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<title>log4j manual</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<h1>Short introduction to log4j</h1>
"Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;"
December 2000 <br><br>
This manual is based on the article <a
delivers control over logging"</a> published in November 2000 edition
of <a href="">JavaWorld</a>. However, the
present article contains more detailed and up to date information.
<p>This article describes the log4j API, its unique features and
design rationale. Log4j is an open source project based on the work of
many authors. It allows the developer to control which log statements
are output with arbitrary granularity. It is fully configurable at
runtime using external configuration files. Best of all, log4j has a
gentle learning curve. Beware: judging from user feedback, it is also
quite addictive.
<p>Almost every large application includes its own logging or tracing
API. In conformance with this rule, the E.U. <a
href="">SEMPER</a> project decided to write its
own tracing API. This was in early 1996. After countless enhancements,
several incarnations and much work that API has evolved to become
log4j, a popular logging package for Java. The package is distributed
under the <a href=../LICENSE.APL>Apache Public License</a>, a
fully-fledged open source license certified by the <a
href="">open source</a> initiative. The
latest log4j version, including full-source code, class files and
documentation can be found at <a
<p>Igor Poteryaev, an independent author, has ported log4j to the
Python language. Bastiaan Bakker has initiated a C++ port. Their
projects are unsurprisingly called <a
href="">log4p</a> and <a
<p>Inserting log statements into code is a low-tech method for
debugging it. It may also be the only way because debuggers are not
always available or applicable. This is usually the case for
multithreaded applications and distributed applications at large.
<p>Experience indicated that logging was an important component of the
development cycle. It offered several advantages. It could provide
precise <em>context</em> about a run of the application. Once inserted
into the code, the generation of logging output required no human
intervention. Moreover, log output could be saved in persistent
medium to be studied at a later time. In addition to its use in the
development cycle, a sufficiently rich logging package could also be
viewed as an auditing tool.
<p>As Brian W. Kernigan and Rob Pike put it in their truly excellent
book <i>"The Practice of Programming"</i>
As personal choice, we tend not to use debuggers beyond getting a
stack trace or the value of a variable or two. One reason is that it
is easy to get lost in details of complicated data structures and
control flow; we find stepping through a program less productive
than thinking harder and adding output statements and self-checking
code at critical places. Clicking over statements takes longer than
scanning the output of judiciously-placed displays. It takes less
time to decide where to put print statements than to single-step to
the critical section of code, even assuming we know where that
is. More important, debugging statements stay with the program;
debugging sessions are transient.
<p>Logging does have its drawbacks. It can slow down an application. If
too verbose, it can cause scrolling blindness. To alleviate these
concerns, log4j is designed to be fast and flexible. Since logging is
rarely the main focus of an application, log4j API strives to be
simple to understand and to use.
<h2>Categories, Appenders and Layouts</h2>
<p>Log4j has three main components: <em>categories</em>,
<em>appenders</em> and <em>layouts</em>. These three types of
components work together to enable developers to log messages according
to message type and priority, and to control at runtime how these
messages are formatted and where they are reported.
<h3>Category hierarchy</h3>
<p>The first and foremost advantage of any logging API over plain
<code>System.out.println</code> resides in its ability to disable
certain log statements while allowing others to print unhindered. This
capability assumes that the logging space, that is, the space of all
possible logging statements, is categorized according to some
developer-chosen criteria.
<p>This observation led us to choose <em>category</em> as the central
concept of the package. The category notion is embodied in the
class. Categories are named entities. Category names are
case-sensitive. They follow the hierarchical naming rule:
<table bgcolor="#EEEE99">
<dt><b>Named Hierarchy</b>
<dd><p>A category is said to be an <em>ancestor</em> of another
category if its name followed by a dot is a prefix of the
<em>descendant</em> category name. A category is said to be a
<em>parent</em> of a <em>child</em> category if there are no
ancestors between itself and the descendant category.
<p>For example, the category named <code>""</code> is a parent
of the category named <code>""</code>. Similarly,
<code>"java"</code> is a parent of <code>"java.util"</code> and an
ancestor of <code>"java.util.Vector"</code>. This naming scheme
should be familiar to Java developers.
<p>The root category resides at the top of the category hierarchy. It
is exceptional in two ways:
<li> it always exists,
<li> it cannot be retrieved by name.
<p>Invoking the class static <a
method retrieves it. All other categories are instantiated and
retrieved with the class static <a
method. This method takes the name of the desired category as a
parameter. Some of the basic methods in the Category class are listed
package org.apache.log4j;
public Category class {
// Creation & retrieval methods:
public static Category getRoot();
public static Category getInstance(String name);
// printing methods:
public void debug(Object message);
public void info(Object message);
public void warn(Object message);
public void error(Object message);
// generic printing method:
public void log(Priority p, Object message);
<p>Categories <em>may</em> be assigned priorities. The set of possible
priorities, that is
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Priority.html#DEBUG">DEBUG</a>,
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Priority.html#DEBUG">INFO</a>,
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Priority.html#DEBUG">WARN</a>,
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Priority.html#DEBUG">ERROR</a> and
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Priority.html#DEBUG">FATAL</a>
are defined in the <code><a
class. The rationale behind this seemingly restricted set
is to promote the use of the more flexible category hierarchy rather
than a static (even if large) set of priorities. One may however
define one's own priorities by sub-classing the <code>Priority</code>
<p>If a given category is not assigned a priority, then it inherits
one from its closest ancestor with an assigned priority. More
<table bgcolor="#EEEE99">
<dt><b>Priority Inheritance</b>
<dd><p>The <em>inherited priority</em> for a given category
<i>C</i>, is equal to the first non-null priority in the category
hierarchy, starting at <i>C</i> and proceeding upwards in the
hierarchy towards the <code>root</code> category.
<p>To ensure that all categories can eventually inherit a priority,
the root category always has an assigned priority.
<p>Below are four tables with various assigned priority values and the
resulting inherited priorities according to the above rule.
<table align=center cellpadding=15 width="80%">
<tr><td><table border=1>
<tr align=left><td>root</td> <td>Proot</td> <td>Proot</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X </td> <td>none</td> <td>Proot</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X.Y </td> <td>none</td> <td>Proot</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X.Y.Z</td> <td>none</td> <td>Proot</td></tr>
<caption align=bottom>Example 1</caption>
<td><table border=1>
<tr align=left><td>root</td> <td>Proot</td> <td>Proot</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X </td> <td>Px</td> <td>Px</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X.Y </td> <td>Pxy</td> <td>Pxy</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X.Y.Z</td> <td>Pxyz</td> <td>Pxyz</td></tr>
<caption align=bottom>Example 2</caption>
<tr><td><table border=1>
<tr align=left><td>root</td> <td>Proot</td> <td>Proot</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X </td> <td>Px</td> <td>Px</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X.Y </td> <td>none</td> <td>Px</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X.Y.Z</td> <td>Pxyz</td> <td>Pxyz</td></tr>
<caption align=bottom>Example 3</caption>
<td><table border=1>
<tr align=left><td>root</td> <td>Proot</td> <td>Proot</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X </td> <td>Px</td> <td>Px</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X.Y </td> <td>none</td> <td>Px</td></tr>
<tr align=left><td>X.Y.Z</td> <td>none</td> <td>Px</td></tr>
<caption align=bottom>Example 4</caption>
<p>Logging requests are made by invoking one of the printing methods
of a category instance. These printing methods are
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Category.html#debug(java.lang.Object)">debug</a>
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Category.html#info(java.lang.Object)">info</a>
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Category.html#warn(java.lang.Object)">warn</a>
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Category.html#error(java.lang.Object)">error</a>
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Category.html#fatal(java.lang.Object)">fatal</a>
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/Category.html#log(org.apache.log4j.Priority, java.lang.Object)">log</a></code>.
By definition, the printing method determines the
priority of a logging request. For example, if <code>c</code> is a
category instance, then the statement <code>"..")</code> is a
logging request of priority INFO.
<p>A logging request is said to be <em>enabled</em> if its priority is
higher than or equal to the priority of its category. Otherwise, the
request is said to be <em>disabled</em>. A category without an
assigned priority will inherit one from the hierarchy. This rule is
summarized below.
<a name="selectionRule"><table bgcolor="#EEEE99">
<dt><b>Basic Selection Rule</b>
<dd><p>A log statement of priority <i>p</i> in a category with
inherited priority <i>q</i>, is enabled if <i> p &gt;=
<p>This rule assumes that priorities are ordered as follows: <code>DEBUG
&lt; INFO &lt; WARN &lt; ERROR &lt; FATAL</code>.
<p>Here is an example of this rule.
// get a category instance named ""
Category cat = Category.getInstance(<strong>""</strong>);
// Now set its priority.
<strong>cat</strong>.setPriority(<font color="0000AA"><strong>Priority.INFO</strong></font>);
Category barcat = Category.getInstance(<strong>""</strong>);
// This request is enabled, because <font color="00AA00"><strong>WARN</strong></font> &gt;= <font color="0000AA"><strong>INFO</strong></font>.
cat.<font color="00AA00"><strong>warn</strong></font>("Low fuel level.");
// This request is disabled, because <font color="00AA00"><strong>DEBUG</strong></font> &lt; <font color="0000AA"><strong>INFO</strong></font>.
cat.<font color="00AA00"><strong>debug</strong></font>("Starting search for nearest gas station.");
// The category instance barcat, named "",
// will inherit its priority from the category named
// "" Thus, the following request is enabled
// because <font color="00AA00"><strong>INFO</strong></font> &gt;= <font color="0000AA"><strong>INFO</strong></font>.
barcat.<font color="00AA00"><strong>info</strong></font>("Located nearest gas station.");
// This request is disabled, because <font color="00AA00"><strong>DEBUG</strong></font> &lt; <font color="0000AA"><strong>INFO</strong></font>.
barcat.<font color="00AA00"><strong>debug</strong></font>("Exiting gas station search");
<p>Calling the <code>getInstance</code> method with the same name will
always return a reference to the exact same category object. Thus, it
is possible to configure a category and then to retrieve the same
instance somewhere else in the code without passing around
references. Categories can be created and configured in any order. In
particular, a category will find and link to its descendants even
if it is instantiated after them.
<p>Configuration of the log4j environment is typically done at
application initialization. The preferred way is by reading a
configuration file. This approach will be discussed shortly.
<p>Log4j makes it easy to name categories by <em>software
component</em>. This can be accomplished by statically instantiating
a category in each class, with the category name equal to the fully
qualified name of the class. This is a useful and straightforward
method of defining categories. As the log output bears the name of the
generating category, this naming strategy makes it easy to identify
the origin of a log message. However, this is only one possible,
albeit common, strategy for naming categories. Log4j does not restrict
the possible set of categories. The developer is free to name the
categories as desired.
<p>Nevertheless, naming categories after the class where they are
defined seems to be the best strategy known so far.
<h2>Appenders and Layouts</h2>
<p>The ability to selectively enable or disable logging requests based
on their category is only part of the picture. Log4j allows logging
requests to print to multiple destinations. In log4j speak, an output
destination is called an <em>appender</em>. Currently, appenders exist
for the <a href="api/org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender.html">console</a>, <a
href="api/org/apache/log4j/FileAppender.html">files</a>, GUI
components, <a
href="api/org/apache/log4j/net/SocketAppender.html">remote socket</a>
servers, <a href="api/org/apache/log4j/nt/NTEventLogAppender.html"> NT
Event Loggers</a>, and remote UNIX <a
daemons. It is also possible to log <a href="api/org/apache/log4j/AsyncAppender.html">asynchronously</a>.
<p>A category may refer to multiple appenders. The <a
method adds an appender to a given category.
Each enabled logging
request for a given category will be forwarded to all the appenders in
that category as well as the appenders higher in the hierarchy. In
other words, appenders are inherited additively from the category
hierarchy. For example, if a console appender is added to the root
category, then all enabled logging requests will at least print on the
console. If in addition a file appender is added to a category, say
<em>C</em>, then enabled logging requests for <em>C</em> and
<em>C</em>'s children will print on a file <em>and</em> on the
console. It is possible to override this default behavior so that
appender accumulation is no longer additive by <a
the additivity flag</a> to <code>false</code>.
<p>The rules governing appender additivity are summarized below.
<a name="additivity"><table bgcolor="#EEEE99">
<dt><b>Appender Additivity</b>
<dd><p>The output of a log statement of category <i>C</i> will
go to all the appenders in <i>C</i> and its ancestors. This is
the meaning of the term "appender additivity".
<p>However, if an ancestor of category <i>C</i>, say <i>P</i>,
has the additivity flag set to <code>false</code>, then
<i>C</i>'s output will be directed to all the appenders in
<i>C</i> and it's ancestors upto and including <i>P</i> but
not the appenders in any of the ancestors of <i>P</i>.
<p>Categories have their additivity flag set to
<code>true</code> by default.
<p>The table below shows an example:
<p><table align=center border=3 cellpadding=10>
<tr rowspan="2">
<th>Category<br>Name <th>Added<br>Appenders <th>Additivity<br>Flag <th>Output Targets <th>Comment
<tr><td>root <td>A1 <td>not applicable <td>A1
<td>The root category is anonymous but can be accessed with the
Category.getRoot() method.
<tr><td>x <td>A-x1, A-x2 <td>true <td>A1, A-x1, A-x2
<td>Appenders in root are added to appenders in "x".
<tr><td>x.y <td>none <td>true <td>A1, A-x1, A-x2
<td>Appenders of "x" and root.
<tr><td>x.y.z <td>A-xyz1 <td>true <td>A1, A-x1, A-x2, A-xyz1
<td>Appenders in "x.y.z", "x" and root.
<tr><td>security <td>A-sec <td><font color="blue">false</font>
<td>No appender accumulation as the additivity flag is set to
<tr><td>security.access <td>none <td> true <td> A-sec <td>Only
appenders of "security" as the additivity flag in "security" is
set to <code>false</code>.
<p>More often than not, users wish to customize not only the output
destination but also the output format. This is accomplished by
associating a <em>layout</em> with an appender. The layout is
responsible for formatting the logging request according to the user's
wishes, whereas an appender takes care of sending the formatted output
to its destination. The <code>PatternLayout</code>, part of the
standard log4j distribution, lets the user specify the output format
according to conversion patterns similar to the C language
<code>printf</code> function.
<p>For example, the PatternLayout with the conversion pattern "%r [%t]
%-5p %c - %m%n" will output something akin to:
176 [main] INFO - Located nearest gas station.
<p>The first field is the number of milliseconds elapsed since the
start of the program. The second field is the thread making the log
request. The third field is the priority of the log statement. The
fourth field is the name of the category associated with the log
request. The text after the '-' is the message of the statement.
<p>Just as importantly, log4j will render the content of the log
message according to user specified criteria. For example, if you
frequently need to log <code>Oranges</code>, an object type used in
your current project, then you can register an
<code>OrangeRenderer</code> that will be invoked whenever an orange
needs to be logged.
<p>Object rendering follows the class hierarchy. For example, assuming
oranges are fruits, if you register an <code>FruitRenderer</code>, all
fruits including oranges will be rendered by the
<code>FruitRenderer</code>, unless of course you registered an orange
specific <code>OrangeRenderer</code>.
<p>Object renderers have to implement the
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/or/ObjectRenderer.html">ObjectRenderer</a>
<p>Inserting log requests into the application code requires a fair
amount of planning and effort. Observation shows that approximately 4
percent of code is dedicated to logging. Consequently, even moderately
sized applications will have thousands of logging statements embedded
within their code. Given their number, it becomes imperative to
manage these log statements without the need to modify them manually.
<p>The log4j environment is fully configurable programmatically.
However, it is far more flexible to configure log4j using
configuration files. Currently, configuration files can be written in
XML or in Java properties (key=value) format.
<p>Let us give a taste of how this is done with the help of an
imaginary application <code>MyApp</code> that uses log4j.
// Import log4j classes.
<b>import org.apache.log4j.Category;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;</b>
public class MyApp {
// Define a static category variable so that it references the
// Category instance named "MyApp".
<strong>static</strong> Category cat = <strong>Category.getInstance(MyApp.class.getName());</strong>
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Set up a simple configuration that logs on the console.
<strong>BasicConfigurator.configure();</strong>"Entering application.");
Bar bar = new Bar();
bar.doIt();"Exiting application.");
<p><code>MyApp</code> begins by importing log4j related classes. It
then defines a static category variable with the name
<code>MyApp</code> which happens to be the fully qualified name of the
<p><code>MyApp</code> uses the <code>Bar</code> class defined in the
package <code></code>.
import org.apache.log4j.Category;
public class Bar {
<strong>static</strong> Category cat = <strong>Category.getInstance(Bar.class.getName());</strong>
public void doIt() {
cat.debug("Did it again!");
<p>The invocation of the <a
method creates a rather simple log4j setup. This method is hardwired
to add to the root category a ConsoleAppender printing on the
console. The output will be formatted using a PatternLayout set to the
pattern "%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n".
<p>Note that by default, the root category is assigned to
<p>The output of MyApp is:
0 [main] INFO MyApp - Entering application.
36 [main] DEBUG - Did it again!
51 [main] INFO MyApp - Exiting application.
<p>The figure below depicts the object diagram of <code>MyApp</code>
after just having called the <code>BasicConfigurator.configure</code>
<img src="od.gif" align="center" >
<p>The <code>MyApp</code> class configures log4j by invoking
<code>BasicConfigurator.configure</code> method. Other classes only
need to import the <code>org.apache.log4j.Category</code> class, retrieve the
categories they wish to use, and log away.
<p>The previous example always outputs the same log information.
Fortunately, it is easy to modify <code>MyApp</code> so that the log
output can be controlled at run-time. Here is a slightly modified
import org.apache.log4j.Category;
<b>import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;</b>
public class MyApp {
static Category cat = Category.getInstance(MyApp.class.getName());
public static void main(String[] args) {
// BasicConfigurator replaced with PropertyConfigurator.
<strong>PropertyConfigurator.configure(args[0]);</strong>"Entering application.");
Bar bar = new Bar();
bar.doIt();"Exiting application.");
This version of <code>MyApp</code> instructs
<code>PropertyConfigurator</code> to parse a configuration file and
set up logging accordingly.
<p>Here is a sample configuration file that results in exactly same
output as the previous <code>BasicConfigurator</code> based example.
# Set root category priority to DEBUG and its only appender to A1.
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A1
# A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender.
# A1 uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
<p>Please note that if you copy and paste the examples, then result is
likely to include trailing spaces on some lines. These trailing spaces
are not trimmed out but interpreted by the PropertyConfigurator. By
the time you read this article the problem should be corrected.
<p>Suppose we are no longer interested in seeing the output of any
component belonging to the <code></code> package. The following
configuration file shows one possible way of achieving this.
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A1
# <strong>Print the date in ISO 8601 format</strong>
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=<strong>%d</strong> [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n
# Print only messages of priority WARN or above in the package
The output of <code>MyApp</code> configured with this file is shown below.
<strong>2000-09-07 14:07:41,508</strong> [main] INFO MyApp - Entering application.
<strong>2000-09-07 14:07:41,529</strong> [main] INFO MyApp - Exiting application.
<p>As the category <code></code> does not have an assigned
priority, it inherits its priority from <code></code>, which
was set to WARN in the configuration file. The log statement from the
<code>Bar.doIt</code> method has the priority DEBUG, lower than the
category priority WARN. Consequently, <code>doIt</code>'s log request
is suppressed.
<p>Here is another configuration file that uses multiple appenders.
log4j.rootCategory=debug, <strong>stdout, R</strong>
# Pattern to output the caller's file name and line number.
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] <strong>(%F:%L)</strong> - %m%n
# Keep one backup file
log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n
Calling the enhanced MyApp with the this configuration file will
output the following on the console.
INFO [main] <strong>(</strong> - Entering application.
DEBUG [main] ( - Doing it again!
INFO [main] ( - Exiting application.
<p>In addition, as the root category has been allocated a second
appender, output will also be directed to the <code>example.log</code>
file. This file will be rolled over when it reaches 100KB. When
roll-over occurs, the old version of <code>example.log</code> is
automatically moved to <code>example.log.1</code>.
<p>Note that to obtain these different logging behaviors we did not
need to recompile code. We could just as easily have logged to a UNIX
Syslog daemon, redirected all <code></code> output to an NT
Event logger, or forwarded logging events to a remote log4j server,
which would log according to local server policy, for example by
forwarding the log event to a second log4j server.
<a name="defaultInit"><h2>Default Initialization Procedure</h2>
<p>The log4j library does not make any assumptions about its
environment. In particular, there are no default log4j
appenders. Under certain well-defined circumstances however, the
static inializer of the <code>Category</code> class will attempt to
automatically configure log4j. The Java language guarantees that the
static initializer of a class is called once and only during the
loading of a class into memory. (Although different classloaders may
load distinct copies of the same class.)
<p>The default initialization is very useful in environments where the
exact entry point to the application depends on the runtime
environment. For example, the same application can be used as a
stand-alone application, as an applet, or as a servlet under the
control of a web-server.
<p>The exact default initialization algorithm is defined as follows:
<li>Skip default initialization if the
<b>log4j.defaultInitOverride</b> system property is set to any value
other than "false".
<p><li>Set the <code>resource</code> string variable to the value of
the <b>log4j.configuration</b> system property. If the system
property is not defined, then set <code>resource</code> to
<p><li>Attempt to convert the <code>resource</code> variable to a
<p><li>If the resource variable cannot be converted to a URL, for
example due to a <code>MalformedURLException</code>, then search for
the <code>resource</code> from the classpath by calling
Category.class)</code>. Note that "" is a a malformed
URL and hence it falls to this case.
<p>See <a
for the list of searched locations which is rather complex in
<p><li>If the URL could not be found, abort default initialization.
<p><li>Otherwise, configure log4j from the URL.
<p>The URL format is important. Its <em>reference</em> part is
taken as the class name of the configurator. For example, if you
invoke your application using the command line
<pre> java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/temp/
then the log4j will be configured by a new instance of
<code>com.myCompany.myConfigurator</code> by interpreting the
file referenced by <code>file:/temp/</code>. The
configurator you specify <em>must</em> implement the <a
<p>If the URL has no reference part, then the <a
will parse the URL. However, if the URL ends with a ".xml"
extension, then the <a
will be used to parse the URL.
<h2> Nested Diagnostic Contexts</h2>
<p>Most real-world systems have to deal with multiple clients
simultaneously. In a typical multithreaded implementation of such a
system, different threads will handle different clients. Logging is
especially well suited to trace and debug complex distributed
applications. A common approach to differentiate the logging output of
one client from another is to instantiate a new separate category for
each client. This promotes the proliferation of categories and
increases the management overhead of logging.
<p>A lighter technique is to uniquely stamp each log request initiated
from the same client interaction. Neil Harrison described this method
in the book "Patterns for Logging Diagnostic Messages," in <em>Pattern
Languages of Program Design 3</em>, edited by R. Martin, D. Riehle,
and F. Buschmann (Addison-Wesley, 1997).
<p> To uniquely stamp each request, the
user pushes contextual information into the NDC, the abbreviation of
<em>Nested Diagnostic Context</em>. The NDC class is shown below.
public class NDC {
// Used when printing the diagnostic
public <strong>static</strong> String get();
// Remove the top of the context from the NDC.
public <strong>static</strong> String pop();
// Add diagnostic context for the current thread.
public <strong>static</strong> void push(String message);
// Remove the diagnostic context for this thread.
public <strong>static</strong> void remove();
<p>The NDC is managed per thread as a <em>stack</em> of contextual
information. Note that all methods of the <code>org.apache.log4j.NDC</code>
class are static. Assuming that NDC printing is turned on, every time
a log request is made, the appropriate log4j component will include
the <em>entire</em> NDC stack for the current thread in the log
output. This is done without the intervention of the user, who is
responsible only for placing the correct information in the NDC by
using the <code>push</code> and <code>pop</code> methods at a few
well-defined points in the code. In contrast, the per-client category
approach commands extensive changes in the code.
<p>To illustrate this point, let us take the example of a servlet
delivering content to numerous clients. The servlet can build the NDC
at the very beginning of the request before executing other code. The
contextual information can be the client's host name and other
information inherent to the request, typically information contained
in cookies. Hence, even if the servlet is serving multiple clients
simultaneously, the logs initiated by the same code, i.e. belonging to
the same category, can still be distinguished because each client
request will have a different NDC stack. Contrast this with the
complexity of passing a freshly instantiated category to all code
exercised during the client's request.
<p>Nevertheless, some sophisticated applications, such as virtual
hosting web servers, must log differently depending on the virtual
host context and also depending on the software component issuing the
request. Recent log4j releases support multiple hierarchy trees. This
enhancement allows each virtual host to possess its own copy of the
category hierarchy.
<p>One of the often-cited arguments against logging is its
computational cost. This is a legitimate concern as even moderately
sized applications can generate thousands of log requests. Much
effort was spent measuring and tweaking logging performance. Log4j
claims to be fast and flexible: speed first, flexibility second.
<p>The user should be aware of the following performance issues.
<li>Logging performance when logging is turned off.
<p>When logging is <a
off entirely</a> or just for a <a
of priorities</a>, the cost of a log request consists of a method
invocation plus an integer comparison. On a 233 MHz Pentium II
machine this cost is typically in the 5 to 50 nanosecond range.
<p>However, The method invocation involves the "hidden" cost of
parameter construction.
<p>For example, for some category <code>cat</code>, writing,
cat.debug("Entry number: " + i + " is " + String.valueOf(entry[i]));
incurs the cost of constructing the message parameter, i.e.
converting both integer <code>i</code> and <code>entry[i]</code>
to a String, and concatenating intermediate strings,
regardless of whether the message will be logged or not.
This cost of parameter construction can be quite high and it
depends on the size of the parameters involved.
<p>To avoid the parameter construction cost write:
if(cat.isDebugEnabled() {
cat.debug("Entry number: " + i + " is " + String.valueOf(entry[i]));
<p>This will not incur the cost of parameter
construction if debugging is disabled. On the other hand, if
the category is debug-enabled, it will incur twice the cost of
evaluating whether the category is enabled or not: once
in <code>debugEnabled</code> and once in
<code>debug</code>. This is an insignificant
overhead because evaluating a category takes about 1%
of the time it takes to actually log.
<p>In log4j, logging requests are made to instances of the Category
class. Category is a class and not an interface. This measurably
reduces the cost of method invocation at the cost of some
<p>Certain users resort to preprocessing or compile-time
techniques to compile out all log statements. This leads to perfect
performance efficiency with respect to logging. However, since the
resulting application binary does not contain any log statements,
logging cannot be turned on for that binary. In my opinion this is
a disproportionate price to pay in exchange for a small performance
<p><li> The performance of deciding whether to log or not to log when
logging is turned on.
<p>This is essentially the performance of walking the category
hierarchy. When logging is turned on, log4j still needs to compare
the priority of the log request with the priority of the request
category. However, categories may not have an assigned
priority; they can inherit them from the category hierarchy. Thus,
before inheriting a priority, the category may need to search its
<p>There has been a serious effort to make this hierarchy walk to
be as fast as possible. For example, child categories link only to
their existing ancestors. In the <code>BasicConfigurator</code>
example shown earlier, the category named <code></code> is
linked directly to the root category, thereby circumventing the
nonexistent <code>com</code> or <code></code> categories. This
significantly improves the speed of the walk, especially in "sparse"
<p>The typical cost of walking the hierarchy is in the range of
5 to 15 microseconds, again on a 233MHz Pentium II machine.
<p><li>Actual logging.
<p>This is the cost of formatting the log output and sending it to
its target destination. Here again, a serious effort was made to
make layouts (formatters) perform as quickly as possible. The same
is true for appenders. The typical cost of actually logging is
about 100 to 300 microseconds.
See <a
for actual figures.
<p>Although log4j has many features, its first design goal was speed.
Some log4j components have been rewritten many times to improve
performance. Nevertheless, contributors frequently come up with new
optimizations. You should be pleased to know that when configured with
the <a
performance tests have shown log4j to log as quickly as
<h2>Upcoming logging API from Sun</h2>
<p>Sun has begun a community process, JSR47, in order to define a
logging API for java. This API will <em>require</em> JDK version 1.4.
The <a
specification</a> has recently became ready for public review.
<p>The JSR47 API and log4j are quite similar at the architectural
level. JSR47 API will support a hierarchical name space, one of the
central features of log4j. On the other hand, log4j has many useful
features that are missing in JSR47. For example, log4j supports
appender inheritance, JSR47 doesn't. In log4j categories can be
initialized in any order, in JSR47 parents must be initialized before
<p>From time to time, users ask if log4j is "standard
compliant". While it is possible to be compliant with a protocol or a
pluggable-API, it is impossible to be compliant with an
implementation. Either one <em>is</em> the implementation or one is
not. JSR47 is an <em>implementation</em> of a skeleton logging
API. It is not a mere interface or a communication protocol. No API
other than the JSR47 API will ever be compliant with the JSR47 API.
<p>Given the momentum behind log4j, in my partisan opinion, JSR47 is
likely to be obsolete by the time it is launched. Log4j is written by
the people who use it daily, not by a committee.
<p>Log4j is a popular logging package written in Java. One of its
distinctive features is the notion of inheritance in categories. Using
a category hierarchy it is possible to control which log statements
are output at arbitrary granularity. This helps reduce the volume of
logged output and minimize the cost of logging.
<p>One of the advantages of the log4j API is its manageability. Once
the log statements have been inserted into the code, they can be
controlled with configuration files. They can be selectively enabled
or disabled, and sent to different and multiple output targets in
user-chosen formats. The log4j package is designed so that log
statements can remain in shipped code without incurring a heavy
performance cost.
Many thanks to N. Asokan for reviewing the article. He is also one of
the originators of the category concept. I am indebted to Nelson Minar
of <a href="">PopularPower</a> for
encouraging me to write this article. He has also made many useful
suggestions and corrections to this article.
<p>Log4j is the result of a collective effort. My special thanks go to
all the authors who have contributed to the project. Without
exception, the best features in the package have all originated in the
user community.
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