blob: 50bc2d46d1023207201d9d7cd1f2e270e78cf21d [file] [log] [blame]
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<document xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<section name="Releases">
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<subsection name="Apache log4php v2.3.0 ()" id="Apache_log4php_v2.3.0">
<p>Release date: TBA</p>
<p><a href="changes-report.html#a2.3.0">JIRA change log</a></p>
<p><strong>New features:</strong></p>
<li>New appender: <a href="docs/appenders/firephp.html">FirePHP</a> (thanks to Bruce Ingalls)</li>
<li><a href="docs/layouts/pattern.html">LoggerLayoutPatern</a> has been greatly improved:
<li>supports longer conversion words such as <code>%date</code> instead of <code>%d</code>,
<code>%message</code> instead of <code>%m</code>, etc.</li>
<li>added many new conversion words; check out the docs for the full list</li>
<li>changed the default conversion pattern to be more verbose</li>
<p><strong>Breaking changes:</strong></p>
<li>Several changes to <a href="docs/appenders/pdo.html">LoggerAppenderPDO</a>:
<li>a database table for logging will no longer be created by the appender; the user must
create this table manually.</li>
<li>the default date pattern does not include milliseconds (this is faster)</li>
<li>In the <a href="docs/layouts/pattern.html">pattern layout</a>, it is no longer possible to
access $_SERVER and $_ENV values using <code>%X{server.*}</code> and <code>%X{env.*}</code>
conversion words; use the new words <code>%server{*}</code> and <code>%env{*}</code> instead.
<p>Please review the documentation and make any necessary changes to your configuration.</p>
<subsection name="Apache log4php v2.2.1" id="Apache_log4php_v2.2.1">
<p>Release date: 18.02.2012.</p>
<p><a href="changes-report.html#a2.2.1">JIRA change log</a></p>
<p>A bugfix release fixing several critical bugs found since the 2.2.0 release.</p>
<li>Fixed a bug which prevented configuration by passing a LoggerConfigurator instance.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug which prevented parsing of INI configuration files when using PHP 5.2.x.</li>
<p><strong>New features:</strong></p>
<li>Added connection timeout parameter to the <a href="docs/appenders/mongodb.html">MongoDB appender</a>.</li>
<subsection name="Apache log4php v2.2.0" id="Apache_log4php_v2.2.0">
<p>Release date: 20.12.2011.</p>
<p><a href="changes-report.html#a2.2.0">JIRA change log</a></p>
<p><strong>New features:</strong></p>
<li>A new layout: <a href="docs/layouts/serialized.html">serialized</a></li>
<li>Full rewrite of the <a href="docs/configuration.html">configuration logic</a>. Makes inline
PHP configuration possible.</li>
<li>Improved error reporting. Warnings will be triggered if problems are detected. This makes
locating errors in configuration easier.</li>
<li>Appenders will use a default layout if no layout is specified in configuration.</li>
<li>The <a href="docs/layouts/xml.html">XML layout</a> has been extended to include MDC data.</li>
<li>Improved documentation to include more XML and PHP configuration examples.</li>
<li>New web site appearance (powered by the <a class="external"
href="">Bootstrap toolkit</a>).</li>
<p><strong>Breaking changes:</strong></p>
<li>The <a href="docs/appenders/socket.html">socket appender</a> has been rewritten to use a layout.
By default it will use the <a href="docs/layouts/serialized.html">serialized layout</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="docs/appenders/syslog.html">syslog appender</a> has been rewritten and the
interpretation of parameters has changed.</li>
<p>Please review the documentation and make any necessary changes to your configuration.</p>
<subsection name="Apache log4php v2.1.0" id="Apache_log4php_v2.1.0">
<p>Release date: 13.07.2011.</p>
<p><a href="changes-report.html#a2.1.0">JIRA change log</a></p>
<p><strong>New features:</strong></p>
<li>New logging level: TRACE</li>
<li>New appender: MongoDB (thanks to Vladimir Gorej)</li>
<li>A lot of bugfixes</li>
<li>Most of the documentation has been rewritten</li>
<subsection name="Apache log4php v2.0.0" id="Apache_log4php_v2.0.0">
<p>Release date: 12.12.2009.</p>
<p><a href="changes-report.html#a2.0.0">JIRA change log</a></p>
<p>Apache log4php 2.0 is not compatible with the previous versions. Please have the following in mind
when upgrading to log4php 2.0 in your project:</p>
<li>PHP 5.2+ is required</li>
<li>LoggerManager class has been removed. Use Logger instead.</li>
<li>LoggerHierarchy is not a singleton anymore by default.</li>
<li>logs to STDOUT by default</li>
<li>LOG4PHP_CONFIGURATION constant is no longer used. Please use Logger::configure() to configure