Update compatiblity documentation
diff --git a/src/site/markdown/manual/compatibility.md b/src/site/markdown/manual/compatibility.md
index df0d728..69a1b30 100644
--- a/src/site/markdown/manual/compatibility.md
+++ b/src/site/markdown/manual/compatibility.md
@@ -28,17 +28,67 @@
 ## Configuration Compatibility
 Log4j 2 provides experimental support for Log4j 1 configuration files. Configuration of the Appenders, Layouts 
-and Filters that were provided in the Log4j 1 distribution will be redirected to their Log4j 2 counterparts. 
-This means that although the while the behavior of these components will be similar they may not be exactly the
-same. For example, the XML generated by the XMLLayout may not exactly match the XML generated by the Log4j 1
+and Filters that were provided in the Log4j 1 distribution will be redirected to their Log4j 2 counterparts - 
+with the exception of the implemented Rewrite Policies. This means that although the while the behavior of these 
+components will be similar they may not be exactly the same. For example, the XML generated by the XMLLayout may 
+not exactly match the XML generated by the Log4j 1XMLLayout. 
 In addition, Log4j 2 supports custom Log4j 1 Appenders, Filters, and Layouts with some constraints. Since the 
-original Log4j 1 components are not present in Log4j 2 custom components that extend them will fail. 
+original Log4j 1 components may not be present in Log4j 2, custom components that extend them will fail. 
 As support for Log4j 1 is an experimental feature one of the following steps must be taken to enable it:
 1. Set the system property "log4j1.compatibility" to a value of "true". Log4j 2 will then add log4j.properties,
 log4j-test.properties, log4j.xml and log4j-test.xml to the configuration files it searches for on the class path.
 1. Set the Log4j 1 system property "log4j.configuration" to the location of the log4j 1 configuration file. The 
-files must have a file extension of either ".properties" or ".xml".
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+files must have a file extension of either ".properties" or ".xml".
+## Supported Components
+### Appenders
+* AsyncAppender
+* ConsoleAppender
+* DailyRollingFileAppender
+* FileAppender
+* NullAppender
+* RewriteAppender (limited)
+* RollingFileAppender
+* SyslogAppender
+## Filters
+* DenyAllFilter
+* LevelMatchFilter
+* LevelRangeFilter
+* StringMatchFilter
+## Layouts
+* HtmlLayout
+* PatternLayout
+* SimpleLayout
+* TTCCLayout
+* XmlLayout
+## Rewrite Policies
+* MapRewritePolicy
+* PropertyRewritePolicy
+## Unsupported or Unimplemented Components
+### Appenders
+* JDBCAppender (cannot be mapped to Log4j 2's JdbcAppender)
+* JMSAppender 
+* SMTPAppender
+* SocketAppender (Requires the use of the SerializedLayout which is a security risk)
+* SocketHubAppender (Requires the use of the SerializedLayout which is a securiy risk)
+* TelnetAppender (Security risk)
+## Rewrite Policies
+* ReflectionRewritePolicy
+* Custom rewrite policies since LoggingEvent is currently a no-op.
+### Renderers
+Log4j 2 currently will ignore renderers.
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