blob: b1ccf52c8bc323889d4d1805edfb646c6d214de3 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.lucene.document;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.NumericTokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils;
import; // javadocs
import; // javadocs
import; // javadocs
import; // javadocs
* <p>This class provides a {@link Field} that enables indexing
* of numeric values for efficient range filtering and
* sorting. Here's an example usage, adding an int value:
* <pre>
* document.add(new NumericField(name).setIntValue(value));
* </pre>
* For optimal performance, re-use the
* <code>NumericField</code> and {@link Document} instance for more than
* one document:
* <pre>
* NumericField field = new NumericField(name);
* Document document = new Document();
* document.add(field);
* for(all documents) {
* ...
* field.setIntValue(value)
* writer.addDocument(document);
* ...
* }
* </pre>
* <p>The java native types <code>int</code>, <code>long</code>,
* <code>float</code> and <code>double</code> are
* directly supported. However, any value that can be
* converted into these native types can also be indexed.
* For example, date/time values represented by a
* {@link java.util.Date} can be translated into a long
* value using the {@link java.util.Date#getTime} method. If you
* don't need millisecond precision, you can quantize the
* value, either by dividing the result of
* {@link java.util.Date#getTime} or using the separate getters
* (for year, month, etc.) to construct an <code>int</code> or
* <code>long</code> value.</p>
* <p>To perform range querying or filtering against a
* <code>NumericField</code>, use {@link NumericRangeQuery} or {@link
* NumericRangeFilter}. To sort according to a
* <code>NumericField</code>, use the normal numeric sort types, eg
* {@link SortField#INT}. <code>NumericField</code> values
* can also be loaded directly from {@link FieldCache}.</p>
* <p>By default, a <code>NumericField</code>'s value is not stored but
* is indexed for range filtering and sorting. You can use
* the {@link #NumericField(String,Field.Store,boolean)}
* constructor if you need to change these defaults.</p>
* <p>You may add the same field name as a <code>NumericField</code> to
* the same document more than once. Range querying and
* filtering will be the logical OR of all values; so a range query
* will hit all documents that have at least one value in
* the range. However sort behavior is not defined. If you need to sort,
* you should separately index a single-valued <code>NumericField</code>.</p>
* <p>A <code>NumericField</code> will consume somewhat more disk space
* in the index than an ordinary single-valued field.
* However, for a typical index that includes substantial
* textual content per document, this increase will likely
* be in the noise. </p>
* <p>Within Lucene, each numeric value is indexed as a
* <em>trie</em> structure, where each term is logically
* assigned to larger and larger pre-defined brackets (which
* are simply lower-precision representations of the value).
* The step size between each successive bracket is called the
* <code>precisionStep</code>, measured in bits. Smaller
* <code>precisionStep</code> values result in larger number
* of brackets, which consumes more disk space in the index
* but may result in faster range search performance. The
* default value, 4, was selected for a reasonable tradeoff
* of disk space consumption versus performance. You can
* use the expert constructor {@link
* #NumericField(String,int,Field.Store,boolean)} if you'd
* like to change the value. Note that you must also
* specify a congruent value when creating {@link
* NumericRangeQuery} or {@link NumericRangeFilter}.
* For low cardinality fields larger precision steps are good.
* If the cardinality is &lt; 100, it is fair
* to use {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, which produces one
* term per value.
* <p>For more information on the internals of numeric trie
* indexing, including the <a
* href="../search/NumericRangeQuery.html#precisionStepDesc"><code>precisionStep</code></a>
* configuration, see {@link NumericRangeQuery}. The format of
* indexed values is described in {@link NumericUtils}.
* <p>If you only need to sort by numeric value, and never
* run range querying/filtering, you can index using a
* <code>precisionStep</code> of {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
* This will minimize disk space consumed. </p>
* <p>More advanced users can instead use {@link
* NumericTokenStream} directly, when indexing numbers. This
* class is a wrapper around this token stream type for
* easier, more intuitive usage.</p>
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> This class is only used during
* indexing. When retrieving the stored field value from a
* {@link Document} instance after search, you will get a
* conventional {@link Fieldable} instance where the numeric
* values are returned as {@link String}s (according to
* <code>toString(value)</code> of the used data type).
* @lucene.experimental
* @since 2.9
public final class NumericField extends AbstractField {
private final NumericTokenStream numericTS;
* Creates a field for numeric values using the default <code>precisionStep</code>
* {@link NumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT} (4). The instance is not yet initialized with
* a numeric value, before indexing a document containing this field,
* set a value using the various set<em>???</em>Value() methods.
* This constructor creates an indexed, but not stored field.
* @param name the field name
public NumericField(String name) {
this(name, NumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT, Field.Store.NO, true);
* Creates a field for numeric values using the default <code>precisionStep</code>
* {@link NumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT} (4). The instance is not yet initialized with
* a numeric value, before indexing a document containing this field,
* set a value using the various set<em>???</em>Value() methods.
* @param name the field name
* @param store if the field should be stored in plain text form
* (according to <code>toString(value)</code> of the used data type)
* @param index if the field should be indexed using {@link NumericTokenStream}
public NumericField(String name, Field.Store store, boolean index) {
this(name, NumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT, store, index);
* Creates a field for numeric values with the specified
* <code>precisionStep</code>. The instance is not yet initialized with
* a numeric value, before indexing a document containing this field,
* set a value using the various set<em>???</em>Value() methods.
* This constructor creates an indexed, but not stored field.
* @param name the field name
* @param precisionStep the used <a href="../search/NumericRangeQuery.html#precisionStepDesc">precision step</a>
public NumericField(String name, int precisionStep) {
this(name, precisionStep, Field.Store.NO, true);
* Creates a field for numeric values with the specified
* <code>precisionStep</code>. The instance is not yet initialized with
* a numeric value, before indexing a document containing this field,
* set a value using the various set<em>???</em>Value() methods.
* @param name the field name
* @param precisionStep the used <a href="../search/NumericRangeQuery.html#precisionStepDesc">precision step</a>
* @param store if the field should be stored in plain text form
* (according to <code>toString(value)</code> of the used data type)
* @param index if the field should be indexed using {@link NumericTokenStream}
public NumericField(String name, int precisionStep, Field.Store store, boolean index) {
super(name, store, index ? Field.Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS : Field.Index.NO, Field.TermVector.NO);
numericTS = new NumericTokenStream(precisionStep);
/** Returns a {@link NumericTokenStream} for indexing the numeric value. */
public TokenStream tokenStreamValue() {
return isIndexed() ? numericTS : null;
/** Returns always <code>null</code> for numeric fields */
public byte[] getBinaryValue(byte[] result){
return null;
/** Returns always <code>null</code> for numeric fields */
public Reader readerValue() {
return null;
/** Returns the numeric value as a string (how it is stored, when {@link Field.Store#YES} is chosen). */
public String stringValue() {
return (fieldsData == null) ? null : fieldsData.toString();
/** Returns the current numeric value as a subclass of {@link Number}, <code>null</code> if not yet initialized. */
public Number getNumericValue() {
return (Number) fieldsData;
* Initializes the field with the supplied <code>long</code> value.
* @param value the numeric value
* @return this instance, because of this you can use it the following way:
* <code>document.add(new NumericField(name, precisionStep).setLongValue(value))</code>
public NumericField setLongValue(final long value) {
fieldsData = Long.valueOf(value);
return this;
* Initializes the field with the supplied <code>int</code> value.
* @param value the numeric value
* @return this instance, because of this you can use it the following way:
* <code>document.add(new NumericField(name, precisionStep).setIntValue(value))</code>
public NumericField setIntValue(final int value) {
fieldsData = Integer.valueOf(value);
return this;
* Initializes the field with the supplied <code>double</code> value.
* @param value the numeric value
* @return this instance, because of this you can use it the following way:
* <code>document.add(new NumericField(name, precisionStep).setDoubleValue(value))</code>
public NumericField setDoubleValue(final double value) {
fieldsData = Double.valueOf(value);
return this;
* Initializes the field with the supplied <code>float</code> value.
* @param value the numeric value
* @return this instance, because of this you can use it the following way:
* <code>document.add(new NumericField(name, precisionStep).setFloatValue(value))</code>
public NumericField setFloatValue(final float value) {
fieldsData = Float.valueOf(value);
return this;