selectively create cross-link issue (#51)

diff --git a/migration/src/ b/migration/src/
index f5cae1f..850b440 100644
--- a/migration/src/
+++ b/migration/src/
@@ -234,12 +234,41 @@
 def embed_gh_issue_link(text: str, issue_id_map: dict[str, str]) -> str:
     """Embed GitHub issue number
-    jira_keys = [m[1:] for m in re.findall(REGEX_JIRA_KEY, text)]
-    if jira_keys:
-        jira_keys = set(jira_keys)
-        for key in jira_keys:
-            gh_number = issue_id_map.get(key)
-            if gh_number:
-                new_key = f"{key} (#{gh_number})"
-                text = text.replace(key, new_key)
+    def repl_simple(m: re.Match):
+        res =
+        gh_number = issue_id_map.get(
+        if gh_number:
+            res = f"{}#{gh_number}{}"
+            # print(res)
+        return res
+    def repl_paren(m: re.Match):
+        res =
+        gh_number = issue_id_map.get(
+        if gh_number:
+            res = f"{}#{gh_number}{}"
+            # print(res)
+        return res
+    def repl_bracket(m: re.Match):
+        res =
+        gh_number = issue_id_map.get(
+        if gh_number:
+            res = f"#{gh_number}"
+            # print(res)
+        return res
+    def repl_md_link(m: re.Match):
+        res =
+        gh_number = issue_id_map.get(
+        if gh_number:
+            res = f"{} (#{gh_number})"
+            print(res)
+        return res
+    text = re.sub(r"(\s)(LUCENE-\d+)([\s,\?\!\.])", repl_simple, text)
+    text = re.sub(r"(\()(LUCENE-\d+)(\))", repl_paren, text)
+    text = re.sub(r"(\[)(LUCENE-\d+)(\])(?!\()", repl_bracket, text)
+    text = re.sub(r"\[(LUCENE-\d+)\]\(https?[^\)]+LUCENE-\d+\)", repl_md_link, text)
     return text
diff --git a/migration/src/ b/migration/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3309f7d..0000000
--- a/migration/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Deprecated.
-# Update GitHub issues/comments to map Jira key to GitHub issue number
-# Usage:
-#   python src/ --issues <issue number list>
-#   python src/
-import argparse
-from pathlib import Path
-import sys
-import os
-from common import LOG_DIRNAME, MAPPINGS_DATA_DIRNAME, ISSUE_MAPPING_FILENAME, MaxRetryLimitExceedException, logging_setup, read_issue_id_map, retry_upto
-from github_issues_util import *
-from jira_util import embed_gh_issue_link
-log_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.joinpath(LOG_DIRNAME)
-logger = logging_setup(log_dir, "update_issue_links")
-@retry_upto(3, 1.0, logger)
-def update_issue_link_in_issue_body(issue_number: int, issue_id_map: dict[str, str], token: str, repo: str):
-    body = get_issue_body(token, repo, issue_number, logger)
-    if body:
-        updated_body = embed_gh_issue_link(body, issue_id_map)
-        if updated_body == body:
-            logger.debug(f"Issue {issue_number} does not contain any cross-issue links; nothing to do.")
-            return
-        if update_issue_body(token, repo, issue_number, updated_body, logger):
-            logger.debug(f"Issue {issue_number} was successfully updated.")
-@retry_upto(3, 1.0, logger)
-def update_issue_link_in_comments(issue_number: int, issue_id_map: dict[str, str], token: str, repo: str):
-    comments = get_issue_comments(token, repo, issue_number, logger)
-    if not comments:
-        return
-    logger.debug(f"# comments in issue {issue_number} = {len(comments)}")
-    for comment in comments:
-        id =
-        body = comment.body
-        updated_body = embed_gh_issue_link(body, issue_id_map)
-        if updated_body == body:
-            logger.debug(f"Comment {id} does not contain any cross-issue links; nothing to do.")
-            continue
-        if update_comment_body(token, repo, id, updated_body, logger):
-            logger.debug(f"Comment {id} was successfully updated.")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    github_token = os.getenv("GITHUB_PAT")
-    if not github_token:
-        print("Please set your GitHub token to GITHUB_PAT environment variable.")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    github_repo = os.getenv("GITHUB_REPO")
-    if not github_repo:
-        print("Please set GitHub repo location to GITHUB_REPO environment varialbe.")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    check_authentication(github_token)
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('--issues', type=int, required=False, nargs='*', help='Jira issue number list to be downloaded')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    mapping_data_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.joinpath(MAPPINGS_DATA_DIRNAME)
-    issue_mapping_file = mapping_data_dir.joinpath(ISSUE_MAPPING_FILENAME)
-    if not issue_mapping_file.exists():
-        logger.error(f"Jira-GitHub issue id mapping file not found. {issue_mapping_file}")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    issue_id_map = read_issue_id_map(issue_mapping_file)
-    issues = []
-    if args.issues:
-        issues = args.issues
-    else:
-        issues = list(issue_id_map.values())
-"Updating GitHub issues")
-    for num in issues:
-        try:
-            update_issue_link_in_issue_body(num, issue_id_map, github_token, github_repo)
-        except MaxRetryLimitExceedException:
-            logger.error(f"Failed to update issue body. Skipped issue {num}")
-            continue
-        try:
-            update_issue_link_in_comments(num, issue_id_map, github_token, github_repo)
-        except MaxRetryLimitExceedException:
-            logger.error(f"Failed to update issue comments. Skipped issue {num}")
-            continue
\ No newline at end of file