blob: db58d6bf235b55897989edc7d5eea40fcdf6903a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.spatial.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.lucene.util.SloppyMath;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.Math.PI;
import static org.apache.lucene.util.SloppyMath.asin;
import static org.apache.lucene.util.SloppyMath.cos;
import static org.apache.lucene.util.SloppyMath.TO_DEGREES;
import static org.apache.lucene.util.SloppyMath.TO_RADIANS;
import static org.apache.lucene.spatial.util.GeoEncodingUtils.TOLERANCE;
import static org.apache.lucene.spatial.util.GeoProjectionUtils.MAX_LAT_RADIANS;
import static org.apache.lucene.spatial.util.GeoProjectionUtils.MAX_LON_RADIANS;
import static org.apache.lucene.spatial.util.GeoProjectionUtils.MIN_LAT_RADIANS;
import static org.apache.lucene.spatial.util.GeoProjectionUtils.MIN_LON_RADIANS;
import static org.apache.lucene.spatial.util.GeoProjectionUtils.SEMIMAJOR_AXIS;
* Basic reusable geo-spatial utility methods
* @lucene.experimental
public final class GeoUtils {
/** Minimum longitude value. */
public static final double MIN_LON_INCL = -180.0D;
/** Maximum longitude value. */
public static final double MAX_LON_INCL = 180.0D;
/** Minimum latitude value. */
public static final double MIN_LAT_INCL = -90.0D;
/** Maximum latitude value. */
public static final double MAX_LAT_INCL = 90.0D;
// WGS84 earth-ellipsoid parameters
/** mean earth axis in meters */
// see
public static final double EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_METERS = 6_371_008.7714;
// No instance:
private GeoUtils() {
/** validates latitude value is within standard +/-90 coordinate bounds */
public static void checkLatitude(double latitude) {
if (Double.isNaN(latitude) || latitude < MIN_LAT_INCL || latitude > MAX_LAT_INCL) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid latitude " + latitude + "; must be between " + MIN_LAT_INCL + " and " + MAX_LAT_INCL);
/** validates longitude value is within standard +/-180 coordinate bounds */
public static void checkLongitude(double longitude) {
if (Double.isNaN(longitude) || longitude < MIN_LON_INCL || longitude > MAX_LON_INCL) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid longitude " + longitude + "; must be between " + MIN_LON_INCL + " and " + MAX_LON_INCL);
/** Compute Bounding Box for a circle using WGS-84 parameters */
public static GeoRect circleToBBox(final double centerLat, final double centerLon, final double radiusMeters) {
final double radLat = TO_RADIANS * centerLat;
final double radLon = TO_RADIANS * centerLon;
double radDistance = radiusMeters / EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_METERS;
double minLat = radLat - radDistance;
double maxLat = radLat + radDistance;
double minLon;
double maxLon;
if (minLat > MIN_LAT_RADIANS && maxLat < MAX_LAT_RADIANS) {
double deltaLon = asin(sloppySin(radDistance) / cos(radLat));
minLon = radLon - deltaLon;
if (minLon < MIN_LON_RADIANS) {
minLon += 2d * PI;
maxLon = radLon + deltaLon;
if (maxLon > MAX_LON_RADIANS) {
maxLon -= 2d * PI;
} else {
// a pole is within the distance
minLat = max(minLat, MIN_LAT_RADIANS);
maxLat = min(maxLat, MAX_LAT_RADIANS);
return new GeoRect(TO_DEGREES * minLat, TO_DEGREES * maxLat, TO_DEGREES * minLon, TO_DEGREES * maxLon);
/** Compute Bounding Box for a polygon using WGS-84 parameters */
public static GeoRect polyToBBox(double[] polyLats, double[] polyLons) {
if (polyLats.length != polyLons.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("polyLats and polyLons must be equal length");
double minLon = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double maxLon = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
double minLat = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double maxLat = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i=0;i<polyLats.length;i++) {
minLat = min(polyLats[i], minLat);
maxLat = max(polyLats[i], maxLat);
minLon = min(polyLons[i], minLon);
maxLon = max(polyLons[i], maxLon);
// expand bounding box by TOLERANCE factor to handle round-off error
return new GeoRect(max(minLat - TOLERANCE, MIN_LAT_INCL), min(maxLat + TOLERANCE, MAX_LAT_INCL),
// some sloppyish stuff, do we really need this to be done in a sloppy way?
// unless it is performance sensitive, we should try to remove.
static final double PIO2 = Math.PI / 2D;
* Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle converted as a cos operation.
* <p>
* Note that this is not quite right... e.g. sin(0) != 0
* <p>
* Special cases:
* <ul>
* <li>If the argument is {@code NaN} or an infinity, then the result is {@code NaN}.
* </ul>
* @param a an angle, in radians.
* @return the sine of the argument.
* @see Math#sin(double)
// TODO: deprecate/remove this? at least its no longer public.
static double sloppySin(double a) {
return cos(a - PIO2);
* Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle converted in terms of a sin/cos operation.
* <p>
* Note that this is probably not quite right (untested)
* <p>
* Special cases:
* <ul>
* <li>If the argument is {@code NaN} or an infinity, then the result is {@code NaN}.
* </ul>
* @param a an angle, in radians.
* @return the tangent of the argument.
* @see Math#sin(double) aand Math#cos(double)
// TODO: deprecate/remove this? at least its no longer public.
static double sloppyTan(double a) {
return sloppySin(a) / cos(a);