SOLR-15193: Fix wording
diff --git a/solr/solr-ref-guide/src/graph.adoc b/solr/solr-ref-guide/src/graph.adoc
index bb3e3d4..73351f7 100644
--- a/solr/solr-ref-guide/src/graph.adoc
+++ b/solr/solr-ref-guide/src/graph.adoc
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@
 The `maxDocFreq` parameter can be used to limit the "walk" to only include baskets that appear in the index a certain
 number of times. Since each occurrence of a basket ID in the index is a product, limiting the document frequency of the
 basket ID will limit the size of basket. The `maxDocFreq` param is applied per shard. If there is a single
-shard or documents are co-located by basket ID then the `maxDocFreq` will be exact count.
-Otherwise it will return baskets with a max size of numshards*maxDocFreq.
+shard or documents are co-located by basket ID then the `maxDocFreq` will be an exact count.
+Otherwise it will return baskets with a max size of numShards*maxDocFreq.
 The example below shows the `maxDocFreq` parameter applied to the `nodes` expression.