blob: 8276f943b0c22245e59a5c5ad0bde15be38cccfa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.handler.component;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import org.apache.solr.BaseDistributedSearchTestCase;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FieldStatsInfo;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.PivotField;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.RangeFacet;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.FacetParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.junit.Test;
public class DistributedFacetPivotLargeTest extends BaseDistributedSearchTestCase {
public static final String SPECIAL = "";
public DistributedFacetPivotLargeTest() {
// we need DVs on point fields to compute stats & facets
if (Boolean.getBoolean(NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP)) System.setProperty(NUMERIC_DOCVALUES_SYSPROP,"true");
@ShardsFixed(num = 4)
public void test() throws Exception {
this.stress = 0 ;
handle.put("QTime", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("timestamp", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("maxScore", SKIPVAL);
QueryResponse rsp = null;
List<PivotField> pivots = null;
PivotField firstInt = null;
PivotField firstBool = null;
PivotField firstDate = null;
PivotField firstPlace = null;
PivotField firstCompany = null;
// basic check w/ limit & default sort (count)
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "12");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(12, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0));
// Microsoft will come back wrong if refinement was not done correctly
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 56, firstPlace.getPivot().get(1));
// trivial mincount=0 check
rsp = query( "q", "does_not_exist_s:foo",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "10",
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("company_t");
assertEquals(10, pivots.size());
for (PivotField p : pivots) {
assertEquals(0, p.getCount());
// sanity check limit=0 w/ mincount=0 & missing=true
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"f.company_t.facet.limit", "10",
"facet.missing", "true",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "0",
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("special_s,bogus_s,company_t");
assertEquals(1, pivots.size()); // only the missing
assertPivot("special_s", null, docNumber - 5, pivots.get(0)); // 5 docs w/special_s
assertEquals(pivots.toString(), 1, pivots.get(0).getPivot().size());
assertPivot("bogus_s", null, docNumber - 5 , pivots.get(0).getPivot().get(0)); // 5 docs w/special_s
PivotField bogus = pivots.get(0).getPivot().get(0);
assertEquals(bogus.toString(), 11, bogus.getPivot().size());
// last value would always be missing docs
assertPivot("company_t", null, 2, bogus.getPivot().get(10)); // 2 docs w/company_t
// basic check w/ default sort, limit, & mincount==0
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "50",
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(50, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0));
// Microsoft will come back wrong if refinement was not done correctly
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 56, firstPlace.getPivot().get(1));
// sort=index + offset + limit w/ some variables
for (SolrParams variableParams :
new SolrParams[] { // bother variations should kwrk just as well
// defauts
// force refinement
params(FacetParams.FACET_OVERREQUEST_RATIO, "1",
FacetParams.FACET_OVERREQUEST_COUNT, "0") }) {
SolrParams p = SolrParams.wrapDefaults( params( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"f.place_s.facet.limit", "20",
"f.place_s.facet.offset", "40",
"facet.pivot", "place_s,company_t"),
variableParams );
try {
rsp = query( p );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(20, pivots.size()); // limit
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
PivotField place = pivots.get(i);
assertTrue(place.toString(), place.getValue().toString().endsWith("placeholder"));
assertEquals(3, place.getPivot().size());
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 6, place.getPivot().get(0));
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 6, place.getPivot().get(1));
assertPivot("company_t", "polecat", 6, place.getPivot().get(2));
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, pivots.get(10));
assertPivot("place_s", "krakaw", 1, pivots.get(11));
assertPivot("place_s", "medical staffing network holdings, inc.", 51, pivots.get(12));
for (int i = 13; i < 20; i++) {
PivotField place = pivots.get(i);
assertTrue(place.toString(), place.getValue().toString().startsWith("placeholder"));
assertEquals(1, place.getPivot().size());
PivotField company = place.getPivot().get(0);
assertTrue(company.toString(), company.getValue().toString().startsWith("compholder"));
assertEquals(company.toString(), 1, company.getCount());
} catch (AssertionFailedError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(ae.getMessage() + " <== " + p.toString(), ae);
// sort=index + mincount=0
// SOLR-6329: facet.pivot.mincount=0 doesn't work well with distrib
// broken honda
// This is tricky, here's what i think is happening....
// - "company:honda" only exists on twoShard, and only w/ "place:cardiff"
// - twoShard has no other places in its docs
// - twoShard can't return any other places to w/ honda as a count=0 sub-value
// - if we refined all other companies places, would twoShard return honda==0 ?
// ... but there's no refinement since mincount==0
// - would it even matter
// should we remove the refinement short circuit?
// rsp = query( params( "q", "*:*",
// "rows", "0",
// "facet","true",
// "facet.sort","index",
// "f.place_s.facet.limit", "20",
// "f.place_s.facet.offset", "40",
// FacetParams.FACET_PIVOT_MINCOUNT,"0",
// "facet.pivot", "place_s,company_t") );
// // TODO: more asserts
// really trivial demonstration of the above problem
// rsp = query( params( "q", "*:*",
// "rows", "0",
// "facet","true",
// FacetParams.FACET_PIVOT_MINCOUNT,"0",
// "facet.pivot", "top_s,sub_s") );
// facet.missing=true + facet.sort=index + facet.pivot.mincount > 0 (SOLR-7829)
final int expectedNumDocsMissingBool = 111;
for (String facetSort : new String[] {"count", "index"}) {
for (int mincount : new int[] { 1, 20,
(expectedNumDocsMissingBool / 2) - 1,
(expectedNumDocsMissingBool / 2) + 1,
expectedNumDocsMissingBool }) {
SolrParams p = params( "q", "*:*",
"fq","-real_b:true", // simplify asserts by ruling out true counts
"rows", "0",
"facet.pivot", "real_b",
"facet.missing", "true",
"facet.pivot.mincount", ""+mincount,
"facet.sort", facetSort);
try {
rsp = query( p );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("real_b");
assertEquals(2, pivots.size()); // false, missing - in that order, regardless of sort
assertPivot("real_b", false, 300, pivots.get(0));
assertPivot("real_b", null, expectedNumDocsMissingBool, pivots.get(1));
} catch (AssertionFailedError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(ae.getMessage() + " <== " + p.toString(), ae);
// basic check w/ limit & index sort
for (SolrParams facetParams :
// results should be the same regardless of whether local params are used
new SolrParams[] {
// Broken: SOLR-6193
// params("facet.pivot","{!facet.limit=4 facet.sort=index}place_s,company_t"),
// params("facet.pivot","{!facet.sort=index}place_s,company_t",
// FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4"),
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4",
"facet.sort", "index") }) {
SolrParams p = SolrParams.wrapDefaults( params( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
facetParams );
try {
rsp = query( p );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(4, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "0placeholder", 6, firstPlace);
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 6, firstCompany);
} catch (AssertionFailedError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(ae.getMessage() + " <== " + p.toString(), ae);
// check of a single level pivot using sort=index w/mincount big enough
// to triggers per-shard mincount > num docs on one shard
// (beefed up test of same with nested pivot below)
for (int limit : Arrays.asList(4, 444444, -1)) {
SolrParams p = params("q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
// skip place_s:Nplaceholder buckets
// skip company_t:compHolderN buckets from twoShard
"fq","-(+company_t:compHolder* +real_b:true)",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, ""+limit,
"facet.sort", "index");
rsp = null;
try {
rsp = query( p );
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 107, rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s").get(0));
// - zeroShard = 50 ... above per-shard min of 50/(numShards=4)
// - oneShard = 5 ... below per-shard min of 50/(numShards=4) .. should be refined
// - twoShard = 52 ... above per-shard min of 50/(numShards=4)
// = threeShard = 0 ... should be refined and still match nothing
} catch (AssertionError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(ae.getMessage() + ": " + p.toString() + " ==> " + rsp, ae);
// test permutations of mincount & limit with sort=index
// (there is a per-shard optimization on mincount when sort=index is used)
for (int limit : Arrays.asList(4, 444444, -1)) {
SolrParams p = params("q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
// skip place_s:Nplaceholder buckets
// skip company_t:compHolderN buckets from twoShard
"fq","-(+company_t:compHolder* +real_b:true)",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, ""+limit,
"facet.sort", "index");
rsp = null;
try {
rsp = query( p );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 107, firstPlace);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0));
assertPivot("company_t", "honda", 50, firstPlace.getPivot().get(1));
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 56, firstPlace.getPivot().get(2));
assertPivot("company_t", "polecat", 52, firstPlace.getPivot().get(3));
} catch (AssertionError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(ae.getMessage() + ": " + p.toString() + " ==> " + rsp, ae);
{ // similar to the test above, but now force a restriction on the over request and allow
// terms that are early in index sort -- but don't meet the mincount overall -- to be considered
// in the first phase. (SOLR-12954)
SolrParams p = params("q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
// skip company_t:compHolderN buckets from twoShard
"fq","-(+company_t:compHolder* +real_b:true)",
// the (50) Nplaceholder place_s values exist in 6 each on oneShard
FacetParams.FACET_PIVOT_MINCOUNT, ""+(6 * shardsArr.length),
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4",
"facet.sort", "index");
rsp = null;
try {
rsp = query( p );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 107, firstPlace);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0));
assertPivot("company_t", "honda", 50, firstPlace.getPivot().get(1));
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 56, firstPlace.getPivot().get(2));
assertPivot("company_t", "polecat", 52, firstPlace.getPivot().get(3));
} catch (AssertionError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(ae.getMessage() + ": " + p.toString() + " ==> " + rsp, ae);
// Pivot Faceting (combined wtih Field Faceting)
for (SolrParams facetParams :
// with and w/o an excluded fq
// (either way, facet results should be the same)
new SolrParams[] {
"fq","{!tag=co}company_t:bbc") }) {
// default order (count)
rsp = query( SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4"),
facetParams) );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(4, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertEquals(4, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstCompany);
// Index Order
rsp = query( SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4",
"facet.sort", "index"),
facetParams) );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(4, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "0placeholder", 6, firstPlace);
assertEquals(3, firstPlace.getPivot().size()); // num vals in data < limit==3
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 6, firstCompany);
// Field level limits
rsp = query( SolrParams.wrapDefaults(params("q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
facetParams) );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(2, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertEquals(4, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstCompany);
// Pivot Faceting Count w/fq (not excluded)
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(1, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertEquals(4, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstCompany);
// Same Pivot - one with exclusion and one w/o
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"fq","{!tag=ff}pay_i:[2000 TO *]",
"facet.pivot","{!key=nofilt ex=ff}place_s,company_t",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("filt");
assertEquals(4, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 105, firstPlace);
assertEquals(4, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0));
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 54, firstPlace.getPivot().get(1));
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("nofilt");
assertEquals(4, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertEquals(4, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0));
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 56, firstPlace.getPivot().get(1));
// Same Pivot - one in default (count) order and one in index order
// Broken: SOLR-6193 - the facet.sort localparam isn't being picked up correctly
// rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
// "rows", "0",
// "facet","true",
// "fq","pay_i:[2000 TO *]",
// "facet.pivot","{!key=sc}place_s,company_t",
// "facet.pivot","{!key=si facet.sort=index}place_s,company_t",
// FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4");
// pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("sc");
// assertEquals(4, pivots.size());
// firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
// assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 105, firstPlace);
// assertEquals(4, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
// assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0));
// assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 54, firstPlace.getPivot().get(1));
// //
// pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("si");
// assertEquals(4, pivots.size());
// firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
// assertPivot("place_s", "0placeholder", 6, firstPlace);
// assertEquals(3, firstPlace.getPivot().size()); // only 3 in the data < facet.limit
// assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 6, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0));
// assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 6, firstPlace.getPivot().get(1));
// Field level limits and small offset
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(2, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "medical staffing network holdings, inc.", 51, firstPlace);
assertEquals(2, firstPlace.getPivot().size()); // num vals in data < limit==4
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 50, firstCompany);
// Field level offsets and limit
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(4, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "medical staffing network holdings, inc.", 51, firstPlace);
assertEquals(1, firstPlace.getPivot().size()); // num vals in data < limit==4
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "polecat", 50, firstCompany);
// datetime
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("hiredate_dt,place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(2, pivots.size());
firstDate = pivots.get(0); // 2012-09-01T12:30:00Z
assertPivot("hiredate_dt", new Date(1346502600000L), 200, firstDate);
assertEquals(1, firstDate.getPivot().size()); // num vals in data < limit==4
firstPlace = firstDate.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 200, firstPlace);
assertEquals(4, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 50, firstCompany);
// int
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("pay_i,place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(2, pivots.size());
firstInt = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("pay_i", 2000, 50, firstInt);
assertEquals(4, firstInt.getPivot().size());
firstPlace = firstInt.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "0placeholder", 1, firstPlace);
assertEquals(3, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 1, firstCompany);
// boolean
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("real_b,place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(3, pivots.size());
firstBool = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("real_b", false, 300, firstBool);
assertEquals(4, firstBool.getPivot().size());
firstPlace = firstBool.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "0placeholder", 6, firstPlace);
assertEquals(3, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 6, firstCompany);
// bogus fields
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("doesntexist_t,neitherdoi_i");
assertEquals(0, pivots.size());
// bogus fields with facet.missing
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"facet.missing", "true",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "4");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("doesntexist_t,neitherdoi_i");
assertEquals(1, pivots.size());
assertPivot("doesntexist_t", null, docNumber, pivots.get(0));
assertEquals(1, pivots.get(0).getPivot().size());
assertPivot("neitherdoi_i", null, docNumber, pivots.get(0).getPivot().get(0));
// Negative facet limit
for (SolrParams facetParams :
// results should be the same regardless of whether facet.limit is global,
// a local param, or specified as a per-field override for both fields
new SolrParams[] {
params(FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "-1",
// Broken: SOLR-6193
// params("facet.pivot","{!facet.limit=-1}place_s,company_t"),
params("f.place_s.facet.limit", "-1",
"f.company_t.facet.limit", "-1",
"facet.pivot","place_s,company_t") }) {
SolrParams p = SolrParams.wrapDefaults( params( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"facet.sort", "count" ),
try {
rsp = query( p );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(103, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertEquals(54, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t","bbc", 101, firstCompany);
} catch (AssertionFailedError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(ae.getMessage() + " <== " + p.toString(), ae);
// Negative per-field facet limit (outer)
for (SolrParams facetParams :
// results should be the same regardless of whether per-field facet.limit is
// a global or a local param
new SolrParams[] {
// Broken: SOLR-6193
// params( "facet.pivot","{!}place_s,id" ),
params( "facet.pivot","place_s,id",
"", "-1") }) {
SolrParams p = SolrParams.wrapDefaults( params( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"facet.sort", "count" ),
try {
rsp = query( p );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,id");
assertEquals(100, pivots.size()); // default
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertEquals(257, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
} catch (AssertionFailedError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(ae.getMessage() + " <== " + p.toString(), ae);
// Negative per-field facet limit (inner)
for (SolrParams facetParams :
// results should be the same regardless of whether per-field facet.limit is
// a global or a local param
new SolrParams[] {
// Broken: SOLR-6193
// params( "facet.pivot","{!f.place_s.facet.limit=-1}place_s,id" ),
params( "facet.pivot","place_s,id",
"f.place_s.facet.limit", "-1") }) {
SolrParams p = SolrParams.wrapDefaults( params( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"facet.sort", "count" ),
try {
rsp = query( p );
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,id");
assertEquals(103, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertEquals(100, firstPlace.getPivot().size()); // default
} catch (AssertionFailedError ae) {
throw new AssertionError(ae.getMessage() + " <== " + p.toString(), ae);
// Mincount + facet.pivot 2 different ways (swap field order)
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
assertEquals(52, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertEquals(4, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstCompany);
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("company_t,place_s");
assertEquals(4, pivots.size());
firstCompany = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 451, firstCompany);
assertEquals(52, firstCompany.getPivot().size());
firstPlace = firstCompany.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 101, firstPlace);
// refine on SPECIAL empty string
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"fq", "-place_s:0placeholder",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_OVERREQUEST_RATIO, "0", // force refinement
FacetParams.FACET_OVERREQUEST_COUNT, "1", // force refinement
assertEquals(docNumber - 6, rsp.getResults().getNumFound()); // all docs but 0place
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("special_s,company_t");
assertEquals(1, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("special_s", SPECIAL, 3, firstPlace);
assertEquals(1, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 2, firstCompany);
// TODO test "company_t,special_s" as well
// refine on SPECIAL empty string & facet.missing
// Also proves refinement on non-top elements occurs and allows them to get into the top
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"fq", "-place_s:0placeholder",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_OVERREQUEST_RATIO, "0", // force refinement
FacetParams.FACET_OVERREQUEST_COUNT, "2", // force refinement
assertEquals(docNumber - 6, rsp.getResults().getNumFound()); // all docs but 0place
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("special_s,company_t");
assertEquals(2, pivots.size());
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("special_s", SPECIAL, 3, firstPlace);
assertEquals(1, firstPlace.getPivot().size());
firstCompany = firstPlace.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 2, firstCompany);
// last is "missing" val
assertPivot("special_s", null, docNumber -6 -3 -2, pivots.get(1)); // -0place -SPECIAL -xxx
// forced refinement on facet.missing
rsp = query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
FacetParams.FACET_LIMIT, "12");
pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("bogus_x_s,place_s,bogus_y_s,company_t");
assertEquals(1, pivots.size()); // just the missing value for bogus_x_s
assertPivot("bogus_x_s", null, docNumber, pivots.get(0));
pivots = pivots.get(0).getPivot();
assertEquals(12, pivots.size()); // places
firstPlace = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, firstPlace);
assertEquals(1, firstPlace.getPivot().size()); // just the missing value for bogus_y_s
assertPivot("bogus_y_s", null, 257, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0));
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0).getPivot().get(0));
// Microsoft will come back wrong if refinement was not done correctly
assertPivot("company_t", "microsoft", 56, firstPlace.getPivot().get(0).getPivot().get(1));
// Overrequesting a lot
this.query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"facet", "true",
// Overrequesting off
this.query( "q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"facet", "true",
private void doTestDeepPivotStats() throws Exception {
QueryResponse rsp = query("q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"facet", "true",
"stats", "true",
"stats.field", "{!key=avg_price tag=s1}pay_i");
List<PivotField> pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
PivotField cardiffPivotField = pivots.get(0);
assertEquals("cardiff", cardiffPivotField.getValue());
assertEquals(257, cardiffPivotField.getCount());
FieldStatsInfo cardiffStatsInfo = cardiffPivotField.getFieldStatsInfo().get("avg_price");
assertEquals("avg_price", cardiffStatsInfo.getName());
assertEquals(0.0, cardiffStatsInfo.getMin());
assertEquals(8742.0, cardiffStatsInfo.getMax());
assertEquals(257, (long) cardiffStatsInfo.getCount());
assertEquals(0, (long) cardiffStatsInfo.getMissing());
assertEquals(347554.0, cardiffStatsInfo.getSum());
assertEquals(8.20968772E8, cardiffStatsInfo.getSumOfSquares(), 0.1E-7);
assertEquals(1352.35019455253, (double) cardiffStatsInfo.getMean(), 0.1E-7);
assertEquals(1170.86048165857, cardiffStatsInfo.getStddev(), 0.1E-7);
PivotField bbcCardifftPivotField = cardiffPivotField.getPivot().get(0);
assertEquals("bbc", bbcCardifftPivotField.getValue());
assertEquals(101, bbcCardifftPivotField.getCount());
FieldStatsInfo bbcCardifftPivotFieldStatsInfo = bbcCardifftPivotField.getFieldStatsInfo().get("avg_price");
assertEquals(2400.0, bbcCardifftPivotFieldStatsInfo.getMin());
assertEquals(8742.0, bbcCardifftPivotFieldStatsInfo.getMax());
assertEquals(101, (long) bbcCardifftPivotFieldStatsInfo.getCount());
assertEquals(0, (long) bbcCardifftPivotFieldStatsInfo.getMissing());
assertEquals(248742.0, bbcCardifftPivotFieldStatsInfo.getSum());
assertEquals(6.52422564E8, bbcCardifftPivotFieldStatsInfo.getSumOfSquares(), 0.1E-7);
assertEquals(2462.792079208, (double) bbcCardifftPivotFieldStatsInfo.getMean(), 0.1E-7);
assertEquals(631.0525860312, bbcCardifftPivotFieldStatsInfo.getStddev(), 0.1E-7);
PivotField placeholder0PivotField = pivots.get(2);
assertEquals("0placeholder", placeholder0PivotField.getValue());
assertEquals(6, placeholder0PivotField.getCount());
FieldStatsInfo placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo = placeholder0PivotField.getFieldStatsInfo().get("avg_price");
assertEquals("avg_price", placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getName());
assertEquals(2000.0, placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getMin());
assertEquals(6400.0, placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getMax());
assertEquals(6, (long) placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getCount());
assertEquals(0, (long) placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getMissing());
assertEquals(22700.0, placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getSum());
assertEquals(1.0105E8, placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getSumOfSquares(), 0.1E-7);
assertEquals(3783.333333333, (double) placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getMean(), 0.1E-7);
assertEquals(1741.742422595, placeholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getStddev(), 0.1E-7);
PivotField microsoftPlaceholder0PivotField = placeholder0PivotField.getPivot().get(1);
assertEquals("microsoft", microsoftPlaceholder0PivotField.getValue());
assertEquals(6, microsoftPlaceholder0PivotField.getCount());
FieldStatsInfo microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo = microsoftPlaceholder0PivotField.getFieldStatsInfo().get("avg_price");
assertEquals("avg_price", microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getName());
assertEquals(2000.0, microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getMin());
assertEquals(6400.0, microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getMax());
assertEquals(6, (long) microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getCount());
assertEquals(0, (long) microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getMissing());
assertEquals(22700.0, microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getSum());
assertEquals(1.0105E8, microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getSumOfSquares(), 0.1E-7);
assertEquals(3783.333333333, (double) microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getMean(), 0.1E-7);
assertEquals(1741.742422595, microsoftPlaceholder0PivotFieldStatsInfo.getStddev(), 0.1E-7);
* spot checks some pivot values and the ranges hanging on them
private void doTestPivotRanges() throws Exception {
// note: 'p0' is only a top level range, not included in per-pivot ranges
for (SolrParams p : new SolrParams[]{
// results should be identical for all of these
params("facet.range", "{!key=p0}pay_i",
"facet.range", "{!key=p1 tag=t1}pay_i",
"facet.range", "{!key=p2 tag=t1}pay_i",
"facet.range.start", "0",
"facet.range.end", "1000"),
params("facet.range", "{!key=p0}pay_i",
"facet.range", "{!key=p1 tag=t1}pay_i",
"facet.range", "{!key=p2 tag=t1}pay_i",
"f.pay_i.facet.range.start", "0",
"facet.range.end", "1000"),
params("facet.range", "{!key=p0 facet.range.start=0}pay_i",
"facet.range", "{!key=p1 tag=t1 facet.range.start=0}pay_i",
"facet.range", "{!key=p2 tag=t1 facet.range.start=0}pay_i",
"facet.range.end", "1000")}) {
QueryResponse rsp
= query(SolrParams.wrapDefaults(p, params("q", "*:*",
"rows", "0",
"facet", "true",
"facet.pivot", "{!range=t1}place_s,company_t")));
List<PivotField> pivots = rsp.getFacetPivot().get("place_s,company_t");
PivotField pf = null; // changes as we spot check
List<RangeFacet.Count> rfc = null; // changes as we spot check
// 1st sanity check top level ranges
assertEquals(3, rsp.getFacetRanges().size());
assertRange("p0", 0, 500, 1000, 2, rsp.getFacetRanges().get(0));
assertRange("p1", 0, 100, 1000, 10, rsp.getFacetRanges().get(1));
assertRange("p2", 0, 200, 1000, 5, rsp.getFacetRanges().get(2));
// check pivots...
// first top level pivot value
pf = pivots.get(0);
assertPivot("place_s", "cardiff", 257, pf);
assertRange("p1", 0, 100, 1000, 10, pf.getFacetRanges().get(0));
assertRange("p2", 0, 200, 1000, 5, pf.getFacetRanges().get(1));
rfc = pf.getFacetRanges().get(0).getCounts();
assertEquals("200", rfc.get(2).getValue());
assertEquals(14, rfc.get(2).getCount());
assertEquals("300", rfc.get(3).getValue());
assertEquals(15, rfc.get(3).getCount());
rfc = pf.getFacetRanges().get(1).getCounts();
assertEquals("200", rfc.get(1).getValue());
assertEquals(29, rfc.get(1).getCount());
// drill down one level of the pivot
pf = pf.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "bbc", 101, pf);
assertRange("p1", 0, 100, 1000, 10, pf.getFacetRanges().get(0));
assertRange("p2", 0, 200, 1000, 5, pf.getFacetRanges().get(1));
rfc = pf.getFacetRanges().get(0).getCounts();
for (RangeFacet.Count c : rfc) {
assertEquals(0, c.getCount()); // no docs in our ranges for this pivot drill down
// pop back up and spot check a different top level pivot value
pf = pivots.get(53);
assertPivot("place_s", "placeholder0", 1, pf);
assertRange("p1", 0, 100, 1000, 10, pf.getFacetRanges().get(0));
assertRange("p2", 0, 200, 1000, 5, pf.getFacetRanges().get(1));
rfc = pf.getFacetRanges().get(0).getCounts();
assertEquals("0", rfc.get(0).getValue());
assertEquals(1, rfc.get(0).getCount());
assertEquals("100", rfc.get(1).getValue());
assertEquals(0, rfc.get(1).getCount());
// drill down one level of the pivot
pf = pf.getPivot().get(0);
assertPivot("company_t", "compholder0", 1, pf);
assertRange("p1", 0, 100, 1000, 10, pf.getFacetRanges().get(0));
assertRange("p2", 0, 200, 1000, 5, pf.getFacetRanges().get(1));
rfc = pf.getFacetRanges().get(0).getCounts();
assertEquals("0", rfc.get(0).getValue());
assertEquals(1, rfc.get(0).getCount());
assertEquals("100", rfc.get(1).getValue());
assertEquals(0, rfc.get(1).getCount());
* asserts that the actual PivotField matches the expected criteria
private void assertPivot(String field, Object value, int count, // int numKids,
PivotField actual) {
assertEquals("FIELD: " + actual.toString(), field, actual.getField());
assertEquals("VALUE: " + actual.toString(), value, actual.getValue());
assertEquals("COUNT: " + actual.toString(), count, actual.getCount());
// TODO: add arg && assert on number of kids
//assertEquals("#KIDS: " + actual.toString(), numKids, actual.getPivot().size());
* asserts that the actual RangeFacet matches the expected criteria
private void assertRange(String name, Object start, Object gap, Object end, int numCount,
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"})RangeFacet actual) {
assertEquals("NAME: " + actual.toString(), name, actual.getName());
assertEquals("START: " + actual.toString(), start, actual.getStart());
assertEquals("GAP: " + actual.toString(), gap, actual.getGap());
assertEquals("END: " + actual.toString(), end, actual.getEnd());
assertEquals("#COUNT: " + actual.toString(), numCount, actual.getCounts().size());
private void setupDistributedPivotFacetDocuments() throws Exception{
//Clear docs
final int maxDocs = 50;
final SolrClient zeroShard = clients.get(0);
final SolrClient oneShard = clients.get(1);
final SolrClient twoShard = clients.get(2);
final SolrClient threeShard = clients.get(3); // edge case: never gets any matching docs
for(Integer i=0;i<maxDocs;i++){//50 entries
addPivotDoc(zeroShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "microsoft polecat bbc","pay_i",2400,"hiredate_dt", "2012-07-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","true");
addPivotDoc(zeroShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "medical staffing network holdings, inc.", "company_t", "microsoft polecat bbc","pay_i",2400,"hiredate_dt", "2012-07-01T12:30:00Z");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "placeholder"+i, "company_t", "compHolder"+i,"pay_i",24*i,"hiredate_dt", "2012-08-01T12:30:00Z");
addPivotDoc(twoShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "bbc honda","pay_i",2400,"hiredate_dt", "2012-09-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","true");
addPivotDoc(twoShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "compHolder"+i,"pay_i",22*i,"hiredate_dt", "2012-09-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","true");
addPivotDoc(twoShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "compHolder"+i,"pay_i",21*i,"hiredate_dt", "2012-09-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","true");
addPivotDoc(twoShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "compHolder"+i,"pay_i",20*i,"hiredate_dt", "2012-09-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","true");
//For the filler content
//Fifty places with 6 results each
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", i+"placeholder", "company_t", "microsoft polecat bbc","pay_i",2400,"hiredate_dt", "2012-10-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","false");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", i+"placeholder", "company_t", "microsoft polecat bbc","pay_i",3100,"hiredate_dt", "2012-10-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","false");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", i+"placeholder", "company_t", "microsoft polecat bbc","pay_i",3400,"hiredate_dt", "2012-10-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","false");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", i+"placeholder", "company_t", "microsoft polecat bbc","pay_i",5400,"hiredate_dt", "2012-10-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","false");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", i+"placeholder", "company_t", "microsoft polecat bbc","pay_i",6400,"hiredate_dt", "2012-10-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","false");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", i+"placeholder", "company_t", "microsoft polecat bbc","pay_i",2000,"hiredate_dt", "2012-10-01T12:30:00Z","real_b","false");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "microsoft","pay_i",4367,"hiredate_dt", "2012-11-01T12:30:00Z");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "microsoft bbc","pay_i",8742,"hiredate_dt", "2012-11-01T12:30:00Z");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "microsoft polecat","pay_i",5824,"hiredate_dt", "2012-11-01T12:30:00Z");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "microsoft ","pay_i",6539,"hiredate_dt", "2012-11-01T12:30:00Z");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "medical staffing network holdings, inc.", "company_t", "microsoft ","pay_i",6539,"hiredate_dt", "2012-11-01T12:30:00Z", "special_s", "xxx");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "polecat","pay_i",4352,"hiredate_dt", "2012-01-01T12:30:00Z", "special_s", "xxx");
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "krakaw", "company_t", "polecat","pay_i",4352,"hiredate_dt", "2012-11-01T12:30:00Z", "special_s", SPECIAL);
addPivotDoc(twoShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "microsoft","pay_i",12,"hiredate_dt", "2012-11-01T12:30:00Z", "special_s", SPECIAL);
addPivotDoc(twoShard, "id", getDocNum(), "place_s", "cardiff", "company_t", "microsoft","pay_i",543,"hiredate_dt", "2012-11-01T12:30:00Z", "special_s", SPECIAL);
// two really trivial documents, unrelated to the rest of the tests,
// for the purpose of demoing the porblem with mincount=0
addPivotDoc(oneShard, "id", getDocNum(), "top_s", "aaa", "sub_s", "bbb" );
addPivotDoc(twoShard, "id", getDocNum(), "top_s", "xxx", "sub_s", "yyy" );
assertEquals("shard #3 should never have any docs",
0, threeShard.query(params("q", "*:*")).getResults().getNumFound());
* Builds up a SolrInputDocument using the specified fields, then adds it to the
* specified client as well as the control client
* @see #indexDoc(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient,SolrParams,SolrInputDocument...)
* @see #sdoc
private void addPivotDoc(SolrClient client, Object... fields)
throws IOException, SolrServerException {
indexDoc(client, params(), sdoc(fields));
private int docNumber = 0;
public int getDocNum(){
return docNumber;