blob: 157803f942fdc056a64629cba45d6e4d61e35072 [file] [log] [blame]
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional
import jira2markdown
from jira2markdown.elements import MarkupElements
from jira2markdown.markup.lists import UnorderedList, OrderedList
from jira2markdown.markup.text_effects import BlockQuote, Quote
from markup.lists import UnorderedTweakedList, OrderedTweakedList
from markup.text_effects import TweakedBlockQuote, TweakedQuote
class Attachment(object):
filename: str
created: str
content: str
mime_type: str
def extract_summary(o: dict) -> str:
return o.get("fields").get("summary", "")
def extract_description(o: dict) -> str:
description = o.get("fields").get("description", "")
return description if description else ""
def extract_status(o: dict) -> str:
status = o.get("fields").get("status")
return status.get("name", "") if status else ""
def extract_issue_type(o: dict) -> str:
issuetype = o.get("fields").get("issuetype")
return issuetype.get("name", "") if issuetype else ""
def extract_reporter(o: dict) -> tuple[str, str]:
reporter = o.get("fields").get("reporter")
name = reporter.get("name", "") if reporter else ""
disp_name = reporter.get("displayName", "") if reporter else ""
return (name, disp_name)
def extract_assignee(o: dict) -> tuple[str, str]:
assignee = o.get("fields").get("assignee")
name = assignee.get("name", "") if assignee else ""
disp_name = assignee.get("displayName", "") if assignee else ""
return (name, disp_name)
def extract_created(o: dict) -> str:
return o.get("fields").get("created", "")
def extract_updated(o: dict) -> str:
return o.get("fields").get("updated", "")
def extract_resolutiondate(o: dict) -> str:
return o.get("fields").get("resolutiondate", "")
def extract_fixversions(o: dict) -> list[str]:
return [x.get("name", "") for x in o.get("fields").get("fixVersions", [])]
def extract_versions(o: dict) -> list[str]:
return [x.get("name", "") for x in o.get("fields").get("versions", [])]
def extract_components(o: dict) -> list[str]:
return [x.get("name", "") for x in o.get("fields").get("components", [])]
def extract_attachments(o: dict) -> list[tuple[str, int]]:
attachments = o.get("fields").get("attachment")
if not attachments:
return []
files = {}
counts = defaultdict(int)
for a in attachments:
filename = a.get("filename")
created = a.get("created")
content = a.get("content")
mime_type = a.get("mimeType")
if not (filename and created and content and mime_type):
if filename not in files or created > files[filename].created:
files[filename] = Attachment(filename=filename, created=created, content=content, mime_type=mime_type)
counts[filename] += 1
result = []
for name in files.keys():
result.append((name, counts[name]))
return result
def extract_issue_links(o: dict) -> list[str]:
issue_links = o.get("fields").get("issuelinks", [])
if not issue_links:
return []
res = []
for link in issue_links:
key = link.get("outwardIssue", {}).get("key")
if key:
key = link.get("inwardIssue", {}).get("key")
if key:
return res
def extract_subtasks(o: dict) -> list[str]:
return [x.get("key", "") for x in o.get("fields").get("subtasks", [])]
def extract_comments(o: dict) -> list[str, str, str, str, str]:
comments = o.get("fields").get("comment", {}).get("comments", [])
if not comments:
return []
res = []
for c in comments:
author = c.get("author")
name = author.get("name", "") if author else ""
disp_name = author.get("displayName", "") if author else ""
body = c.get("body", "")
created = c.get("created", "")
updated = c.get("updated", "")
res.append((name, disp_name, body, created, updated))
return res
def extract_pull_requests(o: dict) -> list[str]:
worklogs = o.get("fields").get("worklog", {}).get("worklogs", [])
if not worklogs:
return []
res = []
for wl in worklogs:
if wl.get("author").get("name", "") != "githubbot":
comment: str = wl.get("comment", "")
if not comment:
if "opened a new pull request" not in comment and not "opened a pull request" in comment:
comment = comment.replace('\n', ' ')
# detect pull request url
matches = re.match(r".*(https://github\.com/apache/lucene/pull/\d+)", comment)
if matches:
# detect pull request url in old lucene-solr repo
matches = re.match(r".*(https://github\.com/apache/lucene-solr/pull/\d+)", comment)
if matches:
return res
"(y)": "\U0001F44D",
"(n)": "\U0001F44E",
"(i)": "\U0001F6C8",
"(/)": "\u2714",
"(x)": "\u274C",
"(!)": "\u26A0",
"(+)": "\u002B",
"(-)": "\u2212",
"(?)": "\u003F",
"(on)": "\U0001F4A1",
"(off)": "\U0001F4A1",
"(*)": "\u2B50",
"(*r)": "\u2B50",
"(*g)": "\u2B50",
"(*b)": "\u2B50",
"(flag)": "\U0001F3F4",
"(flagoff)": "\U0001F3F3"
REGEX_CRLF = re.compile(r"\r\n")
REGEX_JIRA_KEY = re.compile(r"[^/]LUCENE-\d+")
REGEX_MENTION = re.compile(r"@\w+")
REGEX_LINK = re.compile(r"\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)")
def convert_text(text: str, att_replace_map: dict[str, str] = {}) -> str:
"""Convert Jira markup to Markdown
def repl_att(m: re.Match):
res =
for src, repl in att_replace_map.items():
if == src:
res = f"[{}]({repl})"
return res
text = re.sub(REGEX_CRLF, "\n", text) # jira2markup does not support carriage return (?)
# convert Jira special emojis into corresponding or similar Unicode characters
for emoji, unicode in JIRA_EMOJI_TO_UNICODE.items():
text = text.replace(emoji, unicode)
# convert Jira markup into Markdown with customization
elements = MarkupElements()
elements.replace(UnorderedList, UnorderedTweakedList)
elements.replace(OrderedList, OrderedTweakedList)
elements.replace(BlockQuote, TweakedBlockQuote)
elements.replace(Quote, TweakedQuote)
text = jira2markdown.convert(text, elements=elements)
# markup @ mentions with ``
mentions = re.findall(REGEX_MENTION, text)
if mentions:
mentions = set(mentions)
for m in mentions:
with_backtick = f"`{m}`"
text = text.replace(m, with_backtick)
text = re.sub(REGEX_LINK, repl_att, text)
return text
def embed_gh_issue_link(text: str, issue_id_map: dict[str, str]) -> str:
"""Embed GitHub issue number
jira_keys = [m[1:] for m in re.findall(REGEX_JIRA_KEY, text)]
if jira_keys:
jira_keys = set(jira_keys)
for key in jira_keys:
gh_number = issue_id_map.get(key)
if gh_number:
new_key = f"{key} (#{gh_number})"
text = text.replace(key, new_key)
return text