blob: 1106a3702a9199b1118dc2010cbd9ce2fc482b18 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Log4j 2.0-alpha1 RELEASE NOTES
The Apache Log4j 2 team is pleased to announce the Log4j 2.0-alpha1 release!
Apache Log4j 2.0-alpha1 requires a minimum of Java 5 to build and run. Basic compatibility with
Log4j 1.x is provided through the log4j12-api component, however it does not implement some of the
very implementation specific classes and methods. The package names and Maven groupId have been changed to
org.apache.logging.log4j to avoid any conflicts with log4j 1.x.
Rewrite of Log4j
Changes in this version include:
New features:
o LOG4J2-60: Added ability to filter on the appender-ref by adding either a level or a filter. Thanks to Shane Kelly.
o LOG4J2-54: Support existing ability to modify any of an event's fields
o LOG4J2-53: Better control over timestamp
o LOG4J2-32: Create a Layout and SyslogAppender that support RFC 5424.
o LOG4J2-31: The Logging API should support a Message object
o LOG4J2-17: Provide enhanced logger filtering support.
Fixed Bugs:
o LOG4J2-56: Level.toLevel would throw an IllegalArgumentException instead of returning the default value. Thanks to John Owen Atala.
o LOG4J2-51: Remove LoggerContext support for custom logger factories. All Loggers returned
by LoggerContext should be compatibile and of the same type. Thanks to John Vasileff.
o LOG4J2-50: Make sure all application facing log methods use their own FQCN. This patch
resolves a unit test failure for the %C pattern when using the Category logger. Thanks to John Vasileff.
o LOG4J2-19: Provide looser coupling of PatternConverters
o LOG4J2-15: Provide a "Proxy" Appender to support lazy initialization of Appenders.
For complete information on Apache Log4j 2, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Log4j 2 website: