blob: 4a16b396c4162685bfb07aa215c049a5bf92aebf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrInfoBean;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrMetricProducer;
import java.util.Map;
* Primary API for dealing with Solr's internal caches.
public interface SolrCache<K,V> extends SolrInfoBean, SolrMetricProducer {
String HIT_RATIO_PARAM = "hitratio";
String HITS_PARAM = "hits";
String INSERTS_PARAM = "inserts";
String EVICTIONS_PARAM = "evictions";
String LOOKUPS_PARAM = "lookups";
String SIZE_PARAM = "size";
String MAX_SIZE_PARAM = "maxSize";
String RAM_BYTES_USED_PARAM = "ramBytesUsed";
String MAX_RAM_MB_PARAM = "maxRamMB";
String MAX_IDLE_TIME_PARAM = "maxIdleTime";
String INITIAL_SIZE_PARAM = "initialSize";
String CLEANUP_THREAD_PARAM = "cleanupThread";
String SHOW_ITEMS_PARAM = "showItems";
* The initialization routine. Instance specific arguments are passed in
* the <code>args</code> map.
* <p>
* The persistence object will exist across different lifetimes of similar caches.
* For example, all filter caches will share the same persistence object, sometimes
* at the same time (it must be thread-safe). If null is passed, then the cache
* implementation should create and return a new persistence object. If not null,
* the passed in object should be returned again.
* <p>
* Since it will exist across the lifetime of many caches, care should be taken to
* not reference any particular cache instance and prevent it from being
* garbage collected (no using inner classes unless they are static).
* <p>
* The persistence object is designed to be used as a way for statistics
* to accumulate across all instances of the same type of cache, however the
* object may be of any type desired by the cache implementation.
* <p>
* The {@link CacheRegenerator} is what the cache uses during auto-warming to
* regenerate an item in the new cache from an entry in the old cache.
public Object init(Map args, Object persistence, CacheRegenerator regenerator);
// I don't think we need a factory for faster creation given that these
// will be associated with slow-to-create SolrIndexSearchers.
// change to NamedList when other plugins do?
* Name the Cache can be referenced with by SolrRequestHandlers.
* This method must return the identifier that the Cache instance
* expects SolrRequestHandlers to use when requesting access to it
* from the SolrIndexSearcher. It is <strong>strongly</strong>
* recommended that this method return the value of the "name"
* parameter from the init args.
* :TODO: verify this.
public String name();
// Should SolrCache just extend the java.util.Map interface?
// Following the conventions of the java.util.Map interface in any case.
/** :TODO: copy from Map */
public int size();
/** :TODO: copy from Map */
public V put(K key, V value);
/** :TODO: copy from Map */
public V get(K key);
/** :TODO: copy from Map */
public void clear();
* Enumeration of possible States for cache instances.
* :TODO: only state that seems to ever be set is LIVE ?
public enum State {
/** :TODO */
/** :TODO */
/** :TODO */
/** :TODO */
* Set different cache states.
* The state a cache is in can have an effect on how statistics are kept.
* The cache user (SolrIndexSearcher) will take care of switching
* cache states.
public void setState(State state);
* Returns the last State set on this instance
* @see #setState
public State getState();
* Warm this cache associated with <code>searcher</code> using the <code>old</code>
* cache object. <code>this</code> and <code>old</code> will have the same concrete type.
void warm(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, SolrCache<K,V> old);
// Q: an alternative to passing the searcher here would be to pass it in
// init and have the cache implementation save it.
/** Frees any non-memory resources */
public void close();
/** Returns maximum size limit (number of items) if set and supported, -1 otherwise. */
int getMaxSize();
/** Set maximum size limit (number of items), or -1 for unlimited. Note: this has effect
* only on implementations that support it, it's a no-op otherwise
void setMaxSize(int maxSize);
/** Returns maximum size limit (in MB) if set and supported, -1 otherwise. */
int getMaxRamMB();
/** Set maximum size limit (in MB), or -1 for unlimited. Note: this has effect
* only on implementations that support it, it's a no-op otherwise.
void setMaxRamMB(int maxRamMB);