update README
diff --git a/migration/README.md b/migration/README.md
index c3227c9..19429ab 100644
--- a/migration/README.md
+++ b/migration/README.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ### 1. Download Jira issues
-`src/download_jira.py` downloads Jira issues and dumps them as JSON files in `migration/jira-dump`. This also downloads attached filed in each issue.
+`src/download_jira.py` downloads Jira issues and dumps them as JSON files in `migration/jira-dump`. This also downloads attached files in each issue.
 (.venv) migration $ python src/download_jira.py --min 10500 --max 10600
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 `src/jira2github_import.py` converts Jira dumps into GitHub data that are importable to [issue import API](https://gist.github.com/jonmagic/5282384165e0f86ef105). Converted JSON data is saved in `migration/github-import-data`.
-Also this resolves all Jira user ID - GitHub account alignment if the account mapping is given in `mapping-data/account-map.csv`.
+Also this resolves all Jira user ID - GitHub account alignment if the account mapping is given in `mapping-data/account-map.csv`. 
 (.venv) migration $ python src/jira2github_import.py --min 10500 --max 10600
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@
 First pass: `src/import_github_issues.py` imports GitHub issues and comments via issue import API. This also writes Jira issue key - GitHub issue number mappings to a file in migration/mappings-data.
+We confirmed this script does not trigger any notifications.
 (.venv) migration $ python src/import_github_issues.py --min 10500 --max 10600
 [2022-06-26 01:36:46,749] INFO:import_github_issues: Importing GitHub issues
@@ -91,10 +93,12 @@
 ### 4. Update GitHub issues and comments
-Second pass: `src/update_issue_links.py` 1) iterates all imported GitHub issue descriptions and comments; 2) embed correct GitHub issue number next to the corresponding Jira issue key with previously created issue mapping; 3) updates them if the texts are changed.
+Second pass: `src/update_issue_links.py` 1) iterates all imported GitHub issue descriptions and comments; 2) embed correct GitHub issue number next to the corresponding Jira issue key with previously created issue number mapping; 3) updates them if the texts are changed.
 e.g.: if `LUCENE-10500` is mapped to GitHub issue `#100`, then all text fragments `LUCENE-10500`  in issue descriptions and comments will be updated to `LUCENE-10500 (#100)`.
+We confirmed this script does not trigger any notifications.
 (.venv) migration $ python src/update_issue_links.py
 [2022-06-26 01:59:43,324] INFO:update_issue_links: Updating GitHub issues
@@ -117,9 +121,10 @@
 * migrate all texts in issue descriptions and comments to GitHub; browsing/searching old issues should work fine.
 * extract every issue metadata from Jira and port it to labels or issue descriptions (as plain text).
-* Create links to attachments.
+* create links to attachments.
 * map Jira cross-issue link "LUCENE-xxx" to GitHub issue mention "#yyy".
 * map Jira user ids to GitHub accounts if the mapping is given.
+* set assignee field if the account mapping is given.
 * convert Jira markups to Markdown with parser library.
    * not perfect - there can be many conversion errors