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#set($dollar = '$')
= JSON Template Layout
Volkan Yazıcı <>
`JsonTemplateLayout` is a customizable, efficient, and garbage-free JSON
emitting layout. It encodes ``LogEvent``s according to the structure described
by the JSON template provided. In a nutshell, it shines with its
* Customizable JSON structure (see `eventTemplate[Uri]` and
`stackTraceElementTemplate[Uri]` parameters)
* Customizable timestamp formatting (see `timestamp` parameter)
== Usage
Adding `log4j-layout-template-json` artifact to your list of dependencies is
enough to enable access to `JsonTemplateLayout` in your Log4j configuration:
For instance, given the following JSON template modelling the[the official Logstash
`JSONEventLayoutV1`] (accessible via `classpath:LogstashJsonEventLayoutV1.json`)
"mdc": {
"$resolver": "mdc"
"exception": {
"exception_class": {
"$resolver": "exception",
"field": "className"
"exception_message": {
"$resolver": "exception",
"field": "message",
"stringified": true
"stacktrace": {
"$resolver": "exception",
"field": "stackTrace",
"stringified": true
"line_number": {
"$resolver": "source",
"field": "lineNumber"
"class": {
"$resolver": "source",
"field": "className"
"@version": 1,
"source_host": "${hostName}",
"message": {
"$resolver": "message",
"stringified": true
"thread_name": {
"$resolver": "thread",
"field": "name"
"@timestamp": {
"$resolver": "timestamp"
"level": {
"$resolver": "level",
"field": "name"
"file": {
"$resolver": "source",
"field": "fileName"
"method": {
"$resolver": "source",
"field": "methodName"
"logger_name": {
"$resolver": "logger",
"field": "name"
in combination with the below `log4j2.xml` configuration:
<JsonTemplateLayout eventTemplateUri="classpath:LogstashJsonEventLayoutV1.json"/>
or with the below `` configuration:
appender.console.json.type = JsonTemplateLayout
appender.console.json.eventTemplateUri = classpath:LogstashJsonEventLayoutV1.json
`JsonTemplateLayout` emits JSON strings as follows:
"exception": {
"exception_class": "java.lang.RuntimeException",
"exception_message": "test",
"stacktrace": "java.lang.RuntimeException: test\n\tat org.apache.logging.log4j.JsonTemplateLayoutDemo.main(\n"
"line_number": 12,
"class": "org.apache.logging.log4j.JsonTemplateLayoutDemo",
"@version": 1,
"source_host": "varlik",
"message": "Hello, error!",
"thread_name": "main",
"@timestamp": "2017-05-25T19:56:23.370+02:00",
"level": "ERROR",
"file": "",
"method": "main",
"logger_name": "org.apache.logging.log4j.JsonTemplateLayoutDemo"
== Layout Configuration
`JsonTemplateLayout` is configured with the following parameters:
.`JsonTemplateLayout` parameters
| Parameter Name
| Type
| Description
| charset
| Charset
| `Charset` used for `String` encoding
| locationInfoEnabled
| boolean
| toggles access to the `LogEvent` source; file name, line number, etc.
(defaults to `false` set by `log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.locationInfoEnabled`
| stackTraceEnabled
| boolean
| toggles access to the stack traces (defaults to `true` set by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.stackTraceEnabled` property)
| eventTemplate
| String
| inline JSON template for rendering ``LogEvent``s (has priority over
`eventTemplateUri`, defaults to `null` set by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.eventTemplate` property)
| eventTemplateUri
| String
| URI pointing to the JSON template for rendering ``LogEvent``s (defaults to
`classpath:EcsLayout.json` set by `log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.eventTemplateUri`
| eventTemplateRootObjectKey
| String
| if given, puts the event template into a JSON object composed of a single
member with the given key (defaults to `null` set by
| eventTemplateAdditionalFields
| EventTemplateAdditionalField[]
| additional key-value pairs appended to the root of the event template
| stackTraceElementTemplate
| String
| inline JSON template for rendering ``StackTraceElement``s (has priority over
`stackTraceElementTemplateUri`, defaults to `null` set by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.stackTraceElementTemplate` property)
| stackTraceElementTemplateUri
| String
| JSON template for rendering ``StackTraceElement``s (defaults to
`classpath:StackTraceElementLayout.json` set by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.stackTraceElementTemplateUri` property)
| eventDelimiter
| String
| delimiter used for separating emitted ``LogEvent``s (defaults to
`System.lineSeparator()` set by `log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.eventDelimiter`
| nullEventDelimiterEnabled
| boolean
| append `\0` (`null`) character to the end of every emitted `eventDelimiter`
(defaults to `false` set by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.nullEventDelimiterEnabled` property)
| maxStringLength
| int
| truncate string values longer than the specified limit (defaults to 16384 set
by `log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.maxStringLength` property)
| truncatedStringSuffix
| String
| suffix to append to strings truncated due to exceeding `maxStringLength`
(defaults to `…` set by `log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.truncatedStringSuffix`
| recyclerFactory
| RecyclerFactory
| recycling strategy that can either be `dummy`, `threadLocal`, or `queue`
(set by `log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.recyclerFactory` property)
=== Additonal event template fields
Additional event template field is a convenient short-cut to add custom fields
to a template or override the fields of a template. Following configuration
overrides the `host` field of the `GelfLayout.json` template and adds two new
custom fields:
<JsonTemplateLayout eventTemplateUri="classpath:GelfLayout.json">
<EventTemplateAdditionalField key="host" value=""/>
<EventTemplateAdditionalField key="_serviceName" value="auth-service"/>
<EventTemplateAdditionalField key="_containerId" value="6ede3f0ca7d9"/>
The default `type` for the added new fields are `String`.
One can also pass JSON literals into additional fields:
value='{"$resolver": "marker", "field": "name"}'/>
=== Recycling strategy
`RecyclerFactory` plays a crucial role for determining the memory footprint of
the layout. Template resolvers employ it to create recyclers for objects that
they can reuse. The function of each `RecyclerFactory` and when one should
prefer one over another is explained below:
* `dummy` performs no recycling, hence each recycling attempt will result in a
new instance. This will obviously create a load on the garbage-collector. It
is a good choice for applications with low and medium log rate.
* `threadLocal` performs the best, since every instance is stored in
``ThreadLocal``s and accessed without any synchronization cost. Though this
might not be a desirable option for applications running with hundreds of
threads or more, e.g., a web servlet.
* `queue` is the best of both worlds. It allows recycling of objects up to a
certain number (`capacity`). When this limit is exceeded due to excessive
concurrent load (e.g., `capacity` is 50 but there are 51 threads concurrently
trying to log), it starts allocating. `queue` is a good strategy where
`threadLocal` is not desirable.
`queue` also accepts optional `supplier` (of type `java.util.Queue`, defaults to
`` if JCTools is in the classpath;
otherwise ``) and `capacity` (of
type `int`, defaults to `max(8,2*cpuCount+1)`) parameters:
The default `RecyclerFactory` is `threadLocal`, if
`log4j2.enable.threadlocals=true`; otherwise, `queue`.
== Template Configuration
Templates are configured by means of the following `JsonTemplateLayout`
- `eventTemplate[Uri]` (for serializing ``LogEvent``s)
- `stackTraceElementTemplate[Uri]` (for serializing ``StackStraceElement``s)
- `eventTemplateAdditionalFields` (for extending the used event template)
=== Event Templates
`eventTemplate[Uri]` describes the JSON structure `JsonTemplateLayout` uses to
serialize ``LogEvent``s. The default configuration (accessible by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.eventTemplate[Uri]` property) is set to
`classpath:EcsLayout.json` provided by the `log4j-layout-template-json`
"@timestamp": {
"$resolver": "timestamp",
"pattern": {
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
"timeZone": "UTC"
"log.level": {
"$resolver": "level",
"field": "name"
"message": {
"$resolver": "message",
"stringified": true
"": {
"$resolver": "thread",
"field": "name"
"log.logger": {
"$resolver": "logger",
"field": "name"
"labels": {
"$resolver": "mdc",
"flatten": true,
"stringified": true
"tags": {
"$resolver": "ndc"
"error.type": {
"$resolver": "exception",
"field": "className"
"error.message": {
"$resolver": "exception",
"field": "message"
"error.stack_trace": {
"$resolver": "exception",
"field": "stackTrace",
"stringified": true
`log4j-layout-template-json` artifact contains the following predefined event
described by[the Elastic Common Schema (ECS) specification]
described in[Logstash
`json_event` pattern for log4j]
described by[the
Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF) payload specification] with additional
`_thread` and `_logger` fields. (Here it is advised to override the obligatory
`host` field with a user provided constant via `eventTemplateAdditionalFields`
to avoid `hostName` property lookup at runtime, which incurs an extra cost.)
providing the exact JSON structure generated by link:layouts.html#JSONLayout[`JsonLayout`]
with the exception of `thrown` field. (`JsonLayout` serializes the `Throwable`
as is via Jackson `ObjectMapper`, whereas `JsonLayout.json` template of
`JsonTemplateLayout` employs the `StackTraceElementLayout.json` template
for stack traces to generate a document-store-friendly flat structure.)
Below is the list of supported event template resolvers:
.`LogEvent` template resolvers
| Resolver Name
| Syntax
| Description
| Garbage Footprint
| Examples
| endOfBatch
| `logEvent.isEndOfBatch()`
| none
"$resolver": "endOfBatch"
| exception
config = field , [ stringified ]
field = "field" -> (
"className" \|
"message" \|
"stackTrace" )
stringified = "stringified" -> boolean
Resolves fields of the `Throwable` returned by `logEvent.getThrown()`.
Note that this resolver is toggled by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.stackTraceEnabled` property.
| Since `Throwable#getStackTrace()` clones the original `StackTraceElement[]`,
access to (and hence rendering of) stack traces are not garbage-free.
Resolve `logEvent.getThrown().getClass().getCanonicalName()`:
"$resolver": "exception",
"field": "className"
Resolve the stack trace into a list of `StackTraceElement` objects:
"$resolver": "exception",
"field": "stackTrace"
Resolve the stack trace into a string field:
"$resolver": "exception",
"field": "stackTrace",
"stringified": true
| exceptionRootCause
| identical to `exception` resolver
Resolves the fields of the innermost `Throwable` returned by
Note that this resolver is toggled by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.stackTraceEnabled` property.
| identical to `exception` resolver
| identical to `exception` resolver
| level
config = field , [ severity ]
field = "field" -> ( "name" \| "severity" )
severity = severity-field
severity-field = "field" -> ( "keyword" \| "code" )
| resolves the fields of the `logEvent.getLevel()`
| none
Resolve the level name:
"$resolver": "level",
"field": "name"
Resolve the[Syslog severity]
"$resolver": "level",
"field": "severity",
"severity": {
"field": "keyword"
Resolve the[Syslog severity]
"$resolver": "level",
"field": "severity",
"severity": {
"field": "code"
| logger
config = "field" -> ( "name" \| "fqcn" )
| resolves `logEvent.getLoggerFqcn()` and `logEvent.getLoggerName()`
| none
Resolve the logger name:
"$resolver": "logger",
"field": "name"
Resolve the logger's fully qualified class name:
"$resolver": "logger",
"field": "fqcn"
| main
config = ( index \| key )
index = "index" -> number
key = "key" -> string
| performs link:lookups.html#AppMainArgsLookup[Main Argument Lookup] for the
given `index` or `key`
| none
Resolve the 1st `main()` method argument:
"$resolver": "main",
"index": 0
Resolve the argument coming right after `--userId`:
"$resolver": "main",
"key": "--userId"
| map
| see link:#map-resolver-template[Map Resolver Template]
| resolves ``MapMessage``s
| see link:#map-resolver-template[Map Resolver Template]
| see link:#map-resolver-template[Map Resolver Template]
| mdc
| see link:#map-resolver-template[Map Resolver Template]
| resolves Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC), aka. Thread Context Data
| `log4j2.garbagefreeThreadContextMap` flag needs to be turned on to iterate
the map without allocations. See
link:#map-resolver-template[Map Resolver Template] for other details.
| see link:#map-resolver-template[Map Resolver Template]
| message
config = [ stringified ] , [ fallbackKey ]
pattern = "pattern" -> string
includeStackTrace = "includeStacktrae" -> boolean
stringified = "stringified" -> boolean
fallbackKey = "fallbackKey" -> string
a| `logEvent.getMessage()`
| For simple string messages, the resolution is performed without allocations.
For ``ObjectMessage``s and ``MultiformatMessage``s, it depends.
Resolve the message into a string:
"$resolver": "message",
"stringified": true
Resolve the message into a string using a pattern:
"$resolver": "message",
"pattern": ""[%t] %-5p %X{requestId, sessionId, loginId, userId, ipAddress, corpAcctNumber} %C{1.}.%M:%L - %m"",
"stringified": true
Resolve the message such that if it is an `ObjectMessage` or a
`MultiformatMessage` with JSON support, its type (string, list, object, etc.)
will be retained:
"$resolver": "message"
Given the above configuration, a `SimpleMessage` will generate a `"sample log
message"`, whereas a `MapMessage` will generate a `{"action": "login",
"sessionId": "87asd97a"}`. Certain indexed log storage systems (e.g.,[Elasticsearch]) will not allow both values
to coexist due to type mismatch: one is a `string` while the other is an `object`.
Here one can use a `fallbackKey` to work around the problem:
"$resolver": "message",
"fallbackKey": "formattedMessage"
Using this configuration, a `SimpleMessage` will generate a
`{"formattedMessage": "sample log message"}` and a `MapMessage` will generate a
`{"action": "login", "sessionId": "87asd97a"}`. Note that both emitted JSONs are
of type `object` and have no type-conflicting fields.
| messageParameter
config = [ stringified ] , [ index ]
stringified = "stringified" -> boolean
index = "index" -> number
| `logEvent.getMessage().getParameters()`
| `stringified` flag translates to `String.valueOf(value)`, hence mind
not-`String`-typed values. Further, `logEvent.getMessage()` is expected to
implement `ParameterVisitable` interface, which is the case if
`log4j2.enableThreadlocals` property set to true.
Resolve the message parameters into an array:
"$resolver": "messageParameter"
Resolve the string representation of all message parameters into an array:
"$resolver": "messageParameter",
"stringified": true
Resolve the first message parameter:
"$resolver": "messageParameter",
"index": 0
Resolve the string representation of the first message parameter:
"$resolver": "messageParameter",
"index": 0,
"stringified": true
| ndc
config = [ pattern ]
pattern = "pattern" -> string
| Resolves the Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC), aka. Thread Context Stack,
`String[]` returned by `logEvent.getContextStack()`
| none
Resolve all NDC values into a list:
"$resolver": "ndc"
Resolve all NDC values matching with the `pattern` regex:
"$resolver": "ndc",
"pattern": "user(Role\|Rank):\\w+"
| pattern
config = pattern , [ stackTraceEnabled ]
pattern = "pattern" -> string
stackTraceEnabled = "stackTraceEnabled" -> boolean
Resolver delegating to link:layouts.html#PatternLayout[`PatternLayout`].
The default value of `stackTraceEnabled` is inherited from the parent
| none
Resolve the string produced by `%p %c{1.} [%t] %X{userId} %X %m%ex` pattern:
"$resolver": "pattern",
"pattern": "%p %c{1.} [%t] %X{userId} %X %m%ex"
| source
config = "field" -> (
"className" \|
"fileName" \|
"methodName" \|
"lineNumber" )
Resolves the fields of the `StackTraceElement` returned by
Note that this resolver is toggled by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.locationInfoEnabled` property.
| none
Resolve the line number:
"$resolver": "source",
"field": "lineNumber"
| thread
config = "field" -> ( "name" \| "id" \| "priority" )
| resolves `logEvent.getThreadId()`, `logEvent.getThreadName()`,
| none
Resolve the thread name:
"$resolver": "thread",
"field": "name"
| timestamp
config = [ patternConfig \| epochConfig ]
patternConfig = "pattern" -> (
[ format ] ,
[ timeZone ] ,
[ locale ] )
format = "format" -> string
timeZone = "timeZone" -> string
locale = "locale" -> (
language \|
( language , "_" , country ) \|
( language , "_" , country , "_" , variant )
epochConfig = "epoch" -> ( unit , [ rounded ] )
unit = "unit" -> (
"nanos" \|
"millis" \|
"secs" \|
"millis.nanos" \|
"secs.nanos" \|
rounded = "rounded" -> boolean
| resolves `logEvent.getInstant()` in various forms
| none
.`timestamp` template resolver examples
! Configuration
! Output
"$resolver": "timestamp"
! 2020-02-07T13:38:47.098+02:00
"$resolver": "timestamp",
"pattern": {
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
"timeZone": "UTC",
"locale": "en_US"
! 2020-02-07T13:38:47.098Z
"$resolver": "timestamp",
"epoch": {
"unit": "secs"
! 1581082727.982123456
"$resolver": "timestamp",
"epoch": {
"unit": "secs",
"rounded": true
! 1581082727
"$resolver": "timestamp",
"epoch": {
"unit": "secs.nanos"
! 982123456
"$resolver": "timestamp",
"epoch": {
"unit": "millis"
! 1581082727982.123456
"$resolver": "timestamp",
"epoch": {
"unit": "millis",
"rounded": true
! 1581082727982
"$resolver": "timestamp",
"epoch": {
"unit": "millis.nanos"
! 123456
"$resolver": "timestamp",
"epoch": {
"unit": "nanos"
! 1581082727982123456
==== Map Resolver Template
`ReadOnlyStringMap` is Log4j's `Map<String, Object>` equivalent with
garbage-free accessors and heavily employed throughout the code base. It is the
data structure backing both Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC), aka. Thread Context
Data and `MapMessage` implementations. Hence template resolvers for both of
these are provided by a single backend: `ReadOnlyStringMapResolver`. Put another
way, both `mdc` and `map` resolvers support identical configuration, behaviour,
and garbage footprint, which are detailed below.
.`ReadOnlyStringMap` template resolver
| Syntax
| Description
| Garbage Footprint
| Examples
config = singleAccess \| multiAccess
singleAccess = key , [ stringified ]
key = "key" -> string
stringified = "stringified" -> boolean
multiAccess = [ pattern ] , [ flatten ] , [ stringified ]
pattern = "pattern" -> string
flatten = "flatten" -> ( boolean \| flattenConfig )
flattenConfig = [ flattenPrefix ]
flattenPrefix = "prefix" -> string
| `singleAccess` resolves a single field, whilst `multiAccess` resolves a
multitude of fields. If `flatten` is provided, `multiAccess` merges the fields
with the parent, otherwise creates a new JSON object containing the values.
| `stringified` flag translates to `String.valueOf(value)`, hence mind
not-`String`-typed values.
`"${dollar}resolver"` is left out in the following examples, since it is to be
defined by the actual resolver, e.g., `map`, `mdc`.
Resolve the value of the field keyed with `userRole`:
"$resolver": "…",
"key": "userRole"
Resolve the string representation of the `userRank` field value:
"$resolver": "…",
"key": "userRank",
"stringified": true
Resolve all fields into an object:
"$resolver": "…"
Resolve all fields into an object such that values are converted to string:
"$resolver": "…",
"stringified": true
Merge all fields whose keys are matching with the `user(Role\|Rank)` regex into
the parent:
"$resolver": "…",
"flatten": true,
"pattern": "user(Role\|Rank)"
After converting the corresponding field values to string, merge all fields to
parent such that keys are prefixed with `_`:
"$resolver": "…",
"stringified": true,
"flatten": {
"prefix": "_"
=== Stack Trace Element Templates
`stackTraceElement[Uri]` describes the JSON structure `JsonTemplateLayout` uses
to format ``StackTraceElement``s. The default configuration (accessible by
`log4j.layout.jsonTemplate.stackTraceElementTemplate[Uri]` property) is set to
`classpath:StackTraceElementLayout.json` provided by the
`log4j-layout-template-json` artifact:
"class": {
"$resolver": "stackTraceElement",
"field": "className"
"method": {
"$resolver": "stackTraceElement",
"field": "methodName"
"file": {
"$resolver": "stackTraceElement",
"field": "fileName"
"line": {
"$resolver": "stackTraceElement",
"field": "lineNumber"
The allowed template configuration syntax is as follows:
config = "field" -> (
"className" |
"fileName" |
"methodName" |
"lineNumber" )
All above accesses to `StackTraceElement` is garbage-free.
== Features
Below is a feature comparison matrix between `JsonTemplateLayout` and
.Feature comparison matrix
| Feature
| `JsonTemplateLayout`
| link:layouts.html#JSONLayout[`JsonLayout`]
| link:layouts.html#GELFLayout[`GelfLayout`]
| Java version
| 8
| 8
| 8
| 6
| Dependencies
| None
| Jackson
| None
| None
| Schema customization?
| ✓
| ✕
| ✕
| ✕
| Timestamp customization?
| ✓
| ✕
| ✕
| ✕
| (Almost) garbage-free?
| ✓
| ✕
| ✓
| ✓
| Custom typed `Message` serialization?
| ✓
| ✕
| ✕
| ?footnote:[Only for ``ObjectMessage``s and if Jackson is in the classpath.]
| Custom typed `MDC` value serialization?
| ✓
| ✕
| ✕
| ✕
| Rendering stack traces as array?
| ✓
| ✓
| ✕
| ✓
| JSON pretty print?
| ✕
| ✓
| ✕
| ✕
| Additional field support?
| ✓
| ✓
| ✓
| ✓
== F.A.Q.
=== Are lookups supported in templates?
Yes, link:lookups.html[lookups] (e.g., `${dollar}{java:version}`,
`${dollar}{env:USER}`, `${dollar}{date:MM-dd-yyyy}`) are supported in string
literals of templates. Though note that they are not garbage-free.
=== Are recursive collections supported?
No. Consider a `Message` containing a recursive value as follows:
Object[] recursiveCollection = new Object[1];
recursiveCollection[0] = recursiveCollection;
While the exact exception might vary, you will most like get a
`StackOverflowError` while trying to render `recursiveCollection` into a
`String`. Note that this is also the default behaviour for other Java standard
library methods, e.g., `Arrays.toString()`. Hence mind self references while
=== Is `JsonTemplateLayout` garbage-free?
Yes, if the garbage-free layout behaviour toggling properties
`log4j2.enableDirectEncoders` and `log4j2.garbagefreeThreadContextMap` are
enabled. Take into account the following caveats:
* The configured link:#recycling-strategy[recycling strategy] might not be
* Since `Throwable#getStackTrace()` clones the original `StackTraceElement[]`,
access to (and hence rendering of) stack traces are not garbage-free.
* Serialization of ``MapMessage``s and ``ObjectMessage``s are mostly
garbage-free except for certain types (e.g., `BigDecimal`, `BigInteger`,
``Collection``s with the exception of `List`).
* link:lookups.html[Lookups] (that is, `${...}` variables) are not garbage-free.
Don't forget to checkout link:#event-template-resolvers[the notes on garbage footprint of resolvers]
you employ in templates.