blob: 51013cc499deb6712736ab2e874eb3ac181a5169 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @package log4php
* The internal representation of logging event.
* @version $Revision$
* @package log4php
class LoggerLoggingEvent {
private static $startTime;
* @var string Fully Qualified Class Name of the calling category class.
private $fqcn;
* @var Logger reference
private $logger = null;
* The category (logger) name.
* This field will be marked as private in future
* releases. Please do not access it directly.
* Use the {@link getLoggerName()} method instead.
* @deprecated
private $categoryName;
* Level of logging event.
* <p> This field should not be accessed directly. You shoud use the
* {@link getLevel()} method instead.
* @deprecated
* @var LoggerLevel
protected $level;
* @var string The nested diagnostic context (NDC) of logging event.
private $ndc;
* Have we tried to do an NDC lookup? If we did, there is no need
* to do it again. Note that its value is always false when
* serialized. Thus, a receiving SocketNode will never use it's own
* (incorrect) NDC. See also writeObject method.
* @var boolean
private $ndcLookupRequired = true;
* Have we tried to do an MDC lookup? If we did, there is no need
* to do it again. Note that its value is always false when
* serialized. See also the getMDC and getMDCCopy methods.
* @var boolean
private $mdcCopyLookupRequired = true;
* @var mixed The application supplied message of logging event.
private $message;
* The application supplied message rendered through the log4php
* objet rendering mechanism. At present renderedMessage == message.
* @var string
private $renderedMessage = null;
* The name of thread in which this logging event was generated.
* log4php saves here the process id via {@link PHP_MANUAL#getmypid getmypid()}
* @var mixed
private $threadName = null;
* The number of seconds elapsed from 1/1/1970 until logging event
* was created plus microseconds if available.
* @var float
public $timeStamp;
* @var LoggerLocationInfo Location information for the caller.
private $locationInfo = null;
* Instantiate a LoggingEvent from the supplied parameters.
* <p>Except {@link $timeStamp} all the other fields of
* LoggerLoggingEvent are filled when actually needed.
* @param string $fqcn name of the caller class.
* @param mixed $logger The {@link Logger} category of this event or the logger name.
* @param LoggerLevel $priority The level of this event.
* @param mixed $message The message of this event.
* @param integer $timeStamp the timestamp of this logging event.
public function __construct($fqcn, $logger, $priority, $message, $timeStamp = null) {
$this->fqcn = $fqcn;
if($logger instanceof Logger) {
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->categoryName = $logger->getName();
} else {
$this->categoryName = strval($logger);
$this->level = $priority;
$this->message = $message;
if($timeStamp !== null && is_float($timeStamp)) {
$this->timeStamp = $timeStamp;
} else {
if(function_exists('microtime')) {
// get microtime as float
$this->timeStamp = microtime(true);
} else {
$this->timeStamp = floatval(time());
* Set the location information for this logging event. The collected
* information is cached for future use.
* <p>This method uses {@link PHP_MANUAL#debug_backtrace debug_backtrace()} function (if exists)
* to collect informations about caller.</p>
* <p>It only recognize informations generated by {@link Logger} and its subclasses.</p>
* @return LoggerLocationInfo
public function getLocationInformation() {
if($this->locationInfo === null) {
$locationInfo = array();
if(function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$prevHop = null;
// make a downsearch to identify the caller
$hop = array_pop($trace);
while($hop !== null) {
if(isset($hop['class'])) {
// we are sometimes in functions = no class available: avoid php warning here
$className = strtolower($hop['class']);
if(!empty($className) and ($className == 'logger' or $className == 'loggercategory' or
strtolower(get_parent_class($className)) == 'logger' or
strtolower(get_parent_class($className)) == 'loggercategory')) {
$locationInfo['line'] = $hop['line'];
$locationInfo['file'] = $hop['file'];
$prevHop = $hop;
$hop = array_pop($trace);
$locationInfo['class'] = isset($prevHop['class']) ? $prevHop['class'] : 'main';
if(isset($prevHop['function']) and
$prevHop['function'] !== 'include' and
$prevHop['function'] !== 'include_once' and
$prevHop['function'] !== 'require' and
$prevHop['function'] !== 'require_once') {
$locationInfo['function'] = $prevHop['function'];
} else {
$locationInfo['function'] = 'main';
$this->locationInfo = new LoggerLocationInfo($locationInfo, $this->fqcn);
return $this->locationInfo;
* Return the level of this event. Use this form instead of directly
* accessing the {@link $level} field.
* @return LoggerLevel
public function getLevel() {
return $this->level;
* Return the name of the logger. Use this form instead of directly
* accessing the {@link $categoryName} field.
* @return string
public function getLoggerName() {
return $this->categoryName;
* Return the message for this logging event.
* <p>Before serialization, the returned object is the message
* passed by the user to generate the logging event. After
* serialization, the returned value equals the String form of the
* message possibly after object rendering.
* @return mixed
public function getMessage() {
if($this->message !== null) {
return $this->message;
} else {
return $this->getRenderedMessage();
* This method returns the NDC for this event. It will return the
* correct content even if the event was generated in a different
* thread or even on a different machine. The {@link LoggerNDC::get()} method
* should <b>never</b> be called directly.
* @return string
public function getNDC() {
if($this->ndcLookupRequired) {
$this->ndcLookupRequired = false;
$this->ndc = implode(' ', LoggerNDC::get());
return $this->ndc;
* Returns the the context corresponding to the <code>key</code>
* parameter.
* @return string
public function getMDC($key) {
return LoggerMDC::get($key);
* Render message.
* @return string
public function getRenderedMessage() {
if($this->renderedMessage === null and $this->message !== null) {
if(is_string($this->message)) {
$this->renderedMessage = $this->message;
} else {
// $this->logger might be null or an instance of Logger or RootLogger
// But in contrast to log4j, in log4php there is only have one LoggerHierarchy so there is
// no need figure out which one is $this->logger part of.
// TODO: Logger::getHierarchy() is marked @deprecated!
$repository = Logger::getHierarchy();
$rendererMap = $repository->getRendererMap();
$this->renderedMessage= $rendererMap->findAndRender($this->message);
return $this->renderedMessage;
* Returns the time when the application started, in seconds
* elapsed since 01.01.1970 plus microseconds if available.
* @return float
* @static
public static function getStartTime() {
if(!isset(self::$startTime)) {
if (function_exists('microtime')) {
// microtime as float
self::$startTime = microtime(true);
} else {
self::$startTime = floatval(time());
return self::$startTime;
* @return float
public function getTimeStamp() {
return $this->timeStamp;
* Calculates the time of this event.
* @return the time after event starttime when this event has occured
public function getTime() {
$eventTime = (float)$this->getTimeStamp();
$eventStartTime = (float)LoggerLoggingEvent::getStartTime();
return number_format(($eventTime - $eventStartTime) * 1000, 0, '', '');
* @return mixed
public function getThreadName() {
if ($this->threadName === null) {
$this->threadName = (string)getmypid();
return $this->threadName;
* @return mixed null
public function getThrowableInformation() {
return null;
* Serialize this object
* @return string
public function toString() {
* Avoid serialization of the {@link $logger} object
public function __sleep() {
return array(