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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Code to search indices.
* <h2>Table Of Contents</h2>
* <ol>
* <li><a href="#search">Search Basics</a></li>
* <li><a href="#query">The Query Classes</a></li>
* <li><a href="#scoring">Scoring: Introduction</a></li>
* <li><a href="#scoringBasics">Scoring: Basics</a></li>
* <li><a href="#changingScoring">Changing the Scoring</a></li>
* <li><a href="#algorithm">Appendix: Search Algorithm</a></li>
* </ol>
* <a name="search"></a>
* <h2>Search Basics</h2>
* <p>
* Lucene offers a wide variety of {@link} implementations, most of which are in
* this package, its subpackage ({@link spans},
* or the <a href="{@docRoot}/../queries/overview-summary.html">queries module</a>. These implementations can be combined in a wide
* variety of ways to provide complex querying capabilities along with information about where matches took place in the document
* collection. The <a href="#query">Query Classes</a> section below highlights some of the more important Query classes. For details
* on implementing your own Query class, see <a href="#customQueriesExpert">Custom Queries -- Expert Level</a> below.
* <p>
* To perform a search, applications usually call {@link
* <p>
* Once a Query has been created and submitted to the {@link IndexSearcher}, the scoring
* process begins. After some infrastructure setup, control finally passes to the {@link Weight}
* implementation and its {@link Scorer} or {@link BulkScore}
* instances. See the <a href="#algorithm">Algorithm</a> section for more notes on the process.
* <!-- FILL IN MORE HERE -->
* <!-- TODO: this page over-links the same things too many times -->
* <a name="query"></a>
* <h2>Query Classes</h2>
* <h3>
* {@link TermQuery}
* </h3>
* <p>Of the various implementations of
* {@link Query}, the
* {@link TermQuery}
* is the easiest to understand and the most often used in applications. A
* {@link TermQuery} matches all the documents that contain the
* specified
* {@link org.apache.lucene.index.Term Term},
* which is a word that occurs in a certain
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Field Field}.
* Thus, a {@link TermQuery} identifies and scores all
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Document Document}s that have a
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Field Field} with the specified string in it.
* Constructing a {@link TermQuery}
* is as simple as:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* TermQuery tq = new TermQuery(new Term("fieldName", "term"));
* </pre>In this example, the {@link Query} identifies all
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Document Document}s that have the
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Field Field} named <tt>"fieldName"</tt>
* containing the word <tt>"term"</tt>.
* <h3>
* {@link BooleanQuery}
* </h3>
* <p>Things start to get interesting when one combines multiple
* {@link TermQuery} instances into a
* {@link BooleanQuery}.
* A {@link BooleanQuery} contains multiple
* {@link BooleanClause}s,
* where each clause contains a sub-query ({@link Query}
* instance) and an operator (from
* {@link BooleanClause.Occur})
* describing how that sub-query is combined with the other clauses:
* <ol>
* <li><p>{@link SHOULD} &mdash; Use this operator when a clause can occur in the result set, but is not required.
* If a query is made up of all SHOULD clauses, then every document in the result
* set matches at least one of these clauses.</p></li>
* <li><p>{@link MUST} &mdash; Use this operator when a clause is required to occur in the result set. Every
* document in the result set will match
* all such clauses.</p></li>
* <li><p>{@link MUST NOT} &mdash; Use this operator when a
* clause must not occur in the result set. No
* document in the result set will match
* any such clauses.</p></li>
* </ol>
* Boolean queries are constructed by adding two or more
* {@link BooleanClause}
* instances. If too many clauses are added, a {@link TooManyClauses}
* exception will be thrown during searching. This most often occurs
* when a {@link Query}
* is rewritten into a {@link BooleanQuery} with many
* {@link TermQuery} clauses,
* for example by {@link WildcardQuery}.
* The default setting for the maximum number
* of clauses 1024, but this can be changed via the
* static method {@link}.
* <h3>Phrases</h3>
* <p>Another common search is to find documents containing certain phrases. This
* is handled three different ways:
* <ol>
* <li>
* <p>{@link PhraseQuery}
* &mdash; Matches a sequence of
* {@link org.apache.lucene.index.Term Term}s.
* {@link PhraseQuery} uses a slop factor to determine
* how many positions may occur between any two terms in the phrase and still be considered a match.
* The slop is 0 by default, meaning the phrase must match exactly.</p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>{@link MultiPhraseQuery}
* &mdash; A more general form of PhraseQuery that accepts multiple Terms
* for a position in the phrase. For example, this can be used to perform phrase queries that also
* incorporate synonyms.
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>{@link SpanNearQuery}
* &mdash; Matches a sequence of other
* {@link SpanQuery}
* instances. {@link SpanNearQuery} allows for
* much more
* complicated phrase queries since it is constructed from other
* {@link SpanQuery}
* instances, instead of only {@link TermQuery}
* instances.</p>
* </li>
* </ol>
* <h3>
* {@link TermRangeQuery}
* </h3>
* <p>The
* {@link TermRangeQuery}
* matches all documents that occur in the
* exclusive range of a lower
* {@link org.apache.lucene.index.Term Term}
* and an upper
* {@link org.apache.lucene.index.Term Term}
* according to {@link org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef#compareTo BytesRef.compareTo()}. It is not intended
* for numerical ranges; use {@link NumericRangeQuery} instead.
* For example, one could find all documents
* that have terms beginning with the letters <tt>a</tt> through <tt>c</tt>.
* <h3>
* {@link NumericRangeQuery}
* </h3>
* <p>The
* {@link NumericRangeQuery}
* matches all documents that occur in a numeric range.
* For NumericRangeQuery to work, you must index the values
* using a one of the numeric fields ({@link org.apache.lucene.document.IntField IntField},
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LongField LongField}, {@link org.apache.lucene.document.FloatField FloatField},
* or {@link org.apache.lucene.document.DoubleField DoubleField}).
* <h3>
* {@link PrefixQuery},
* {@link WildcardQuery},
* {@link RegexpQuery}
* </h3>
* <p>While the
* {@link PrefixQuery}
* has a different implementation, it is essentially a special case of the
* {@link WildcardQuery}.
* The {@link PrefixQuery} allows an application
* to identify all documents with terms that begin with a certain string. The
* {@link WildcardQuery} generalizes this by allowing
* for the use of <tt>*</tt> (matches 0 or more characters) and <tt>?</tt> (matches exactly one character) wildcards.
* Note that the {@link WildcardQuery} can be quite slow. Also
* note that
* {@link WildcardQuery} should
* not start with <tt>*</tt> and <tt>?</tt>, as these are extremely slow.
* Some QueryParsers may not allow this by default, but provide a <code>setAllowLeadingWildcard</code> method
* to remove that protection.
* The {@link RegexpQuery} is even more general than WildcardQuery,
* allowing an application to identify all documents with terms that match a regular expression pattern.
* <h3>
* {@link FuzzyQuery}
* </h3>
* <p>A
* {@link FuzzyQuery}
* matches documents that contain terms similar to the specified term. Similarity is
* determined using
* <a href="">Levenshtein distance</a>.
* This type of query can be useful when accounting for spelling variations in the collection.
* <a name="scoring"></a>
* <h2>Scoring &mdash; Introduction</h2>
* <p>Lucene scoring is the heart of why we all love Lucene. It is blazingly fast and it hides
* almost all of the complexity from the user. In a nutshell, it works. At least, that is,
* until it doesn't work, or doesn't work as one would expect it to work. Then we are left
* digging into Lucene internals or asking for help on
* <a href=""></a> to figure out
* why a document with five of our query terms scores lower than a different document with
* only one of the query terms.
* <p>While this document won't answer your specific scoring issues, it will, hopefully, point you
* to the places that can help you figure out the <i>what</i> and <i>why</i> of Lucene scoring.
* <p>Lucene scoring supports a number of pluggable information retrieval
* <a href="">models</a>, including:
* <ul>
* <li><a href="">Vector Space Model (VSM)</a></li>
* <li><a href="">Probablistic Models</a> such as
* <a href="">Okapi BM25</a> and
* <a href="">DFR</a></li>
* <li><a href="">Language models</a></li>
* </ul>
* These models can be plugged in via the {@link Similarity API},
* and offer extension hooks and parameters for tuning. In general, Lucene first finds the documents
* that need to be scored based on boolean logic in the Query specification, and then ranks this subset of
* matching documents via the retrieval model. For some valuable references on VSM and IR in general refer to
* <a href="">Lucene Wiki IR references</a>.
* <p>The rest of this document will cover <a href="#scoringBasics">Scoring basics</a> and explain how to
* change your {@link Similarity}. Next, it will cover
* ways you can customize the lucene internals in
* <a href="#customQueriesExpert">Custom Queries -- Expert Level</a>, which gives details on
* implementing your own {@link Query} class and related functionality.
* Finally, we will finish up with some reference material in the <a href="#algorithm">Appendix</a>.
* <a name="scoringBasics"></a>
* <h2>Scoring &mdash; Basics</h2>
* <p>Scoring is very much dependent on the way documents are indexed, so it is important to understand
* indexing. (see <a href="{@docRoot}/overview-summary.html#overview_description">Lucene overview</a>
* before continuing on with this section) Be sure to use the useful
* {@link, int) IndexSearcher.explain(Query, doc)}
* to understand how the score for a certain matching document was
* computed.
* <p>Generally, the Query determines which documents match (a binary
* decision), while the Similarity determines how to assign scores to
* the matching documents.
* </p>
* <h3>Fields and Documents</h3>
* <p>In Lucene, the objects we are scoring are {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Document Document}s.
* A Document is a collection of {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Field Field}s. Each Field has
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType semantics} about how it is created and stored
* ({@link org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType#tokenized() tokenized},
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType#stored() stored}, etc). It is important to note that
* Lucene scoring works on Fields and then combines the results to return Documents. This is
* important because two Documents with the exact same content, but one having the content in two
* Fields and the other in one Field may return different scores for the same query due to length
* normalization.
* <h3>Score Boosting</h3>
* <p>Lucene allows influencing search results by "boosting" at different times:
* <ul>
* <li><b>Index-time boost</b> by calling
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Field#setBoost(float) Field.setBoost()} before a document is
* added to the index.</li>
* <li><b>Query-time boost</b> by applying a boost to a query by wrapping with
* {@link}.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>Indexing time boosts are pre-processed for storage efficiency and written to
* storage for a field as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>All boosts of that field (i.e. all boosts under the same field name in that doc) are
* multiplied.</li>
* <li>The boost is then encoded into a normalization value by the Similarity
* object at index-time: {@link computeNorm()}.
* The actual encoding depends upon the Similarity implementation, but note that most
* use a lossy encoding (such as multiplying the boost with document length or similar, packed
* into a single byte!).</li>
* <li>Decoding of any index-time normalization values and integration into the document's score is also performed
* at search time by the Similarity.</li>
* </ul>
* <a name="changingScoring"></a>
* <h2>Changing Scoring &mdash; Similarity</h2>
* <p>
* Changing {@link Similarity} is an easy way to
* influence scoring, this is done at index-time with
* {@link org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig#setSimilarity(
* IndexWriterConfig.setSimilarity(Similarity)} and at query-time with
* {@link
* IndexSearcher.setSimilarity(Similarity)}. Be sure to use the same
* Similarity at query-time as at index-time (so that norms are
* encoded/decoded correctly); Lucene makes no effort to verify this.
* <p>
* You can influence scoring by configuring a different built-in Similarity implementation, or by tweaking its
* parameters, subclassing it to override behavior. Some implementations also offer a modular API which you can
* extend by plugging in a different component (e.g. term frequency normalizer).
* <p>
* Finally, you can extend the low level {@link Similarity} directly
* to implement a new retrieval model, or to use external scoring factors particular to your application. For example,
* a custom Similarity can access per-document values via {@link org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues} and
* integrate them into the score.
* <p>
* See the {@link} package documentation for information
* on the built-in available scoring models and extending or changing Similarity.
* <a name="customQueriesExpert"></a>
* <h2>Custom Queries &mdash; Expert Level</h2>
* <p>Custom queries are an expert level task, so tread carefully and be prepared to share your code if
* you want help.
* <p>With the warning out of the way, it is possible to change a lot more than just the Similarity
* when it comes to matching and scoring in Lucene. Lucene's search is a complex mechanism that is grounded by
* <span>three main classes</span>:
* <ol>
* <li>
* {@link Query} &mdash; The abstract object representation of the
* user's information need.</li>
* <li>
* {@link Weight} &mdash; The internal interface representation of
* the user's Query, so that Query objects may be reused.
* This is global (across all segments of the index) and
* generally will require global statistics (such as docFreq
* for a given term across all segments).</li>
* <li>
* {@link Scorer} &mdash; An abstract class containing common
* functionality for scoring. Provides both scoring and
* explanation capabilities. This is created per-segment.</li>
* <li>
* {@link BulkScorer} &mdash; An abstract class that scores
* a range of documents. A default implementation simply iterates through the hits from
* {@link Scorer}, but some queries such as
* {@link BooleanQuery} have more efficient
* implementations.</li>
* </ol>
* Details on each of these classes, and their children, can be found in the subsections below.
* <h3>The Query Class</h3>
* <p>In some sense, the
* {@link Query}
* class is where it all begins. Without a Query, there would be
* nothing to score. Furthermore, the Query class is the catalyst for the other scoring classes as it
* is often responsible
* for creating them or coordinating the functionality between them. The
* {@link Query} class has several methods that are important for
* derived classes:
* <ol>
* <li>{@link,boolean) createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,boolean)} &mdash; A
* {@link Weight} is the internal representation of the
* Query, so each Query implementation must
* provide an implementation of Weight. See the subsection on <a
* href="#weightClass">The Weight Interface</a> below for details on implementing the Weight
* interface.</li>
* <li>{@link rewrite(IndexReader reader)} &mdash; Rewrites queries into primitive queries. Primitive queries are:
* {@link TermQuery},
* {@link BooleanQuery}, <span
* >and other queries that implement {@link,boolean) createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,boolean,float)}</span></li>
* </ol>
* <a name="weightClass"></a>
* <h3>The Weight Interface</h3>
* <p>The
* {@link Weight}
* interface provides an internal representation of the Query so that it can be reused. Any
* {@link IndexSearcher}
* dependent state should be stored in the Weight implementation,
* not in the Query class. The interface defines five methods that must be implemented:
* <ol>
* <li>
* {@link getQuery()} &mdash; Pointer to the
* Query that this Weight represents.</li>
* <li>
* {@link getValueForNormalization()} &mdash;
* A weight can return a floating point value to indicate its magnitude for query normalization. Typically
* a weight such as TermWeight that scores via a {@link Similarity}
* will just defer to the Similarity's implementation:
* {@link SimWeight#getValueForNormalization()}.
* For example, with {@link Lucene's classic vector-space formula}, this
* is implemented as the sum of squared weights: <code>(idf * boost)<sup>2</sup></code></li>
* <li>
* {@link,float) normalize(float norm, float boost)} &mdash;
* Performs query normalization:
* <ul>
* <li><code>boost</code>: A query-boost factor from any wrapping queries that should be multiplied into every
* document's score. For example, a TermQuery that is wrapped within a BooleanQuery with a boost of <code>5</code> would
* receive this value at this time. This allows the TermQuery (the leaf node in this case) to compute this up-front
* a single time (e.g. by multiplying into the IDF), rather than for every document.</li>
* <li><code>norm</code>: Passes in a a normalization factor which may
* allow for comparing scores between queries.</li>
* </ul>
* Typically a weight such as TermWeight
* that scores via a {@link Similarity} will just defer to the Similarity's implementation:
* {@link SimWeight#normalize(float,float)}.</li>
* <li>
* {@link scorer()} &mdash;
* Construct a new {@link Scorer} for this Weight. See <a href="#scorerClass">The Scorer Class</a>
* below for help defining a Scorer. As the name implies, the Scorer is responsible for doing the actual scoring of documents
* given the Query.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link bulkScorer()} &mdash;
* Construct a new {@link BulkScorer} for this Weight. See <a href="#bulkScorerClass">The BulkScorer Class</a>
* below for help defining a BulkScorer. This is an optional method, and most queries do not implement it.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link, int)
* explain(LeafReaderContext context, int doc)} &mdash; Provide a means for explaining why a given document was
* scored the way it was.
* Typically a weight such as TermWeight
* that scores via a {@link Similarity} will make use of the Similarity's implementation:
* {@link, Explanation) SimScorer#explain(int doc, Explanation freq)}.
* </li>
* </ol>
* <a name="scorerClass"></a>
* <h3>The Scorer Class</h3>
* <p>The
* {@link Scorer}
* abstract class provides common scoring functionality for all Scorer implementations and
* is the heart of the Lucene scoring process. The Scorer defines the following abstract (some of them are not
* yet abstract, but will be in future versions and should be considered as such now) methods which
* must be implemented (some of them inherited from {@link DocIdSetIterator}):
* <ol>
* <li>
* {@link nextDoc()} &mdash; Advances to the next
* document that matches this Query, returning true if and only if there is another document that matches.</li>
* <li>
* {@link docID()} &mdash; Returns the id of the
* {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Document Document} that contains the match.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link score()} &mdash; Return the score of the
* current document. This value can be determined in any appropriate way for an application. For instance, the
* {@link TermScorer} simply defers to the configured Similarity:
* {@link, float) SimScorer.score(int doc, float freq)}.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link freq()} &mdash; Returns the number of matches
* for the current document. This value can be determined in any appropriate way for an application. For instance, the
* {@link TermScorer} simply defers to the term frequency from the inverted index:
* {@link org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum#freq PostingsEnum.freq()}.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link advance()} &mdash; Skip ahead in
* the document matches to the document whose id is greater than
* or equal to the passed in value. In many instances, advance can be
* implemented more efficiently than simply looping through all the matching documents until
* the target document is identified.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link getChildren()} &mdash; Returns any child subscorers
* underneath this scorer. This allows for users to navigate the scorer hierarchy and receive more fine-grained
* details on the scoring process.
* </li>
* </ol>
* <a name="bulkScorerClass"></a>
* <h3>The BulkScorer Class</h3>
* <p>The
* {@link BulkScorer} scores a range of documents. There is only one
* abstract method:
* <ol>
* <li>
* {@link,org.apache.lucene.util.Bits,int,int) score(LeafCollector,Bits,int,int)} &mdash;
* Score all documents up to but not including the specified max document.
* </li>
* </ol>
* <h3>Why would I want to add my own Query?</h3>
* <p>In a nutshell, you want to add your own custom Query implementation when you think that Lucene's
* aren't appropriate for the
* task that you want to do. You might be doing some cutting edge research or you need more information
* back
* out of Lucene (similar to Doug adding SpanQuery functionality).
* <!-- TODO: integrate this better, it's better served as an intro than an appendix -->
* <a name="algorithm"></a>
* <h2>Appendix: Search Algorithm</h2>
* <p>This section is mostly notes on stepping through the Scoring process and serves as
* fertilizer for the earlier sections.
* <p>In the typical search application, a {@link Query}
* is passed to the {@link IndexSearcher},
* beginning the scoring process.
* <p>Once inside the IndexSearcher, a {@link Collector}
* is used for the scoring and sorting of the search results.
* These important objects are involved in a search:
* <ol>
* <li>The {@link Weight} object of the Query. The
* Weight object is an internal representation of the Query that allows the Query
* to be reused by the IndexSearcher.</li>
* <li>The IndexSearcher that initiated the call.</li>
* <li>A {@link Sort} object for specifying how to sort
* the results if the standard score-based sort method is not desired.</li>
* </ol>
* <p>Assuming we are not sorting (since sorting doesn't affect the raw Lucene score),
* we call one of the search methods of the IndexSearcher, passing in the
* {@link Weight} object created by
* {@link,boolean)
* IndexSearcher.createNormalizedWeight(Query,boolean)} and the number of results we want.
* This method returns a {@link TopDocs} object,
* which is an internal collection of search results. The IndexSearcher creates
* a {@link TopScoreDocCollector} and
* passes it along with the Weight, Filter to another expert search method (for
* more on the {@link Collector} mechanism,
* see {@link IndexSearcher}). The TopScoreDocCollector
* uses a {@link org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue PriorityQueue} to collect the
* top results for the search.
* <p>If a Filter is being used, some initial setup is done to determine which docs to include.
* Otherwise, we ask the Weight for a {@link Scorer} for each
* {@link org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader IndexReader} segment and proceed by calling
* {@link,org.apache.lucene.util.Bits) BulkScorer.score(LeafCollector,Bits)}.
* <p>At last, we are actually going to score some documents. The score method takes in the Collector
* (most likely the TopScoreDocCollector or TopFieldCollector) and does its business.Of course, here
* is where things get involved. The {@link Scorer} that is returned
* by the {@link Weight} object depends on what type of Query was
* submitted. In most real world applications with multiple query terms, the
* {@link Scorer} is going to be a <code>BooleanScorer2</code> created
* from {@link BooleanWeight} (see the section on
* <a href="#customQueriesExpert">custom queries</a> for info on changing this).
* <p>Assuming a BooleanScorer2, we first initialize the Coordinator, which is used to apply the coord()
* factor. We then get a internal Scorer based on the required, optional and prohibited parts of the query.
* Using this internal Scorer, the BooleanScorer2 then proceeds into a while loop based on the
* {@link Scorer.nextDoc()} method. The nextDoc() method advances
* to the next document matching the query. This is an abstract method in the Scorer class and is thus
* overridden by all derived implementations. If you have a simple OR query your internal Scorer is most
* likely a DisjunctionSumScorer, which essentially combines the scorers from the sub scorers of the OR'd terms.