blob: 0b27d21795705db5c717808e242d72f926bcc214 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.solr.cluster.placement.plugins;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.solr.cluster.Cluster;
import org.apache.solr.cluster.Node;
import org.apache.solr.cluster.Replica;
import org.apache.solr.cluster.SolrCollection;
import org.apache.solr.cluster.placement.*;
* <p>Factory for creating {@link RandomPlacementPlugin}, a placement plugin implementing random placement for new
* collection creation while preventing two replicas of same shard from being placed on same node..</p>
* <p>See {@link AffinityPlacementFactory} for a more realistic example and documentation.</p>
public class RandomPlacementFactory implements PlacementPluginFactory<PlacementPluginFactory.NoConfig> {
public PlacementPlugin createPluginInstance() {
return new RandomPlacementPlugin();
public static class RandomPlacementPlugin implements PlacementPlugin {
private final Random replicaPlacementRandom = new Random(); // ok even if random sequence is predictable.
private RandomPlacementPlugin() {
// We make things reproducible in tests by using test seed if any
String seed = System.getProperty("tests.seed");
if (seed != null) {
public PlacementPlan computePlacement(Cluster cluster, PlacementRequest request, AttributeFetcher attributeFetcher,
PlacementPlanFactory placementPlanFactory) throws PlacementException {
int totalReplicasPerShard = 0;
for (Replica.ReplicaType rt : Replica.ReplicaType.values()) {
totalReplicasPerShard += request.getCountReplicasToCreate(rt);
if (cluster.getLiveNodes().size() < totalReplicasPerShard) {
throw new PlacementException("Cluster size too small for number of replicas per shard");
Set<ReplicaPlacement> replicaPlacements = new HashSet<>(totalReplicasPerShard * request.getShardNames().size());
// Now place randomly all replicas of all shards on available nodes
for (String shardName : request.getShardNames()) {
// Shuffle the nodes for each shard so that replicas for a shard are placed on distinct yet random nodes
ArrayList<Node> nodesToAssign = new ArrayList<>(cluster.getLiveNodes());
Collections.shuffle(nodesToAssign, replicaPlacementRandom);
for (Replica.ReplicaType rt : Replica.ReplicaType.values()) {
placeForReplicaType(request.getCollection(), nodesToAssign, placementPlanFactory, replicaPlacements, shardName, request, rt);
return placementPlanFactory.createPlacementPlan(request, replicaPlacements);
private void placeForReplicaType(SolrCollection solrCollection, ArrayList<Node> nodesToAssign, PlacementPlanFactory placementPlanFactory,
Set<ReplicaPlacement> replicaPlacements,
String shardName, PlacementRequest request, Replica.ReplicaType replicaType) {
for (int replica = 0; replica < request.getCountReplicasToCreate(replicaType); replica++) {
Node node = nodesToAssign.remove(0);
replicaPlacements.add(placementPlanFactory.createReplicaPlacement(solrCollection, shardName, node, replicaType));