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= Script Update Processor
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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The {solr-javadocs}/contrib/scripting/org/apache/solr/scripting/update/ScriptUpdateProcessorFactory.html[ScriptUpdateProcessorFactory] allows Java scripting engines to be used
during Solr document update processing, allowing dramatic flexibility in
expressing custom document processing logic before being indexed. It has hooks to the
commit, delete, rollback, etc indexing actions, however add is the most common usage.
It is implemented as an UpdateProcessor to be placed in an UpdateChain.
TIP: This used to be known as the _StatelessScriptingUpdateProcessor_ and was renamed to clarify the key aspect of this update processor is it enables scripting.
The script can be written in any scripting language supported by your JVM (such
as JavaScript), and executed dynamically so no pre-compilation is necessary.
WARNING: Being able to run a script of your choice as part of the indexing pipeline is a really powerful tool, that I sometimes call the
_Get out of jail free_ card because you can solve some problems this way that you can't in any other way. However, you are introducing some
potential security vulnerabilities.
== Installing the ScriptingUpdateProcessor and Scripting Engines
The scripting update processor lives in the contrib module `/contrib/scripting`, and you need to explicitly add it to your Solr setup.
Java 11 and previous versions come with a JavaScript engine called Nashorn, but Java 12 will require you to add your own JavaScript engine. Other supported scripting engines like
JRuby, Jython, Groovy, all require you to add JAR files.
Learn more about adding the `dist/solr-scripting-*.jar` file, and any other needed JAR files (depending on your scripting engine) into Solr's <<libs.adoc#lib-directories,Lib Directories>>.
== Configuration
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="script">
<processor class="org.apache.solr.scripting.update.ScriptUpdateProcessorFactory">
<str name="script">update-script.js</str>
<!-- optional parameters passed to script
<lst name="params">
<str name="config_param">example config parameter</str>
<processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />
<processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
NOTE: The processor supports the defaults/appends/invariants concept for its config.
However, it is also possible to skip this level and configure the parameters directly underneath the `<processor>` tag.
Below follows a list of each configuration parameters and their meaning:
The script file name. The script file must be placed in the `conf/ directory.
There can be one or more "script" parameters specified; multiple scripts are executed in the order specified.
Optionally specifies the scripting engine to use. This is only needed if the extension
of the script file is not a standard mapping to the scripting engine. For example, if your
script file was coded in JavaScript but the file name was called ``,
use "javascript" as the engine name.
Optional parameters that are passed into the script execution context. This is
specified as a named list (`<lst>`) structure with nested typed parameters. If
specified, the script context will get a "params" object, otherwise there will be no "params" object available.
== Script execution context
Every script has some variables provided to it.
Logger (org.slf4j.Logger) instance. This is useful for logging information from the script.
{solr-javadocs}/core/org/apache/solr/request/SolrQueryRequest.html[SolrQueryRequest] instance.
{solr-javadocs}/core/org/apache/solr/response/SolrQueryResponse.html[SolrQueryResponse] instance.
The "params" object, if any specified, from the configuration.
== Examples
The `processAdd()` and the other script methods can return false to skip further
processing of the document. All methods must be defined, though generally the
`processAdd()` method is where the action is.
Here's a URL that works with the techproducts example setup demonstrating specifying
the "script" update chain: `http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/update?commit=true&stream.contentType=text/csv&fieldnames=id,description&stream.body=1,foo&update.chain=script`
which logs the following:
INFO: update-script#processAdd: id=1
You can see the message recorded in the Solr logging UI.
=== Javascript
Note: There is a JavaScript example `update-script.js` as part of the `techproducts` configset.
Check `solrconfig.xml` and uncomment the update request processor definition to enable this feature.
function processAdd(cmd) {
doc = cmd.solrDoc; // org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument
id = doc.getFieldValue("id");"update-script#processAdd: id=" + id);
// Set a field value:
// doc.setField("foo_s", "whatever");
// Get a configuration parameter:
// config_param = params.get('config_param'); // "params" only exists if processor configured with <lst name="params">
// Get a request parameter:
// some_param = req.getParams().get("some_param")
// Add a field of field names that match a pattern:
// - Potentially useful to determine the fields/attributes represented in a result set, via faceting on field_name_ss
// field_names = doc.getFieldNames().toArray();
// for(i=0; i < field_names.length; i++) {
// field_name = field_names[i];
// if (/attr_.*/.test(field_name)) { doc.addField("attribute_ss", field_names[i]); }
// }
function processDelete(cmd) {
// no-op
function processMergeIndexes(cmd) {
// no-op
function processCommit(cmd) {
// no-op
function processRollback(cmd) {
// no-op
function finish() {
// no-op
=== Ruby
Ruby support is implemented via the[JRuby] project.
To use JRuby as the scripting engine, add `jruby.jar` to Solr.
Here's an example of a JRuby update processing script (note that all variables passed in require prefixing with `$`, such as `$logger`):
def processAdd(cmd)
doc = cmd.solrDoc # org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument
id = doc.getFieldValue('id')
$ "update-script#processAdd: id=#{id}"
doc.setField('source_s', 'ruby')
$ "update-script#processAdd: config_param=#{$params.get('config_param')}"
def processDelete(cmd)
# no-op
def processMergeIndexes(cmd)
# no-op
def processCommit(cmd)
# no-op
def processRollback(cmd)
# no-op
def finish()
# no-op
==== Known issues
The following in JRuby does not work as expected for some reason, though it does work properly in JavaScript:
# $ "update-script#processAdd: request_param=#{$req.params.get('request_param')}"
# $rsp.add('script_processed',id)
=== Groovy
Add JARs from a Groovy distro's `lib/` directory to Solr. All JARs from
Groovy's distro probably aren't required, but more than just the main `groovy.jar`
file is needed (at least when this was tested using Groovy 2.0.6)
def processAdd(cmd) {
doc = cmd.solrDoc // org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument
id = doc.getFieldValue('id') "update-script#processAdd: id=" + id
doc.setField('source_s', 'groovy') "update-script#processAdd: config_param=" + params.get('config_param') "update-script#processAdd: request_param=" + req.params.get('request_param')
def processDelete(cmd) {
// no-op
def processMergeIndexes(cmd) {
// no-op
def processCommit(cmd) {
// no-op
def processRollback(cmd) {
// no-op
def finish() {
// no-op
=== Python
Python support is implemented via the[Jython] project.
Add the *standalone* `jython.jar` (the JAR that contains all the dependencies) into Solr.
def processAdd(cmd):
doc = cmd.solrDoc
id = doc.getFieldValue("id")"update-script#processAdd: id=" + id)
def processDelete(cmd):"update-script#processDelete")
def processMergeIndexes(cmd):"update-script#processMergeIndexes")
def processCommit(cmd):"update-script#processCommit")
def processRollback(cmd):"update-script#processRollback")
def finish():"update-script#finish")