blob: 8403a99fd170751d2bba28914af5e86bc24c2bb2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.index.AtomicReaderContext;
/** A {@link Rescorer} that uses a provided Query to assign
* scores to the first-pass hits.
* @lucene.experimental */
public abstract class QueryRescorer extends Rescorer {
private final Query query;
/** Sole constructor, passing the 2nd pass query to
* assign scores to the 1st pass hits. */
public QueryRescorer(Query query) {
this.query = query;
* Implement this in a subclass to combine the first pass and
* second pass scores. If secondPassMatches is false then
* the second pass query failed to match a hit from the
* first pass query, and you should ignore the
* secondPassScore.
protected abstract float combine(float firstPassScore, boolean secondPassMatches, float secondPassScore);
public TopDocs rescore(IndexSearcher searcher, TopDocs firstPassTopDocs, int topN) throws IOException {
ScoreDoc[] hits = firstPassTopDocs.scoreDocs.clone();
new Comparator<ScoreDoc>() {
public int compare(ScoreDoc a, ScoreDoc b) {
return a.doc - b.doc;
List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves = searcher.getIndexReader().leaves();
Weight weight = searcher.createNormalizedWeight(query);
// Now merge sort docIDs from hits, with reader's leaves:
int hitUpto = 0;
int readerUpto = -1;
int endDoc = 0;
int docBase = 0;
Scorer scorer = null;
while (hitUpto < hits.length) {
ScoreDoc hit = hits[hitUpto];
int docID = hit.doc;
AtomicReaderContext readerContext = null;
while (docID >= endDoc) {
readerContext = leaves.get(readerUpto);
endDoc = readerContext.docBase + readerContext.reader().maxDoc();
if (readerContext != null) {
// We advanced to another segment:
docBase = readerContext.docBase;
scorer = weight.scorer(readerContext, null);
int targetDoc = docID - docBase;
int actualDoc = scorer.docID();
if (actualDoc < targetDoc) {
actualDoc = scorer.advance(targetDoc);
if (actualDoc == targetDoc) {
// Query did match this doc:
hit.score = combine(hit.score, true, scorer.score());
} else {
// Query did not match this doc:
assert actualDoc > targetDoc;
hit.score = combine(hit.score, false, 0.0f);
// TODO: we should do a partial sort (of only topN)
// instead, but typically the number of hits is
// smallish:
new Comparator<ScoreDoc>() {
public int compare(ScoreDoc a, ScoreDoc b) {
// Sort by score descending, then docID ascending:
if (a.score > b.score) {
return -1;
} else if (a.score < b.score) {
return 1;
} else {
// This subtraction can't overflow int
// because docIDs are >= 0:
return a.doc - b.doc;
if (topN < hits.length) {
ScoreDoc[] subset = new ScoreDoc[topN];
System.arraycopy(hits, 0, subset, 0, topN);
hits = subset;
return new TopDocs(firstPassTopDocs.totalHits, hits, hits[0].score);
public Explanation explain(IndexSearcher searcher, Explanation firstPassExplanation, int docID) throws IOException {
Explanation secondPassExplanation = searcher.explain(query, docID);
Float secondPassScore = secondPassExplanation.isMatch() ? secondPassExplanation.getValue() : null;
float score;
if (secondPassScore == null) {
score = combine(firstPassExplanation.getValue(), false, 0.0f);
} else {
score = combine(firstPassExplanation.getValue(), true, secondPassScore.floatValue());
Explanation result = new Explanation(score, "combined first and second pass score using " + getClass());
Explanation first = new Explanation(firstPassExplanation.getValue(), "first pass score");
Explanation second;
if (secondPassScore == null) {
second = new Explanation(0.0f, "no second pass score");
} else {
second = new Explanation(secondPassScore, "second pass score");
return result;
/** Sugar API, calling {#rescore} using a simple linear
* combination of firstPassScore + weight * secondPassScore */
public static TopDocs rescore(IndexSearcher searcher, TopDocs topDocs, Query query, final double weight, int topN) throws IOException {
return new QueryRescorer(query) {
protected float combine(float firstPassScore, boolean secondPassMatches, float secondPassScore) {
float score = firstPassScore;
if (secondPassMatches) {
score += weight * secondPassScore;
return score;
}.rescore(searcher, topDocs, topN);