blob: 8e1f62564b5ed33fbb25991cb79667ed8803f318 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.handler.clustering.carrot2;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.HighlightParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.SuppressForbidden;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
import org.apache.solr.handler.clustering.ClusteringEngine;
import org.apache.solr.handler.clustering.SearchClusteringEngine;
import org.apache.solr.handler.component.HighlightComponent;
import org.apache.solr.highlight.SolrHighlighter;
import org.apache.solr.request.LocalSolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
import org.carrot2.core.Cluster;
import org.carrot2.core.Controller;
import org.carrot2.core.ControllerFactory;
import org.carrot2.core.Document;
import org.carrot2.core.IClusteringAlgorithm;
import org.carrot2.core.LanguageCode;
import org.carrot2.core.attribute.AttributeNames;
import org.carrot2.shaded.guava.common.base.MoreObjects;
import org.carrot2.shaded.guava.common.base.Strings;
import org.carrot2.text.linguistic.DefaultLexicalDataFactoryDescriptor;
import org.carrot2.text.preprocessing.pipeline.BasicPreprocessingPipelineDescriptor;
import org.carrot2.text.preprocessing.pipeline.BasicPreprocessingPipelineDescriptor.AttributeBuilder;
import org.carrot2.util.attribute.AttributeValueSet;
import org.carrot2.util.attribute.AttributeValueSets;
import org.carrot2.util.resource.ClassLoaderLocator;
import org.carrot2.util.resource.IResource;
import org.carrot2.util.resource.ResourceLookup;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Search results clustering engine based on Carrot2 clustering algorithms.
* @see ""
* @lucene.experimental
public class CarrotClusteringEngine extends SearchClusteringEngine {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
* The subdirectory in Solr config dir to read customized Carrot2 resources from.
static final String CARROT_RESOURCES_PREFIX = "clustering/carrot2";
* Name of Carrot2 document's field containing Solr document's identifier.
private static final String SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID = "solrId";
* Name of Solr document's field containing the document's identifier. To avoid
* repeating the content of documents in clusters on output, each cluster contains
* identifiers of documents it contains.
private String idFieldName;
* Carrot2 controller that manages instances of clustering algorithms
private Controller controller = ControllerFactory.createPooling();
* {@link IClusteringAlgorithm} class used for actual clustering.
private Class<? extends IClusteringAlgorithm> clusteringAlgorithmClass;
/** Solr core we're bound to. */
private SolrCore core;
public boolean isAvailable() {
return clusteringAlgorithmClass != null;
public String init(NamedList config, final SolrCore core) {
this.core = core;
String result = super.init(config, core);
final SolrParams initParams = config.toSolrParams();
// Initialization attributes for Carrot2 controller.
HashMap<String, Object> initAttributes = new HashMap<>();
// Customize Carrot2's resource lookup to first look for resources
// using Solr's resource loader. If that fails, try loading from the classpath.
ResourceLookup resourceLookup = new ResourceLookup(
// Solr-specific resource loading.
new SolrResourceLocator(core, initParams),
// Using the class loader directly because this time we want to omit the prefix
new ClassLoaderLocator(core.getResourceLoader().getClassLoader()));
// Make sure the requested Carrot2 clustering algorithm class is available
String carrotAlgorithmClassName = initParams.get(CarrotParams.ALGORITHM);
try {
this.clusteringAlgorithmClass = core.getResourceLoader().findClass(
carrotAlgorithmClassName, IClusteringAlgorithm.class);
} catch (SolrException s) {
if (!(s.getCause() instanceof ClassNotFoundException)) {
throw s;
// Load Carrot2-Workbench exported attribute XMLs based on the 'name' attribute
// of this component. This by-name convention lookup is used to simplify configuring algorithms.
String componentName = initParams.get(ClusteringEngine.ENGINE_NAME);
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Initializing Clustering Engine '{}'", MoreObjects.firstNonNull(componentName, "<no 'name' attribute>"));
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(componentName)) {
IResource[] attributeXmls = resourceLookup.getAll(componentName + "-attributes.xml");
if (attributeXmls.length > 0) {
if (attributeXmls.length > 1) {
log.warn("More than one attribute file found, first one will be used: {}"
, Arrays.toString(attributeXmls)); // logOk
withContextClassLoader(core.getResourceLoader().getClassLoader(), () -> {
try {
AttributeValueSets avs = AttributeValueSets.deserialize(attributeXmls[0].open());
AttributeValueSet defaultSet = avs.getDefaultAttributeValueSet();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
"Could not read attributes XML for clustering component: " + componentName, e);
return null;
// Extract solrconfig attributes, they take precedence.
extractCarrotAttributes(initParams, initAttributes);
// Customize the stemmer and tokenizer factories. The implementations we provide here
// are included in the code base of Solr, so that it's possible to refactor
// the Lucene APIs the factories rely on if needed.
// Additionally, we set a custom lexical resource factory for Carrot2 that
// will use both Carrot2 default stop words as well as stop words from
// the StopFilter defined on the field.
final AttributeBuilder attributeBuilder = BasicPreprocessingPipelineDescriptor.attributeBuilder(initAttributes);
if (!initAttributes.containsKey(BasicPreprocessingPipelineDescriptor.Keys.TOKENIZER_FACTORY)) {
if (!initAttributes.containsKey(BasicPreprocessingPipelineDescriptor.Keys.STEMMER_FACTORY)) {
// Pass the schema (via the core) to SolrStopwordsCarrot2LexicalDataFactory.
initAttributes.put("solrCore", core);
// Carrot2 uses current thread's context class loader to get
// certain classes (e.g. custom tokenizer/stemmer) at initialization time.
// To make sure classes from contrib JARs are available,
// we swap the context class loader for the time of clustering.
withContextClassLoader(core.getResourceLoader().getClassLoader(), () -> this.controller.init(initAttributes));
SchemaField uniqueField = core.getLatestSchema().getUniqueKeyField();
if (uniqueField == null) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
CarrotClusteringEngine.class.getSimpleName() + " requires the schema to have a uniqueKeyField");
this.idFieldName = uniqueField.getName();
return result;
public Object cluster(Query query, SolrDocumentList solrDocList,
Map<SolrDocument, Integer> docIds, SolrQueryRequest sreq) {
try {
// Prepare attributes for Carrot2 clustering call
Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>();
List<Document> documents = getDocuments(solrDocList, docIds, query, sreq);
attributes.put(AttributeNames.DOCUMENTS, documents);
attributes.put(AttributeNames.QUERY, query.toString());
// Pass the fields on which clustering runs.
attributes.put("solrFieldNames", getFieldsForClustering(sreq));
// Pass extra overriding attributes from the request, if any
extractCarrotAttributes(sreq.getParams(), attributes);
// Perform clustering and convert to an output structure of clusters.
// Carrot2 uses current thread's context class loader to get
// certain classes (e.g. custom tokenizer/stemmer) at runtime.
// To make sure classes from contrib JARs are available,
// we swap the context class loader for the time of clustering.
return withContextClassLoader(core.getResourceLoader().getClassLoader(),
() -> clustersToNamedList(controller.process(attributes,
clusteringAlgorithmClass).getClusters(), sreq.getParams()));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Carrot2 clustering failed", e);
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Carrot2 clustering failed", e);
protected Set<String> getFieldsToLoad(SolrQueryRequest sreq){
SolrParams solrParams = sreq.getParams();
HashSet<String> fields = new HashSet<>(getFieldsForClustering(sreq));
fields.add(solrParams.get(CarrotParams.URL_FIELD_NAME, "url"));
String languageField = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.LANGUAGE_FIELD_NAME);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(languageField)) {
return fields;
* Returns the names of fields that will be delivering the actual
* content for clustering. Currently, there are two such fields: document
* title and document content.
private Set<String> getFieldsForClustering(SolrQueryRequest sreq) {
SolrParams solrParams = sreq.getParams();
String titleFieldSpec = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.TITLE_FIELD_NAME, "title");
String snippetFieldSpec = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.SNIPPET_FIELD_NAME, titleFieldSpec);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(snippetFieldSpec)) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, CarrotParams.SNIPPET_FIELD_NAME
+ " must not be blank.");
final Set<String> fields = new HashSet<>();
fields.addAll(Arrays.asList(titleFieldSpec.split("[, ]")));
fields.addAll(Arrays.asList(snippetFieldSpec.split("[, ]")));
return fields;
* Prepares Carrot2 documents for clustering.
private List<Document> getDocuments(SolrDocumentList solrDocList, Map<SolrDocument, Integer> docIds,
Query query, final SolrQueryRequest sreq) throws IOException {
SolrHighlighter highlighter = null;
SolrParams solrParams = sreq.getParams();
SolrCore core = sreq.getCore();
String urlField = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.URL_FIELD_NAME, "url");
String titleFieldSpec = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.TITLE_FIELD_NAME, "title");
String snippetFieldSpec = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.SNIPPET_FIELD_NAME, titleFieldSpec);
String languageField = solrParams.get(CarrotParams.LANGUAGE_FIELD_NAME, null);
// Maps Solr field names to Carrot2 custom field names
Map<String, String> customFields = getCustomFieldsMap(solrParams);
// Parse language code map string into a map
Map<String, String> languageCodeMap = new HashMap<>();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(languageField)) {
for (String pair : solrParams.get(CarrotParams.LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP, "").split("[, ]")) {
final String[] split = pair.split(":");
if (split.length == 2 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(split[0]) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(split[1])) {
languageCodeMap.put(split[0], split[1]);
} else {
log.warn("Unsupported format for {}: '{}'. Skipping this mapping."
, CarrotParams.LANGUAGE_CODE_MAP, pair);
// Get the documents
boolean produceSummary = solrParams.getBool(CarrotParams.PRODUCE_SUMMARY, false);
SolrQueryRequest req = null;
String[] snippetFieldAry = null;
if (produceSummary) {
highlighter = HighlightComponent.getHighlighter(core);
if (highlighter != null){
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
snippetFieldAry = snippetFieldSpec.split("[, ]");
args.put(HighlightParams.FIELDS, snippetFieldAry);
args.put(HighlightParams.HIGHLIGHT, "true");
args.put(HighlightParams.SIMPLE_PRE, ""); //we don't care about actually highlighting the area
args.put(HighlightParams.SIMPLE_POST, "");
args.put(HighlightParams.FRAGSIZE, solrParams.getInt(CarrotParams.SUMMARY_FRAGSIZE, solrParams.getInt(HighlightParams.FRAGSIZE, 100)));
args.put(HighlightParams.SNIPPETS, solrParams.getInt(CarrotParams.SUMMARY_SNIPPETS, solrParams.getInt(HighlightParams.SNIPPETS, 1)));
req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, query.toString(), "", 0, 1, args) {
public SolrIndexSearcher getSearcher() {
return sreq.getSearcher();
} else {
log.warn("No highlighter configured, cannot produce summary");
produceSummary = false;
Iterator<SolrDocument> docsIter = solrDocList.iterator();
List<Document> result = new ArrayList<>(solrDocList.size());
float[] scores = {1.0f};
int[] docsHolder = new int[1];
Query theQuery = query;
while (docsIter.hasNext()) {
SolrDocument sdoc =;
String snippet = null;
// TODO: docIds will be null when running distributed search.
// See comment in ClusteringComponent#finishStage().
if (produceSummary && docIds != null) {
docsHolder[0] = docIds.get(sdoc).intValue();
DocList docAsList = new DocSlice(0, 1, docsHolder, scores, 1, 1.0f, TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO);
NamedList<Object> highlights = highlighter.doHighlighting(docAsList, theQuery, req, snippetFieldAry);
if (highlights != null && highlights.size() == 1) {
// should only be one value given our setup
// should only be one document
NamedList<String []> tmp = (NamedList<String[]>) highlights.getVal(0);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < snippetFieldAry.length; j++) {
// Join fragments with a period, so that Carrot2 does not create
// cross-fragment phrases, such phrases rarely make sense.
String [] highlt = tmp.get(snippetFieldAry[j]);
if (highlt != null && highlt.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < highlt.length; i++) {
sb.append(" . ");
snippet = sb.toString();
// If summaries not enabled or summary generation failed, use full content.
if (snippet == null) {
snippet = getConcatenated(sdoc, snippetFieldSpec);
// Create a Carrot2 document
Document carrotDocument = new Document(getConcatenated(sdoc, titleFieldSpec),
snippet, Objects.toString(sdoc.getFieldValue(urlField), ""));
// Store Solr id of the document, we need it to map document instances
// found in clusters back to identifiers.
carrotDocument.setField(SOLR_DOCUMENT_ID, sdoc.getFieldValue(idFieldName));
// Set language
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(languageField)) {
Collection<Object> languages = sdoc.getFieldValues(languageField);
if (languages != null) {
// Use the first Carrot2-supported language
for (Object l : languages) {
String lang = Objects.toString(l, "");
if (languageCodeMap.containsKey(lang)) {
lang = languageCodeMap.get(lang);
// Language detection Library for Java uses dashes to separate
// language variants, such as 'zh-cn', but Carrot2 uses underscores.
if (lang.indexOf('-') > 0) {
lang = lang.replace('-', '_');
// If the language is supported by Carrot2, we'll get a non-null value
final LanguageCode carrot2Language = LanguageCode.forISOCode(lang);
if (carrot2Language != null) {
// Add custom fields
if (customFields != null) {
for (Entry<String, String> entry : customFields.entrySet()) {
carrotDocument.setField(entry.getValue(), sdoc.getFieldValue(entry.getKey()));
return result;
* Expose clustering algorithm class for tests.
Class<? extends IClusteringAlgorithm> getClusteringAlgorithmClass() {
return clusteringAlgorithmClass;
* Prepares a map of Solr field names (keys) to the corresponding Carrot2
* custom field names.
private Map<String, String> getCustomFieldsMap(SolrParams solrParams) {
Map<String, String> customFields = new HashMap<>();
String [] customFieldsSpec = solrParams.getParams(CarrotParams.CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME);
if (customFieldsSpec != null) {
customFields = new HashMap<>();
for (String customFieldSpec : customFieldsSpec) {
String [] split = customFieldSpec.split(":");
if (split.length == 2 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(split[0]) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(split[1])) {
customFields.put(split[0], split[1]);
} else {
log.warn("Unsupported format for {}: '{}'. Skipping this field definition."
, CarrotParams.CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME, customFieldSpec);
return customFields;
private String getConcatenated(SolrDocument sdoc, String fieldsSpec) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (String field : fieldsSpec.split("[, ]")) {
Collection<Object> vals = sdoc.getFieldValues(field);
if (vals == null) continue;
Iterator<Object> ite = vals.iterator();
// Join multiple values with a period so that Carrot2 does not pick up
// phrases that cross field value boundaries (in most cases it would
// create useless phrases).
result.append(Objects.toString(, "")).append(" . ");
return result.toString().trim();
private List<NamedList<Object>> clustersToNamedList(List<Cluster> carrotClusters,
SolrParams solrParams) {
List<NamedList<Object>> result = new ArrayList<>();
clustersToNamedList(carrotClusters, result, solrParams.getBool(
CarrotParams.OUTPUT_SUB_CLUSTERS, true), solrParams.getInt(
return result;
private void clustersToNamedList(List<Cluster> outputClusters,
List<NamedList<Object>> parent, boolean outputSubClusters, int maxLabels) {
for (Cluster outCluster : outputClusters) {
NamedList<Object> cluster = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
// Add labels
List<String> labels = outCluster.getPhrases();
if (labels.size() > maxLabels) {
labels = labels.subList(0, maxLabels);
cluster.add("labels", labels);
// Add cluster score
final Double score = outCluster.getScore();
if (score != null) {
cluster.add("score", score);
// Add other topics marker
if (outCluster.isOtherTopics()) {
cluster.add("other-topics", outCluster.isOtherTopics());
// Add documents
List<Document> docs = outputSubClusters ? outCluster.getDocuments() : outCluster.getAllDocuments();
List<Object> docList = new ArrayList<>();
cluster.add("docs", docList);
for (Document doc : docs) {
// Add subclusters
if (outputSubClusters && !outCluster.getSubclusters().isEmpty()) {
List<NamedList<Object>> subclusters = new ArrayList<>();
cluster.add("clusters", subclusters);
clustersToNamedList(outCluster.getSubclusters(), subclusters,
outputSubClusters, maxLabels);
* Extracts parameters that can possibly match some attributes of Carrot2 algorithms.
private void extractCarrotAttributes(SolrParams solrParams,
Map<String, Object> attributes) {
// Extract all non-predefined parameters. This way, we'll be able to set all
// parameters of Carrot2 algorithms without defining their names as constants.
for (Iterator<String> paramNames = solrParams.getParameterNamesIterator(); paramNames
.hasNext();) {
String paramName =;
if (!CarrotParams.CARROT_PARAM_NAMES.contains(paramName)) {
attributes.put(paramName, solrParams.get(paramName));
@SuppressForbidden(reason = "Uses context class loader as a workaround to inject correct classloader to 3rd party libs")
private static <T> T withContextClassLoader(ClassLoader loader, Supplier<T> action) {
Thread ct = Thread.currentThread();
ClassLoader prev = ct.getContextClassLoader();
try {
return action.get();
} finally {