blob: a2a24e9efd0b795da6aa78ab5f20c79a669ff65a [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.logging.log4j.message;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
* This benchmark is not in the perf.jmh package because it tests the package-protected ParameterFormatter class.
// ============================== HOW TO RUN THIS TEST: ====================================
// single thread:
// java -jar log4j-perf/target/benchmarks.jar ".*ParameterFormatterBench.*" -f 1 -wi 5 -i 10
// multiple threads (for example, 4 threads):
// java -jar log4j-perf/target/benchmarks.jar ".*ParameterFormatterBench.*" -f 1 -wi 5 -i 10 -t 4 -si true
// Usage help:
// java -jar log4j-perf/target/benchmarks.jar -help
public class ParameterFormatterBenchmark {
private static final Object[] ARGS = { "arg1", "arg2", "arg3", "arg4", "arg5", "arg6", "arg7", "arg8",
"arg9", "arg10",};
public static class ThreadState {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(2048);
int[] indices = new int[255];
char[] copy = new char[4096];
public int latency3ParamsV3(final ThreadState state) {
final String STR = "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}";
final int length = STR.length();
STR.getChars(0, length, state.copy, 0);
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders3(state.copy, length, state.indices);
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage3(state.buffer, state.copy, length, ARGS, count, state.indices);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency5ParamsV3(final ThreadState state) {
final String STR = "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}";
final int length = STR.length();
STR.getChars(0, length, state.copy, 0);
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders3(state.copy, length, state.indices);
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage3(state.buffer, state.copy, length, ARGS, count, state.indices);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency7ParamsV3(final ThreadState state) {
final String STR = "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}";
final int length = STR.length();
STR.getChars(0, length, state.copy, 0);
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders3(state.copy, length, state.indices);
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage3(state.buffer, state.copy, length, ARGS, count, state.indices);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency9ParamsV3(final ThreadState state) {
final String STR = "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}, p8={}, p9={}";
final int length = STR.length();
STR.getChars(0, length, state.copy, 0);
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders3(state.copy, length, state.indices);
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage3(state.buffer, state.copy, length, ARGS, count, state.indices);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency3ParamsV2(final ThreadState state) {
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders2("p1={}, p2={}, p3={}", state.indices);
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage2(state.buffer, "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}", ARGS, count, state.indices);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency5ParamsV2(final ThreadState state) {
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders2("p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}", state.indices);
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage2(state.buffer, "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}", ARGS, count, state.indices);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency7ParamsV2(final ThreadState state) {
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders2("p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}", state.indices);
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage2(state.buffer, "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}", ARGS, count, state.indices);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency9ParamsV2(final ThreadState state) {
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders2("p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}, p8={}, p9={}", state.indices);
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage2(state.buffer, "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}, p8={}, p9={}", ARGS, count, state.indices);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency3Params(final ThreadState state) {
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders("p1={}, p2={}, p3={}");
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage(state.buffer, "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}", ARGS, count);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency5Params(final ThreadState state) {
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders("p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}");
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage(state.buffer, "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}", ARGS, count);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency7Params(final ThreadState state) {
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders("p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}");
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage(state.buffer, "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}", ARGS, count);
return state.buffer.length();
public int latency9Params(final ThreadState state) {
final int count = ParameterFormatter.countArgumentPlaceholders("p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}, p8={}, p9={}");
ParameterFormatter.formatMessage(state.buffer, "p1={}, p2={}, p3={}, p4={}, p5={}, p6={}, p7={}, p8={}, p9={}", ARGS, count);
return state.buffer.length();