blob: 55e69fae0f76100fe0e54fe3d1b79b4ee2c0bb75 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Hash;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.StrUtils;
public class TestHashPartitioner extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
public void testMapHashes() throws Exception {
DocRouter hp = DocRouter.DEFAULT;
List<Range> ranges;
// make sure the partitioner uses the "natural" boundaries and doesn't suffer from an off-by-one
ranges = hp.partitionRange(2, hp.fullRange());
assertEquals(Integer.MIN_VALUE, ranges.get(0).min);
assertEquals(0x80000000, ranges.get(0).min);
assertEquals(0xffffffff, ranges.get(0).max);
assertEquals(0x00000000, ranges.get(1).min);
assertEquals(0x7fffffff, ranges.get(1).max);
ranges = hp.partitionRange(2, new DocRouter.Range(0, 0x7fffffff));
assertEquals(0x00000000, ranges.get(0).min);
assertEquals(0x3fffffff, ranges.get(0).max);
assertEquals(0x40000000, ranges.get(1).min);
assertEquals(0x7fffffff, ranges.get(1).max);
int defaultLowerBits = 0x0000ffff;
for (int i = 1; i <= 30000; i++) {
// start skipping at higher numbers
if (i > 100) i+=13;
else if (i > 1000) i+=31;
else if (i > 5000) i+=101;
long rangeSize = 0x0000000100000000L / i;
ranges = hp.partitionRange(i, hp.fullRange());
assertEquals(i, ranges.size());
assertTrue("First range does not start before " + Integer.MIN_VALUE
+ " it is:" + ranges.get(0).min,
ranges.get(0).min <= Integer.MIN_VALUE);
assertTrue("Last range does not end after " + Integer.MAX_VALUE
+ " it is:" + ranges.get(ranges.size() - 1).max,
ranges.get(ranges.size() - 1).max >= Integer.MAX_VALUE);
for (Range range : ranges) {
String s = range.toString();
Range newRange = hp.fromString(s);
assertEquals(range, newRange);
// ensure that ranges are contiguous and that size deviations are not too large.
int lastEnd = Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1;
for (Range range : ranges) {
int currStart = range.min;
int currEnd = range.max;
assertEquals(lastEnd+1, currStart);
if (ranges.size() < 4000) {
// ranges should be rounded to avoid crossing hash domains
assertEquals(defaultLowerBits, currEnd & defaultLowerBits);
// given our rounding condition that domains should be less than 1/16 of the step size,
// this means that any sizing deviations should also be less than 1/16th of the idealized range size.
// boolean round = rangeStep >= (1<<bits)*16;
long currRangeSize = (long)currEnd - (long)currStart;
long error = Math.abs(rangeSize - currRangeSize);
assertTrue( error < rangeSize/16);
// String s = range.toString();
// Range newRange = hp.fromString(s);
// assertEquals(range, newRange);
lastEnd = currEnd;
public int hash(String id) {
// our hashing is defined to be murmurhash3 on the UTF-8 bytes of the key.
return Hash.murmurhash3_x86_32(id, 0, id.length(), 0);
public void testHashCodes() throws Exception {
DocRouter router = DocRouter.getDocRouter(PlainIdRouter.NAME);
assertTrue(router instanceof PlainIdRouter);
DocCollection coll = createCollection(4, router);
public void doNormalIdHashing(DocCollection coll) throws Exception {
assertEquals(4, coll.getSlices().size());
doId(coll, "b", "shard1");
doId(coll, "c", "shard2");
doId(coll, "d", "shard3");
doId(coll, "e", "shard4");
public void doId(DocCollection coll, String id, String expectedShard) {
doIndex(coll, id, expectedShard);
doQuery(coll, id, expectedShard);
public void doIndex(DocCollection coll, String id, String expectedShard) {
DocRouter router = coll.getRouter();
Slice target = router.getTargetSlice(id, null, null, null, coll);
assertEquals(expectedShard, target.getName());
public void doQuery(DocCollection coll, String id, String expectedShards) {
DocRouter router = coll.getRouter();
Collection<Slice> slices = router.getSearchSlices(id, null, coll);
List<String> expectedShardStr = StrUtils.splitSmart(expectedShards, ",", true);
HashSet<String> expectedSet = new HashSet<>(expectedShardStr);
HashSet<String> obtainedSet = new HashSet<>();
for (Slice slice : slices) {
assertEquals(slices.size(), obtainedSet.size()); // make sure no repeated slices
assertEquals(expectedSet, obtainedSet);
public void testCompositeHashCodes() throws Exception {
DocRouter router = DocRouter.getDocRouter(CompositeIdRouter.NAME);
assertTrue(router instanceof CompositeIdRouter);
router = DocRouter.DEFAULT;
assertTrue(router instanceof CompositeIdRouter);
DocCollection coll = createCollection(4, router);
// ensure that the shard hashed to is only dependent on the first part of the compound key
doId(coll, "b!foo", "shard1");
doId(coll, "c!bar", "shard2");
doId(coll, "d!baz", "shard3");
doId(coll, "e!qux", "shard4");
// syntax to specify bits.
// Anything over 2 bits should give the same results as above (since only top 2 bits
// affect our 4 slice collection).
doId(coll, "b/2!foo", "shard1");
doId(coll, "c/2!bar", "shard2");
doId(coll, "d/2!baz", "shard3");
doId(coll, "e/2!qux", "shard4");
doId(coll, "b/32!foo", "shard1");
doId(coll, "c/32!bar", "shard2");
doId(coll, "d/32!baz", "shard3");
doId(coll, "e/32!qux", "shard4");
// no bits allocated to the first part (kind of odd why anyone would do that though)
doIndex(coll, "foo/0!b", "shard1");
doIndex(coll, "foo/0!c", "shard2");
doIndex(coll, "foo/0!d", "shard3");
doIndex(coll, "foo/0!e", "shard4");
// means cover whole range on the query side
doQuery(coll, "foo/0!", "shard1,shard2,shard3,shard4");
doQuery(coll, "b/1!", "shard1,shard2"); // top bit of hash(b)==1, so shard1 and shard2
doQuery(coll, "d/1!", "shard3,shard4"); // top bit of hash(b)==0, so shard3 and shard4
/** Make sure CompositeIdRouter doesn't throw exceptions for non-conforming IDs */
public void testNonConformingCompositeIds() throws Exception {
DocRouter router = DocRouter.getDocRouter(CompositeIdRouter.NAME);
DocCollection coll = createCollection(4, router);
String[] ids = { "A!B!C!D", "!!!!!!", "A!!!!B", "A!!B!!C", "A/59!B", "A/8/!B/19/",
"A!B/-5", "!/130!", "!!A/1000", "A//8!B///10!C////" };
for (int i = 0 ; i < ids.length ; ++i) {
try {
Slice targetSlice = coll.getRouter().getTargetSlice(ids[i], null, null, null, coll);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Exception routing id '" + ids[i] + "'", e);
/** Make sure CompositeIdRouter can route random IDs without throwing exceptions */
public void testRandomCompositeIds() throws Exception {
DocRouter router = DocRouter.getDocRouter(CompositeIdRouter.NAME);
DocCollection coll = createCollection(TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, 10), router);
StringBuilder idBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10000 ; ++i) {
int numParts = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, 30);
for (int part = 0; part < numParts; ++part) {
switch (random().nextInt(5)) {
case 0: idBuilder.append('!'); break;
case 1: idBuilder.append('/'); break;
case 2: idBuilder.append(TestUtil.nextInt(random(),-100, 1000)); break;
default: {
int length = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, 10);
char[] str = new char[length];
TestUtil.randomFixedLengthUnicodeString(random(), str, 0, length);
String id = idBuilder.toString();
try {
Slice targetSlice = router.getTargetSlice(id, null, null, null, coll);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Exception routing id '" + id + "'", e);
public void testPrintHashCodes() throws Exception {
// from negative to positive, the upper bits of the hash ranges should be
// shard1: 11
// shard2: 10
// shard3: 00
// shard4: 01
String[] highBitsToShard = {"shard3","shard4","shard1","shard2"};
for (int i = 0; i<26; i++) {
String id = new String(Character.toChars('a'+i));
int hash = hash(id);
System.out.println("hash of " + id + " is " + Integer.toHexString(hash) + " high bits=" + (hash>>>30)
+ " shard="+highBitsToShard[hash>>>30]);
DocCollection createCollection(int nSlices, DocRouter router) {
List<Range> ranges = router.partitionRange(nSlices, router.fullRange());
Map<String,Slice> slices = new HashMap<>();
for (int i=0; i<ranges.size(); i++) {
Range range = ranges.get(i);
Slice slice = new Slice("shard"+(i+1), null, map("range",range), "collections1");
slices.put(slice.getName(), slice);
DocCollection coll = new DocCollection("collection1", slices, null, router);
return coll;
// from negative to positive, the upper bits of the hash ranges should be
// shard1: top bits:10 80000000:bfffffff
// shard2: top bits:11 c0000000:ffffffff
// shard3: top bits:00 00000000:3fffffff
// shard4: top bits:01 40000000:7fffffff
hash of a is 3c2569b2 high bits=0 shard=shard3
hash of b is 95de7e03 high bits=2 shard=shard1
hash of c is e132d65f high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of d is 27191473 high bits=0 shard=shard3
hash of e is 656c4367 high bits=1 shard=shard4
hash of f is 2b64883b high bits=0 shard=shard3
hash of g is f18ae416 high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of h is d482b2d3 high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of i is 811a702b high bits=2 shard=shard1
hash of j is ca745a39 high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of k is cfbda5d1 high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of l is 1d5d6a2c high bits=0 shard=shard3
hash of m is 5ae4385c high bits=1 shard=shard4
hash of n is c651d8ac high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of o is 68348473 high bits=1 shard=shard4
hash of p is 986fdf9a high bits=2 shard=shard1
hash of q is ff8209e8 high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of r is 5c9373f1 high bits=1 shard=shard4
hash of s is ff4acaf1 high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of t is ca87df4d high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of u is 62203ae0 high bits=1 shard=shard4
hash of v is bdafcc55 high bits=2 shard=shard1
hash of w is ff439d1f high bits=3 shard=shard2
hash of x is 3e9a9b1b high bits=0 shard=shard3
hash of y is 477d9216 high bits=1 shard=shard4
hash of z is c1f69a17 high bits=3 shard=shard2