blob: afcde92e9b212ee2304583458d8fad1f5249a41b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
pipeline {
options {
timeout(time: 4, unit: 'HOURS')
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '3'))
agent {
label 'ubuntu'
stages {
// prepare node for builds
stage('checkout') {
steps {
checkout scm
// builds
stage('build netstandard-1.3') {
steps {
script {
checkout scm
def builder_dir = "buildtools/docker/builder-netstandard-1.3"
// calculate args required to build the docker container
def JENKINS_UID = sh (
script: "stat -c \"%u\" $builder_dir",
returnStdout: true
def JENKINS_GID = sh (
script: "stat -c \"%g\" $builder_dir",
returnStdout: true
// build docker container
def builder = 'builder-netstandard:latest', "--file $builder_dir/Dockerfile --build-arg JENKINS_UID=$JENKINS_UID --build-arg JENKINS_GID=$JENKINS_GID $builder_dir"
// run docker container
builder.inside {
// compile
sh "nant compile-netstandard-1.3"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'netstandard-1.3-assemblies'
// test
sh 'cd netstandard/log4net.tests && dotnet test'
stage('build net-2.0') {
agent { label 'Windows' }
environment {
NANT_BIN = 'F:\\jenkins\\tools\\nant\\nant-0.92\\bin\\NAnt.exe'
steps {
checkout scm
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-2.0 compile-net-2.0"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'net-2.0-assemblies'
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-2.0 -buildfile:tests/ runtests-net-2.0"
stash includes: 'tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml', name: 'net-2.0-testresults'
stage('build net-3.5') {
agent { label 'Windows' }
environment {
NANT_BIN = 'F:\\jenkins\\tools\\nant\\nant-0.92\\bin\\NAnt.exe'
steps {
checkout scm
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-3.5 compile-net-3.5"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'net-3.5-assemblies'
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-3.5 -buildfile:tests/ runtests-net-3.5"
stash includes: 'tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml', name: 'net-3.5-testresults'
stage('build net-3.5-cp') {
agent { label 'Windows' }
environment {
NANT_BIN = 'F:\\jenkins\\tools\\nant\\nant-0.92\\bin\\NAnt.exe'
steps {
checkout scm
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-3.5 compile-net-3.5-cp"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'net-3.5-cp-assemblies'
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-3.5 -buildfile:tests/ runtests-net-3.5-cp"
stash includes: 'tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml', name: 'net-3.5-cp-testresults'
stage('build net-4.0') {
agent { label 'Windows' }
environment {
NANT_BIN = 'F:\\jenkins\\tools\\nant\\nant-0.92\\bin\\NAnt.exe'
steps {
checkout scm
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-4.0 compile-net-4.0"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'net-4.0-assemblies'
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-4.0 -buildfile:tests/ runtests-net-4.0"
stash includes: 'tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml', name: 'net-4.0-testresults'
stage('build net-4.0-cp') {
agent { label 'Windows' }
environment {
NANT_BIN = 'F:\\jenkins\\tools\\nant\\nant-0.92\\bin\\NAnt.exe'
steps {
checkout scm
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-4.0 compile-net-4.0-cp"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'net-4.0-cp-assemblies'
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-4.0 -buildfile:tests/ runtests-net-4.0-cp"
stash includes: 'tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml', name: 'net-4.0-cp-testresults'
stage('build net-4.5') {
agent { label 'Windows' }
environment {
NANT_BIN = 'F:\\jenkins\\tools\\nant\\nant-0.92\\bin\\NAnt.exe'
steps {
checkout scm
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-4.0 compile-net-4.5"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'net-4.5-assemblies'
bat "${NANT_BIN} -t:net-4.0 -buildfile:tests/ runtests-net-4.5"
stash includes: 'tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml', name: 'net-4.5-testresults'
stage('build mono-2.0') {
agent {
dockerfile {
dir 'buildtools/docker/builder-mono-2.0'
args '-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
reuseNode true
steps {
sh "rm -rf bin/ tests/"
checkout scm
sh "nant -t:mono-2.0 compile-mono-2.0"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'mono-2.0-assemblies'
sh "nant -t:mono-2.0 -buildfile:tests/ runtests-mono-2.0"
stash includes: 'tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml', name: 'mono-2.0-testresults'
stage('build mono-3.5') {
agent {
dockerfile {
dir 'buildtools/docker/builder-mono-3.5'
args '-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
reuseNode true
steps {
sh "rm -rf bin/ tests/"
checkout scm
sh "nant -t:mono-3.5 compile-mono-3.5"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'mono-3.5-assemblies'
sh "nant -t:mono-3.5 -buildfile:tests/ runtests-mono-3.5"
stash includes: 'tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml', name: 'mono-3.5-testresults'
stage('build mono-4.0') {
agent {
dockerfile {
dir 'buildtools/docker/builder-mono-4.0'
args '-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro'
reuseNode true
steps {
sh "rm -rf bin/ tests/"
checkout scm
sh "nant -t:mono-4.0 compile-mono-4.0"
stash includes: 'bin/**/*.*', name: 'mono-4.0-assemblies'
sh "nant -t:mono-4.0 -buildfile:tests/ runtests-mono-4.0"
stash includes: 'tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml', name: 'mono-4.0-testresults'
stage('build site') {
agent { label 'Windows' }
tools {
maven 'Maven 3.3.9 (Windows)'
jdk 'JDK 1.8 (latest)'
environment {
NANT_BIN = 'F:\\jenkins\\tools\\nant\\nant-0.92\\bin\\NAnt.exe'
steps {
checkout scm
bat "${NANT_BIN} generate-site"
stash includes: 'target/site/**/*.*', name: 'site'
// prepare package
stage('prepare package') {
steps {
// assemble package by unstashing components
dir('package') {
// unstash assemblies
unstash 'net-3.5-assemblies'
unstash 'net-3.5-cp-assemblies'
unstash 'net-4.0-assemblies'
unstash 'net-4.0-cp-assemblies'
unstash 'net-4.5-assemblies'
unstash 'mono-2.0-assemblies'
unstash 'mono-3.5-assemblies'
unstash 'mono-4.0-assemblies'
unstash 'netstandard-1.3-assemblies'
// unstash test results
unstash 'net-3.5-testresults'
unstash 'net-3.5-cp-testresults'
unstash 'net-4.0-testresults'
unstash 'net-4.0-cp-testresults'
unstash 'net-4.5-testresults'
unstash 'mono-2.0-testresults'
unstash 'mono-3.5-testresults'
unstash 'mono-4.0-testresults'
// unstash site
unstash 'site'
// move site
sh 'mv package/target/site/ package/site/'
sh 'rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty package/target'
// record git status into the package
sh 'git log -1 > package/git.commit'
// archive package
archive 'package/**/*.*'
// archive the tests (this also checks if tests failed; if that's the case this stage should fail)
stage('check test results') {
steps {
// record test results
$class : 'XUnitBuilder',
thresholds : [
$class: 'FailedThreshold', unstableThreshold: '1'
tools : [
$class : 'NUnitJunitHudsonTestType',
deleteOutputFiles : false,
failIfNotNew : true,
pattern : 'package/tests/bin/**/*.nunit.xml',
skipNoTestFiles : true,
stopProcessingIfError: true
stage('publish site') {
when {
branch 'master'
steps {
echo 'This is a placeholder for the deployment of the site'
post {
failure {
// TODO: change this to dev@
step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: false, recipients: ''])