#27: polish the legacy Jira text added to the issue a bit (#40)

diff --git a/migration/requirements.txt b/migration/requirements.txt
index 559d5b4..6dafc4a 100644
--- a/migration/requirements.txt
+++ b/migration/requirements.txt
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@
diff --git a/migration/src/download_jira.py b/migration/src/download_jira.py
index 21c6c20..9fb5c04 100644
--- a/migration/src/download_jira.py
+++ b/migration/src/download_jira.py
@@ -86,8 +86,9 @@
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
     parser.add_argument('--issues', type=int, required=False, nargs='*', help='Jira issue number list to be downloaded')    
-    parser.add_argument('--min', type=int, dest='min', required=False, default=1, help='Minimum Jira issue number to be donloaded')
-    parser.add_argument('--max', type=int, dest='max', required=False, help='Maximum Jira issue number to be donloaded')
+    parser.add_argument('--min', type=int, dest='min', required=False, default=1, help='Minimum (inclusive) Jira issue number to be downloaded')
+    parser.add_argument('--max', type=int, dest='max', required=False, help='Maximum (inclusive) Jira issue number to be downloaded')
+    parser.add_argument('--skip_attachments', type=bool, dest='skip_attachments', required=False, help='Do not download attachments (they are already (mostly?) cached in this repo)', action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)
     args = parser.parse_args()
     dump_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.joinpath(JIRA_DUMP_DIRNAME)
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@
     logger.info(f"Downloading Jira issues in {dump_dir}. Attachments are saved in {att_data_dir}.")
     for num in issues:
-        if download_issue(num, dump_dir):
+        if download_issue(num, dump_dir) and not args.skip_attachments:
             download_attachments(num, dump_dir, att_data_dir)
diff --git a/migration/src/jira2github_import.py b/migration/src/jira2github_import.py
index 18e407b..233ccd1 100644
--- a/migration/src/jira2github_import.py
+++ b/migration/src/jira2github_import.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 import json
 import sys
 from urllib.parse import quote
+import dateutil.parser
 import os
 import traceback
@@ -70,45 +71,60 @@
         attachment_list_items = []
         att_replace_map = {}
         for (filename, cnt) in attachments:
-            attachment_list_items.append(f"- [{filename}]({attachment_url(num, filename, att_repo, att_branch)})" + (f" (versions: {cnt})\n" if cnt > 1 else "\n"))
+            attachment_list_items.append(f"[{filename}]({attachment_url(num, filename, att_repo, att_branch)})" + (f" (versions: {cnt})" if cnt > 1 else ""))
             att_replace_map[filename] = attachment_url(num, filename, att_repo, att_branch)
+            print(f'{jira_id}: attachments: {attachment_list_items}')
         # embed github issue number next to linked issue keys
         linked_issues_list_items = []
         for jira_key in linked_issues:
-            linked_issues_list_items.append(f"- {jira_key} : [Jira link]({jira_issue_url(jira_key)})\n")
+            linked_issues_list_items.append(f"{jira_key} : [Jira link]({jira_issue_url(jira_key)})")
         # embed github issue number next to sub task keys
         subtasks_list_items = []
         for jira_key in subtasks:
-            subtasks_list_items.append(f"- {jira_key} : [Jira link]({jira_issue_url(jira_key)})\n")
+            subtasks_list_items.append(f"{jira_key} : [Jira link]({jira_issue_url(jira_key)})")
-        # make pull requests list
-        pull_requests_list = [f"- {x}\n" for x in pull_requests]
+        created_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(created)
+        updated_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(updated)
+        if resolutiondate is not None:
+            resolutiondate_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(resolutiondate)
+        else:
+            resolutiondate_datetime = None
-        body = f"""{convert_text(description, att_replace_map, account_map)}
+        try:
+            body = f'{convert_text(description, att_replace_map, account_map)}\n\n'
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.error(traceback.format_exc(limit=100))
+            logger.error(f"Failed to convert opening issue description on {jira_issue_id(num)} due to above exception, ({str(e)}); falling back to original Jira description as code block.")
+            logger.error(f"Original description: {description}")
+            body = f"```\n{description}```\n\n"
+        body += """
-### Jira information
+### Legacy Jira details
-Original Jira: {jira_issue_url(jira_id)}
-Reporter: {reporter}
-Assignee: {assignee}
-Created: {created}
-Updated: {updated}
-Resolved: {resolutiondate}
+[{jira_id}]({jira_issue_url(jira_id)}) by {reporter} on {created_datetime.strftime('%b %d %Y')}"""
+        if resolutiondate_datetime is not None:
+            body += f", resolved {resolutiondate_datetime.strftime('%b %d %Y')}"
+        elif created_datetime.date() != updated_datetime.date():
+            body += f", updated {updated_datetime.strftime('%b %d %Y')}"
-Issue Links:
+        if len(attachment_list_items) > 0:
+            body += f'\nAttachments: {", ".join(attachment_list_items)}'
-Pull Requests:
+        if len(linked_issues_list_items) > 0:
+            body += f'\nLinked issues: {", ".join(linked_issues_list_items)}'
+        if len(subtasks_list_items) > 0:
+            body += f'\nSub-tasks: {", ".join(subtasks_list_items)}'
+        if len(pull_requests) > 0:
+            body += f'\nPull requests: {", ".join([str(x) for x in pull_requests])}'
+        body += '\n'
         def comment_author(author_name, author_dispname):
             author_gh = account_map.get(author_name)
@@ -117,12 +133,24 @@
         comments = extract_comments(o)
         comments_data = []
         for (comment_author_name, comment_author_dispname, comment_body, comment_created, comment_updated) in comments:
+            # TODO: since we now have accurate created_at reflected in the github comment, mabye we remove these
+            #       timestamps?  also, if the account id mapped over to known GH account, we can drop Jira footer entirely?
+            comment_created_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(comment_created)
+            comment_time = f'{comment_created_datetime.strftime("%b %d %Y")}'
+            if comment_updated != comment_created:
+                comment_updated_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(comment_updated)
+                comment_time += f' [updated: {comment_updated_datetime.strftime("%b %d %Y")}]'
+            try:
+                comment_body = f'{convert_text(comment_body, att_replace_map, account_map)}\n\n'
+            except Exception as e:
+                logger.error(traceback.format_exc(limit=100))
+                logger.error(f"Failed to convert comment on {jira_issue_id(num)} due to above exception ({str(e)}); falling back to original Jira comment as code block.")
+                logger.error(f"Original text: {comment_body}")
+                comment_body = f"```\n{comment_body}```\n\n"
+            comment_body += f'Jira: {comment_author(comment_author_name, comment_author_dispname)} on {comment_time}]\n'
             data = {
-                "body": f"""{convert_text(comment_body, att_replace_map, account_map)}
-Author: {comment_author(comment_author_name, comment_author_dispname)}
-Created: {comment_created} / Updated: {comment_updated}
+                "body": comment_body
             if comment_created:
                 data["created_at"] = jira_timestamp_to_github_timestamp(comment_created)