blob: 83770360fd84cc85a1cc373056f25ef3cae0963c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the license for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the license.
package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.pattern;
import static org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiRenderer.Code.BG_RED;
import static org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiRenderer.Code.BOLD;
import static org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiRenderer.Code.RED;
import static org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiRenderer.Code.WHITE;
import static org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiRenderer.Code.YELLOW;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.status.StatusLogger;
import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi;
import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiRenderer;
import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiRenderer.Code;
* Renders an input as ANSI escaped output.
* Uses the JAnsi rendering syntax as the default to render a message into an ANSI escaped string.
* The default syntax for embedded ANSI codes is:
* <pre>
* &#64;|<em>code</em>(,<em>code</em>)* <em>text</em>|@
* </pre>
* For example, to render the message {@code "Hello"} in green, use:
* <pre>
* &#64;|green Hello|@
* </pre>
* To render the message {@code "Hello"} in bold and red, use:
* <pre>
* &#64;|bold,red Warning!|@
* </pre>
* You can also define custom style names in the configuration with the syntax:
* <pre>
* %message{ansi}{StyleName=value(,value)*( StyleName=value(,value)*)*}%n
* </pre>
* For example:
* <pre>
* %message{ansi}{WarningStyle=red,bold KeyStyle=white ValueStyle=blue}%n
* </pre>
* The call site can look like this:
* <pre>
*"@|KeyStyle {}|@ = @|ValueStyle {}|@", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* </pre>
* Note: This class originally copied and then heavily modified code from JAnsi's AnsiRenderer (which is licensed as
* Apache 2.0.)
* @see AnsiRenderer
public final class JAnsiTextRenderer implements TextRenderer {
public static final Map<String, Code[]> DefaultExceptionStyleMap;
static final Map<String, Code[]> DefaultMessageStyleMap;
private static final Map<String, Map<String, Code[]>> PrefedinedStyleMaps;
private static void put(final Map<String, Code[]> map, final String name, final Code... codes) {
map.put(name, codes);
static {
final Map<String, Map<String, Code[]>> tempPreDefs = new HashMap<>();
// Default style: Spock
// TODO Should the keys be in an enum?
final Map<String, Code[]> map = new HashMap<>();
put(map, "Prefix", WHITE);
put(map, "Name", BG_RED, WHITE);
put(map, "NameMessageSeparator", BG_RED, WHITE);
put(map, "Message", BG_RED, WHITE, BOLD);
put(map, "At", WHITE);
put(map, "CauseLabel", WHITE);
put(map, "Text", WHITE);
put(map, "More", WHITE);
put(map, "Suppressed", WHITE);
// StackTraceElement
put(map, "StackTraceElement.ClassName", YELLOW);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.ClassMethodSeparator", YELLOW);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.MethodName", YELLOW);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.NativeMethod", YELLOW);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.FileName", RED);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.LineNumber", RED);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.Container", RED);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.ContainerSeparator", WHITE);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.UnknownSource", RED);
// ExtraClassInfo
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.Inexact", YELLOW);
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.Container", YELLOW);
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.ContainerSeparator", YELLOW);
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.Location", YELLOW);
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.Version", YELLOW);
// Save
DefaultExceptionStyleMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
tempPreDefs.put("Spock", DefaultExceptionStyleMap);
// Style: Kirk
// TODO Should the keys be in an enum?
final Map<String, Code[]> map = new HashMap<>();
put(map, "Prefix", WHITE);
put(map, "Name", BG_RED, YELLOW, BOLD);
put(map, "NameMessageSeparator", BG_RED, YELLOW);
put(map, "Message", BG_RED, WHITE, BOLD);
put(map, "At", WHITE);
put(map, "CauseLabel", WHITE);
put(map, "Text", WHITE);
put(map, "More", WHITE);
put(map, "Suppressed", WHITE);
// StackTraceElement
put(map, "StackTraceElement.ClassName", BG_RED, WHITE);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.ClassMethodSeparator", BG_RED, YELLOW);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.MethodName", BG_RED, YELLOW);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.NativeMethod", BG_RED, YELLOW);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.FileName", RED);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.LineNumber", RED);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.Container", RED);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.ContainerSeparator", WHITE);
put(map, "StackTraceElement.UnknownSource", RED);
// ExtraClassInfo
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.Inexact", YELLOW);
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.Container", WHITE);
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.ContainerSeparator", WHITE);
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.Location", YELLOW);
put(map, "ExtraClassInfo.Version", YELLOW);
// Save
tempPreDefs.put("Kirk", Collections.unmodifiableMap(map));
final Map<String, Code[]> temp = new HashMap<>();
DefaultMessageStyleMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(temp);
PrefedinedStyleMaps = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempPreDefs);
private final String beginToken;
private final int beginTokenLen;
private final String endToken;
private final int endTokenLen;
private final Map<String, Code[]> styleMap;
public JAnsiTextRenderer(final String[] formats, final Map<String, Code[]> defaultStyleMap) {
String tempBeginToken = AnsiRenderer.BEGIN_TOKEN;
String tempEndToken = AnsiRenderer.END_TOKEN;
Map<String, Code[]> map;
if (formats.length > 1) {
final String allStylesStr = formats[1];
// Style def split
final String[] allStyleAssignmentsArr = allStylesStr.split(" ");
map = new HashMap<>(allStyleAssignmentsArr.length + defaultStyleMap.size());
for (final String styleAssignmentStr : allStyleAssignmentsArr) {
final String[] styleAssignmentArr = styleAssignmentStr.split("=");
if (styleAssignmentArr.length != 2) {
StatusLogger.getLogger().warn("{} parsing style \"{}\", expected format: StyleName=Code(,Code)*",
getClass().getSimpleName(), styleAssignmentStr);
} else {
final String styleName = styleAssignmentArr[0];
final String codeListStr = styleAssignmentArr[1];
final String[] codeNames = codeListStr.split(",");
if (codeNames.length == 0) {
"{} parsing style \"{}\", expected format: StyleName=Code(,Code)*",
getClass().getSimpleName(), styleAssignmentStr);
} else {
switch (styleName) {
case "BeginToken":
tempBeginToken = codeNames[0];
case "EndToken":
tempEndToken = codeNames[0];
case "StyleMapName":
final String predefinedMapName = codeNames[0];
final Map<String, Code[]> predefinedMap = PrefedinedStyleMaps.get(predefinedMapName);
if (predefinedMap != null) {
} else {
StatusLogger.getLogger().warn("Unknown predefined map name {}, pick one of {}",
predefinedMapName, null);
final Code[] codes = new Code[codeNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {
codes[i] = toCode(codeNames[i]);
map.put(styleName, codes);
} else {
map = defaultStyleMap;
styleMap = map;
beginToken = tempBeginToken;
endToken = tempEndToken;
beginTokenLen = tempBeginToken.length();
endTokenLen = tempEndToken.length();
public Map<String, Code[]> getStyleMap() {
return styleMap;
private void render(final Ansi ansi, final Code code) {
if (code.isColor()) {
if (code.isBackground()) {;
} else {
} else if (code.isAttribute()) {
private void render(final Ansi ansi, final Code... codes) {
for (final Code code : codes) {
render(ansi, code);
* Renders the given text with the given names which can be ANSI code names or Log4j style names.
* @param text
* The text to render
* @param names
* ANSI code names or Log4j style names.
* @return A rendered string containing ANSI codes.
private String render(final String text, final String... names) {
final Ansi ansi = Ansi.ansi();
for (final String name : names) {
final Code[] codes = styleMap.get(name);
if (codes != null) {
render(ansi, codes);
} else {
render(ansi, toCode(name));
return ansi.a(text).reset().toString();
// EXACT COPY OF StringBuilder version of the method but typed as String for input
public void render(final String input, final StringBuilder output, final String styleName)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
output.append(render(input, styleName));
public void render(final StringBuilder input, final StringBuilder output) throws IllegalArgumentException {
int i = 0;
int j, k;
while (true) {
j = input.indexOf(beginToken, i);
if (j == -1) {
if (i == 0) {
output.append(input.substring(i, input.length()));
output.append(input.substring(i, j));
k = input.indexOf(endToken, j);
if (k == -1) {
j += beginTokenLen;
final String spec = input.substring(j, k);
final String[] items = spec.split(AnsiRenderer.CODE_TEXT_SEPARATOR, 2);
if (items.length == 1) {
final String replacement = render(items[1], items[0].split(","));
i = k + endTokenLen;
private Code toCode(final String name) {
return Code.valueOf(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
public String toString() {
return "JAnsiMessageRenderer [beginToken=" + beginToken + ", beginTokenLen=" + beginTokenLen + ", endToken="
+ endToken + ", endTokenLen=" + endTokenLen + ", styleMap=" + styleMap + "]";