blob: d50fa9af79b4d7888be59197309c7b4ec89ab526 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.viterbi;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.Segmenter.Mode;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.dict.CharacterDefinition;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.dict.ConnectionCosts;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.dict.TokenInfoDictionary;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.dict.TokenInfoFST;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.dict.UnknownDictionary;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.dict.UserDictionary;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.kuromoji.viterbi.ViterbiNode.Type;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IntsRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST;
public class Viterbi {
private final TokenInfoFST fst;
private final TokenInfoDictionary dictionary;
private final UnknownDictionary unkDictionary;
private final ConnectionCosts costs;
private final UserDictionary userDictionary;
private final CharacterDefinition characterDefinition;
private final boolean useUserDictionary;
private final boolean searchMode;
private final boolean extendedMode;
private static final int DEFAULT_COST = 10000000;
private static final int SEARCH_MODE_KANJI_LENGTH = 2;
private static final int SEARCH_MODE_OTHER_LENGTH = 7; // Must be >= SEARCH_MODE_KANJI_LENGTH
private static final int SEARCH_MODE_KANJI_PENALTY = 3000;
private static final int SEARCH_MODE_OTHER_PENALTY = 1700;
private static final char[] BOS = "BOS".toCharArray();
private static final char[] EOS = "EOS".toCharArray();
* Constructor
public Viterbi(TokenInfoDictionary dictionary,
UnknownDictionary unkDictionary,
ConnectionCosts costs,
UserDictionary userDictionary,
Mode mode) {
this.dictionary = dictionary;
this.fst = dictionary.getFST();
this.unkDictionary = unkDictionary;
this.costs = costs;
this.userDictionary = userDictionary;
if(userDictionary == null) {
this.useUserDictionary = false;
} else {
this.useUserDictionary = true;
case SEARCH:
searchMode = true;
extendedMode = false;
searchMode = true;
extendedMode = true;
searchMode = false;
extendedMode = false;
this.characterDefinition = unkDictionary.getCharacterDefinition();
* Find best path from input lattice.
* @param lattice the result of build method
* @return List of ViterbiNode which consist best path
public List<ViterbiNode> search(ViterbiNode[][][] lattice) {
ViterbiNode[][] startIndexArr = lattice[0];
ViterbiNode[][] endIndexArr = lattice[1];
for (int i = 1; i < startIndexArr.length; i++){
if (startIndexArr[i] == null || endIndexArr[i] == null){ // continue since no array which contains ViterbiNodes exists. Or no previous node exists.
//System.out.println("\npos=" + (i-1));
// For each arc leaving...
for (ViterbiNode node : startIndexArr[i]) {
if (node == null){ // If array doesn't contain ViterbiNode any more, continue to next index
//System.out.println(" leaving node.wordID=" + node.getWordId() + " leftID=" + node.getLeftId() + " toPos=" + (node.getOffset()+node.getLength()));
int backwardConnectionId = node.getLeftId();
int wordCost = node.getWordCost();
int leastPathCost = DEFAULT_COST;
// For each arc arriving...
for (ViterbiNode leftNode : endIndexArr[i]) {
if (leftNode == null){ // If array doesn't contain ViterbiNode any more, continue to next index
//System.out.println(" arriving node.wordID=" + leftNode.getWordId() + " rightID=" + leftNode.getRightId());
int pathCost = leftNode.getPathCost() + costs.get(leftNode.getRightId(), backwardConnectionId) + wordCost; // cost = [total cost from BOS to previous node] + [connection cost between previous node and current node] + [word cost]
//System.out.println(" pathCost=" + pathCost);
// "Search mode". Add extra costs if it is long node.
if (searchMode) {
// System.out.print(""); // If this line exists, kuromoji runs faster for some reason when searchMode == false.
char[] surfaceForm = node.getSurfaceForm();
int offset = node.getOffset();
int length = node.getLength();
boolean allKanji = true;
// check if node consists of only kanji
for (int pos = 0; pos < length; pos++) {
if (!characterDefinition.isKanji(surfaceForm[offset+pos])){
allKanji = false;
if (allKanji) { // Process only Kanji keywords
//System.out.println(" + kanji penalty=" + (length - SEARCH_MODE_KANJI_LENGTH) * SEARCH_MODE_KANJI_PENALTY + " cost=" + pathCost);
//System.out.println(" after penalty pathCost=" + pathCost);
} else if (length > SEARCH_MODE_OTHER_LENGTH) {
//System.out.println(" + non-kanji penalty=" + (length - SEARCH_MODE_OTHER_LENGTH) * SEARCH_MODE_OTHER_PENALTY + " cost=" + pathCost);
//System.out.println(" after penalty pathCost=" + pathCost);
if (pathCost < leastPathCost){ // If total cost is lower than before, set current previous node as best left node (previous means left).
//System.out.println(" **");
leastPathCost = pathCost;
// track best path
ViterbiNode node = endIndexArr[0][0]; // EOS
LinkedList<ViterbiNode> result = new LinkedList<ViterbiNode>();
while (true) {
ViterbiNode leftNode = node.getLeftNode();
if (leftNode == null) {
// EXTENDED mode convert unknown word into unigram node
if (extendedMode && leftNode.getType() == Type.UNKNOWN) {
byte unigramWordId = CharacterDefinition.NGRAM;
int unigramLeftId = unkDictionary.getLeftId(unigramWordId); // isn't required
int unigramRightId = unkDictionary.getLeftId(unigramWordId); // isn't required
int unigramWordCost = unkDictionary.getWordCost(unigramWordId); // isn't required
char[] surfaceForm = leftNode.getSurfaceForm();
int offset = leftNode.getOffset();
int length = leftNode.getLength();
for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int charLen = 1;
if (i > 0 && Character.isLowSurrogate(surfaceForm[offset+i])) {
charLen = 2;
ViterbiNode uniGramNode = new ViterbiNode(unigramWordId, surfaceForm, offset + i, charLen, unigramLeftId, unigramRightId, unigramWordCost, leftNode.getStartIndex() + i, Type.UNKNOWN);
} else {
node = leftNode;
return result;
* Build lattice from input text
* @param text
public ViterbiNode[][][] build(char text[], int offset, int length) throws IOException {
ViterbiNode[][] startIndexArr = new ViterbiNode[length + 2][]; // text length + BOS and EOS
ViterbiNode[][] endIndexArr = new ViterbiNode[length + 2][]; // text length + BOS and EOS
int[] startSizeArr = new int[length + 2]; // array to keep ViterbiNode count in startIndexArr
int[] endSizeArr = new int[length + 2]; // array to keep ViterbiNode count in endIndexArr
FST.Arc<Long> arc = new FST.Arc<Long>();
ViterbiNode bosNode = new ViterbiNode(-1, BOS, 0, BOS.length, 0, 0, 0, -1, Type.KNOWN);
addToArrays(bosNode, 0, 1, startIndexArr, endIndexArr, startSizeArr, endSizeArr);
final FST.BytesReader fstReader = fst.getBytesReader(0);
// Process user dictionary;
if (useUserDictionary) {
processUserDictionary(text, offset, length, startIndexArr, endIndexArr, startSizeArr, endSizeArr);
int unknownWordEndIndex = -1; // index of the last character of unknown word
final IntsRef wordIdRef = new IntsRef();
for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < length; startIndex++) {
// If no token ends where current token starts, skip this index
if (endSizeArr[startIndex + 1] == 0) {
int suffixStart = offset + startIndex;
int suffixLength = length - startIndex;
boolean found = false;
arc = fst.getFirstArc(arc);
int output = 0;
for (int endIndex = 1; endIndex < suffixLength + 1; endIndex++) {
int ch = text[suffixStart + endIndex - 1];
//System.out.println(" match " + (char) ch);
if (fst.findTargetArc(ch, arc, arc, endIndex == 1, fstReader) == null) {
break; // continue to next position
output += arc.output.intValue();
if (arc.isFinal()) {
final int finalOutput = output + arc.nextFinalOutput.intValue();
found = true; // Don't produce unknown word starting from this index
dictionary.lookupWordIds(finalOutput, wordIdRef);
for (int ofs = 0; ofs < wordIdRef.length; ofs++) {
final int wordId = wordIdRef.ints[wordIdRef.offset + ofs];
//System.out.println("output=" + finalOutput + " wid=" + wordId);
ViterbiNode node = new ViterbiNode(wordId, text, suffixStart, endIndex, dictionary.getLeftId(wordId), dictionary.getRightId(wordId), dictionary.getWordCost(wordId), startIndex, Type.KNOWN);
addToArrays(node, startIndex + 1, startIndex + 1 + endIndex, startIndexArr, endIndexArr, startSizeArr, endSizeArr);
// In the case of normal mode, it doesn't process unknown word greedily.
if(!searchMode && unknownWordEndIndex > startIndex){
// Process Unknown Word: hmm what is this isInvoke logic (same no matter what)
int unknownWordLength = 0;
char firstCharacter = text[suffixStart];
boolean isInvoke = characterDefinition.isInvoke(firstCharacter);
if (isInvoke){ // Process "invoke"
unknownWordLength = unkDictionary.lookup(text, suffixStart, suffixLength);
} else if (found == false){ // Process not "invoke"
unknownWordLength = unkDictionary.lookup(text, suffixStart, suffixLength);
if (unknownWordLength > 0) { // found unknown word
final int characterId = characterDefinition.getCharacterClass(firstCharacter);
unkDictionary.lookupWordIds(characterId, wordIdRef); // characters in input text are supposed to be the same
for (int ofs = 0; ofs < wordIdRef.length; ofs++) {
final int wordId = wordIdRef.ints[wordIdRef.offset + ofs];
ViterbiNode node = new ViterbiNode(wordId, text, suffixStart, unknownWordLength, unkDictionary.getLeftId(wordId), unkDictionary.getRightId(wordId), unkDictionary.getWordCost(wordId), startIndex, Type.UNKNOWN);
addToArrays(node, startIndex + 1, startIndex + 1 + unknownWordLength, startIndexArr, endIndexArr, startSizeArr, endSizeArr);
unknownWordEndIndex = startIndex + unknownWordLength;
ViterbiNode eosNode = new ViterbiNode(-1, EOS, 0, EOS.length, 0, 0, 0, length + 1, Type.KNOWN);
addToArrays(eosNode, length + 1, 0, startIndexArr, endIndexArr, startSizeArr, endSizeArr); //Add EOS node to endIndexArr at index 0
ViterbiNode[][][] result = new ViterbiNode[][][]{startIndexArr, endIndexArr};
return result;
* Find token(s) in input text and set found token(s) in arrays as normal tokens
* @param text
* @param startIndexArr
* @param endIndexArr
* @param startSizeArr
* @param endSizeArr
private void processUserDictionary(char text[], int offset, int len, ViterbiNode[][] startIndexArr, ViterbiNode[][] endIndexArr, int[] startSizeArr, int[] endSizeArr) throws IOException {
int[][] result = userDictionary.lookup(text, offset, len);
for(int[] segmentation : result) {
//System.out.println("SEG=" + Arrays.toString(segmentation));
int wordId = segmentation[0];
int index = segmentation[1];
int length = segmentation[2];
ViterbiNode node = new ViterbiNode(wordId, text, offset + index, length, userDictionary.getLeftId(wordId), userDictionary.getRightId(wordId), userDictionary.getWordCost(wordId), index, Type.USER);
addToArrays(node, index + 1, index + 1 + length, startIndexArr, endIndexArr, startSizeArr, endSizeArr);
* Add node to arrays and increment count in size array
* @param node
* @param startIndex
* @param endIndex
* @param startIndexArr
* @param endIndexArr
* @param startSizeArr
* @param endSizeArr
private void addToArrays(ViterbiNode node, int startIndex, int endIndex, ViterbiNode[][] startIndexArr, ViterbiNode[][] endIndexArr, int[] startSizeArr, int[] endSizeArr ) {
int startNodesCount = startSizeArr[startIndex];
int endNodesCount = endSizeArr[endIndex];
//System.out.println(" + " + startIndex + " to " + endIndex);
if (startNodesCount == 0) {
startIndexArr[startIndex] = new ViterbiNode[10];
if (endNodesCount == 0) {
endIndexArr[endIndex] = new ViterbiNode[10];
if (startIndexArr[startIndex].length <= startNodesCount){
startIndexArr[startIndex] = extendArray(startIndexArr[startIndex]);
if (endIndexArr[endIndex].length <= endNodesCount){
endIndexArr[endIndex] = extendArray(endIndexArr[endIndex]);
startIndexArr[startIndex][startNodesCount] = node;
endIndexArr[endIndex][endNodesCount] = node;
startSizeArr[startIndex] = startNodesCount + 1;
endSizeArr[endIndex] = endNodesCount + 1;
* Return twice as big array which contains value of input array
* @param array
* @return
private ViterbiNode[] extendArray(ViterbiNode[] array) {
//extend array
ViterbiNode[] newArray = new ViterbiNode[array.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, array.length);
return newArray;