blob: 1908faa4a72e2b6db10a847945fa98d48afd2dc8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<section name="Release Change Logs">
<a href="jira-report.html#a1.0-alpha1">JIRA change log</a>
<a href="changes-report.html#a1.0-alpha1">Manual change log</a>
<p>Apache Log4j 2 is not compatible with the previous versions. Please have the following in mind
when upgrading to Log4j 2 in your project:
<li>Log4j 2.4 and greater requires Java 7, versions 2.0-alpha1 to 2.3 required Java 6.</li>
<li>The XML configuration has been simplified and is not compatible with Log4j 1.x</li>
<li>Configuration via property files is supported from version 2.4, but is not compatible with Log4j 1.x.</li>
<li>Configuration via JSON or YAML is supported.</li>
<li>Although Log4j 2 is not directly compatible with Log4j 1.x a compatibility bridge
has been provided to reduce the need to make coding changes.