blob: 519bfb5427bebca8c4cd599c636d0eb68175db66 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
~ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
~ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
~ The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
~ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
~ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~ limitations under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" child.project.url.inherit.append.path="false" xsi:schemaLocation="">
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Log4j project modules should use `log4j-parent` as their parents, not this POM!
This POM constitutes the BOM to be imported by applications using Log4j project modules. -->
<relativePath />
<name>Apache Log4j BOM</name>
<description>Apache Log4j Bill-of-Materials</description>
<name>Ralph Goers</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Gary Gregory</name>
<organization>The Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Scott Deboy</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Remko Popma</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Nick Williams</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Matt Sicker</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Bruce Brouwer</name>
<name>Raman Gupta</name>
<timezone>America/New York</timezone>
<name>Mikael Ståldal</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Carter Kozak</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone>America/New York</timezone>
<name>Volkan Yazıcı</name>
<role>PMC Chair</role>
<name>Ron Grabowski</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Piotr P. Karwasz</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Christian Grobmeier</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<!-- the parent POM must come first: -->
<!-- Next unpublished modules in alphabetical order: -->
<!-- Last comes the rest of the modules in alphabetical order.
Note that modules here must have a corresponding entry in `dependencyManagement > dependencies` block below! -->
<scm child.scm.connection.inherit.append.path="false" child.scm.developerConnection.inherit.append.path="false" child.scm.url.inherit.append.path="false">
<system>GitHub Issues</system>
<system>GitHub Actions</system>
<!-- `site` is only included to make `maven-site-plugin` stop complaining: -->
<!-- `repository` from ASF parent POM (id: apache.releases.https) -->
<!-- `snapshotRepository` from ASF parent POM (id: apache.snapshots.https) -->
<!-- project version -->
<!-- =================
Common properties
================= -->
< />
<!-- `` is required to be present for reproducible builds.
We actually inherit one from the `org.apache:apache` through our parent `org.apache.logging:logging-parent`.
Though inheriting this property has two undesired consequences:
1. `artifact:compare` dumps an `ERROR` log stating that this `property should not be inherited but defined` (apache/logging-parent#50)
2. This value is employed in various places while creating the distribution
To mitigate these, we define a *dummy* value here and let the CI replace it during a release.
<!-- ========================
Site-specific properties
======================== -->
<!-- `maven-javadoc-plugin` is only used to generate Javadoc HTML used in the website.
We don't deploy any Javadoc JARs.
We also don't generate Javadoc HTML for all modules, but only for two modules: `log4j-api` and `log4j-core`.
Hence, we disable it by default: -->
<!-- Skipping `maven-site-plugin` globally. -->
<!-- =====================================================
Direct dependency version properties (in alphabetical order)
===================================================== -->
<!-- =================================================
Plugin version properties (in alphabetical order)
================================================= -->
<!-- ==================================
`log4j-docgen`-specific properties
================================== -->
<!-- `log4j-docgen` qualified class name exclude pattern -->
<!-- Directories where `log4j-docgen` annotation processor will emit files to -->
<!-- Enable BOM flattening -->
<!-- Apache RAT (Release Audit Tool) check to verify licenses.
Release Audit Tool: -->
<excludes combine.children="append">
<!-- Matches other RAT configurations in this POM -->
<!-- IDE settings imports -->
<!-- Font Awesome License (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License)-->
<!-- Generated files -->
<!-- Other -->
<!-- ███████ ████████ █████ ██████ ████████ ███████ ██ ████████ ███████
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This section consists of plugins responsible for generating the site.
Note that only this (i.e., the root) module is supposed to have a `site` goal, it is skipped for all other modules! -->
<!-- Define `currentYear` property used while generating the site -->
<!-- This execution must be inherited and enabled by modules publishing javadocs: `-api` and `-core`.
Such modules enable this execution via `maven.javadoc.skip` property.
Hence, don't insert a `<inherited>false</inherited>`, please! -->
<configuration combine.self="override">
<!-- `notimestamp` avoids `diff` noise and is required for reproducible builds: -->
<bottom><![CDATA[<p align="center">
Copyright &copy; {inceptionYear}-{currentYear} {organizationName}.
All Rights Reserved.<br/>
Apache Logging, Apache Log4j, Log4j, Apache, the Apache feather logo, the Apache Logging project logo, and the Apache Log4j logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
<!-- Export release notes -->
<!-- Execution ID must match the one inherited from `logging-parent` (i.e., `export-changelog`) to override it! -->
<!-- Copy `src/site/antora/antora.tmpl.yml` to `target/antora-yml/antora.yml` -->
<copy file="${project.basedir}/src/site/antora/antora.tmpl.yml" overwrite="true" tofile="${}/antora-yml/antora.yml" />
<!-- These are dummy dependencies!
They are not used anywhere while running `maven-resources-plugin`.
`filter-antora-yml` execution above injects these `*.version` properties into `antora.yml`.
Later on, we use them in the manual while referencing to Maven artifacts with their versions.
We need these `<dependency>` entries to trick `dependabot` to update the version properties automatically.
No, we cannot use `${project.version}`, because it is not released yet. -->
<!-- Process `target/antora-yml` and output to `target/generated-site/antora` -->
<!-- Copy `src/site` to `target/generated-site` -->
<!-- Copy `target/site/apidocs` to the root module's `target/site/javadoc/<artifactId>` folder -->
<!-- This execution must be inherited and enabled by modules publishing javadocs: `-api` and `-core`.
Such modules enable this execution via `maven.javadoc.skip` property.
Hence, don't insert a `<inherited>false</inherited>`, please! -->
<!-- Common docgen configuration -->
<!-- Descriptor processing order matters!
Imagine we place all descriptors to the same folder.
Assume that the filesystem walks folder contents in alphanumeric order.
Sourcing `log4j-docgen:generate-*` from that folder will consume descriptors in the following order:
1. `log4j-1.2.api`
2. `log4j-cassandra`
3. `log4j-core`
4. ...
For instance, `AbstractFilterable` is defined by the descriptors of both `log4j-cassandra` and `log4j-core`.
Due to alphanumeric scanning order, it will appear as it is provided by `log4j-cassandra`.
Though, it is actually provided by `log4j-core`.
To avoid this problem, we place descriptors to folders associated with phases.
We pass the folder of each phase in a certain order to `log4j-docgen:generate-*`. -->
<!-- Generate AsciiDoc from downloaded plugin descriptors -->
<!-- Generate XSD from downloaded plugin descriptors -->
<!-- Install Node & NPM -->
<!-- Install Antora -->
<!-- Run Antora -->
<!-- Running `node/node node_modules/.bin/antora antora-playbook.yaml ...` doesn't work on Windows[1].
I come up with the below solution working on both Linux and Windows.
Pay attention to the following details:
1. `@antora/cli` is executed programmatically (this is what `node_modules/.bin/antora` does under the hood)
2. Single-quotes must be used (double-quotes get erased and hence cause syntax errors)
3. Relative paths must be used[2]
[1] For some reason, the `node_modules/.bin/antora` script is not properly executed.
The following works though: `cd node_modules/.bin; ../../node/node antora ../../antora-playbook.yaml`.
Motivated by this, tried configuring the `workingDirectory` parameter of the plugin, though it did not help.
[2] `${project.basedir}/antora-playbook.yaml` strangely resolves to `C:\Users\user\logging-log4j2\Usersuserlogging-log4j2/antora-playbook.yaml`.
I tried using `const path = require('path'); ... path.resolve('${project.basedir}', 'antora-playbook.yaml')`, but it failed with the same error too. -->
<argument>require('@antora/cli')(['generate', '--playbook', 'antora-playbook.yaml', '--to-dir', 'target/site'])</argument>
<!-- Skip the `export-asciidoc-to-html` execution inherited from `logging-parent` -->
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<!-- Modifies only the `default-test` run -->
<version>[1.8, 9)</version>
<defaultGoal>clean package rewrite:runNoFork spotless:apply</defaultGoal>