blob: a9de14949abb6c5e4bd3f5048c53b41459a3d697 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrRequestInfo;
import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.instanceOf;
/** Test collapse functionality with hierarchical documents using 'block collapse' */
public class TestBlockCollapse extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
// we need DVs on point fields to compute stats & facets
if (Boolean.getBoolean(NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP)) System.setProperty(NUMERIC_DOCVALUES_SYSPROP,"true");
initCore("solrconfig-collapseqparser.xml", "schema15.xml");
public void cleanup() throws Exception {
public void testPostFilterIntrospection() throws Exception {
final List<String> fieldValueSelectors = Arrays.asList("sort='bar_i asc'",
"min='sum(bar_i, 42)'",
"max='sum(bar_i, 42)'");
for (SolrParams p : Arrays.asList(params(),
// QEC boosting shouldn't impact what impl we get in any situation
params("qt", "/elevate", "elevateIds", "42"))) {
try (SolrQueryRequest req = req()) {
// non-block based collapse sitautions, regardless of nullPolicy...
for (String np : Arrays.asList("", " nullPolicy=ignore", " nullPolicy=expand", " nullPolicy=collapse",
// when policy is 'collapse' hint should be ignored...
" nullPolicy=collapse hint=block")) {
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_s1"+np+"}", req),
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_i"+np+"}", req),
for (String selector : fieldValueSelectors) {
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_s1 " + selector + np + "}", req),
for (String selector : fieldValueSelectors) {
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_i " + selector + np + "}", req),
// anything with cscore() is (currently) off limits regardless of null policy or hint...
for (String selector : Arrays.asList(" min=sum(42,cscore())",
" max=cscore()")) {
for (String hint : Arrays.asList("", " hint=block")) {
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=_root_" + selector + np + hint + "}", req),
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_s1" + selector + np + hint + "}", req),
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_i" + selector + np + hint + "}", req),
// block based collectors as long as nullPolicy isn't collapse...
for (String np : Arrays.asList("", " nullPolicy=ignore", " nullPolicy=expand")) {
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=_root_"+np+"}", req), // implicit block collection on _root_
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=_root_ hint=top_fc"+np+"}", req), // top_fc shouldn't stop implicit block collection
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_s1 hint=block"+np+"}", req),
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_i hint=block"+np+"}", req),
for (String selector : fieldValueSelectors) {
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_s1 hint=block " + selector + np + "}", req),
for (String selector : fieldValueSelectors) {
assertThat(parseAndBuildCollector("{!collapse field=foo_i hint=block " + selector + np + "}", req),
* Helper method for introspection testing
* @see #testPostFilterIntrospection
private DelegatingCollector parseAndBuildCollector(final String input, final SolrQueryRequest req) throws Exception {
try {
final SolrQueryResponse rsp = new SolrQueryResponse();
SolrRequestInfo.setRequestInfo(new SolrRequestInfo(req,rsp));
final Query q = QParser.getParser(input, "lucene", true, req).getQuery();
assertTrue("Not a PostFilter: " + input, q instanceof PostFilter);
return ((PostFilter)q).getFilterCollector(req.getSearcher());
} finally {
public void testEmptyIndex() throws Exception {
// some simple sanity checks that collapse queries against empty indexes don't match any docs
// (or throw any errors)
assertU(adoc(dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1",
"block_i", 1,
"skus", sdocs(dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1s1", "block_i", 1, "txt_t", "a b c d e ", "num_i", 42)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1s2", "block_i", 1, "txt_t", "a XX c d e ", "num_i", 10)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1s3", "block_i", 1, "txt_t", "XX b XX XX e ", "num_i", 777)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1s4", "block_i", 1, "txt_t", "a XX c d XX", "num_i", 6))
assertU(delQ("_root_:p1")); // avoid *:* so we don't get low level deleteAll optimization
/** @see #testEmptyIndex */
private void doTestEmptyIndex() throws Exception {
for (String opt : Arrays.asList(// no block collapse logic used (sanity checks)
// block collapse used implicitly (ord)
"field=_root_ hint=top_fc", // top_fc hint shouldn't matter
// block collapse used explicitly (ord)
"field=_root_ hint=block",
"field=block_s1 hint=block",
// block collapse used explicitly (int)
"field=block_i hint=block"
)) {
for (String nullPolicy : Arrays.asList("", // ignore is default
" nullPolicy=ignore",
" nullPolicy=expand")) {
for (String suffix : SELECTOR_FIELD_SUFFIXES) {
for (String headSelector : Arrays.asList("", // score is default
" max=asc" + suffix,
" min=desc" + suffix,
" sort='asc" + suffix + " desc'",
" sort='desc" +suffix + " asc'",
" max=sum(42,asc" + suffix + ")",
" min=sum(42,desc" + suffix + ")",
" max=sub(0,desc" + suffix + ")",
" min=sub(0,asc" + suffix + ")")) {
if (headSelector.endsWith("_l") && opt.endsWith("_i")) {
// NOTE: this limitation doesn't apply to block collapse on int,
// so we only check 'opt.endsWith' (if ends with block hint we're ok)
assertQEx("expected known limitation of using long for min/max selector when doing numeric collapse",
"min/max must be Int or Float",
req("q", "*:*",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + headSelector + "}"),
assertQ(req("q", "*:*",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + headSelector + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=0]"
public void testSimple() throws Exception {
{ // convert our docs to update commands, along with some commits, in a shuffled order and process all of them...
final List<String> updates = Stream.concat(Stream.of(commit()),
makeBlockDocs().stream().map(doc -> adoc(doc))).collect(Collectors.toList());
Collections.shuffle(updates, random());
for (String u : updates) {
for (String opt : Arrays.asList(// no block collapse logic used (sanity checks)
// block collapse used implicitly (ord)
"field=_root_ hint=top_fc", // top_fc hint shouldn't matter
// block collapse used explicitly (ord)
"field=_root_ hint=block",
"field=block_s1 hint=block",
// block collapse used explicitly (int)
"field=block_i hint=block"
)) {
{ // score based group head selection (default)
// these permutations should all give the same results, since the queries don't match any docs in 'null' groups
// (because we don't have any in our index)...
for (String nullPolicy : Arrays.asList("", // ignore is default
" nullPolicy=ignore",
" nullPolicy=expand")) {
for (String q : Arrays.asList("txt_t:XX", // only child docs with XX match
"txt_t:* txt_t:XX", // all child docs match
"*:* txt_t:XX")) { // all docs match
// single score based collapse...
assertQ(req("q", q,
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=3]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s1']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']"
// same query, but boosting a diff p1 sku to change group head (and result order)
assertQ(req("q", q,
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p1s1",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=3]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s1']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s1']"
// same query, but boosting multiple skus from p1
assertQ(req("q", q,
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p1s1,p1s2",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=4]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s1']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s2']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']"
, "//result/doc[4]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s1']"
{ // use func query to assert expected scores
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=3]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=1276.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=819.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p2s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=141.0]]"
// same query, but boosting a diff child to change group head (and result order)
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p1s1",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=3]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p1s1'] and float[@name='score'][.=84.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=1276.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p2s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=141.0]]"
// same query, but boosting multiple skus from p1
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p1s2,p1s1",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=4]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p1s2'] and float[@name='score'][.=52.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p1s1'] and float[@name='score'][.=84.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=1276.0]]"
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p2s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=141.0]]"
} // score
// sort and min/max based group head selection
for (String suffix : SELECTOR_FIELD_SUFFIXES) {
// these permutations should all give the same results, since the queries don't match any docs in 'null' groups
// (because we don't have any in our index)...
for (String nullPolicy : Arrays.asList("", // ignore is default
" nullPolicy=ignore",
" nullPolicy=expand")) {
// queries that are relevancy based...
for (String selector : Arrays.asList(" sort='asc" + suffix + " asc'",
" sort='sum(asc" + suffix + ",42) asc'",
" max=desc" + suffix,
" min=asc" + suffix,
" min='sum(asc" + suffix + ", 42)'")) {
if (selector.endsWith("_l") && opt.endsWith("_i")) {
// NOTE: this limitation doesn't apply to block collapse on int,
// so we only check 'opt.endsWith' (if ends with block hint we're ok)
assertQEx("expected known limitation of using long for min/max selector when doing numeric collapse",
"min/max must be Int or Float",
req("q", "*:*",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + selector + "}"),
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=3]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s4']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s4']"
assertQ(req("q","txt_t:* txt_t:XX",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=3]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s4']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s4']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s2']"
// same query, but boosting skus to change group head (and result order)
assertQ(req("q","txt_t:* txt_t:XX",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p2s3,p1s1",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=3]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s3']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s1']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s4']"
// same query, but boosting multiple skus from p1
assertQ(req("q","txt_t:* txt_t:XX",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p2s3,p1s4,p1s3",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=4]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s3']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s4']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']"
, "//result/doc[4]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s4']"
// query use {!func} so we can assert expected scores
for (String selector : Arrays.asList(" sort='asc" + suffix + " desc'",
" sort='sum(asc" + suffix + ",42) desc'",
" min=desc" + suffix,
" max=asc" + suffix,
" min='sum(desc" + suffix + ", 42)'",
" max='sum(asc" + suffix + ", 42)'")) {
if (selector.endsWith("_l") && opt.endsWith("_i")) {
// NOTE: this limitation doesn't apply to block collapse on int,
// so we only check 'opt.endsWith' (if ends with block hint we're ok)
assertQEx("expected known limitation of using long for min/max selector when doing numeric collapse",
"min/max must be Int or Float",
req("q", "*:*",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + selector + "}"),
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=3]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p2s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=141.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=819.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=1276.0]]"
// same query, but boosting multiple skus from p1
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p1s2,p1s1",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=4]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p1s2'] and float[@name='score'][.=52.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p1s1'] and float[@name='score'][.=84.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p2s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=141.0]]"
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=1276.0]]"
// queries are relevancy based, and score is used in collapse local param sort -- but not in top fl/sort
// (ie: help prove we setup 'needScores' correctly for collapse, even though top level query doesn't care)
for (String selector : Arrays.asList("", // implicit score ranking as sanity check
" sort='score desc'",
// unused tie breaker after score
" sort='score desc, sum(num_i,42) desc'",
// force score to be a tie breaker
" sort='sum(1.5,2.5) asc, score desc'")) {
assertQ(req("q", "*:* txt_t:XX",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + nullPolicy + "}",
"fl", "id",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=3]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']]" // 13
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p3s1']]" // 15
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']]" // 777
// same query, but boosting multiple skus from p3
// NOTE: this causes each boosted doc to be returned, but top level sort is not score, so QEC doesn't hijak order
assertQ(req("q", "*:* txt_t:XX",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p3s3,p3s2",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + nullPolicy + "}",
"fl", "id",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=4]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']]" // 13
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p3s2']]" // 100 (boosted so treated as own group)
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']]" // 777
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3']]" // 1234 (boosted so treated as own group)
// same query, w/forceElevation to change top level order
assertQ(req("q", "*:* txt_t:XX",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p3s3,p3s2",
"forceElevation", "true",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + nullPolicy + "}",
"fl", "id",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=4]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3']]" // 1234 (boosted so treated as own group)
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p3s2']]" // 100 (boosted so treated as own group)
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']]" // 13
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']]" // 777
} // sort
public void testNullPolicyExpand() throws Exception {
{ // convert our docs + some docs w/o collapse fields, along with some commits, to update commands
// in a shuffled order and process all of them...
final List<String> updates = Stream.concat(Stream.of(commit(), commit()),
sdocs(dupFields(sdoc("id","z1", "num_i", 1)),
dupFields(sdoc("id","z2", "num_i", 2)),
dupFields(sdoc("id","z3", "num_i", 3)),
dupFields(sdoc("id","z100", "num_i", 100))).stream()
).map(doc -> adoc(doc))).collect(Collectors.toList());
Collections.shuffle(updates, random());
for (String u : updates) {
// NOTE: we don't try to collapse on '_root_' in this test, because then we'll get different results
// compared to our other collapse fields (because every doc has a _root_ field)
for (String opt : Arrays.asList(// no block collapse logic used (sanity checks)
// block collapse used explicitly (ord)
"field=block_s1 hint=block",
// block collapse used explicitly (int)
"field=block_i hint=block"
)) {
{ // score based group head selection (default)
assertQ(req("q", "*:* txt_t:XX",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=7]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s1']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']"
, "//result/doc[4]/str[@name='id'][.='z1']"
, "//result/doc[5]/str[@name='id'][.='z2']"
, "//result/doc[6]/str[@name='id'][.='z3']"
, "//result/doc[7]/str[@name='id'][.='z100']"
// same query, but boosting docs to change group heads (and result order)
assertQ(req("q", "*:* txt_t:XX",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "z2,p3s3",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=7]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='z2']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s3']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']"
, "//result/doc[4]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']"
, "//result/doc[5]/str[@name='id'][.='z1']"
, "//result/doc[6]/str[@name='id'][.='z3']"
, "//result/doc[7]/str[@name='id'][.='z100']"
// use func query to assert expected scores
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=7]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=1276.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=819.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='z100'] and float[@name='score'][.=142.0]]"
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p2s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=141.0]]"
, "//result/doc[5][str[@name='id'][.='z3'] and float[@name='score'][.=45.0]]"
, "//result/doc[6][str[@name='id'][.='z2'] and float[@name='score'][.=44.0]]"
, "//result/doc[7][str[@name='id'][.='z1'] and float[@name='score'][.=43.0]]"
// same query, but boosting docs to change group heads (and result order)
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p2s4,z2,p2s1",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=8]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p2s4'] and float[@name='score'][.=55.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='z2'] and float[@name='score'][.=44.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p2s1'] and float[@name='score'][.=97.0]]"
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=1276.0]]"
, "//result/doc[5][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=819.0]]"
, "//result/doc[6][str[@name='id'][.='z100'] and float[@name='score'][.=142.0]]"
, "//result/doc[7][str[@name='id'][.='z3'] and float[@name='score'][.=45.0]]"
, "//result/doc[8][str[@name='id'][.='z1'] and float[@name='score'][.=43.0]]"
} // score
// sort and min/max based group head selection
for (String suffix : SELECTOR_FIELD_SUFFIXES) {
// queries that are relevancy based...
for (String selector : Arrays.asList(" sort='asc" + suffix + " asc'",
" sort='sum(asc" + suffix + ",42) asc'",
" min=asc" + suffix,
" max=desc" + suffix,
" min='sum(asc" + suffix + ", 42)'",
" max='sum(desc" + suffix + ", 42)'")) {
if (selector.endsWith("_l") && opt.endsWith("_i")) {
// NOTE: this limitation doesn't apply to block collapse on int,
// so we only check 'opt.endsWith' (if ends with block hint we're ok)
assertQEx("expected known limitation of using long for min/max selector when doing numeric collapse",
"min/max must be Int or Float",
req("q", "*:*",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}"),
assertQ(req("q","num_i:* txt_t:* txt_t:XX",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=7]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s4']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s4']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s2']"
, "//result/doc[4]/str[@name='id'][.='z1']"
, "//result/doc[5]/str[@name='id'][.='z2']"
, "//result/doc[6]/str[@name='id'][.='z3']"
, "//result/doc[7]/str[@name='id'][.='z100']"
assertQ(req("q","num_i:* txt_t:XX",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=7]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='z1']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='z2']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='z3']"
, "//result/doc[4]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s4']"
, "//result/doc[5]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s4']"
, "//result/doc[6]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s2']"
, "//result/doc[7]/str[@name='id'][.='z100']"
// same query, but boosting multiple docs
// NOTE: this causes each boosted doc to be returned, but top level sort is not score, so QEC doesn't hijak order
assertQ(req("q","num_i:* txt_t:XX",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p3s3,z3,p3s1",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=8]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='z1']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='z2']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='z3']"
, "//result/doc[4]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s4']"
, "//result/doc[5]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s2']"
, "//result/doc[6]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s1']"
, "//result/doc[7]/str[@name='id'][.='z100']"
, "//result/doc[8]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s3']"
// same query, w/forceElevation to change top level order
assertQ(req("q","num_i:* txt_t:XX",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p3s3,z3,p3s1",
"forceElevation", "true",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=8]"
, "//result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s3']"
, "//result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='z3']"
, "//result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s1']"
, "//result/doc[4]/str[@name='id'][.='z1']"
, "//result/doc[5]/str[@name='id'][.='z2']"
, "//result/doc[6]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s4']"
, "//result/doc[7]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s2']"
, "//result/doc[8]/str[@name='id'][.='z100']"
// query uses {!func} so we can assert expected scores
for (String selector : Arrays.asList(" sort='asc" + suffix + " desc'",
" sort='sum(asc" + suffix + ",42) desc'",
" min=desc" + suffix,
" max=asc" + suffix,
" min='sum(desc" + suffix + ", 42)'",
" max='sum(asc" + suffix + ", 42)'")) {
if (selector.endsWith("_l") && opt.endsWith("_i")) {
// NOTE: this limitation doesn't apply to block collapse on int,
// so we only check 'opt.endsWith' (if ends with block hint we're ok)
assertQEx("expected known limitation of using long for min/max selector when doing numeric collapse",
"min/max must be Int or Float",
req("q", "*:*",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}"),
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=7]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='z1'] and float[@name='score'][.=43.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='z2'] and float[@name='score'][.=44.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='z3'] and float[@name='score'][.=45.0]]"
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p2s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=141.0]]"
, "//result/doc[5][str[@name='id'][.='z100'] and float[@name='score'][.=142.0]]"
, "//result/doc[6][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=819.0]]"
, "//result/doc[7][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=1276.0]]"
// same query, but boosting multiple docs
// NOTE: this causes each boosted doc to be returned, but top level sort is not score, so QEC doesn't hijak order
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p3s1,z3,p3s4",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=8]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='z1'] and float[@name='score'][.=43.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='z2'] and float[@name='score'][.=44.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='z3'] and float[@name='score'][.=45.0]]"
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p3s4'] and float[@name='score'][.=46.0]]"
, "//result/doc[5][str[@name='id'][.='p3s1'] and float[@name='score'][.=57.0]]"
, "//result/doc[6][str[@name='id'][.='p2s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=141.0]]"
, "//result/doc[7][str[@name='id'][.='z100'] and float[@name='score'][.=142.0]]"
, "//result/doc[8][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=819.0]]"
// same query, w/forceElevation to change top level order
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p3s1,z3,p3s4",
"forceElevation", "true",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=8]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p3s1'] and float[@name='score'][.=57.0]]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='z3'] and float[@name='score'][.=45.0]]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p3s4'] and float[@name='score'][.=46.0]]"
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='z1'] and float[@name='score'][.=43.0]]"
, "//result/doc[5][str[@name='id'][.='z2'] and float[@name='score'][.=44.0]]"
, "//result/doc[6][str[@name='id'][.='p2s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=141.0]]"
, "//result/doc[7][str[@name='id'][.='z100'] and float[@name='score'][.=142.0]]"
, "//result/doc[8][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3'] and float[@name='score'][.=819.0]]"
// queries are relevancy based, and score is used in collapse local param sort -- but not in top fl/sort
// (ie: help prove we setup 'needScores' correctly for collapse, even though top level query doesn't care)
for (String selector : Arrays.asList("", // implicit score ranking as sanity check
" sort='score desc'",
// unused tie breaker after score
" sort='score desc, sum(num_i,42) desc'",
// force score to be a tie breaker
" sort='sum(1.5,2.5) asc, score desc'")) {
assertQ(req("q", "*:* txt_t:XX",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"fl", "id",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=7]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='z1']]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='z2']]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='z3']]"
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']]" // 13
, "//result/doc[5][str[@name='id'][.='p3s1']]" // 15
, "//result/doc[6][str[@name='id'][.='z100']]"
, "//result/doc[7][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']]" // 777
// same query, but boosting multiple docs
// NOTE: this causes each boosted doc to be returned, but top level sort is not score, so QEC doesn't hijak order
assertQ(req("q", "*:* txt_t:XX",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p3s3,z3,p3s4",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"fl", "id",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=8]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='z1']]"
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='z2']]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='z3']]"
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='p3s4']]" // 4
, "//result/doc[5][str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']]" // 13
, "//result/doc[6][str[@name='id'][.='z100']]"
, "//result/doc[7][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']]" // 777
, "//result/doc[8][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3']]" // 1234
// same query, w/forceElevation to change top level order
assertQ(req("q", "*:* txt_t:XX",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p3s3,z3,p3s4",
"forceElevation", "true",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + selector + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"fl", "id",
"sort", "num_i asc")
, "*[count(//doc)=8]"
, "//result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p3s3']]" // 1234
, "//result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='z3']]"
, "//result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p3s4']]" // 4
, "//result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='z1']]"
, "//result/doc[5][str[@name='id'][.='z2']]"
, "//result/doc[6][str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']]" // 13
, "//result/doc[7][str[@name='id'][.='z100']]"
, "//result/doc[8][str[@name='id'][.='p1s3']]" // 777
} // sort
* There is no reason why ExpandComponent should care if/when block collapse is used,
* this test just serves as a "future proofing" against the possibility that someone adds new expectations
* to ExpandComponent of some side effect state that CollapseQParser should produce.
* We don't bother testing _root_ field collapsing in this test, since it contains different field values
* then our other collapse fields.
* (and the other tests should adequeately prove that the block hueristics for _root_ collapsing work)
public void testBlockCollapseWithExpandComponent() throws Exception {
{ // convert our docs + some docs w/o collapse fields, along with some commits, to update commands
// in a shuffled order and process all of them...
final List<String> updates = Stream.concat(Stream.of(commit(), commit()),
sdocs(dupFields(sdoc("id","z1", "num_i", 1)),
dupFields(sdoc("id","z2", "num_i", 2)),
dupFields(sdoc("id","z3", "num_i", 3))).stream()
).map(doc -> adoc(doc))).collect(Collectors.toList());
Collections.shuffle(updates, random());
for (String u : updates) {
final String EX = "/response/lst[@name='expanded']/result";
// we don't bother testing _root_ field collapsing, since it contains different field values then block_s1
for (String opt : Arrays.asList(// no block collapse logic used (sanity checks)
// block collapse used explicitly (int)
"field=block_i hint=block",
// block collapse used explicitly (ord)
"field=block_s1 hint=block"
)) {
// these permutations should all give the same results, since the queries don't match any docs in 'null' groups
for (String nullPolicy : Arrays.asList("", // ignore is default
" nullPolicy=ignore",
" nullPolicy=expand")) {
// score based collapse with boost to change p1 group head
assertQ(req("q", "txt_t:XX", // only child docs with XX match
"expand", "true",
"qt", "/elevate",
"elevateIds", "p1s1",
"fl", "id",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + nullPolicy + "}",
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(/response/result/doc)=3]"
, "/response/result/doc[1]/str[@name='id'][.='p1s1']"
, "/response/result/doc[2]/str[@name='id'][.='p2s4']"
, "/response/result/doc[3]/str[@name='id'][.='p3s1']"
,"*[count("+EX+")=count(/response/result/doc)]" // group per doc
// nullPolicy=expand w/ func query to assert expected scores
for (String suffix : SELECTOR_FIELD_SUFFIXES) {
for (String selector : Arrays.asList(" sort='asc" + suffix + " desc'",
" sort='sum(asc" + suffix + ",42) desc'",
" min=desc" + suffix,
" max=asc" + suffix,
" min='sum(desc" + suffix + ", 42)'",
" max='sum(asc" + suffix + ", 42)'")) {
assertQ(req("q", "{!func}sum(42, num_i)",
"expand", "true",
"fq", "{!collapse " + opt + " nullPolicy=expand}",
"fq", "num_i:[2 TO 13]", // NOTE: FQ!!!!
"sort", "score desc, num_i asc")
, "*[count(/response/result/doc)=5]"
, "/response/result/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p2s4'] and float[@name='score'][.=55.0]]"
, "/response/result/doc[2][str[@name='id'][.='p1s2'] and float[@name='score'][.=52.0]]"
, "/response/result/doc[3][str[@name='id'][.='p3s4'] and float[@name='score'][.=46.0]]"
, "/response/result/doc[4][str[@name='id'][.='z3'] and float[@name='score'][.=45.0]]"
, "/response/result/doc[5][str[@name='id'][.='z2'] and float[@name='score'][.=44.0]]"
,"*[count("+EX+")=2]" // groups w/o any other docs don't expand
,EX+"[@name='-1']/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p1s4'] and float[@name='score'][.=48.0]]"
,EX+"[@name='0']/doc[1][str[@name='id'][.='p2s2'] and float[@name='score'][.=52.0]]"
// no "expand" docs for group '1' because no other docs match query
// no "expand" docs for nulls unless/until SOLR-14330 is implemented
* returns a (new) list of the block based documents used in our test methods
protected static final List<SolrInputDocument> makeBlockDocs() {
// NOTE: block_i and block_s1 will contain identical content so these need to be "numbers"...
// The specific numbers shouldn't matter (and we explicitly test '0' to confirm legacy bug/behavior
// of treating 0 as null is no longer a problem) ...
final String A = "-1";
final String B = "0";
final String C = "1";
return sdocs(dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1",
"block_i", A,
"skus", sdocs(dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1s1", "block_i", A, "txt_t", "a b c d e ", "num_i", 42)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1s2", "block_i", A, "txt_t", "a XX c d e ", "num_i", 10)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1s3", "block_i", A, "txt_t", "XX b XX XX e ", "num_i", 777)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p1s4", "block_i", A, "txt_t", "a XX c d XX", "num_i", 6))
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p2",
"block_i", B,
"skus", sdocs(dupFields(sdoc("id", "p2s1", "block_i", B, "txt_t", "a XX c d e ", "num_i", 55)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p2s2", "block_i", B, "txt_t", "a b c d e ", "num_i", 10)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p2s3", "block_i", B, "txt_t", "XX b c XX e ", "num_i", 99)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p2s4", "block_i", B, "txt_t", "a XX XX d XX", "num_i", 13))
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p3",
"block_i", C,
"skus", sdocs(dupFields(sdoc("id", "p3s1", "block_i", C, "txt_t", "a XX XX XX e ", "num_i", 15)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p3s2", "block_i", C, "txt_t", "a b c d e ", "num_i", 100)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p3s3", "block_i", C, "txt_t", "XX b c d e ", "num_i", 1234)),
dupFields(sdoc("id", "p3s4", "block_i", C, "txt_t", "a b XX d XX", "num_i", 4))
protected final static List<String> SELECTOR_FIELD_SUFFIXES = Arrays.asList("_i", "_l", "_f");
protected static SolrInputDocument dupFields(final SolrInputDocument doc) {
if (doc.getFieldNames().contains("block_i")) {
doc.setField("block_s1", doc.getFieldValue("block_i"));
// as num_i value increases, the asc_* fields increase
// as num_i value increases, the desc_* fields decrease
if (doc.getFieldNames().contains("num_i")) {
final int val = ((Integer)doc.getFieldValue("num_i")).intValue();
for (String suffix : SELECTOR_FIELD_SUFFIXES) {
doc.setField("asc" + suffix, val);
doc.setField("desc" + suffix, 0 - val);
return doc;