blob: 7fcb10806636149e2332de82035651548f2a7d42 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.lucene.index;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Sorter.DocMap;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TimSorter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.CompiledAutomaton;
* An {@link org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader} which supports sorting documents by a given
* {@link Sort}. You can use this class to sort an index as follows:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* IndexWriter writer; // writer to which the sorted index will be added
* DirectoryReader reader; // reader on the input index
* Sort sort; // determines how the documents are sorted
* LeafReader sortingReader = SortingLeafReader.wrap(SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.wrap(reader), sort);
* writer.addIndexes(reader);
* writer.close();
* reader.close();
* </pre>
* @lucene.experimental
public class SortingLeafReader extends FilterLeafReader {
private static class SortingFields extends FilterFields {
private final Sorter.DocMap docMap;
private final FieldInfos infos;
public SortingFields(final Fields in, FieldInfos infos, Sorter.DocMap docMap) {
this.docMap = docMap;
this.infos = infos;
public Terms terms(final String field) throws IOException {
Terms terms = in.terms(field);
if (terms == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new SortingTerms(terms, infos.fieldInfo(field).getIndexOptions(), docMap);
private static class SortingTerms extends FilterTerms {
private final Sorter.DocMap docMap;
private final IndexOptions indexOptions;
public SortingTerms(final Terms in, IndexOptions indexOptions, final Sorter.DocMap docMap) {
this.docMap = docMap;
this.indexOptions = indexOptions;
public TermsEnum iterator() throws IOException {
return new SortingTermsEnum(in.iterator(), docMap, indexOptions, hasPositions());
public TermsEnum intersect(CompiledAutomaton compiled, BytesRef startTerm)
throws IOException {
return new SortingTermsEnum(in.intersect(compiled, startTerm), docMap, indexOptions, hasPositions());
private static class SortingTermsEnum extends FilterTermsEnum {
final Sorter.DocMap docMap; // pkg-protected to avoid synthetic accessor methods
private final IndexOptions indexOptions;
private final boolean hasPositions;
public SortingTermsEnum(final TermsEnum in, Sorter.DocMap docMap, IndexOptions indexOptions, boolean hasPositions) {
this.docMap = docMap;
this.indexOptions = indexOptions;
this.hasPositions = hasPositions;
Bits newToOld(final Bits liveDocs) {
if (liveDocs == null) {
return null;
return new Bits() {
public boolean get(int index) {
return liveDocs.get(docMap.oldToNew(index));
public int length() {
return liveDocs.length();
public PostingsEnum postings( PostingsEnum reuse, final int flags) throws IOException {
if (hasPositions && PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.POSITIONS)) {
final PostingsEnum inReuse;
final SortingPostingsEnum wrapReuse;
if (reuse != null && reuse instanceof SortingPostingsEnum) {
// if we're asked to reuse the given DocsEnum and it is Sorting, return
// the wrapped one, since some Codecs expect it.
wrapReuse = (SortingPostingsEnum) reuse;
inReuse = wrapReuse.getWrapped();
} else {
wrapReuse = null;
inReuse = reuse;
final PostingsEnum inDocsAndPositions = in.postings(inReuse, flags);
// we ignore the fact that offsets may be stored but not asked for,
// since this code is expected to be used during addIndexes which will
// ask for everything. if that assumption changes in the future, we can
// factor in whether 'flags' says offsets are not required.
final boolean storeOffsets = indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0;
return new SortingPostingsEnum(docMap.size(), wrapReuse, inDocsAndPositions, docMap, storeOffsets);
final PostingsEnum inReuse;
final SortingDocsEnum wrapReuse;
if (reuse != null && reuse instanceof SortingDocsEnum) {
// if we're asked to reuse the given DocsEnum and it is Sorting, return
// the wrapped one, since some Codecs expect it.
wrapReuse = (SortingDocsEnum) reuse;
inReuse = wrapReuse.getWrapped();
} else {
wrapReuse = null;
inReuse = reuse;
final PostingsEnum inDocs = in.postings(inReuse, flags);
final boolean withFreqs = indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >=0 && PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.FREQS);
return new SortingDocsEnum(docMap.size(), wrapReuse, inDocs, withFreqs, docMap);
private static class SortingBinaryDocValues extends BinaryDocValues {
private final BinaryDocValues in;
private final Sorter.DocMap docMap;
SortingBinaryDocValues(BinaryDocValues in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { = in;
this.docMap = docMap;
public BytesRef get(int docID) {
return in.get(docMap.newToOld(docID));
private static class SortingNumericDocValues extends NumericDocValues {
private final NumericDocValues in;
private final Sorter.DocMap docMap;
public SortingNumericDocValues(final NumericDocValues in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { = in;
this.docMap = docMap;
public long get(int docID) {
return in.get(docMap.newToOld(docID));
private static class SortingSortedNumericDocValues extends SortedNumericDocValues {
private final SortedNumericDocValues in;
private final Sorter.DocMap docMap;
SortingSortedNumericDocValues(SortedNumericDocValues in, DocMap docMap) { = in;
this.docMap = docMap;
public int count() {
return in.count();
public void setDocument(int doc) {
public long valueAt(int index) {
return in.valueAt(index);
private static class SortingBits implements Bits {
private final Bits in;
private final Sorter.DocMap docMap;
public SortingBits(final Bits in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { = in;
this.docMap = docMap;
public boolean get(int index) {
return in.get(docMap.newToOld(index));
public int length() {
return in.length();
private static class SortingDimensionalValues extends DimensionalValues {
private final DimensionalValues in;
private final Sorter.DocMap docMap;
public SortingDimensionalValues(final DimensionalValues in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { = in;
this.docMap = docMap;
public void intersect(String field, IntersectVisitor visitor) throws IOException {
new IntersectVisitor() {
public void visit(int docID) throws IOException {
public void visit(int docID, byte[] packedValue) throws IOException {
visitor.visit(docMap.newToOld(docID), packedValue);
public Relation compare(byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue) {
return, maxPackedValue);
private static class SortingSortedDocValues extends SortedDocValues {
private final SortedDocValues in;
private final Sorter.DocMap docMap;
SortingSortedDocValues(SortedDocValues in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { = in;
this.docMap = docMap;
public int getOrd(int docID) {
return in.getOrd(docMap.newToOld(docID));
public BytesRef lookupOrd(int ord) {
return in.lookupOrd(ord);
public int getValueCount() {
return in.getValueCount();
public BytesRef get(int docID) {
return in.get(docMap.newToOld(docID));
public int lookupTerm(BytesRef key) {
return in.lookupTerm(key);
private static class SortingSortedSetDocValues extends SortedSetDocValues {
private final SortedSetDocValues in;
private final Sorter.DocMap docMap;
SortingSortedSetDocValues(SortedSetDocValues in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { = in;
this.docMap = docMap;
public long nextOrd() {
return in.nextOrd();
public void setDocument(int docID) {
public BytesRef lookupOrd(long ord) {
return in.lookupOrd(ord);
public long getValueCount() {
return in.getValueCount();
public long lookupTerm(BytesRef key) {
return in.lookupTerm(key);
static class SortingDocsEnum extends FilterPostingsEnum {
private static final class DocFreqSorter extends TimSorter {
private int[] docs;
private int[] freqs;
private final int[] tmpDocs;
private int[] tmpFreqs;
public DocFreqSorter(int maxDoc) {
super(maxDoc / 64);
this.tmpDocs = new int[maxDoc / 64];
public void reset(int[] docs, int[] freqs) { = docs;
this.freqs = freqs;
if (freqs != null && tmpFreqs == null) {
tmpFreqs = new int[tmpDocs.length];
protected int compare(int i, int j) {
return docs[i] - docs[j];
protected void swap(int i, int j) {
int tmpDoc = docs[i];
docs[i] = docs[j];
docs[j] = tmpDoc;
if (freqs != null) {
int tmpFreq = freqs[i];
freqs[i] = freqs[j];
freqs[j] = tmpFreq;
protected void copy(int src, int dest) {
docs[dest] = docs[src];
if (freqs != null) {
freqs[dest] = freqs[src];
protected void save(int i, int len) {
System.arraycopy(docs, i, tmpDocs, 0, len);
if (freqs != null) {
System.arraycopy(freqs, i, tmpFreqs, 0, len);
protected void restore(int i, int j) {
docs[j] = tmpDocs[i];
if (freqs != null) {
freqs[j] = tmpFreqs[i];
protected int compareSaved(int i, int j) {
return tmpDocs[i] - docs[j];
private final int maxDoc;
private final DocFreqSorter sorter;
private int[] docs;
private int[] freqs;
private int docIt = -1;
private final int upto;
private final boolean withFreqs;
SortingDocsEnum(int maxDoc, SortingDocsEnum reuse, final PostingsEnum in, boolean withFreqs, final Sorter.DocMap docMap) throws IOException {
this.maxDoc = maxDoc;
this.withFreqs = withFreqs;
if (reuse != null) {
if (reuse.maxDoc == maxDoc) {
sorter = reuse.sorter;
} else {
sorter = new DocFreqSorter(maxDoc);
docs =;
freqs = reuse.freqs; // maybe null
} else {
docs = new int[64];
sorter = new DocFreqSorter(maxDoc);
docIt = -1;
int i = 0;
int doc;
if (withFreqs) {
if (freqs == null || freqs.length < docs.length) {
freqs = new int[docs.length];
while ((doc = in.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS){
if (i >= docs.length) {
docs = ArrayUtil.grow(docs, docs.length + 1);
freqs = ArrayUtil.grow(freqs, freqs.length + 1);
docs[i] = docMap.oldToNew(doc);
freqs[i] = in.freq();
} else {
freqs = null;
while ((doc = in.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS){
if (i >= docs.length) {
docs = ArrayUtil.grow(docs, docs.length + 1);
docs[i++] = docMap.oldToNew(doc);
// TimSort can save much time compared to other sorts in case of
// reverse sorting, or when sorting a concatenation of sorted readers
sorter.reset(docs, freqs);
sorter.sort(0, i);
upto = i;
// for testing
boolean reused(PostingsEnum other) {
if (other == null || !(other instanceof SortingDocsEnum)) {
return false;
return docs == ((SortingDocsEnum) other).docs;
public int advance(final int target) throws IOException {
// need to support it for checkIndex, but in practice it won't be called, so
// don't bother to implement efficiently for now.
return slowAdvance(target);
public int docID() {
return docIt < 0 ? -1 : docIt >= upto ? NO_MORE_DOCS : docs[docIt];
public int freq() throws IOException {
return withFreqs && docIt < upto ? freqs[docIt] : 1;
public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
if (++docIt >= upto) return NO_MORE_DOCS;
return docs[docIt];
/** Returns the wrapped {@link PostingsEnum}. */
PostingsEnum getWrapped() {
return in;
// we buffer up docs/freqs only, don't forward any positions requests to underlying enum
public int nextPosition() throws IOException {
return -1;
public int startOffset() throws IOException {
return -1;
public int endOffset() throws IOException {
return -1;
public BytesRef getPayload() throws IOException {
return null;
static class SortingPostingsEnum extends FilterPostingsEnum {
* A {@link TimSorter} which sorts two parallel arrays of doc IDs and
* offsets in one go. Everytime a doc ID is 'swapped', its corresponding offset
* is swapped too.
private static final class DocOffsetSorter extends TimSorter {
private int[] docs;
private long[] offsets;
private final int[] tmpDocs;
private final long[] tmpOffsets;
public DocOffsetSorter(int maxDoc) {
super(maxDoc / 64);
this.tmpDocs = new int[maxDoc / 64];
this.tmpOffsets = new long[maxDoc / 64];
public void reset(int[] docs, long[] offsets) { = docs;
this.offsets = offsets;
protected int compare(int i, int j) {
return docs[i] - docs[j];
protected void swap(int i, int j) {
int tmpDoc = docs[i];
docs[i] = docs[j];
docs[j] = tmpDoc;
long tmpOffset = offsets[i];
offsets[i] = offsets[j];
offsets[j] = tmpOffset;
protected void copy(int src, int dest) {
docs[dest] = docs[src];
offsets[dest] = offsets[src];
protected void save(int i, int len) {
System.arraycopy(docs, i, tmpDocs, 0, len);
System.arraycopy(offsets, i, tmpOffsets, 0, len);
protected void restore(int i, int j) {
docs[j] = tmpDocs[i];
offsets[j] = tmpOffsets[i];
protected int compareSaved(int i, int j) {
return tmpDocs[i] - docs[j];
private final int maxDoc;
private final DocOffsetSorter sorter;
private int[] docs;
private long[] offsets;
private final int upto;
private final IndexInput postingInput;
private final boolean storeOffsets;
private int docIt = -1;
private int pos;
private int startOffset = -1;
private int endOffset = -1;
private final BytesRef payload;
private int currFreq;
private final RAMFile file;
SortingPostingsEnum(int maxDoc, SortingPostingsEnum reuse, final PostingsEnum in, Sorter.DocMap docMap, boolean storeOffsets) throws IOException {
this.maxDoc = maxDoc;
this.storeOffsets = storeOffsets;
if (reuse != null) {
docs =;
offsets = reuse.offsets;
payload = reuse.payload;
file = reuse.file;
if (reuse.maxDoc == maxDoc) {
sorter = reuse.sorter;
} else {
sorter = new DocOffsetSorter(maxDoc);
} else {
docs = new int[32];
offsets = new long[32];
payload = new BytesRef(32);
file = new RAMFile();
sorter = new DocOffsetSorter(maxDoc);
final IndexOutput out = new RAMOutputStream(file, false);
int doc;
int i = 0;
while ((doc = in.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
if (i == docs.length) {
final int newLength = ArrayUtil.oversize(i + 1, 4);
docs = Arrays.copyOf(docs, newLength);
offsets = Arrays.copyOf(offsets, newLength);
docs[i] = docMap.oldToNew(doc);
offsets[i] = out.getFilePointer();
addPositions(in, out);
upto = i;
sorter.reset(docs, offsets);
sorter.sort(0, upto);
this.postingInput = new RAMInputStream("", file);
// for testing
boolean reused(PostingsEnum other) {
if (other == null || !(other instanceof SortingPostingsEnum)) {
return false;
return docs == ((SortingPostingsEnum) other).docs;
private void addPositions(final PostingsEnum in, final IndexOutput out) throws IOException {
int freq = in.freq();
int previousPosition = 0;
int previousEndOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < freq; i++) {
final int pos = in.nextPosition();
final BytesRef payload = in.getPayload();
// The low-order bit of token is set only if there is a payload, the
// previous bits are the delta-encoded position.
final int token = (pos - previousPosition) << 1 | (payload == null ? 0 : 1);
previousPosition = pos;
if (storeOffsets) { // don't encode offsets if they are not stored
final int startOffset = in.startOffset();
final int endOffset = in.endOffset();
out.writeVInt(startOffset - previousEndOffset);
out.writeVInt(endOffset - startOffset);
previousEndOffset = endOffset;
if (payload != null) {
out.writeBytes(payload.bytes, payload.offset, payload.length);
public int advance(final int target) throws IOException {
// need to support it for checkIndex, but in practice it won't be called, so
// don't bother to implement efficiently for now.
return slowAdvance(target);
public int docID() {
return docIt < 0 ? -1 : docIt >= upto ? NO_MORE_DOCS : docs[docIt];
public int endOffset() throws IOException {
return endOffset;
public int freq() throws IOException {
return currFreq;
public BytesRef getPayload() throws IOException {
return payload.length == 0 ? null : payload;
public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
if (++docIt >= upto) return DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;[docIt]);
currFreq = postingInput.readVInt();
// reset variables used in nextPosition
pos = 0;
endOffset = 0;
return docs[docIt];
public int nextPosition() throws IOException {
final int token = postingInput.readVInt();
pos += token >>> 1;
if (storeOffsets) {
startOffset = endOffset + postingInput.readVInt();
endOffset = startOffset + postingInput.readVInt();
if ((token & 1) != 0) {
payload.offset = 0;
payload.length = postingInput.readVInt();
if (payload.length > payload.bytes.length) {
payload.bytes = new byte[ArrayUtil.oversize(payload.length, 1)];
postingInput.readBytes(payload.bytes, 0, payload.length);
} else {
payload.length = 0;
return pos;
public int startOffset() throws IOException {
return startOffset;
/** Returns the wrapped {@link PostingsEnum}. */
PostingsEnum getWrapped() {
return in;
/** Return a sorted view of <code>reader</code> according to the order
* defined by <code>sort</code>. If the reader is already sorted, this
* method might return the reader as-is. */
public static LeafReader wrap(LeafReader reader, Sort sort) throws IOException {
return wrap(reader, new Sorter(sort).sort(reader));
/** Expert: same as {@link #wrap(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader, Sort)} but operates directly on a {@link Sorter.DocMap}. */
static LeafReader wrap(LeafReader reader, Sorter.DocMap docMap) {
if (docMap == null) {
// the reader is already sorted
return reader;
if (reader.maxDoc() != docMap.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("reader.maxDoc() should be equal to docMap.size(), got" + reader.maxDoc() + " != " + docMap.size());
assert Sorter.isConsistent(docMap);
return new SortingLeafReader(reader, docMap);
final Sorter.DocMap docMap; // pkg-protected to avoid synthetic accessor methods
private SortingLeafReader(final LeafReader in, final Sorter.DocMap docMap) {
this.docMap = docMap;
public void document(final int docID, final StoredFieldVisitor visitor) throws IOException {
in.document(docMap.newToOld(docID), visitor);
public Fields fields() throws IOException {
return new SortingFields(in.fields(), in.getFieldInfos(), docMap);
public BinaryDocValues getBinaryDocValues(String field) throws IOException {
BinaryDocValues oldDocValues = in.getBinaryDocValues(field);
if (oldDocValues == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new SortingBinaryDocValues(oldDocValues, docMap);
public Bits getLiveDocs() {
final Bits inLiveDocs = in.getLiveDocs();
if (inLiveDocs == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new SortingBits(inLiveDocs, docMap);
public DimensionalValues getDimensionalValues() {
final DimensionalValues inDimensionalValues = in.getDimensionalValues();
if (inDimensionalValues == null) {
return null;
} else {
// TODO: this is untested!
return new SortingDimensionalValues(inDimensionalValues, docMap);
public NumericDocValues getNormValues(String field) throws IOException {
final NumericDocValues norm = in.getNormValues(field);
if (norm == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new SortingNumericDocValues(norm, docMap);
public NumericDocValues getNumericDocValues(String field) throws IOException {
final NumericDocValues oldDocValues = in.getNumericDocValues(field);
if (oldDocValues == null) return null;
return new SortingNumericDocValues(oldDocValues, docMap);
public SortedNumericDocValues getSortedNumericDocValues(String field)
throws IOException {
final SortedNumericDocValues oldDocValues = in.getSortedNumericDocValues(field);
if (oldDocValues == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new SortingSortedNumericDocValues(oldDocValues, docMap);
public SortedDocValues getSortedDocValues(String field) throws IOException {
SortedDocValues sortedDV = in.getSortedDocValues(field);
if (sortedDV == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new SortingSortedDocValues(sortedDV, docMap);
public SortedSetDocValues getSortedSetDocValues(String field) throws IOException {
SortedSetDocValues sortedSetDV = in.getSortedSetDocValues(field);
if (sortedSetDV == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new SortingSortedSetDocValues(sortedSetDV, docMap);
public Bits getDocsWithField(String field) throws IOException {
Bits bits = in.getDocsWithField(field);
if (bits == null || bits instanceof Bits.MatchAllBits || bits instanceof Bits.MatchNoBits) {
return bits;
} else {
return new SortingBits(bits, docMap);
public Fields getTermVectors(final int docID) throws IOException {
return in.getTermVectors(docMap.newToOld(docID));
public String toString() {
return "SortingLeafReader(" + in + ")";