blob: fea745cf2e59f4254f6d894437b09ac1b1c5ae5e [file] [log] [blame]
Index: lucene/CHANGES.txt
--- lucene/CHANGES.txt (revision 1133783)
+++ lucene/CHANGES.txt (working copy)
@@ -403,6 +403,29 @@
that it inverts the index to compute the ords, but differs in that
it's able to handle multi-valued fields and does not hold the term
bytes in RAM. (Mike McCandless)
+* LUCENE-3108, LUCENE-2935, LUCENE-2168, LUCENE-1231: Changes from
+ IndexDocValues (ColumnStrideFields):
+ - IndexWriter now supports typesafe dense per-document values stored in
+ a column like storage. IndexDocValues are stored on a per-document
+ basis where each documents field can hold exactly one value of a given
+ type. IndexDocValues are provided via Fieldable and can be used in
+ conjunction with stored and indexed values.
+ - IndexDocValues provides an entirely RAM resident document id to value
+ mapping per field as well as a DocIdSetIterator based disk-resident
+ sequential access API relying on filesystem-caches.
+ - Both APIs are exposed via IndexReader and the Codec / Flex API allowsing
+ expert users to integrate customized IndexDocValues reader and writer
+ implementations by extending existing Codecs.
+ - IndexDocValues provides implementations for primitive datatypes like int,
+ long, float, double and arrays of byte. Byte based implementations further
+ provide storage variants like straight or dereferenced stored bytes, fixed
+ and variable length bytes as well as index time sorted base on user-provided
+ comparators.