blob: 8bdc8bcdb768bb64d301b36d1674c729ef408f9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.solr.update.processor;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CharsRefBuilder;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest.METHOD;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.GenericSolrRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.SimpleSolrResponse;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputField;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ShardParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.UpdateParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Hash;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.TimeSource;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
import org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer;
import org.apache.solr.handler.component.RealTimeGetComponent;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
import org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand;
import org.apache.solr.update.CommitUpdateCommand;
import org.apache.solr.update.DeleteUpdateCommand;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrCmdDistributor;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrCmdDistributor.Error;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrCmdDistributor.Node;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrCmdDistributor.ForwardNode;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrCmdDistributor.StdNode;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter;
import org.apache.solr.update.UpdateCommand;
import org.apache.solr.update.UpdateLog;
import org.apache.solr.update.UpdateShardHandler;
import org.apache.solr.update.VersionBucket;
import org.apache.solr.update.VersionInfo;
import org.apache.solr.util.TestInjection;
import org.apache.solr.util.TimeOut;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.DISTRIB;
import static org.apache.solr.update.processor.DistributingUpdateProcessorFactory.DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM;
// NOT mt-safe... create a new processor for each add thread
// TODO: we really should not wait for distrib after local? unless a certain replication factor is asked for
public class DistributedUpdateProcessor extends UpdateRequestProcessor {
final static String PARAM_WHITELIST_CTX_KEY = DistributedUpdateProcessor.class + "PARAM_WHITELIST_CTX_KEY";
public static final String DISTRIB_FROM_SHARD = "distrib.from.shard";
public static final String DISTRIB_FROM_COLLECTION = "distrib.from.collection";
public static final String DISTRIB_FROM_PARENT = "distrib.from.parent";
public static final String DISTRIB_FROM = "distrib.from";
public static final String DISTRIB_INPLACE_PREVVERSION = "distrib.inplace.prevversion";
private static final String TEST_DISTRIB_SKIP_SERVERS = "test.distrib.skip.servers";
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
* Request forwarded to a leader of a different shard will be retried up to this amount of times by default
static final int MAX_RETRIES_ON_FORWARD_DEAULT = 25;
* Requests from leader to it's followers will be retried this amount of times by default
* Values this processor supports for the <code>DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM</code>.
* This is an implementation detail exposed solely for tests.
* @see DistributingUpdateProcessorFactory#DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM
public static enum DistribPhase {
public static DistribPhase parseParam(final String param) {
if (param == null || param.trim().isEmpty()) {
return NONE;
try {
return valueOf(param);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new SolrException
(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Illegal value for " +
DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM + ": " + param, e);
public static final String COMMIT_END_POINT = "commit_end_point";
public static final String LOG_REPLAY = "log_replay";
// used to assert we don't call finish more than once, see finish()
private boolean finished = false;
private final SolrQueryRequest req;
private final SolrQueryResponse rsp;
private final UpdateRequestProcessor next;
private final AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger docMerger;
private final UpdateLog ulog;
private final VersionInfo vinfo;
private final boolean versionsStored;
private boolean returnVersions;
private NamedList<Object> addsResponse = null;
private NamedList<Object> deleteResponse = null;
private NamedList<Object> deleteByQueryResponse = null;
private CharsRefBuilder scratch;
private final SchemaField idField;
private SolrCmdDistributor cmdDistrib;
private final boolean zkEnabled;
private final CloudDescriptor cloudDesc;
private final String collection;
private final ZkController zkController;
// these are setup at the start of each request processing
// method in this update processor
private boolean isLeader = true;
private boolean forwardToLeader = false;
private boolean isSubShardLeader = false;
private List<Node> nodes;
private Set<String> skippedCoreNodeNames;
private boolean isIndexChanged = false;
* Number of times requests forwarded to some other shard's leader can be retried
private final int maxRetriesOnForward = MAX_RETRIES_ON_FORWARD_DEAULT;
* Number of times requests from leaders to followers can be retried
private final int maxRetriesToFollowers = MAX_RETRIES_TO_FOLLOWERS_DEFAULT;
private UpdateCommand updateCommand; // the current command this processor is working on.
//used for keeping track of replicas that have processed an add/update from the leader
private RollupRequestReplicationTracker rollupReplicationTracker = null;
private LeaderRequestReplicationTracker leaderReplicationTracker = null;
// should we clone the document before sending it to replicas?
// this is set to true in the constructor if the next processors in the chain
// are custom and may modify the SolrInputDocument racing with its serialization for replication
private final boolean cloneRequiredOnLeader;
private final Replica.Type replicaType;
public DistributedUpdateProcessor(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp, UpdateRequestProcessor next) {
this(req, rsp, new AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger(req), next);
/** Specification of AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger is currently experimental.
* @lucene.experimental
public DistributedUpdateProcessor(SolrQueryRequest req,
SolrQueryResponse rsp, AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger docMerger, UpdateRequestProcessor next) {
this.rsp = rsp; = next;
this.docMerger = docMerger;
this.idField = req.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField();
// version init
this.ulog = req.getCore().getUpdateHandler().getUpdateLog();
this.vinfo = ulog == null ? null : ulog.getVersionInfo();
versionsStored = this.vinfo != null && this.vinfo.getVersionField() != null;
returnVersions = req.getParams().getBool(UpdateParams.VERSIONS ,false);
// TODO: better way to get the response, or pass back info to it?
// SolrRequestInfo reqInfo = returnVersions ? SolrRequestInfo.getRequestInfo() : null;
this.req = req;
// this should always be used - see filterParams
CoreContainer cc = req.getCore().getCoreContainer();
this.zkEnabled = cc.isZooKeeperAware();
zkController = cc.getZkController();
if (zkEnabled) {
cmdDistrib = new SolrCmdDistributor(cc.getUpdateShardHandler());
//this.rsp = reqInfo != null ? reqInfo.getRsp() : null;
cloudDesc = req.getCore().getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor();
if (cloudDesc != null) {
collection = cloudDesc.getCollectionName();
replicaType = cloudDesc.getReplicaType();
} else {
collection = null;
replicaType = Replica.Type.NRT;
boolean shouldClone = false;
UpdateRequestProcessor nextInChain = next;
while (nextInChain != null) {
Class<? extends UpdateRequestProcessor> klass = nextInChain.getClass();
if (klass != LogUpdateProcessorFactory.LogUpdateProcessor.class
&& klass != RunUpdateProcessor.class
&& klass != TolerantUpdateProcessor.class) {
shouldClone = true;
nextInChain =;
cloneRequiredOnLeader = shouldClone;
private List<Node> setupRequest(String id, SolrInputDocument doc) {
return setupRequest(id, doc, null);
private List<Node> setupRequest(String id, SolrInputDocument doc, String route) {
// if we are in zk mode...
if (!zkEnabled) {
return null;
assert TestInjection.injectUpdateRandomPause();
if ((updateCommand.getFlags() & (UpdateCommand.REPLAY | UpdateCommand.PEER_SYNC)) != 0) {
isLeader = false; // we actually might be the leader, but we don't want leader-logic for these types of updates anyway.
forwardToLeader = false;
return null;
ClusterState cstate = zkController.getClusterState();
DocCollection coll = cstate.getCollection(collection);
Slice slice = coll.getRouter().getTargetSlice(id, doc, route, req.getParams(), coll);
if (slice == null) {
// No slice found. Most strict routers will have already thrown an exception, so a null return is
// a signal to use the slice of this core.
// TODO: what if this core is not in the targeted collection?
String shardId = cloudDesc.getShardId();
slice = coll.getSlice(shardId);
if (slice == null) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "No shard " + shardId + " in " + coll);
DistribPhase phase =
if (DistribPhase.FROMLEADER == phase && !couldIbeSubShardLeader(coll)) {
if (cloudDesc.isLeader()) {
// locally we think we are leader but the request says it came FROMLEADER
// that could indicate a problem, let the full logic below figure it out
} else {
assert TestInjection.injectFailReplicaRequests();
isLeader = false; // we actually might be the leader, but we don't want leader-logic for these types of updates anyway.
forwardToLeader = false;
return null;
String shardId = slice.getName();
try {
// Not equivalent to getLeaderProps, which retries to find a leader.
// Replica leader = slice.getLeader();
Replica leaderReplica = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeaderRetry(collection, shardId);
isLeader = leaderReplica.getName().equals(cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName());
if (!isLeader) {
isSubShardLeader = amISubShardLeader(coll, slice, id, doc);
if (isSubShardLeader) {
shardId = cloudDesc.getShardId();
leaderReplica = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeaderRetry(collection, shardId);
// if request is coming from another collection then we want it to be sent to all replicas
// even if its phase is FROMLEADER
String fromCollection = updateCommand.getReq().getParams().get(DISTRIB_FROM_COLLECTION);
if (DistribPhase.FROMLEADER == phase && !isSubShardLeader && fromCollection == null) {
// we are coming from the leader, just go local - add no urls
forwardToLeader = false;
return null;
} else if (isLeader || isSubShardLeader) {
// that means I want to forward onto my replicas...
// so get the replicas...
forwardToLeader = false;
ClusterState clusterState = zkController.getZkStateReader().getClusterState();
String leaderCoreNodeName = leaderReplica.getName();
List<Replica> replicas = clusterState.getCollection(collection)
.getReplicas(EnumSet.of(Replica.Type.NRT, Replica.Type.TLOG));
replicas.removeIf((replica) -> replica.getName().equals(leaderCoreNodeName));
if (replicas.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// check for test param that lets us miss replicas
String[] skipList = req.getParams().getParams(TEST_DISTRIB_SKIP_SERVERS);
Set<String> skipListSet = null;
if (skipList != null) {
skipListSet = new HashSet<>(skipList.length);
skipListSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(skipList));"test.distrib.skip.servers was found and contains:" + skipListSet);
List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(replicas.size());
skippedCoreNodeNames = new HashSet<>();
ZkShardTerms zkShardTerms = zkController.getShardTerms(collection, shardId);
for (Replica replica: replicas) {
String coreNodeName = replica.getName();
if (skipList != null && skipListSet.contains(replica.getCoreUrl())) {"check url:" + replica.getCoreUrl() + " against:" + skipListSet + " result:true");
} else if(zkShardTerms.registered(coreNodeName) && zkShardTerms.skipSendingUpdatesTo(coreNodeName)) {
log.debug("skip url:{} cause its term is less than leader", replica.getCoreUrl());
} else if (!clusterState.getLiveNodes().contains(replica.getNodeName()) || replica.getState() == Replica.State.DOWN) {
} else {
nodes.add(new StdNode(new ZkCoreNodeProps(replica), collection, shardId, maxRetriesToFollowers));
return nodes;
} else {
// I need to forward on to the leader...
forwardToLeader = true;
return Collections.singletonList(
new ForwardNode(new ZkCoreNodeProps(leaderReplica), zkController.getZkStateReader(), collection, shardId, maxRetriesOnForward));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new ZooKeeperException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e);
/** For {@link org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams.CollectionAction#SPLITSHARD} */
private boolean couldIbeSubShardLeader(DocCollection coll) {
// Could I be the leader of a shard in "construction/recovery" state?
String myShardId = cloudDesc.getShardId();
Slice mySlice = coll.getSlice(myShardId);
State state = mySlice.getState();
return state == Slice.State.CONSTRUCTION || state == Slice.State.RECOVERY;
/** For {@link org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams.CollectionAction#SPLITSHARD} */
private boolean amISubShardLeader(DocCollection coll, Slice parentSlice, String id, SolrInputDocument doc) throws InterruptedException {
// Am I the leader of a shard in "construction/recovery" state?
String myShardId = cloudDesc.getShardId();
Slice mySlice = coll.getSlice(myShardId);
final State state = mySlice.getState();
if (state == Slice.State.CONSTRUCTION || state == Slice.State.RECOVERY) {
Replica myLeader = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeaderRetry(collection, myShardId);
boolean amILeader = myLeader.getName().equals(cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName());
if (amILeader) {
// Does the document belong to my hash range as well?
DocRouter.Range myRange = mySlice.getRange();
if (myRange == null) myRange = new DocRouter.Range(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (parentSlice != null) {
boolean isSubset = parentSlice.getRange() != null && myRange.isSubsetOf(parentSlice.getRange());
return isSubset && coll.getRouter().isTargetSlice(id, doc, req.getParams(), myShardId, coll);
} else {
// delete by query case -- as long as I am a sub shard leader we're fine
return true;
return false;
/** For {@link org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams.CollectionAction#SPLITSHARD} */
private List<Node> getSubShardLeaders(DocCollection coll, String shardId, String docId, SolrInputDocument doc) {
Collection<Slice> allSlices = coll.getSlices();
List<Node> nodes = null;
for (Slice aslice : allSlices) {
final Slice.State state = aslice.getState();
if (state == Slice.State.CONSTRUCTION || state == Slice.State.RECOVERY) {
DocRouter.Range myRange = coll.getSlice(shardId).getRange();
if (myRange == null) myRange = new DocRouter.Range(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
boolean isSubset = aslice.getRange() != null && aslice.getRange().isSubsetOf(myRange);
if (isSubset &&
(docId == null // in case of deletes
|| coll.getRouter().isTargetSlice(docId, doc, req.getParams(), aslice.getName(), coll))) {
Replica sliceLeader = aslice.getLeader();
// slice leader can be null because node/shard is created zk before leader election
if (sliceLeader != null && zkController.getClusterState().liveNodesContain(sliceLeader.getNodeName())) {
if (nodes == null) nodes = new ArrayList<>();
ZkCoreNodeProps nodeProps = new ZkCoreNodeProps(sliceLeader);
nodes.add(new StdNode(nodeProps, coll.getName(), aslice.getName()));
return nodes;
/** For {@link org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams.CollectionAction#MIGRATE} */
private List<Node> getNodesByRoutingRules(ClusterState cstate, DocCollection coll, String id, SolrInputDocument doc) {
DocRouter router = coll.getRouter();
List<Node> nodes = null;
if (router instanceof CompositeIdRouter) {
CompositeIdRouter compositeIdRouter = (CompositeIdRouter) router;
String myShardId = cloudDesc.getShardId();
Slice slice = coll.getSlice(myShardId);
Map<String, RoutingRule> routingRules = slice.getRoutingRules();
if (routingRules != null) {
// delete by query case
if (id == null) {
for (Entry<String, RoutingRule> entry : routingRules.entrySet()) {
String targetCollectionName = entry.getValue().getTargetCollectionName();
final DocCollection docCollection = cstate.getCollectionOrNull(targetCollectionName);
if (docCollection != null && docCollection.getActiveSlicesArr().length > 0) {
final Slice[] activeSlices = docCollection.getActiveSlicesArr();
Slice any = activeSlices[0];
if (nodes == null) nodes = new ArrayList<>();
nodes.add(new StdNode(new ZkCoreNodeProps(any.getLeader())));
return nodes;
String routeKey = SolrIndexSplitter.getRouteKey(id);
if (routeKey != null) {
RoutingRule rule = routingRules.get(routeKey + "!");
if (rule != null) {
if (! rule.isExpired()) {
List<DocRouter.Range> ranges = rule.getRouteRanges();
if (ranges != null && !ranges.isEmpty()) {
int hash = compositeIdRouter.sliceHash(id, doc, null, coll);
for (DocRouter.Range range : ranges) {
if (range.includes(hash)) {
DocCollection targetColl = cstate.getCollection(rule.getTargetCollectionName());
Collection<Slice> activeSlices = targetColl.getRouter().getSearchSlicesSingle(id, null, targetColl);
if (activeSlices == null || activeSlices.isEmpty()) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
"No active slices serving " + id + " found for target collection: " + rule.getTargetCollectionName());
Replica targetLeader = targetColl.getLeader(activeSlices.iterator().next().getName());
nodes = new ArrayList<>(1);
nodes.add(new StdNode(new ZkCoreNodeProps(targetLeader)));
} else {
ReentrantLock ruleExpiryLock = req.getCore().getRuleExpiryLock();
if (!ruleExpiryLock.isLocked()) {
try {
if (ruleExpiryLock.tryLock(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {"Going to expire routing rule");
try {
Map<String, Object> map = Utils.makeMap(Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, OverseerAction.REMOVEROUTINGRULE.toLower(),
ZkStateReader.COLLECTION_PROP, collection,
ZkStateReader.SHARD_ID_PROP, myShardId,
"routeKey", routeKey + "!");
SolrZkClient zkClient = zkController.getZkClient();
DistributedQueue queue = Overseer.getStateUpdateQueue(zkClient);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
log.warn("Exception while removing routing rule for route key: " + routeKey, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception while removing routing rule for route key: " + routeKey, e);
} finally {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return nodes;
private void doDefensiveChecks(DistribPhase phase) {
boolean isReplayOrPeersync = (updateCommand.getFlags() & (UpdateCommand.REPLAY | UpdateCommand.PEER_SYNC)) != 0;
if (isReplayOrPeersync) return;
String from = req.getParams().get(DISTRIB_FROM);
ClusterState clusterState = zkController.getClusterState();
DocCollection docCollection = clusterState.getCollection(collection);
Slice mySlice = docCollection.getSlice(cloudDesc.getShardId());
boolean localIsLeader = cloudDesc.isLeader();
if (DistribPhase.FROMLEADER == phase && localIsLeader && from != null) { // from will be null on log replay
String fromShard = req.getParams().get(DISTRIB_FROM_PARENT);
if (fromShard != null) {
if (mySlice.getState() == Slice.State.ACTIVE) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
"Request says it is coming from parent shard leader but we are in active state");
// shard splitting case -- check ranges to see if we are a sub-shard
Slice fromSlice = docCollection.getSlice(fromShard);
DocRouter.Range parentRange = fromSlice.getRange();
if (parentRange == null) parentRange = new DocRouter.Range(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (mySlice.getRange() != null && !mySlice.getRange().isSubsetOf(parentRange)) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
"Request says it is coming from parent shard leader but parent hash range is not superset of my range");
} else {
String fromCollection = req.getParams().get(DISTRIB_FROM_COLLECTION); // is it because of a routing rule?
if (fromCollection == null) {
log.error("Request says it is coming from leader, but we are the leader: " + req.getParamString());
SolrException solrExc = new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Request says it is coming from leader, but we are the leader");
solrExc.setMetadata("cause", "LeaderChanged");
throw solrExc;
if ((isLeader && !localIsLeader) || (isSubShardLeader && !localIsLeader)) {
log.error("ClusterState says we are the leader, but locally we don't think so");
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
"ClusterState says we are the leader (" + zkController.getBaseUrl()
+ "/" + req.getCore().getName() + "), but locally we don't think so. Request came from " + from);
// used for deleteByQuery to get the list of nodes this leader should forward to
private List<Node> setupRequestForDBQ() {
List<Node> nodes = null;
String shardId = cloudDesc.getShardId();
try {
Replica leaderReplica = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeaderRetry(collection, shardId);
isLeader = leaderReplica.getName().equals(cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName());
// TODO: what if we are no longer the leader?
forwardToLeader = false;
List<ZkCoreNodeProps> replicaProps = zkController.getZkStateReader()
.getReplicaProps(collection, shardId, leaderReplica.getName(), null, Replica.State.DOWN, EnumSet.of(Replica.Type.NRT, Replica.Type.TLOG));
if (replicaProps != null) {
nodes = new ArrayList<>(replicaProps.size());
for (ZkCoreNodeProps props : replicaProps) {
nodes.add(new StdNode(props, collection, shardId));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e);
return nodes;
public void processAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
assert TestInjection.injectFailUpdateRequests();
updateCommand = cmd;
if (zkEnabled) {
nodes = setupRequest(cmd.getHashableId(), cmd.getSolrInputDocument());
} else {
isLeader = getNonZkLeaderAssumption(req);
// check if client has requested minimum replication factor information. will set replicationTracker to null if
// we aren't the leader or subShardLeader
// If we were sent a previous version, set this to the AddUpdateCommand (if not already set)
if (!cmd.isInPlaceUpdate()) {
cmd.prevVersion = cmd.getReq().getParams().getLong(DistributedUpdateProcessor.DISTRIB_INPLACE_PREVVERSION, -1);
// TODO: if minRf > 1 and we know the leader is the only active replica, we could fail
// the request right here but for now I think it is better to just return the status
// to the client that the minRf wasn't reached and let them handle it
boolean dropCmd = false;
if (!forwardToLeader) {
dropCmd = versionAdd(cmd);
if (dropCmd) {
// TODO: do we need to add anything to the response?
if (zkEnabled && isLeader && !isSubShardLeader) {
DocCollection coll = zkController.getClusterState().getCollection(collection);
List<Node> subShardLeaders = getSubShardLeaders(coll, cloudDesc.getShardId(), cmd.getHashableId(), cmd.getSolrInputDocument());
// the list<node> will actually have only one element for an add request
if (subShardLeaders != null && !subShardLeaders.isEmpty()) {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
params.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString());
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM_PARENT, cloudDesc.getShardId());
cmdDistrib.distribAdd(cmd, subShardLeaders, params, true);
final List<Node> nodesByRoutingRules = getNodesByRoutingRules(zkController.getClusterState(), coll, cmd.getHashableId(), cmd.getSolrInputDocument());
if (nodesByRoutingRules != null && !nodesByRoutingRules.isEmpty()) {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
params.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString());
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM_COLLECTION, collection);
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM_SHARD, cloudDesc.getShardId());
cmdDistrib.distribAdd(cmd, nodesByRoutingRules, params, true);
if (nodes != null) {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
(isLeader || isSubShardLeader ?
DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString() :
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
if (req.getParams().get(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT) != null) {
// TODO: Kept for rolling upgrades only. Should be removed in Solr 9
params.set(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT, req.getParams().get(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT));
if (cmd.isInPlaceUpdate()) {
params.set(DISTRIB_INPLACE_PREVVERSION, String.valueOf(cmd.prevVersion));
// Use synchronous=true so that a new connection is used, instead
// of the update being streamed through an existing streaming client.
// When using a streaming client, the previous update
// and the current in-place update (that depends on the previous update), if reordered
// in the stream, can result in the current update being bottled up behind the previous
// update in the stream and can lead to degraded performance.
cmdDistrib.distribAdd(cmd, nodes, params, true, rollupReplicationTracker, leaderReplicationTracker);
} else {
cmdDistrib.distribAdd(cmd, nodes, params, false, rollupReplicationTracker, leaderReplicationTracker);
// TODO: what to do when no idField?
if (returnVersions && rsp != null && idField != null) {
if (addsResponse == null) {
addsResponse = new NamedList<>(1);
if (scratch == null) scratch = new CharsRefBuilder();
idField.getType().indexedToReadable(cmd.getIndexedId(), scratch);
addsResponse.add(scratch.toString(), cmd.getVersion());
// TODO: keep track of errors? needs to be done at a higher level though since
// an id may fail before it gets to this processor.
// Given that, it may also make sense to move the version reporting out of this
// processor too.
// helper method, processAdd was getting a bit large.
// Sets replicationTracker = null if we aren't the leader
// We have two possibilities here:
// 1> we are a leader: Allocate a LeaderTracker and, if we're getting the original request, a RollupTracker
// 2> we're a follower: allocat a RollupTracker
private void checkReplicationTracker(UpdateCommand cmd) {
if (zkEnabled == false) {
rollupReplicationTracker = null; // never need one of these in stand-alone
leaderReplicationTracker = null;
SolrParams rp = cmd.getReq().getParams();
String distribUpdate = rp.get(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM);
// Ok,we're receiving the original request, we need a rollup tracker, but only one so we accumulate over the
// course of a batch.
if ((distribUpdate == null || DistribPhase.NONE.toString().equals(distribUpdate)) &&
rollupReplicationTracker == null) {
rollupReplicationTracker = new RollupRequestReplicationTracker();
// If we're a leader, we need a leader replication tracker, so let's do that. If there are multiple docs in
// a batch we need to use the _same_ leader replication tracker.
if (isLeader && leaderReplicationTracker == null) {
leaderReplicationTracker = new LeaderRequestReplicationTracker(
protected void doClose() {
if (cmdDistrib != null) {
// TODO: optionally fail if n replicas are not reached...
private void doFinish() {
boolean shouldUpdateTerms = isLeader && isIndexChanged;
if (shouldUpdateTerms) {
ZkShardTerms zkShardTerms = zkController.getShardTerms(cloudDesc.getCollectionName(), cloudDesc.getShardId());
if (skippedCoreNodeNames != null) {
zkShardTerms.ensureTermsIsHigher(cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName(), skippedCoreNodeNames);
zkController.getShardTerms(collection, cloudDesc.getShardId()).ensureHighestTermsAreNotZero();
// TODO: if not a forward and replication req is not specified, we could
// send in a background thread
List<Error> errors = cmdDistrib.getErrors();
// TODO - we may need to tell about more than one error...
List<Error> errorsForClient = new ArrayList<>(errors.size());
Set<String> replicasShouldBeInLowerTerms = new HashSet<>();
for (final SolrCmdDistributor.Error error : errors) {
if (error.req.node instanceof ForwardNode) {
// if it's a forward, any fail is a problem -
// otherwise we assume things are fine if we got it locally
// until we start allowing min replication param
// else...
// for now we don't error - we assume if it was added locally, we
// succeeded
if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
log.warn("Error sending update to " + error.req.node.getBaseUrl(), error.e);
// Since it is not a forward request, for each fail, try to tell them to
// recover - the doc was already added locally, so it should have been
// legit
DistribPhase phase = DistribPhase.parseParam(error.req.uReq.getParams().get(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM));
if (phase != DistribPhase.FROMLEADER)
continue; // don't have non-leaders try to recovery other nodes
// commits are special -- they can run on any node irrespective of whether it is a leader or not
// we don't want to run recovery on a node which missed a commit command
if (error.req.uReq.getParams().get(COMMIT_END_POINT) != null)
final String replicaUrl = error.req.node.getUrl();
// if the remote replica failed the request because of leader change (SOLR-6511), then fail the request
String cause = (error.e instanceof SolrException) ? ((SolrException)error.e).getMetadata("cause") : null;
if ("LeaderChanged".equals(cause)) {
// let's just fail this request and let the client retry? or just call processAdd again?
log.error("On "+cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName()+", replica "+replicaUrl+
" now thinks it is the leader! Failing the request to let the client retry! "+error.e);
String collection = null;
String shardId = null;
if (error.req.node instanceof StdNode) {
StdNode stdNode = (StdNode)error.req.node;
collection = stdNode.getCollection();
shardId = stdNode.getShardId();
// before we go setting other replicas to down, make sure we're still the leader!
String leaderCoreNodeName = null;
Exception getLeaderExc = null;
Replica leaderProps = null;
try {
leaderProps = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeader(collection, shardId);
if (leaderProps != null) {
leaderCoreNodeName = leaderProps.getName();
} catch (Exception exc) {
getLeaderExc = exc;
if (leaderCoreNodeName == null) {
log.warn("Failed to determine if {} is still the leader for collection={} shardId={} " +
"before putting {} into leader-initiated recovery",
cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName(), collection, shardId, replicaUrl, getLeaderExc);
List<ZkCoreNodeProps> myReplicas = zkController.getZkStateReader().getReplicaProps(collection,
cloudDesc.getShardId(), cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName());
boolean foundErrorNodeInReplicaList = false;
if (myReplicas != null) {
for (ZkCoreNodeProps replicaProp : myReplicas) {
if (((Replica) replicaProp.getNodeProps()).getName().equals(((Replica)stdNode.getNodeProps().getNodeProps()).getName())) {
foundErrorNodeInReplicaList = true;
if (leaderCoreNodeName != null && cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName().equals(leaderCoreNodeName) // we are still same leader
&& foundErrorNodeInReplicaList // we found an error for one of replicas
&& !stdNode.getNodeProps().getCoreUrl().equals(leaderProps.getCoreUrl())) { // we do not want to put ourself into LIR
try {
String coreNodeName = ((Replica) stdNode.getNodeProps().getNodeProps()).getName();
// if false, then the node is probably not "live" anymore
// and we do not need to send a recovery message
Throwable rootCause = SolrException.getRootCause(error.e);
log.error("Setting up to try to start recovery on replica {} with url {} by increasing leader term", coreNodeName, replicaUrl, rootCause);
} catch (Exception exc) {
Throwable setLirZnodeFailedCause = SolrException.getRootCause(exc);
log.error("Leader failed to set replica " +
error.req.node.getUrl() + " state to DOWN due to: " + setLirZnodeFailedCause, setLirZnodeFailedCause);
} else {
// not the leader anymore maybe or the error'd node is not my replica?
if (!foundErrorNodeInReplicaList) {
log.warn("Core "+cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName()+" belonging to "+collection+" "+
cloudDesc.getShardId()+", does not have error'd node " + stdNode.getNodeProps().getCoreUrl() + " as a replica. " +
"No request recovery command will be sent!");
if (!shardId.equals(cloudDesc.getShardId())) {
// some replicas on other shard did not receive the updates (ex: during splitshard),
// exception must be notified to clients
} else {
log.warn("Core " + cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName() + " is no longer the leader for " + collection + " "
+ shardId + " or we tried to put ourself into LIR, no request recovery command will be sent!");
if (!replicasShouldBeInLowerTerms.isEmpty()) {
zkController.getShardTerms(cloudDesc.getCollectionName(), cloudDesc.getShardId())
.ensureTermsIsHigher(cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName(), replicasShouldBeInLowerTerms);
if (0 < errorsForClient.size()) {
throw new DistributedUpdatesAsyncException(errorsForClient);
* If necessary, include in the response the achieved replication factor
private void handleReplicationFactor() {
if (leaderReplicationTracker != null || rollupReplicationTracker != null) {
int achievedRf = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (leaderReplicationTracker != null) {
achievedRf = leaderReplicationTracker.getAchievedRf();
// Transfer this to the rollup tracker if it exists
if (rollupReplicationTracker != null) {
// Rollup tracker has accumulated stats.
if (rollupReplicationTracker != null) {
achievedRf = rollupReplicationTracker.getAchievedRf();
if (req.getParams().get(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT) != null) {
// Unused, but kept for back compatibility. To be removed in Solr 9
rsp.getResponseHeader().add(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT, Integer.parseInt(req.getParams().get(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT)));
rsp.getResponseHeader().add(UpdateRequest.REPFACT, achievedRf);
rollupReplicationTracker = null;
leaderReplicationTracker = null;
// must be synchronized by bucket
private void doLocalAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
isIndexChanged = true;
// must be synchronized by bucket
private void doLocalDelete(DeleteUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
isIndexChanged = true;
public static int bucketHash(BytesRef idBytes) {
assert idBytes != null;
return Hash.murmurhash3_x86_32(idBytes.bytes, idBytes.offset, idBytes.length, 0);
* @return whether or not to drop this cmd
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
protected boolean versionAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
BytesRef idBytes = cmd.getIndexedId();
if (idBytes == null) {
return false;
if (vinfo == null) {
if (AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger.isAtomicUpdate(cmd)) {
throw new SolrException
"Atomic document updates are not supported unless <updateLog/> is configured");
} else {
return false;
// This is only the hash for the bucket, and must be based only on the uniqueKey (i.e. do not use a pluggable hash here)
int bucketHash = bucketHash(idBytes);
// at this point, there is an update we need to try and apply.
// we may or may not be the leader.
// Find any existing version in the document
// TODO: don't reuse update commands any more!
long versionOnUpdate = cmd.getVersion();
if (versionOnUpdate == 0) {
SolrInputField versionField = cmd.getSolrInputDocument().getField(CommonParams.VERSION_FIELD);
if (versionField != null) {
Object o = versionField.getValue();
versionOnUpdate = o instanceof Number ? ((Number) o).longValue() : Long.parseLong(o.toString());
} else {
// Find the version
String versionOnUpdateS = req.getParams().get(CommonParams.VERSION_FIELD);
versionOnUpdate = versionOnUpdateS == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(versionOnUpdateS);
boolean isReplayOrPeersync = (cmd.getFlags() & (UpdateCommand.REPLAY | UpdateCommand.PEER_SYNC)) != 0;
boolean leaderLogic = isLeader && !isReplayOrPeersync;
boolean forwardedFromCollection = cmd.getReq().getParams().get(DISTRIB_FROM_COLLECTION) != null;
VersionBucket bucket = vinfo.bucket(bucketHash);
long dependentVersionFound = -1;
// if this is an in-place update, check and wait if we should be waiting for a previous update (on which
// this update depends), before entering the synchronized block
if (!leaderLogic && cmd.isInPlaceUpdate()) {
dependentVersionFound = waitForDependentUpdates(cmd, versionOnUpdate, isReplayOrPeersync, bucket);
if (dependentVersionFound == -1) {
// it means the document has been deleted by now at the leader. drop this update
return true;
try {
synchronized (bucket) {
bucket.notifyAll(); //just in case anyone is waiting let them know that we have a new update
// we obtain the version when synchronized and then do the add so we can ensure that
// if version1 < version2 then version1 is actually added before version2.
// even if we don't store the version field, synchronizing on the bucket
// will enable us to know what version happened first, and thus enable
// realtime-get to work reliably.
// TODO: if versions aren't stored, do we need to set on the cmd anyway for some reason?
// there may be other reasons in the future for a version on the commands
if (versionsStored) {
long bucketVersion = bucket.highest;
if (leaderLogic) {
if (forwardedFromCollection && ulog.getState() == UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE) {
// forwarded from a collection but we are not buffering so strip original version and apply our own
// see SOLR-5308"Removing version field from doc: " + cmd.getPrintableId());
versionOnUpdate = 0;
boolean updated = getUpdatedDocument(cmd, versionOnUpdate);
// leaders can also be in buffering state during "migrate" API call, see SOLR-5308
if (forwardedFromCollection && ulog.getState() != UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE
&& isReplayOrPeersync == false) {
// we're not in an active state, and this update isn't from a replay, so buffer it."Leader logic applied but update log is buffering: " + cmd.getPrintableId());
cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.BUFFERING);
return true;
if (versionOnUpdate != 0) {
Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
long foundVersion = lastVersion == null ? -1 : lastVersion;
if ( versionOnUpdate == foundVersion || (versionOnUpdate < 0 && foundVersion < 0) || (versionOnUpdate==1 && foundVersion > 0) ) {
// we're ok if versions match, or if both are negative (all missing docs are equal), or if cmd
// specified it must exist (versionOnUpdate==1) and it does.
} else {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.CONFLICT, "version conflict for " + cmd.getPrintableId() + " expected=" + versionOnUpdate + " actual=" + foundVersion);
long version = vinfo.getNewClock();
cmd.getSolrInputDocument().setField(CommonParams.VERSION_FIELD, version);
} else {
// The leader forwarded us this update.
if (shouldBufferUpdate(cmd, isReplayOrPeersync, ulog.getState())) {
// we're not in an active state, and this update isn't from a replay, so buffer it.
cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.BUFFERING);
return true;
if (cmd.isInPlaceUpdate()) {
long prev = cmd.prevVersion;
Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
if (lastVersion == null || Math.abs(lastVersion) < prev) {
// this was checked for (in waitForDependentUpdates()) before entering the synchronized block.
// So we shouldn't be here, unless what must've happened is:
// by the time synchronization block was entered, the prev update was deleted by DBQ. Since
// now that update is not in index, the vinfo.lookupVersion() is possibly giving us a version
// from the deleted list (which might be older than the prev update!)
UpdateCommand fetchedFromLeader = fetchFullUpdateFromLeader(cmd, versionOnUpdate);
if (fetchedFromLeader instanceof DeleteUpdateCommand) {"In-place update of {} failed to find valid lastVersion to apply to, and the document"
+ " was deleted at the leader subsequently.", idBytes.utf8ToString());
return true;
} else {
assert fetchedFromLeader instanceof AddUpdateCommand;
// Newer document was fetched from the leader. Apply that document instead of this current in-place update."In-place update of {} failed to find valid lastVersion to apply to, forced to fetch full doc from leader: {}",
idBytes.utf8ToString(), fetchedFromLeader);
// Make this update to become a non-inplace update containing the full document obtained from the leader
cmd.solrDoc = ((AddUpdateCommand)fetchedFromLeader).solrDoc;
cmd.prevVersion = -1;
assert cmd.isInPlaceUpdate() == false;
} else {
if (lastVersion != null && Math.abs(lastVersion) > prev) {
// this means we got a newer full doc update and in that case it makes no sense to apply the older
// inplace update. Drop this update"Update was applied on version: " + prev + ", but last version I have is: " + lastVersion
+ ". Dropping current update.");
return true;
} else {
// We're good, we should apply this update. First, update the bucket's highest.
if (bucketVersion != 0 && bucketVersion < versionOnUpdate) {
} else {
// if we aren't the leader, then we need to check that updates were not re-ordered
if (bucketVersion != 0 && bucketVersion < versionOnUpdate) {
// we're OK... this update has a version higher than anything we've seen
// in this bucket so far, so we know that no reordering has yet occurred.
} else {
// there have been updates higher than the current update. we need to check
// the specific version for this id.
Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
if (lastVersion != null && Math.abs(lastVersion) >= versionOnUpdate) {
// This update is a repeat, or was reordered. We need to drop this update.
log.debug("Dropping add update due to version {}", idBytes.utf8ToString());
return true;
if (!isSubShardLeader && replicaType == Replica.Type.TLOG && (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) == 0) {
cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.IGNORE_INDEXWRITER);
boolean willDistrib = isLeader && nodes != null && nodes.size() > 0;
SolrInputDocument clonedDoc = null;
if (willDistrib && cloneRequiredOnLeader) {
clonedDoc = cmd.solrDoc.deepCopy();
// TODO: possibly set checkDeleteByQueries as a flag on the command?
if (willDistrib && cloneRequiredOnLeader) {
cmd.solrDoc = clonedDoc;
} // end synchronized (bucket)
} finally {
return false;
boolean shouldBufferUpdate(AddUpdateCommand cmd, boolean isReplayOrPeersync, UpdateLog.State state) {
if (state == UpdateLog.State.APPLYING_BUFFERED
&& !isReplayOrPeersync
&& !cmd.isInPlaceUpdate()) {
// this a new update sent from the leader, it contains whole document therefore it won't depend on other updates
return false;
return state != UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE && isReplayOrPeersync == false;
* This method checks the update/transaction logs and index to find out if the update ("previous update") that the current update
* depends on (in the case that this current update is an in-place update) has already been completed. If not,
* this method will wait for the missing update until it has arrived. If it doesn't arrive within a timeout threshold,
* then this actively fetches from the leader.
* @return -1 if the current in-place should be dropped, or last found version if previous update has been indexed.
private long waitForDependentUpdates(AddUpdateCommand cmd, long versionOnUpdate,
boolean isReplayOrPeersync, VersionBucket bucket) throws IOException {
long lastFoundVersion = 0;
TimeOut waitTimeout = new TimeOut(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeSource.NANO_TIME);
try {
synchronized (bucket) {
Long lookedUpVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
lastFoundVersion = lookedUpVersion == null ? 0L: lookedUpVersion;
if (Math.abs(lastFoundVersion) < cmd.prevVersion) {
log.debug("Re-ordered inplace update. version={}, prevVersion={}, lastVersion={}, replayOrPeerSync={}, id={}",
(cmd.getVersion() == 0 ? versionOnUpdate : cmd.getVersion()), cmd.prevVersion, lastFoundVersion, isReplayOrPeersync, cmd.getPrintableId());
while (Math.abs(lastFoundVersion) < cmd.prevVersion && !waitTimeout.hasTimedOut()) {
try {
long timeLeft = waitTimeout.timeLeft(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (timeLeft > 0) { // wait(0) waits forever until notified, but we don't want that.
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw new RuntimeException(ie);
lookedUpVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
lastFoundVersion = lookedUpVersion == null ? 0L: lookedUpVersion;
} finally {
if (Math.abs(lastFoundVersion) > cmd.prevVersion) {
// This must've been the case due to a higher version full update succeeding concurrently, while we were waiting or
// trying to index this partial update. Since a full update more recent than this partial update has succeeded,
// we can drop the current update.
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Update was applied on version: {}, but last version I have is: {}"
+ ". Current update should be dropped. id={}", cmd.prevVersion, lastFoundVersion, cmd.getPrintableId());
return -1;
} else if (Math.abs(lastFoundVersion) == cmd.prevVersion) {
assert 0 < lastFoundVersion : "prevVersion " + cmd.prevVersion + " found but is a delete!";
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Dependent update found. id={}", cmd.getPrintableId());
return lastFoundVersion;
// We have waited enough, but dependent update didn't arrive. Its time to actively fetch it from leader"Missing update, on which current in-place update depends on, hasn't arrived. id={}, looking for version={}, last found version={}",
cmd.getPrintableId(), cmd.prevVersion, lastFoundVersion);
UpdateCommand missingUpdate = fetchFullUpdateFromLeader(cmd, versionOnUpdate);
if (missingUpdate instanceof DeleteUpdateCommand) {"Tried to fetch document {} from the leader, but the leader says document has been deleted. "
+ "Deleting the document here and skipping this update: Last found version: {}, was looking for: {}", cmd.getPrintableId(), lastFoundVersion, cmd.prevVersion);
return -1;
} else {
assert missingUpdate instanceof AddUpdateCommand;
log.debug("Fetched the document: {}", ((AddUpdateCommand)missingUpdate).getSolrInputDocument());
versionAdd((AddUpdateCommand)missingUpdate);"Added the fetched document, id="+((AddUpdateCommand)missingUpdate).getPrintableId()+", version="+missingUpdate.getVersion());
return missingUpdate.getVersion();
* This method is used when an update on which a particular in-place update has been lost for some reason. This method
* sends a request to the shard leader to fetch the latest full document as seen on the leader.
* @return AddUpdateCommand containing latest full doc at shard leader for the given id, or null if not found.
private UpdateCommand fetchFullUpdateFromLeader(AddUpdateCommand inplaceAdd, long versionOnUpdate) throws IOException {
String id = inplaceAdd.getPrintableId();
UpdateShardHandler updateShardHandler = inplaceAdd.getReq().getCore().getCoreContainer().getUpdateShardHandler();
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.set(DISTRIB, false);
params.set("getInputDocument", id);
params.set("onlyIfActive", true);
SolrRequest<SimpleSolrResponse> ur = new GenericSolrRequest(METHOD.GET, "/get", params);
String leaderUrl = req.getParams().get(DISTRIB_FROM);
if (leaderUrl == null) {
// An update we're dependent upon didn't arrive! This is unexpected. Perhaps likely our leader is
// down or partitioned from us for some reason. Lets force refresh cluster state, and request the
// leader for the update.
if (zkController == null) { // we should be in cloud mode, but wtf? could be a unit test
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Can't find document with id=" + id + ", but fetching from leader "
+ "failed since we're not in cloud mode.");
Replica leader;
try {
leader = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeaderRetry(collection, cloudDesc.getShardId());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Exception during fetching from leader.", e);
leaderUrl = leader.getCoreUrl();
NamedList<Object> rsp = null;
try (HttpSolrClient hsc = new HttpSolrClient.Builder(leaderUrl).
withHttpClient(updateShardHandler.getUpdateOnlyHttpClient()).build()) {
rsp = hsc.request(ur);
} catch (SolrServerException e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Error during fetching [" + id +
"] from leader (" + leaderUrl + "): ", e);
Object inputDocObj = rsp.get("inputDocument");
Long version = (Long)rsp.get("version");
SolrInputDocument leaderDoc = (SolrInputDocument) inputDocObj;
if (leaderDoc == null) {
// this doc was not found (deleted) on the leader. Lets delete it here as well.
DeleteUpdateCommand del = new DeleteUpdateCommand(inplaceAdd.getReq());
del.setVersion((version == null || version == 0)? -versionOnUpdate: version);
return del;
AddUpdateCommand cmd = new AddUpdateCommand(req);
cmd.solrDoc = leaderDoc;
return cmd;
// TODO: may want to switch to using optimistic locking in the future for better concurrency
// that's why this code is here... need to retry in a loop closely around/in versionAdd
boolean getUpdatedDocument(AddUpdateCommand cmd, long versionOnUpdate) throws IOException {
if (!AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger.isAtomicUpdate(cmd)) return false;
Set<String> inPlaceUpdatedFields = AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger.computeInPlaceUpdatableFields(cmd);
if (inPlaceUpdatedFields.size() > 0) { // non-empty means this is suitable for in-place updates
if (docMerger.doInPlaceUpdateMerge(cmd, inPlaceUpdatedFields)) {
return true;
} else {
// in-place update failed, so fall through and re-try the same with a full atomic update
// full (non-inplace) atomic update
SolrInputDocument sdoc = cmd.getSolrInputDocument();
BytesRef id = cmd.getIndexedId();
SolrInputDocument oldDoc = RealTimeGetComponent.getInputDocument(cmd.getReq().getCore(), id);
if (oldDoc == null) {
// create a new doc by default if an old one wasn't found
if (versionOnUpdate <= 0) {
oldDoc = new SolrInputDocument();
} else {
// could just let the optimistic locking throw the error
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.CONFLICT, "Document not found for update. id=" + cmd.getPrintableId());
} else {
cmd.solrDoc = docMerger.merge(sdoc, oldDoc);
return true;
public void processDelete(DeleteUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
assert TestInjection.injectFailUpdateRequests();
updateCommand = cmd;
if (!cmd.isDeleteById()) {
} else {
// Implementing min_rf here was a bit tricky. When a request comes in for a delete by id to a replica that does _not_
// have any documents specified by those IDs, the request is not forwarded to any other replicas on that shard. Thus
// we have to spoof the replicationTracker and set the achieved rf to the number of active replicas.
private void doDeleteById(DeleteUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
if (zkEnabled) {
nodes = setupRequest(cmd.getId(), null, cmd.getRoute());
} else {
isLeader = getNonZkLeaderAssumption(req);
// check if client has requested minimum replication factor information. will set replicationTracker to null if
// we aren't the leader or subShardLeader
boolean dropCmd = false;
if (!forwardToLeader) {
dropCmd = versionDelete(cmd);
if (dropCmd) {
// TODO: do we need to add anytprocehing to the response?
if (zkEnabled && isLeader && !isSubShardLeader) {
DocCollection coll = zkController.getClusterState().getCollection(collection);
List<Node> subShardLeaders = getSubShardLeaders(coll, cloudDesc.getShardId(), cmd.getId(), null);
// the list<node> will actually have only one element for an add request
if (subShardLeaders != null && !subShardLeaders.isEmpty()) {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
params.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString());
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM_PARENT, cloudDesc.getShardId());
cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, subShardLeaders, params, true, null, null);
final List<Node> nodesByRoutingRules = getNodesByRoutingRules(zkController.getClusterState(), coll, cmd.getId(), null);
if (nodesByRoutingRules != null && !nodesByRoutingRules.isEmpty()) {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
params.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString());
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM_COLLECTION, collection);
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM_SHARD, cloudDesc.getShardId());
cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, nodesByRoutingRules, params, true, null, null);
if (nodes != null) {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
(isLeader || isSubShardLeader ? DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString()
: DistribPhase.TOLEADER.toString()));
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
if (req.getParams().get(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT) != null) {
// TODO: Kept for rolling upgrades only. Remove in Solr 9
params.add(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT, req.getParams().get(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT));
cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, nodes, params, false, rollupReplicationTracker, leaderReplicationTracker);
// cmd.getIndexId == null when delete by query
// TODO: what to do when no idField?
if (returnVersions && rsp != null && cmd.getIndexedId() != null && idField != null) {
if (deleteResponse == null) {
deleteResponse = new NamedList<>(1);
if (scratch == null) scratch = new CharsRefBuilder();
idField.getType().indexedToReadable(cmd.getIndexedId(), scratch);
deleteResponse.add(scratch.toString(), cmd.getVersion()); // we're returning the version of the delete.. not the version of the doc we deleted.
/** @see DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory#addParamToDistributedRequestWhitelist */
protected ModifiableSolrParams filterParams(SolrParams params) {
ModifiableSolrParams fparams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
Set<String> whitelist = (Set<String>) this.req.getContext().get(PARAM_WHITELIST_CTX_KEY);
assert null != whitelist : "whitelist can't be null, constructor adds to it";
for (String p : whitelist) {
passParam(params, fparams, p);
return fparams;
private void passParam(SolrParams params, ModifiableSolrParams fparams, String param) {
String[] values = params.getParams(param);
if (values != null) {
for (String value : values) {
fparams.add(param, value);
public void doDeleteByQuery(DeleteUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
// even in non zk mode, tests simulate updates from a leader
if(!zkEnabled) {
isLeader = getNonZkLeaderAssumption(req);
} else {
// NONE: we are the first to receive this deleteByQuery
// - it must be forwarded to the leader of every shard
// TO: we are a leader receiving a forwarded deleteByQuery... we must:
// - block all updates (use VersionInfo)
// - flush *all* updates going to our replicas
// - forward the DBQ to our replicas and wait for the response
// - log + execute the local DBQ
// FROM: we are a replica receiving a DBQ from our leader
// - log + execute the local DBQ
DistribPhase phase = DistribPhase.parseParam(req.getParams().get(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM));
DocCollection coll = zkEnabled
? zkController.getClusterState().getCollection(collection) : null;
if (zkEnabled && DistribPhase.NONE == phase) {
if (rollupReplicationTracker == null) {
rollupReplicationTracker = new RollupRequestReplicationTracker();
boolean leaderForAnyShard = false; // start off by assuming we are not a leader for any shard
ModifiableSolrParams outParams = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
outParams.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.TOLEADER.toString());
outParams.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
SolrParams params = req.getParams();
String route = params.get(ShardParams._ROUTE_);
Collection<Slice> slices = coll.getRouter().getSearchSlices(route, params, coll);
List<Node> leaders = new ArrayList<>(slices.size());
for (Slice slice : slices) {
String sliceName = slice.getName();
Replica leader;
try {
leader = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeaderRetry(collection, sliceName);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Exception finding leader for shard " + sliceName, e);
// TODO: What if leaders changed in the meantime?
// should we send out slice-at-a-time and if a node returns "hey, I'm not a leader" (or we get an error because it went down) then look up the new leader?
// Am I the leader for this slice?
ZkCoreNodeProps coreLeaderProps = new ZkCoreNodeProps(leader);
String leaderCoreNodeName = leader.getName();
String coreNodeName = cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName();
isLeader = coreNodeName.equals(leaderCoreNodeName);
if (isLeader) {
// don't forward to ourself
leaderForAnyShard = true;
} else {
leaders.add(new ForwardNode(coreLeaderProps, zkController.getZkStateReader(), collection, sliceName, maxRetriesOnForward));
outParams.remove("commit"); // this will be distributed from the local commit
if (params.get(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT) != null) {
// TODO: Kept this for rolling upgrades. Remove in Solr 9
outParams.add(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT, req.getParams().get(UpdateRequest.MIN_REPFACT));
cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, leaders, outParams, false, rollupReplicationTracker, null);
if (!leaderForAnyShard) {
// change the phase to TOLEADER so we look up and forward to our own replicas (if any)
phase = DistribPhase.TOLEADER;
List<Node> replicas = null;
if (zkEnabled && DistribPhase.TOLEADER == phase) {
// This core should be a leader
isLeader = true;
replicas = setupRequestForDBQ();
} else if (DistribPhase.FROMLEADER == phase) {
isLeader = false;
// check if client has requested minimum replication factor information. will set replicationTracker to null if
// we aren't the leader or subShardLeader
if (vinfo == null) {
// at this point, there is an update we need to try and apply.
// we may or may not be the leader.
boolean isReplayOrPeersync = (cmd.getFlags() & (UpdateCommand.REPLAY | UpdateCommand.PEER_SYNC)) != 0;
boolean leaderLogic = isLeader && !isReplayOrPeersync;
if (zkEnabled) {
// forward to all replicas
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
params.set(CommonParams.VERSION_FIELD, Long.toString(cmd.getVersion()));
params.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString());
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
boolean someReplicas = false;
boolean subShardLeader = false;
try {
subShardLeader = amISubShardLeader(coll, null, null, null);
if (subShardLeader) {
String myShardId = cloudDesc.getShardId();
Replica leaderReplica = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeaderRetry(
collection, myShardId);
// DBQ forwarded to NRT and TLOG replicas
List<ZkCoreNodeProps> replicaProps = zkController.getZkStateReader()
.getReplicaProps(collection, myShardId, leaderReplica.getName(), null, Replica.State.DOWN, EnumSet.of(Replica.Type.NRT, Replica.Type.TLOG));
if (replicaProps != null) {
final List<Node> myReplicas = new ArrayList<>(replicaProps.size());
for (ZkCoreNodeProps replicaProp : replicaProps) {
myReplicas.add(new StdNode(replicaProp, collection, myShardId));
cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, myReplicas, params, false, rollupReplicationTracker, leaderReplicationTracker);
someReplicas = true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new ZooKeeperException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e);
if (leaderLogic) {
List<Node> subShardLeaders = getSubShardLeaders(coll, cloudDesc.getShardId(), null, null);
if (subShardLeaders != null) {
cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, subShardLeaders, params, true, rollupReplicationTracker, leaderReplicationTracker);
final List<Node> nodesByRoutingRules = getNodesByRoutingRules(zkController.getClusterState(), coll, null, null);
if (nodesByRoutingRules != null && !nodesByRoutingRules.isEmpty()) {
params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
params.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString());
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM_COLLECTION, collection);
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM_SHARD, cloudDesc.getShardId());
cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, nodesByRoutingRules, params, true, rollupReplicationTracker, leaderReplicationTracker);
if (replicas != null) {
cmdDistrib.distribDelete(cmd, replicas, params, false, rollupReplicationTracker, leaderReplicationTracker);
someReplicas = true;
if (someReplicas) {
if (returnVersions && rsp != null) {
if (deleteByQueryResponse == null) {
deleteByQueryResponse = new NamedList<>(1);
deleteByQueryResponse.add(cmd.getQuery(), cmd.getVersion());
protected void versionDeleteByQuery(DeleteUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
// Find the version
long versionOnUpdate = cmd.getVersion();
if (versionOnUpdate == 0) {
String versionOnUpdateS = req.getParams().get(CommonParams.VERSION_FIELD);
versionOnUpdate = versionOnUpdateS == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(versionOnUpdateS);
versionOnUpdate = Math.abs(versionOnUpdate); // normalize to positive version
boolean isReplayOrPeersync = (cmd.getFlags() & (UpdateCommand.REPLAY | UpdateCommand.PEER_SYNC)) != 0;
boolean leaderLogic = isLeader && !isReplayOrPeersync;
if (!leaderLogic && versionOnUpdate == 0) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "missing _version_ on update from leader");
try {
if (versionsStored) {
if (leaderLogic) {
long version = vinfo.getNewClock();
// TODO update versions in all buckets
} else {
if (ulog.getState() != UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE && isReplayOrPeersync == false) {
// we're not in an active state, and this update isn't from a replay, so buffer it.
cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.BUFFERING);
if (!isSubShardLeader && replicaType == Replica.Type.TLOG && (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) == 0) {
// TLOG replica not leader, don't write the DBQ to IW
cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.IGNORE_INDEXWRITER);
// since we don't know which documents were deleted, the easiest thing to do is to invalidate
// all real-time caches (i.e. UpdateLog) which involves also getting a new version of the IndexReader
// (so cache misses will see up-to-date data)
} finally {
// internal helper method to tell if we are the leader for an add or deleteById update
// NOTE: not called by this class!
boolean isLeader(UpdateCommand cmd) {
updateCommand = cmd;
if (zkEnabled) {
if (cmd instanceof AddUpdateCommand) {
AddUpdateCommand acmd = (AddUpdateCommand)cmd;
nodes = setupRequest(acmd.getHashableId(), acmd.getSolrInputDocument());
} else if (cmd instanceof DeleteUpdateCommand) {
DeleteUpdateCommand dcmd = (DeleteUpdateCommand)cmd;
nodes = setupRequest(dcmd.getId(), null);
} else {
isLeader = getNonZkLeaderAssumption(req);
return isLeader;
private void zkCheck() {
// Streaming updates can delay shutdown and cause big update reorderings (new streams can't be
// initiated, but existing streams carry on). This is why we check if the CC is shutdown.
// See SOLR-8203 and loop HdfsChaosMonkeyNothingIsSafeTest (and check for inconsistent shards) to test.
if (req.getCore().getCoreContainer().isShutDown()) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "CoreContainer is shutting down.");
if ((updateCommand.getFlags() & (UpdateCommand.REPLAY | UpdateCommand.PEER_SYNC)) != 0) {
// for log reply or peer sync, we don't need to be connected to ZK
if (!zkController.getZkClient().getConnectionManager().isLikelyExpired()) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Cannot talk to ZooKeeper - Updates are disabled.");
protected boolean versionDelete(DeleteUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
BytesRef idBytes = cmd.getIndexedId();
if (vinfo == null || idBytes == null) {
return false;
// This is only the hash for the bucket, and must be based only on the uniqueKey (i.e. do not use a pluggable hash here)
int bucketHash = bucketHash(idBytes);
// at this point, there is an update we need to try and apply.
// we may or may not be the leader.
// Find the version
long versionOnUpdate = cmd.getVersion();
if (versionOnUpdate == 0) {
String versionOnUpdateS = req.getParams().get(CommonParams.VERSION_FIELD);
versionOnUpdate = versionOnUpdateS == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(versionOnUpdateS);
long signedVersionOnUpdate = versionOnUpdate;
versionOnUpdate = Math.abs(versionOnUpdate); // normalize to positive version
boolean isReplayOrPeersync = (cmd.getFlags() & (UpdateCommand.REPLAY | UpdateCommand.PEER_SYNC)) != 0;
boolean leaderLogic = isLeader && !isReplayOrPeersync;
boolean forwardedFromCollection = cmd.getReq().getParams().get(DISTRIB_FROM_COLLECTION) != null;
if (!leaderLogic && versionOnUpdate==0) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "missing _version_ on update from leader");
VersionBucket bucket = vinfo.bucket(bucketHash);
try {
synchronized (bucket) {
if (versionsStored) {
long bucketVersion = bucket.highest;
if (leaderLogic) {
if (forwardedFromCollection && ulog.getState() == UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE) {
// forwarded from a collection but we are not buffering so strip original version and apply our own
// see SOLR-5308"Removing version field from doc: " + cmd.getId());
versionOnUpdate = signedVersionOnUpdate = 0;
// leaders can also be in buffering state during "migrate" API call, see SOLR-5308
if (forwardedFromCollection && ulog.getState() != UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE
&& !isReplayOrPeersync) {
// we're not in an active state, and this update isn't from a replay, so buffer it."Leader logic applied but update log is buffering: " + cmd.getId());
cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.BUFFERING);
return true;
if (signedVersionOnUpdate != 0) {
Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
long foundVersion = lastVersion == null ? -1 : lastVersion;
if ( (signedVersionOnUpdate == foundVersion) || (signedVersionOnUpdate < 0 && foundVersion < 0) || (signedVersionOnUpdate == 1 && foundVersion > 0) ) {
// we're ok if versions match, or if both are negative (all missing docs are equal), or if cmd
// specified it must exist (versionOnUpdate==1) and it does.
} else {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.CONFLICT, "version conflict for " + cmd.getId() + " expected=" + signedVersionOnUpdate + " actual=" + foundVersion);
long version = vinfo.getNewClock();
} else {
if (ulog.getState() != UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE && isReplayOrPeersync == false) {
// we're not in an active state, and this update isn't from a replay, so buffer it.
cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.BUFFERING);
return true;
// if we aren't the leader, then we need to check that updates were not re-ordered
if (bucketVersion != 0 && bucketVersion < versionOnUpdate) {
// we're OK... this update has a version higher than anything we've seen
// in this bucket so far, so we know that no reordering has yet occured.
} else {
// there have been updates higher than the current update. we need to check
// the specific version for this id.
Long lastVersion = vinfo.lookupVersion(cmd.getIndexedId());
if (lastVersion != null && Math.abs(lastVersion) >= versionOnUpdate) {
// This update is a repeat, or was reordered. We need to drop this update.
log.debug("Dropping delete update due to version {}", idBytes.utf8ToString());
return true;
if (!isSubShardLeader && replicaType == Replica.Type.TLOG && (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) == 0) {
cmd.setFlags(cmd.getFlags() | UpdateCommand.IGNORE_INDEXWRITER);
return false;
} // end synchronized (bucket)
} finally {
public void processCommit(CommitUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
assert TestInjection.injectFailUpdateRequests();
updateCommand = cmd;
List<Node> nodes = null;
boolean singleLeader = false;
if (zkEnabled) {
nodes = getCollectionUrls(collection, EnumSet.of(Replica.Type.TLOG,Replica.Type.NRT));
if (nodes == null) {
// This could happen if there are only pull replicas
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,
"Unable to distribute commit operation. No replicas available of types " + Replica.Type.TLOG + " or " + Replica.Type.NRT);
if (isLeader && nodes.size() == 1 && replicaType != Replica.Type.PULL) {
singleLeader = true;
if (!zkEnabled || req.getParams().getBool(COMMIT_END_POINT, false) || singleLeader) {
if (replicaType == Replica.Type.TLOG) {
try {
Replica leaderReplica = zkController.getZkStateReader().getLeaderRetry(
collection, cloudDesc.getShardId());
isLeader = leaderReplica.getName().equals(cloudDesc.getCoreNodeName());
if (isLeader) {
long commitVersion = vinfo.getNewClock();
} else {
assert TestInjection.waitForInSyncWithLeader(req.getCore(),
zkController, collection, cloudDesc.getShardId()): "Core " + req.getCore() + " not in sync with leader";
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Exception finding leader for shard " + cloudDesc.getShardId(), e);
} else if (replicaType == Replica.Type.PULL) {
log.warn("Commit not supported on replicas of type " + Replica.Type.PULL);
} else {
// NRT replicas will always commit
if (vinfo != null) {
long commitVersion = vinfo.getNewClock();
} else {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(filterParams(req.getParams()));
if (!req.getParams().getBool(COMMIT_END_POINT, false)) {
params.set(COMMIT_END_POINT, true);
params.set(DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM, DistribPhase.FROMLEADER.toString());
params.set(DISTRIB_FROM, ZkCoreNodeProps.getCoreUrl(
zkController.getBaseUrl(), req.getCore().getName()));
if (nodes != null) {
cmdDistrib.distribCommit(cmd, nodes, params);
private void doLocalCommit(CommitUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
if (vinfo != null) {
try {
if (ulog == null || ulog.getState() == UpdateLog.State.ACTIVE || (cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) != 0) {
} else {"Ignoring commit while not ACTIVE - state: " + ulog.getState() + " replay: " + ((cmd.getFlags() & UpdateCommand.REPLAY) != 0));
} finally {
if (vinfo != null) {
public void finish() throws IOException {
assert ! finished : "lifecycle sanity check";
finished = true;
if (zkEnabled) doFinish();
if (next != null && nodes == null) next.finish();
private List<Node> getCollectionUrls(String collection, EnumSet<Replica.Type> types) {
ClusterState clusterState = zkController.getClusterState();
final DocCollection docCollection = clusterState.getCollectionOrNull(collection);
if (collection == null || docCollection.getSlicesMap() == null) {
throw new ZooKeeperException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
"Could not find collection in zk: " + clusterState);
Map<String,Slice> slices = docCollection.getSlicesMap();
final List<Node> urls = new ArrayList<>(slices.size());
for (Map.Entry<String,Slice> sliceEntry : slices.entrySet()) {
Slice replicas = slices.get(sliceEntry.getKey());
Map<String,Replica> shardMap = replicas.getReplicasMap();
for (Entry<String,Replica> entry : shardMap.entrySet()) {
if (!types.contains(entry.getValue().getType())) {
ZkCoreNodeProps nodeProps = new ZkCoreNodeProps(entry.getValue());
if (clusterState.liveNodesContain(nodeProps.getNodeName())) {
urls.add(new StdNode(nodeProps, collection, replicas.getName()));
if (urls.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return urls;
* Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the caller should behave as
* if this is the "leader" even when ZooKeeper is not enabled.
* (Even in non zk mode, tests may simulate updates to/from a leader)
public static boolean getNonZkLeaderAssumption(SolrQueryRequest req) {
DistribPhase phase =
// if we have been told we are coming from a leader, then we are
// definitely not the leader. Otherwise assume we are.
return DistribPhase.FROMLEADER != phase;
public static final class DistributedUpdatesAsyncException extends SolrException {
public final List<Error> errors;
public DistributedUpdatesAsyncException(List<Error> errors) {
super(buildCode(errors), buildMsg(errors), null);
this.errors = errors;
// create a merged copy of the metadata from all wrapped exceptions
NamedList<String> metadata = new NamedList<String>();
for (Error error : errors) {
if (error.e instanceof SolrException) {
SolrException e = (SolrException) error.e;
NamedList<String> eMeta = e.getMetadata();
if (null != eMeta) {
if (0 < metadata.size()) {
/** Helper method for constructor */
private static int buildCode(List<Error> errors) {
assert null != errors;
assert 0 < errors.size();
int minCode = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int maxCode = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (Error error : errors) {
log.trace("REMOTE ERROR: {}", error);
minCode = Math.min(error.statusCode, minCode);
maxCode = Math.max(error.statusCode, maxCode);
if (minCode == maxCode) {
// all codes are consistent, use that...
return minCode;
} else if (400 <= minCode && maxCode < 500) {
// all codes are 4xx, use 400
return ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST.code;
// ...otherwise use sensible default
return ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR.code;
/** Helper method for constructor */
private static String buildMsg(List<Error> errors) {
assert null != errors;
assert 0 < errors.size();
if (1 == errors.size()) {
return "Async exception during distributed update: " + errors.get(0).e.getMessage();
} else {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(errors.size() + " Async exceptions during distributed update: ");
for (Error error : errors) {
return buf.toString();
// Keeps track of the replication factor achieved for a distributed update request
// originated in this distributed update processor. A RollupReplicationTracker is the only tracker that will
// persist across sub-requests.
// Note that the replica that receives the original request has the only RollupReplicationTracker that exists for the
// lifetime of the batch. The leader for each shard keeps track of its own achieved replication for its shard
// and attaches that to the response to the originating node (i.e. the one with the RollupReplicationTracker).
// Followers in general do not need a tracker of any sort with the sole exception of the RollupReplicationTracker
// allocated on the original node that receives the top-level request.
// DeleteById is tricky. Since the docs are sent one at a time, there has to be some fancy dancing. In the
// deleteById case, here are the rules:
// If I'm leader, there are two possibilities:
// 1> I got the original request. This is the hard one. There are two sub-cases:
// a> Some document in the request is deleted from the shard I lead. In this case my computed replication
// factor counts.
// b> No document in the packet is deleted from my shard. In that case I have nothing to say about the
// achieved replication factor.
// 2> I'm a leader and I got the request from some other replica. In this case I can be certain of a couple of things:
// a> The document in the request will be deleted from my shard
// b> my replication factor counts.
// Even the DeleteById case follows the rules for whether a RollupReplicaitonTracker is allocated.
// This doesn't matter when it comes to delete-by-query since all leaders get the sub-request.
public static class RollupRequestReplicationTracker {
private int achievedRf = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public int getAchievedRf() {
return achievedRf;
// We want to report only the minimun _ever_ achieved...
public void testAndSetAchievedRf(int rf) {
this.achievedRf = Math.min(this.achievedRf, rf);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("RollupRequestReplicationTracker")
.append(" achievedRf: ")
return sb.toString();
// Allocate a LeaderRequestReplicatinTracker if (and only if) we're a leader. If the request comes in to the leader
// at first, allocate both one of these and a RollupRequestReplicationTracker.
// Since these are leader-only, all they really have to do is track the individual update request for this shard
// and return it to be added to the rollup tracker. Which is kind of simple since we get an onSuccess method in
// SolrCmdDistributor
public static class LeaderRequestReplicationTracker {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
// Since we only allocate one of these on the leader and, by definition, the leader has been found and is running,
// we have a replication factor of one by default.
private int achievedRf = 1;
private final String myShardId;
public LeaderRequestReplicationTracker(String shardId) {
this.myShardId = shardId;
// gives the replication factor that was achieved for this request
public int getAchievedRf() {
return achievedRf;
public void trackRequestResult(Node node, boolean success) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("trackRequestResult({}): success? {}, shardId={}", node, success, myShardId);
if (success) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("LeaderRequestReplicationTracker");
sb.append(", achievedRf=")
.append(" for shard ")
return sb.toString();