blob: 0fc2a225d9fa74bfbe082ea621bbe8e9a0929635 [file] [log] [blame]
.. warning::
LoggerLayoutTTCC is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please
use `LoggerLayoutPattern <pattern.html>`_ instead.
The TTCC layout format was taken from Apache log4j, and originally consisted of
Time, Thread, Category and nested diagnostic Context information, hence the
``LoggerLayoutTTCC`` contains equivalent information:
* Time
* Process ID
* Logger name
* Nested diagnostic context
Output of ``LoggerLayoutTTCC`` is identical to that of LoggerLayoutPattern_
with the *conversion pattern* set to ``%d{m/d/y H:i:s,u} [%t] %p %c %x - %m%n``.
The following parameters are available:
.. list-table::
:widths: 20 10 10 10 50
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Type
- Required
- Default
- Description
* - threadPrinting
- boolean
- No
- true
- If set to true, the process ID will be included in output.
* - categoryPrefixing
- boolean
- No
- true
- If set to true, the logger name will be included in output.
* - contextPrinting
- boolean
- No
- true
- If set to true, the nested diagnostic context will be included in output.
* - microSecondsPrinting
- boolean
- No
- true
- If set to true, the microseconds will be included in output.
.. container:: tabs
.. rubric:: XML format
.. code-block:: xml
<configuration xmlns="">
<appender name="default" class="LoggerAppenderEcho">
<layout class="LoggerLayoutTTCC" />
<appender_ref ref="default" />
.. rubric:: PHP format
.. code-block:: php
'appenders' => array(
'default' => array(
'class' => 'LoggerAppenderEcho',
'layout' => array(
'class' => 'LoggerLayoutTTCC',
'rootLogger' => array(
'appenders' => array('default')
For this example, some Nested Diagnostic Context is added also. Running the
following code:
.. code-block:: php
LoggerNDC::push("Some Context");
$logger = Logger::getLogger('myLogger');
$logger->info("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.");
$logger->debug("Donec a diam lectus.");
$logger->warn("Sed sit amet ipsum mauris.");
Produces the following output:
.. code-block:: bash
02/20/12 23:36:39,772 [9820] INFO myLogger Some Context - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
02/20/12 23:36:39,773 [9820] DEBUG myLogger Some Context - Donec a diam lectus.
02/20/12 23:36:39,773 [9820] WARN myLogger Some Context - Sed sit amet ipsum mauris.