blob: 74e76f7e2814ecc68ed3f8a8fec10b601ffacbc4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.logging.log4j.perf.jmh;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.datetime.FixedDateFormat;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.datetime.FastDateFormat;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
* Tests performance of various time format implementation.
// ============================== HOW TO RUN THIS TEST: ====================================
// single thread:
// java -jar log4j-perf/target/benchmarks.jar ".*TimeFormat.*" -f 1 -wi 5 -i 10
// multiple threads (for example, 4 threads):
// java -jar log4j-perf/target/benchmarks.jar ".*TimeFormat.*" -f 1 -wi 5 -i 5 -t 4 -si true
// Usage help:
// java -jar log4j-perf/target/benchmarks.jar -help
public class TimeFormatBenchmark {
ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> threadLocalSimpleDateFormat = new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>() {
protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() {
return new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
FastDateFormat fastDateFormat = FastDateFormat.getInstance("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
FixedDateFormat fixedDateFormat = FixedDateFormat.createIfSupported(new String[]{"ABSOLUTE"});
volatile long midnightToday = 0;
volatile long midnightTomorrow = 0;
public static class BufferState {
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(12);
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(12);
final char[] charArray = new char[12];
private long millisSinceMidnight(final long now) {
if (now >= midnightTomorrow) {
midnightToday = calcMidnightMillis(now, 0);
midnightTomorrow = calcMidnightMillis(now, 1);
return now - midnightToday;
private long calcMidnightMillis(final long time, final int addDays) {
final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, addDays);
return cal.getTimeInMillis();
public static void main(final String[] args) {
System.out.println(new TimeFormatBenchmark().fixedBitFiddlingReuseCharArray(new BufferState()));
System.out.println(new TimeFormatBenchmark().fixedFormatReuseStringBuilder(new BufferState()));
public String simpleDateFormat() {
return threadLocalSimpleDateFormat.get().format(new Date());
public String fastDateFormatCreateNewStringBuilder() {
return fastDateFormat.format(new Date());
public String fastDateFormatReuseStringBuilder(final BufferState state) {
fastDateFormat.format(new Date(), state.stringBuilder);
return new String(state.stringBuilder);
public String fixedBitFiddlingReuseCharArray(final BufferState state) {
final int len = formatCharArrayBitFiddling(System.currentTimeMillis(), state.charArray, 0);
return new String(state.charArray, 0, len);
public String fixedDateFormatCreateNewCharArray(final BufferState state) {
return fixedDateFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis());
public String fixedDateFormatReuseCharArray(final BufferState state) {
final int len = fixedDateFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis(), state.charArray, 0);
return new String(state.charArray, 0, len);
public String fixedFormatReuseStringBuilder(final BufferState state) {
formatStringBuilder(System.currentTimeMillis(), state.stringBuilder);
return new String(state.stringBuilder);
int formatCharArrayBitFiddling(final long time, final char[] buffer, int pos) {
// Calculate values by getting the ms values first and do then
// shave off the hour minute and second values with multiplications
// and bit shifts instead of simple but expensive divisions.
// Get daytime in ms which does fit into an int
// int ms = (int) (time % 86400000);
int ms = (int) (millisSinceMidnight(time));
// well ... it works
final int hour = (int) (((ms >> 7) * 9773437L) >> 38);
ms -= 3600000 * hour;
final int minute = (int) (((ms >> 5) * 2290650L) >> 32);
ms -= 60000 * minute;
final int second = ((ms >> 3) * 67109) >> 23;
ms -= 1000 * second;
// Hour
// 13/128 is nearly the same as /10 for values up to 65
int temp = (hour * 13) >> 7;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
// Do subtract to get remainder instead of doing % 10
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (hour - 10 * temp + '0'));
buffer[pos++] = ((char) ':');
// Minute
// 13/128 is nearly the same as /10 for values up to 65
temp = (minute * 13) >> 7;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
// Do subtract to get remainder instead of doing % 10
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (minute - 10 * temp + '0'));
buffer[pos++] = ((char) ':');
// Second
// 13/128 is nearly the same as /10 for values up to 65
temp = (second * 13) >> 7;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (second - 10 * temp + '0'));
buffer[pos++] = ((char) '.');
// Millisecond
// 41/4096 is nearly the same as /100
temp = (ms * 41) >> 12;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
ms -= 100 * temp;
temp = (ms * 205) >> 11; // 205/2048 is nearly the same as /10
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
ms -= 10 * temp;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (ms + '0'));
return pos;
StringBuilder formatStringBuilder(final long time, final StringBuilder buffer) {
// Calculate values by getting the ms values first and do then
// calculate the hour minute and second values divisions.
// Get daytime in ms which does fit into an int
// int ms = (int) (time % 86400000);
int ms = (int) (millisSinceMidnight(time));
final int hours = ms / 3600000;
ms -= 3600000 * hours;
final int minutes = ms / 60000;
ms -= 60000 * minutes;
final int seconds = ms / 1000;
ms -= 1000 * seconds;
// Hour
int temp = hours / 10;
buffer.append((char) (temp + '0'));
// Do subtract to get remainder instead of doing % 10
buffer.append((char) (hours - 10 * temp + '0'));
buffer.append((char) ':');
// Minute
temp = minutes / 10;
buffer.append((char) (temp + '0'));
// Do subtract to get remainder instead of doing % 10
buffer.append((char) (minutes - 10 * temp + '0'));
buffer.append((char) ':');
// Second
temp = seconds / 10;
buffer.append((char) (temp + '0'));
buffer.append((char) (seconds - 10 * temp + '0'));
buffer.append((char) '.');
// Millisecond
temp = ms / 100;
buffer.append((char) (temp + '0'));
ms -= 100 * temp;
temp = ms / 10;
buffer.append((char) (temp + '0'));
ms -= 10 * temp;
buffer.append((char) (ms + '0'));
return buffer;
int formatCharArray(final long time, final char[] buffer, int pos) {
// Calculate values by getting the ms values first and do then
// calculate the hour minute and second values divisions.
// Get daytime in ms which does fit into an int
// int ms = (int) (time % 86400000);
int ms = (int) (millisSinceMidnight(time));
final int hours = ms / 3600000;
ms -= 3600000 * hours;
final int minutes = ms / 60000;
ms -= 60000 * minutes;
final int seconds = ms / 1000;
ms -= 1000 * seconds;
// Hour
int temp = hours / 10;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
// Do subtract to get remainder instead of doing % 10
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (hours - 10 * temp + '0'));
buffer[pos++] = ((char) ':');
// Minute
temp = minutes / 10;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
// Do subtract to get remainder instead of doing % 10
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (minutes - 10 * temp + '0'));
buffer[pos++] = ((char) ':');
// Second
temp = seconds / 10;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (seconds - 10 * temp + '0'));
buffer[pos++] = ((char) '.');
// Millisecond
temp = ms / 100;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
ms -= 100 * temp;
temp = ms / 10;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (temp + '0'));
ms -= 10 * temp;
buffer[pos++] = ((char) (ms + '0'));
return pos;