {
Scorer s1 = w1.scorer(ctx);
Scorer s2 = w2.scorer(ctx);
if (s1 == null) {
Assert.assertTrue(s2 == null || s2.iterator().nextDoc() == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS);
TwoPhaseIterator twoPhase1 = s1.twoPhaseIterator();
TwoPhaseIterator twoPhase2 = s2.twoPhaseIterator();
DocIdSetIterator approx1 = twoPhase1 == null ? s1.iterator() : twoPhase1.approximation;
DocIdSetIterator approx2 = twoPhase2 == null ? s2.iterator() : twoPhase2.approximation;
int upTo = -1;
float maxScore = 0;
float minScore = 0;
for (int doc2 = approx2.nextDoc(); ; doc2 = approx2.nextDoc()) {
int doc1;
for (doc1 = approx1.nextDoc(); doc1 < doc2; doc1 = approx1.nextDoc()) {
if (twoPhase1 == null || twoPhase1.matches()) {
Assert.assertTrue(s1.score() < minScore);
Assert.assertEquals(doc1, doc2);
if (doc2 == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (doc2 > upTo) {
upTo = s2.advanceShallow(doc2);
Assert.assertTrue(upTo >= doc2);
maxScore = s2.getMaxScore(upTo);
if (twoPhase2 == null || twoPhase2.matches()) {
Assert.assertTrue(twoPhase1 == null || twoPhase1.matches());
float score = s2.score();
Assert.assertEquals(s1.score(), score);
Assert.assertTrue(score + " > " + maxScore + " up to " + upTo, score <= maxScore);
if (score >= minScore && random.nextInt(10) == 0) {
// On some scorers, changing the min score changes the way that docs are iterated
minScore = score;
// Now check advancing
for (LeafReaderContext ctx : searcher.getIndexReader().leaves()) {
Scorer s1 = w1.scorer(ctx);
Scorer s2 = w2.scorer(ctx);
if (s1 == null) {
Assert.assertTrue(s2 == null || s2.iterator().nextDoc() == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS);
TwoPhaseIterator twoPhase1 = s1.twoPhaseIterator();
TwoPhaseIterator twoPhase2 = s2.twoPhaseIterator();
DocIdSetIterator approx1 = twoPhase1 == null ? s1.iterator() : twoPhase1.approximation;
DocIdSetIterator approx2 = twoPhase2 == null ? s2.iterator() : twoPhase2.approximation;
int upTo = -1;
float minScore = 0;
float maxScore = 0;
while (true) {
int doc2 = s2.docID();
boolean advance;
int target;
if (random.nextBoolean()) {
advance = false;
target = doc2 + 1;
} else {
advance = true;
int delta = Math.min(1 + random.nextInt(512), DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS - doc2);
target = s2.docID() + delta;
if (target > upTo && random.nextBoolean()) {
int delta = Math.min(random.nextInt(512), DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS - target);
upTo = target + delta;
int m = s2.advanceShallow(target);
assertTrue(m >= target);
maxScore = s2.getMaxScore(upTo);
if (advance) {
doc2 = approx2.advance(target);
} else {
doc2 = approx2.nextDoc();
int doc1;
for (doc1 = approx1.advance(target); doc1 < doc2; doc1 = approx1.nextDoc()) {
if (twoPhase1 == null || twoPhase1.matches()) {
Assert.assertTrue(s1.score() < minScore);
assertEquals(doc1, doc2);
if (doc2 == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (twoPhase2 == null || twoPhase2.matches()) {
Assert.assertTrue(twoPhase1 == null || twoPhase1.matches());
float score = s2.score();
Assert.assertEquals(s1.score(), score);
if (doc2 > upTo) {
upTo = s2.advanceShallow(doc2);
Assert.assertTrue(upTo >= doc2);
maxScore = s2.getMaxScore(upTo);
Assert.assertTrue(score <= maxScore);
if (score >= minScore && random.nextInt(10) == 0) {
// On some scorers, changing the min score changes the way that docs are iterated
minScore = score;