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<div id="content" class="class">
<h1>Class LoggerOptionConverter</h1>
<div class="description">
<p>A convenience class to convert property values to specific types.</p>
<div class="info">
<b>Package:</b> <a href="package-log4php.html">log4php</a>\<a href="package-log4php.helpers.html">helpers</a><br />
$Revision: 1374617 $<br />
0.5<br />
<b>Located at</b> <a href="source-class-LoggerOptionConverter.html#21-226" title="Go to source code">helpers/LoggerOptionConverter.php</a><br />
<table class="summary" id="methods">
<caption>Methods summary</caption>
<tr data-order="getSystemProperty" id="_getSystemProperty">
<td class="attributes"><code>
public static
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_getSystemProperty">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-LoggerOptionConverter.html#43-66" title="Go to source code">getSystemProperty</a>( <span>string <var>$key</var></span>, <span>string <var>$def</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Read a predefined var.</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Read a predefined var.</p>
<p>It returns a value referenced by <var>$key</var> using this search
<li>if <var>$key</var> is a constant then return it. Else</li>
<li>if <var>$key</var> is set in <var>$_ENV</var> then return it. Else</li>
<li>return <var>$def</var>.</li>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$key The key to search for.</dd>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$def The default value to return.</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>string</code><br>the string value of the system property, or the default value if there is no
property with that key.<br />
<tr data-order="toBooleanEx" id="_toBooleanEx">
<td class="attributes"><code>
public static
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_toBooleanEx">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-LoggerOptionConverter.html#68-84" title="Go to source code">toBooleanEx</a>( <span>mixed <var>$value</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Converts $value to boolean, or throws an exception if not possible.</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Converts $value to boolean, or throws an exception if not possible.</p>
<tr data-order="toIntegerEx" id="_toIntegerEx">
<td class="attributes"><code>
public static
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_toIntegerEx">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-LoggerOptionConverter.html#86-99" title="Go to source code">toIntegerEx</a>( <span>mixed <var>$value</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Converts $value to integer, or throws an exception if not possible. Floats
cannot be converted to integer.</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Converts $value to integer, or throws an exception if not possible. Floats
cannot be converted to integer.</p>
<tr data-order="toPositiveIntegerEx" id="_toPositiveIntegerEx">
<td class="attributes"><code>
public static
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_toPositiveIntegerEx">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-LoggerOptionConverter.html#101-114" title="Go to source code">toPositiveIntegerEx</a>( <span>mixed <var>$value</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Converts $value to integer, or throws an exception if not possible. Floats
cannot be converted to integer.</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Converts $value to integer, or throws an exception if not possible. Floats
cannot be converted to integer.</p>
<tr data-order="toLevelEx" id="_toLevelEx">
<td class="attributes"><code>
public static
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_toLevelEx">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-LoggerOptionConverter.html#116-126" title="Go to source code">toLevelEx</a>( <span>mixed <var>$value</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Converts the value to a level. Throws an exception if not possible.</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Converts the value to a level. Throws an exception if not possible.</p>
<tr data-order="toFileSizeEx" id="_toFileSizeEx">
<td class="attributes"><code>
public static
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_toFileSizeEx">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-LoggerOptionConverter.html#128-175" title="Go to source code">toFileSizeEx</a>( <span>mixed <var>$value</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Converts a value to a valid file size (integer).</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Converts a value to a valid file size (integer).</p>
<p>Supports 'KB', 'MB' and 'GB' suffixes, where KB = 1024 B etc.</p>
<p>The final value will be rounded to the nearest integer.</p>
<li>'100' =&gt; 100</li>
<li>'100.12' =&gt; 100</li>
<li>'100KB' =&gt; 102400</li>
<li>'1.5MB' =&gt; 1572864</li>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>mixed</code><br>$value File size (optionally with suffix).</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>integer</code><br>Parsed file size.<br />
<tr data-order="toStringEx" id="_toStringEx">
<td class="attributes"><code>
public static
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_toStringEx">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-LoggerOptionConverter.html#177-196" title="Go to source code">toStringEx</a>( <span>mixed <var>$value</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Converts a value to string, or throws an exception if not possible.</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Converts a value to string, or throws an exception if not possible.</p>
<p>Objects can be converted to string if they implement the magic __toString()
<tr data-order="substConstants" id="_substConstants">
<td class="attributes"><code>
public static
<td class="name"><div>
<a class="anchor" href="#_substConstants">#</a>
<code><a href="source-class-LoggerOptionConverter.html#198-225" title="Go to source code">substConstants</a>( <span>string <var>$string</var></span> )</code>
<div class="description short">
<p>Performs value substitution for string options.</p>
<div class="description detailed hidden">
<p>Performs value substitution for string options.</p>
<p>An option can contain PHP constants delimited by '${' and '}'.</p>
<p>E.g. for input string "some ${FOO} value", the method will attempt to
substitute ${FOO} with the value of constant FOO if it exists.</p>
<p>Therefore, if FOO is a constant, and it has value "bar", the resulting string
will be "some bar value".</p>
<p>If the constant is not defined, it will be replaced by an empty string, and
the resulting string will be "some value".</p>
<div class="list"><dl>
<dd><code>string</code><br>$string String on which to perform substitution.</dd>
<div class="list">
<code>string</code><br />
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