blob: 7fd2756501517ad4e10a83d9ea58f1fae56112ab [file] [log] [blame]
- Add support for string options in SocketAppender
- Add a properties file option to log4j:configure in XML.
- Really quiet mode for LogLog.
- Deprecate configure element in DTD.
- Support for duplicate appender suppression in configurators.
- Clean up the association of renderers and hierarchies
- FailOverAppender
- Graceful congiguration merging
- Integrate tons of GUI code.
- JDBCAppender.
- Time based rolling.
- SSL logging.
- Authenticated logging.
- Better test suite.
- Better documentation.
- Add priority#priorityClass to Configurators
- log4j: namespace in DTD
- Mapped Diagnostic Contexts
- Allow the raw message object to be seen by Appenders and Layouts.
- Complete multiple hierachy support.
- JMSAppender.
- SMTPAppender.
- Automatic configuration file reloading.
- AsyncAppender.
- Written a short user manual.
- Added XMLLayout.
- In DOMConfigurator added support for sub-classes of Category
implementing OptionHandler interface.
- Added support for Filters and ErrorHandlers.
- Added support for multiple hierarchy trees.
- Added support for sub-classing of Category.
- Socket logging.
- Integration with NT event logging.
- File name option form environment.
- to org.log4j package renaming.
- DOMConfigurator.
- PatternLayout replaces TTCCLayout and SimpleLayout.
- TTCCLayout customizable with any DateFormat.
- Better control over NDC stack.
- Act as UNIX syslog client.
- Make Priority intances flyweights.
- ILog.init methods with Layout argument, with Appender argument.
- Contexts a la Logging Pattern of N. Harrison.
- Improve catBag lookup speed with wrapper classes.
- Truncate functionality.
- ILog facade to LogCreationManager.getSingleton()
- JAR file
- New syntactic sugars to log objects and not strings.
- Exception --> Throwable