blob: a51edb5dba03a5b0c3c62c975f85a57cc4e27c33 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.analysis.synonym;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.FlattenGraphFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionIncrementAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TypeAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CharsRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CharsRefBuilder;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST;
* Matches single or multi word synonyms in a token stream.
* This token stream cannot properly handle position
* increments != 1, ie, you should place this filter before
* filtering out stop words.
* <p>Note that with the current implementation, parsing is
* greedy, so whenever multiple parses would apply, the rule
* starting the earliest and parsing the most tokens wins.
* For example if you have these rules:
* <pre>
* a -&gt; x
* a b -&gt; y
* b c d -&gt; z
* </pre>
* Then input <code>a b c d e</code> parses to <code>y b c
* d</code>, ie the 2nd rule "wins" because it started
* earliest and matched the most input tokens of other rules
* starting at that point.
* <p>A future improvement to this filter could allow
* non-greedy parsing, such that the 3rd rule would win, and
* also separately allow multiple parses, such that all 3
* rules would match, perhaps even on a rule by rule
* basis.</p>
* <p><b>NOTE</b>: when a match occurs, the output tokens
* associated with the matching rule are "stacked" on top of
* the input stream (if the rule had
* <code>keepOrig=true</code>) and also on top of another
* matched rule's output tokens. This is not a correct
* solution, as really the output should be an arbitrary
* graph/lattice. For example, with the above match, you
* would expect an exact <code>PhraseQuery</code> <code>"y b
* c"</code> to match the parsed tokens, but it will fail to
* do so. This limitation is necessary because Lucene's
* TokenStream (and index) cannot yet represent an arbitrary
* graph.</p>
* <p><b>NOTE</b>: If multiple incoming tokens arrive on the
* same position, only the first token at that position is
* used for parsing. Subsequent tokens simply pass through
* and are not parsed. A future improvement would be to
* allow these tokens to also be matched.</p>
* @deprecated Use {@link SynonymGraphFilter} instead, but be sure to also
* use {@link FlattenGraphFilter} at index time (not at search time) as well.
// TODO: maybe we should resolve token -> wordID then run
// FST on wordIDs, for better perf?
// TODO: a more efficient approach would be Aho/Corasick's
// algorithm
// It improves over the current approach here
// because it does not fully re-start matching at every
// token. For example if one pattern is "a b c x"
// and another is "b c d" and the input is "a b c d", on
// trying to parse "a b c x" but failing when you got to x,
// rather than starting over again your really should
// immediately recognize that "b c d" matches at the next
// input. I suspect this won't matter that much in
// practice, but it's possible on some set of synonyms it
// will. We'd have to modify Aho/Corasick to enforce our
// conflict resolving (eg greedy matching) because that algo
// finds all matches. This really amounts to adding a .*
// closure to the FST and then determinizing it.
// Another possible solution is described at
public final class SynonymFilter extends TokenFilter {
public static final String TYPE_SYNONYM = "SYNONYM";
private final SynonymMap synonyms;
private final boolean ignoreCase;
private final int rollBufferSize;
private int captureCount;
// TODO: we should set PositionLengthAttr too...
private final CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
private final PositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAtt = addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
private final PositionLengthAttribute posLenAtt = addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class);
private final TypeAttribute typeAtt = addAttribute(TypeAttribute.class);
private final OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
// How many future input tokens have already been matched
// to a synonym; because the matching is "greedy" we don't
// try to do any more matching for such tokens:
private int inputSkipCount;
// Hold all buffered (read ahead) stacked input tokens for
// a future position. When multiple tokens are at the
// same position, we only store (and match against) the
// term for the first token at the position, but capture
// state for (and enumerate) all other tokens at this
// position:
private static class PendingInput {
final CharsRefBuilder term = new CharsRefBuilder();
AttributeSource.State state;
boolean keepOrig;
boolean matched;
boolean consumed = true;
int startOffset;
int endOffset;
public void reset() {
state = null;
consumed = true;
keepOrig = false;
matched = false;
// Rolling buffer, holding pending input tokens we had to
// clone because we needed to look ahead, indexed by
// position:
private final PendingInput[] futureInputs;
// Holds pending output synonyms for one future position:
private static class PendingOutputs {
CharsRefBuilder[] outputs;
int[] endOffsets;
int[] posLengths;
int upto;
int count;
int posIncr = 1;
int lastEndOffset;
int lastPosLength;
public PendingOutputs() {
outputs = new CharsRefBuilder[1];
endOffsets = new int[1];
posLengths = new int[1];
public void reset() {
upto = count = 0;
posIncr = 1;
public CharsRef pullNext() {
assert upto < count;
lastEndOffset = endOffsets[upto];
lastPosLength = posLengths[upto];
final CharsRefBuilder result = outputs[upto++];
posIncr = 0;
if (upto == count) {
return result.get();
public int getLastEndOffset() {
return lastEndOffset;
public int getLastPosLength() {
return lastPosLength;
public void add(char[] output, int offset, int len, int endOffset, int posLength) {
if (count == outputs.length) {
outputs = ArrayUtil.grow(outputs, count+1);
if (count == endOffsets.length) {
final int[] next = new int[ArrayUtil.oversize(1+count, Integer.BYTES)];
System.arraycopy(endOffsets, 0, next, 0, count);
endOffsets = next;
if (count == posLengths.length) {
final int[] next = new int[ArrayUtil.oversize(1+count, Integer.BYTES)];
System.arraycopy(posLengths, 0, next, 0, count);
posLengths = next;
if (outputs[count] == null) {
outputs[count] = new CharsRefBuilder();
outputs[count].copyChars(output, offset, len);
// endOffset can be -1, in which case we should simply
// use the endOffset of the input token, or X >= 0, in
// which case we use X as the endOffset for this output
endOffsets[count] = endOffset;
posLengths[count] = posLength;
private final ByteArrayDataInput bytesReader = new ByteArrayDataInput();
// Rolling buffer, holding stack of pending synonym
// outputs, indexed by position:
private final PendingOutputs[] futureOutputs;
// Where (in rolling buffers) to write next input saved state:
private int nextWrite;
// Where (in rolling buffers) to read next input saved state:
private int nextRead;
// True once we've read last token
private boolean finished;
private final FST.Arc<BytesRef> scratchArc;
private final FST<BytesRef> fst;
private final FST.BytesReader fstReader;
private final BytesRef scratchBytes = new BytesRef();
private final CharsRefBuilder scratchChars = new CharsRefBuilder();
* @param input input tokenstream
* @param synonyms synonym map
* @param ignoreCase case-folds input for matching with {@link Character#toLowerCase(int)}.
* Note, if you set this to true, it's your responsibility to lowercase
* the input entries when you create the {@link SynonymMap}
public SynonymFilter(TokenStream input, SynonymMap synonyms, boolean ignoreCase) {
this.synonyms = synonyms;
this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase;
this.fst = synonyms.fst;
if (fst == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("fst must be non-null");
this.fstReader = fst.getBytesReader();
// Must be 1+ so that when roll buffer is at full
// lookahead we can distinguish this full buffer from
// the empty buffer:
rollBufferSize = 1+synonyms.maxHorizontalContext;
futureInputs = new PendingInput[rollBufferSize];
futureOutputs = new PendingOutputs[rollBufferSize];
for(int pos=0;pos<rollBufferSize;pos++) {
futureInputs[pos] = new PendingInput();
futureOutputs[pos] = new PendingOutputs();
//System.out.println("FSTFilt maxH=" + synonyms.maxHorizontalContext);
scratchArc = new FST.Arc<>();
private void capture() {
//System.out.println(" capture slot=" + nextWrite);
final PendingInput input = futureInputs[nextWrite];
input.state = captureState();
input.consumed = false;
input.term.copyChars(termAtt.buffer(), 0, termAtt.length());
nextWrite = rollIncr(nextWrite);
// Buffer head should never catch up to tail:
assert nextWrite != nextRead;
This is the core of this TokenFilter: it locates the
synonym matches and buffers up the results into
NOTE: this calls input.incrementToken and does not
capture the state if no further tokens were checked. So
caller must then forward state to our caller, or capture:
private int lastStartOffset;
private int lastEndOffset;
private void parse() throws IOException {
//System.out.println("\nS: parse");
assert inputSkipCount == 0;
int curNextRead = nextRead;
// Holds the longest match we've seen so far:
BytesRef matchOutput = null;
int matchInputLength = 0;
int matchEndOffset = -1;
BytesRef pendingOutput = fst.outputs.getNoOutput();
assert scratchArc.output == fst.outputs.getNoOutput();
int tokenCount = 0;
while(true) {
// Pull next token's chars:
final char[] buffer;
final int bufferLen;
//System.out.println(" cycle nextRead=" + curNextRead + " nextWrite=" + nextWrite);
int inputEndOffset = 0;
if (curNextRead == nextWrite) {
// We used up our lookahead buffer of input tokens
// -- pull next real input token:
if (finished) {
} else {
//System.out.println(" input.incrToken");
assert futureInputs[nextWrite].consumed;
// Not correct: a syn match whose output is longer
// than its input can set future inputs keepOrig
// to true:
//assert !futureInputs[nextWrite].keepOrig;
if (input.incrementToken()) {
buffer = termAtt.buffer();
bufferLen = termAtt.length();
final PendingInput input = futureInputs[nextWrite];
lastStartOffset = input.startOffset = offsetAtt.startOffset();
lastEndOffset = input.endOffset = offsetAtt.endOffset();
inputEndOffset = input.endOffset;
//System.out.println(" new token=" + new String(buffer, 0, bufferLen));
if (nextRead != nextWrite) {
} else {
input.consumed = false;
} else {
// No more input tokens
//System.out.println(" set end");
finished = true;
} else {
// Still in our lookahead
buffer = futureInputs[curNextRead].term.chars();
bufferLen = futureInputs[curNextRead].term.length();
inputEndOffset = futureInputs[curNextRead].endOffset;
//System.out.println(" old token=" + new String(buffer, 0, bufferLen));
// Run each char in this token through the FST:
int bufUpto = 0;
while(bufUpto < bufferLen) {
final int codePoint = Character.codePointAt(buffer, bufUpto, bufferLen);
if (fst.findTargetArc(ignoreCase ? Character.toLowerCase(codePoint) : codePoint, scratchArc, scratchArc, fstReader) == null) {
//System.out.println(" stop");
break byToken;
// Accum the output
pendingOutput = fst.outputs.add(pendingOutput, scratchArc.output);
//System.out.println(" char=" + buffer[bufUpto] + " output=" + pendingOutput + " arc.output=" + scratchArc.output);
bufUpto += Character.charCount(codePoint);
// OK, entire token matched; now see if this is a final
// state:
if (scratchArc.isFinal()) {
matchOutput = fst.outputs.add(pendingOutput, scratchArc.nextFinalOutput);
matchInputLength = tokenCount;
matchEndOffset = inputEndOffset;
//System.out.println(" found matchLength=" + matchInputLength + " output=" + matchOutput);
// See if the FST wants to continue matching (ie, needs to
// see the next input token):
if (fst.findTargetArc(SynonymMap.WORD_SEPARATOR, scratchArc, scratchArc, fstReader) == null) {
// No further rules can match here; we're done
// searching for matching rules starting at the
// current input position.
} else {
// More matching is possible -- accum the output (if
// any) of the WORD_SEP arc:
pendingOutput = fst.outputs.add(pendingOutput, scratchArc.output);
if (nextRead == nextWrite) {
curNextRead = rollIncr(curNextRead);
if (nextRead == nextWrite && !finished) {
//System.out.println(" skip write slot=" + nextWrite);
nextWrite = rollIncr(nextWrite);
if (matchOutput != null) {
//System.out.println(" add matchLength=" + matchInputLength + " output=" + matchOutput);
inputSkipCount = matchInputLength;
addOutput(matchOutput, matchInputLength, matchEndOffset);
} else if (nextRead != nextWrite) {
// Even though we had no match here, we set to 1
// because we need to skip current input token before
// trying to match again:
inputSkipCount = 1;
} else {
assert finished;
//System.out.println(" parse done inputSkipCount=" + inputSkipCount + " nextRead=" + nextRead + " nextWrite=" + nextWrite);
// Interleaves all output tokens onto the futureOutputs:
private void addOutput(BytesRef bytes, int matchInputLength, int matchEndOffset) {
bytesReader.reset(bytes.bytes, bytes.offset, bytes.length);
final int code = bytesReader.readVInt();
final boolean keepOrig = (code & 0x1) == 0;
final int count = code >>> 1;
//System.out.println(" addOutput count=" + count + " keepOrig=" + keepOrig);
for(int outputIDX=0;outputIDX<count;outputIDX++) {
//System.out.println(" outIDX=" + outputIDX + " bytes=" + scratchBytes.length);
int lastStart = 0;
final int chEnd = lastStart + scratchChars.length();
int outputUpto = nextRead;
for(int chIDX=lastStart;chIDX<=chEnd;chIDX++) {
if (chIDX == chEnd || scratchChars.charAt(chIDX) == SynonymMap.WORD_SEPARATOR) {
final int outputLen = chIDX - lastStart;
// Caller is not allowed to have empty string in
// the output:
assert outputLen > 0: "output contains empty string: " + scratchChars;
final int endOffset;
final int posLen;
if (chIDX == chEnd && lastStart == 0) {
// This rule had a single output token, so, we set
// this output's endOffset to the current
// endOffset (ie, endOffset of the last input
// token it matched):
endOffset = matchEndOffset;
posLen = keepOrig ? matchInputLength : 1;
} else {
// This rule has more than one output token; we
// can't pick any particular endOffset for this
// case, so, we inherit the endOffset for the
// input token which this output overlaps:
endOffset = -1;
posLen = 1;
futureOutputs[outputUpto].add(scratchChars.chars(), lastStart, outputLen, endOffset, posLen);
//System.out.println(" " + new String(scratchChars.chars, lastStart, outputLen) + " outputUpto=" + outputUpto);
lastStart = 1+chIDX;
//System.out.println(" slot=" + outputUpto + " keepOrig=" + keepOrig);
outputUpto = rollIncr(outputUpto);
assert futureOutputs[outputUpto].posIncr == 1: "outputUpto=" + outputUpto + " vs nextWrite=" + nextWrite;
int upto = nextRead;
for(int idx=0;idx<matchInputLength;idx++) {
futureInputs[upto].keepOrig |= keepOrig;
futureInputs[upto].matched = true;
upto = rollIncr(upto);
// ++ mod rollBufferSize
private int rollIncr(int count) {
if (count == rollBufferSize) {
return 0;
} else {
return count;
// for testing
int getCaptureCount() {
return captureCount;
public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
//System.out.println("\nS: incrToken inputSkipCount=" + inputSkipCount + " nextRead=" + nextRead + " nextWrite=" + nextWrite);
while(true) {
// First play back any buffered future inputs/outputs
// w/o running parsing again:
while (inputSkipCount != 0) {
// At each position, we first output the original
// token
// TODO: maybe just a PendingState class, holding
// both input & outputs?
final PendingInput input = futureInputs[nextRead];
final PendingOutputs outputs = futureOutputs[nextRead];
//System.out.println(" cycle nextRead=" + nextRead + " nextWrite=" + nextWrite + " inputSkipCount="+ inputSkipCount + " input.keepOrig=" + input.keepOrig + " input.consumed=" + input.consumed + " input.state=" + input.state);
if (!input.consumed && (input.keepOrig || !input.matched)) {
if (input.state != null) {
// Return a previously saved token (because we
// had to lookahead):
} else {
// Pass-through case: return token we just pulled
// but didn't capture:
assert inputSkipCount == 1: "inputSkipCount=" + inputSkipCount + " nextRead=" + nextRead;
if (outputs.count > 0) {
outputs.posIncr = 0;
} else {
nextRead = rollIncr(nextRead);
//System.out.println(" return token=" + termAtt.toString());
return true;
} else if (outputs.upto < outputs.count) {
// Still have pending outputs to replay at this
// position
final int posIncr = outputs.posIncr;
final CharsRef output = outputs.pullNext();
termAtt.copyBuffer(output.chars, output.offset, output.length);
int endOffset = outputs.getLastEndOffset();
if (endOffset == -1) {
endOffset = input.endOffset;
offsetAtt.setOffset(input.startOffset, endOffset);
if (outputs.count == 0) {
// Done with the buffered input and all outputs at
// this position
nextRead = rollIncr(nextRead);
//System.out.println(" return token=" + termAtt.toString());
return true;
} else {
// Done with the buffered input and all outputs at
// this position
nextRead = rollIncr(nextRead);
if (finished && nextRead == nextWrite) {
// End case: if any output syns went beyond end of
// input stream, enumerate them now:
final PendingOutputs outputs = futureOutputs[nextRead];
if (outputs.upto < outputs.count) {
final int posIncr = outputs.posIncr;
final CharsRef output = outputs.pullNext();
if (outputs.count == 0) {
nextWrite = nextRead = rollIncr(nextRead);
// Keep offset from last input token:
offsetAtt.setOffset(lastStartOffset, lastEndOffset);
termAtt.copyBuffer(output.chars, output.offset, output.length);
//System.out.println(" set posIncr=" + outputs.posIncr + " outputs=" + outputs);
//System.out.println(" return token=" + termAtt.toString());
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Find new synonym matches:
public void reset() throws IOException {
captureCount = 0;
finished = false;
inputSkipCount = 0;
nextRead = nextWrite = 0;
// In normal usage these resets would not be needed,
// since they reset-as-they-are-consumed, but the app
// may not consume all input tokens (or we might hit an
// exception), in which case we have leftover state
// here:
for (PendingInput input : futureInputs) {
for (PendingOutputs output : futureOutputs) {