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<title>log4j FAQ</title>
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<h1 align=center>Frequently Asked Questions about log4j</h1>
<h2 align=center>Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;
<br>October 2000</h2>
<li><p><a href=#whatIs>What is log4j?</a> <br>
<li><p><a href=#reliable>Is log4j a reliable logging system?</a>
<li><p><a href=#prerequisites>What are the prerequisites for log4j?</a>
<li><p><a href=#javadoc>Is there javadoc documentation for log4j?</a>
<li><p><a href=#alternatives>What other logging packages are there?</a>
<li><p><a HREF=#usageExample>Is there example code for using log4j?</a>
<li><p><a href=#features>What are the features of log4j?</a>
<li><p><a href=#sample>What does log output look like?</a>
<li><p><a href=#category>What are <em>Categories</em>?</a>
<li><p><a href=#behavior>How can I change log behavior at runtime?</a>
<li><p><a HREF=#reduce>How can I reduce the computational cost of
debug and info statements?</a>
<li><p><a HREF=#fastLogging>What is the fastest way of (not) logging?</a>
<li><p><a HREF=#arrayDebug>What is the use of the <code>debug</code> method
expecting a <code>String</code> array as one of its parameters?</a>
<li><p><a href=#introCat>Why was the Category class introduced and how do
I migrate from the previous String based implementation?</a>
<li><p><a href=#namingCategories>Are there any suggested ways for naming
<li><p><a href=#className>How do I get the fully-qualified name of a class in
a static block?</a>
<li><p><a href=#customLayouts>Can the log output format be
<li><p><a href=#NDC>Can the outputs of multiple client request go to
different log files?</a>
<li><p><a href=#rm>Category instances seem to be create only. Why isn't
there a method to remove category instances?</a>
<li><p><a href=#filterByPriority>Is it possible to direct log output
to different appenders by priority?</a>
<li><p><a href=#many21>How do I get multiple processes to log to the
same file?</a>
<li><p><a href=#timestamp>If I have many process across multiple hosts
(possibly across multiple timezones) logging to the same file using the
method above, what happens to timestamps?
<li><p><a href=#tax>Why should I donate my log4j extensions back to the
<li><p><a href=#help>What should I keep in mind when contributing code?</a>
<li><p><a href=#bugCorrection>How fast do bugs in log4j get fixed?</a>
<li><p><a href=#history>What is the history of log4j?</a>
<li><p><a href=#bugs>How do I report bugs?</a>
<li><p><a href=#download>Where can I find the latest distribution of log4j?</a>
<p><a name=whatIs><h4 id="whatIs">What is log4j?</h4>
log4j is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a
variety of output targets.
<p>In case of problems with an application, it is helpful to enable
logging so that the problem can be located. With log4j it is possible
to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binary.
The log4j package is designed so that log statements can remain in
<i>shipped</i> code without incurring a high performance cost. It
follows that the speed of logging (or rather not logging) is capital.
<p>At the same time, log output can be so voluminous that it quickly
becomes overwhelming. One of the distinctive features of log4j is the
notion of <i>hierarchical categories</i>. Using categories it is
possible to selectively control which log statements are output at
arbitrary granularity.
<p>log4j is designed with two distinct goals in mind: speed and
flexibility. There is a tight balance between these two
requirements. I believe that log4j strikes the right balance.
<a name=reliable><h4>Is log4j a reliable logging system?</h4>
No. log4j is not reliable. It is a best-effort and <em>fail-stop</em>
logging system.
<p>By fail-stop, we mean that log4j will not throw unexpected
exceptions at run-time potentially causing your application to
crash. <b>If for any reason, log4j throws an uncaught exception,
please contact the <a href="">current
maintainer</a>.</b> Uncaught exceptions are handled as serious bugs
requiring immediate attention.
<p>Moreover, log4j will not revert to System.out or System.err
when its designated output stream is not opened, is not writable or
becomes full. This avoids corrupting an otherwise working program by
flooding the user's terminal because logging fails. However, log4j
will output a single message to System.err indicating that logging can
not be performed.
<a name=prerequisites><h4>What are the prerequisites for log4j?</h4>
<p><li>Log4j is JDK 1.1.x compatible.
<p><li>The DOMConfigurator is based on the DOM Level 1 API. The
DOMConfigurator.configure(Element) method will work with any
XML parser that will pass it a DOM tree.
<p>The DOMConfigurator.configure(String filename) method and its
variants require a JAXP compatible XML parser, for example <a
href="">Xerces</a> or Sun's
parser. Ccompiling the DOMConfigurator requires the presence of a
JAXP parser in the classpath.
<p><li>The <code></code> relies on
the <a href="">JavaMail
API</a>. It has been tested with JavaMail API version 1.2. The
JavaMail API requires the <a
Activation Framework</a> package.
<p><li>The <code></code> requries the
presence of the JMS API as well as JNDI.
<p><li>The <code>org.apache.log4j.gui.TextPaneAppender</code> requries Swing.
<p><li>log4j test code relies on the <a
href="">JUnit</a> testing framework.
<a name=javadoc><h4>Is there javadoc documentation for log4j?</h4>
The javadoc <a href=api/index.html>documentation</a> is part of
the log4j package. There is also an <b><a
href="manual.html">introductory manual</a></b>. In case
problems make sure to have a look at <a href="TROUBLESHOOT.html">log4j
troubleshooting</a> document.
<a name=alternatives><h4>What other logging packages are there?</h4>
There are many other logging packages out there. I know of <a
href=>Grace Software's JavaLog</a>,
<a href=>JLog</a>,
<a href=>Software ZOO's toolkit</a>, <a
href=>SDSU logging package</a>. This
list is not exhaustive.
<a name=usageExample><h4>Is there example code for using log4j?</h4>
<p>There is a directory containing examples in
<code>org/log4j/examples</code>. See also
<a name=features><h4 id="">What are the features of log4j?</h4>
<p><li>log4j is optimized for speed.
<p><li>log4j is based on a named category hierarchy.
<p><li>log4j is fail-stop but not reliable.
<p><li>log4j is not restricted to a predefined set of facilities.
<p><li>Logging behavior can be set at runtime using a configuration
file. Configuration files can be property files or in XML format.
<p><li>log4j is designed to handle Java Exceptions from the start.
<p><li>log4j can direct its output to a file, the console, an
<code></code>, <code></code>,
a remote server using TCP, a remote Unix Syslog daemon, to a
remote listener using JMS, to the NT EventLog or even send e-mail.
<p><li>log4j uses 5 priority levels, namely DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
and FATAL.
<p><li>The format of the log output can be easily changed by
extending the Layout class.
<p><li>The target of the log output as well as the writing strategy
can be altered by implementations of the Appender interface.
<p><li>log4j supports multiple output appenders per category.
<p><li>log4j supports internationalization.
<a name=sample><h4 id="">What does log output look like?</h4>
The log output can be customized in many ways. Moreover, one can completely
override the output format by implementing one's own Layout.
<p>Here is an example output using <em>PatternLayout</em> with
the conversion pattern <b>"%r [%t] %-5p %c{2} %x - %m%n"</b>
176 [main] INFO examples.Sort - Populating an array of 2 elements in reverse order.
225 [main] INFO examples.SortAlgo - Entered the sort method.
262 [main] DEBUG SortAlgo.OUTER i=1 - Outer loop.
276 [main] DEBUG SortAlgo.SWAP i=1 j=0 - Swapping intArray[0] = 1 and intArray[1] = 0
290 [main] DEBUG SortAlgo.OUTER i=0 - Outer loop.
304 [main] INFO SortAlgo.DUMP - Dump of interger array:
317 [main] INFO SortAlgo.DUMP - Element [0] = 0
331 [main] INFO SortAlgo.DUMP - Element [1] = 1
343 [main] INFO examples.Sort - The next log statement should be an error message.
346 [main] ERROR SortAlgo.DUMP - Tried to dump an uninitialized array.
at org.log4j.examples.SortAlgo.dump(
at org.log4j.examples.Sort.main(
467 [main] INFO examples.Sort - Exiting main method.
<p>The first field is the number of milliseconds elapsed since the
start of the program. The second field is the thread outputting the
log statement. The third field is the priority of the log
statement. The fourth field is the rightmost two components of the
category making the log request. The fifth field (just before the '-')
is the <em>nested diagnostic context</em> (NDC). Note the nested diagnostic
context may be empty as in the first two statements. The text after
the '-' is the message of the statement.
<a name=category><h4 id="">What are <em>Categories</em>?</h4>
The notion of categories lies at the heart of log4j. Categories define
a hierarchy and give the programmer <em>run-time</em> control on which
statements are printed or not.
<p>Categories are assigned priorities. A log statement is printed
depending on its priority <em>and</em> its category.
<p>Make sure to read the <a href=manual.html>log4j manual</a>
for more information.
<a name=behavior><h4 id="">How can I change log behavior at runtime?</h4>
<p>Log behavior can be set using configuration files which are parsed
at runtime. Using configuration files the programmer can define
categories and set their priorities.
<p>The <code>PropertyConfigurator</code> defines a particular format
of a configuration file. See also the
<code>org.log4j.examples.Sort</code> example and associated
configuration files.
<p>Configuration files can be specified in XML. See
<code>log4j.dtd</code> and
<code>org.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator</code> for more details.
<p>See the various Layout and Appender components for specific
configuration options.
<p>In addition to configuration files, the user may disable all
messages belonging to a set of priorities. See next item.
<a name=reduce><h4 id="">How can I reduce the computational cost of
debug and info statements?</h4>
<p>For public releases of your code, calling the
<code>BasicConfigurator.disable(pri)</code> method will disable
all messages of priority <code>pri</code> and below.
<p>In cases of problems with an application, technical support can
re-enable logging by setting the <b>log4j.disableOverride</b> system
property without changing the binary at the client's site.
<a name=fastLogging><h4>What is the fastest way of (not) logging?</h4>
<p> For some category <code>cat</code>, writing, <pre>
cat.debug("Entry number: " + i + " is " + String.valueOf(entry[i]));
<p>incurs the cost of constructing the message parameter, that is
converting both integer <code>i</code> and <code>entry[i]</code> to a
String, and concatenating intermediate strings. This, regardless of
whether the message will be logged or not.
<p>If you are worried about speed, then write
if(cat.isDebugEnabled()) {
cat.debug("Entry number: " + i + " is " + String.valueOf(entry[i]));
<p>This way you will not incur the cost of parameter construction if
debugging is disabled for category <code>CAT</code>. On the other
hand, if the category is debug enabled, you will incur the cost of
evaluating whether the category is enabled or not, twice: once in
<code>debugEnabled</code> and once in <code>debug</code>. This is an
insignificant overhead since evaluating a category takes less than 1%
of the time it takes to actually log a statement.
<a name=arrayDebug><h4 id="">What is the use of the <code>debug</code>
method expecting a <code>String</code> array as one of its parameters?</h4>
This method no longer exists. Use the
<code>Category.isDebugEnabled</code> method instead.
<a name=introCat><h4>Why was the Category class introduced and how do
I migrate from the previous String based implementation?</h4>
<p>The reason was speed, speed, speed.
<p>In the former implementation, when evaluating whether a category
should be logged or not, we potentially computed a hash and performed
an equality check multiple times, once for each higher ranking
category. For example, if the category name was "x.y.z", we computed
the hash of "x.y.z" and checked if it was already defined (costing an
equality check). If not, we parsed "x.y.z" to discover that "x.y" was
higher ranking, then computed the hash of "x.y" and checked whether it
was defined (costing another equality check). So on, until a valid
category was found or there were no possible categories left.
<p>It turns out that for long strings, hash computations and an
equality checks are computationally expensive operations.
<p>The new Category class retains the flexibility of the former
implementation and offers much much better performance. I would go as
far as to claim that the performance cannot be improved upon without
loosing functionality. <em>Please do not hesitate to debunk this
assertion</em>. Contributions from <a
href="">Alex Blewitt</a>, F. Hoering and
M. Oestreicher were instrumental to these performance improvements.
<p>The new syntax for defining a category is
Category cat = Category.getInstance("x.y.z");
<p>Previously, to achieve a similar effect, one had to write
log.setCategory("x.y.z", "DEBUG"); // where log is an instance of Log
<p>As of release 0.8.0, the syntax was further modified so
that log statements (debug, info, ... methods) no longer need a log
singleton but use a Category instance instead.
<p>For some class <code>X</code> one previously wrote,
package a.b.c;
class X {
static String cat = "a.b.c.X";
void foo() {
log.debug(cat, "Some foo message").
This code needs to be modified as follows
package a.b.c;
import org.log4j.Category;
class X {
static Category cat = Category.getInstance("a.b.c.X");
void foo() {
cat.debug("Some foo message").
<a name=namingCategories><h4>Are there any suggested ways for naming
<p>Yes, there are.
<p>You can name categories by <strong>locality</strong>. It turns out
that instantiating a category in each class, with the category name
equal to the fully-qualified name of the class, is a useful and
straightforward approach of defining categories. This approach has
many benefits:
<li>It is very simple to implement.
<li>It is very simple to explain to new developpers.
<li>It automatically mirrors your application's own modular design.
<li>It can be further refined at will.
<li>Printing the category automatically gives information on the locality
of the log statement.
<p>However, this is not the only way for naming categories. A common
alternative is to name categories by <strong>functional
areas</strong>. For example, the "database" category, "RMI" category,
"security" category, or the "XML" category.
<p>You may choose to name categories by functionality and
sub-categorize by locatily, as in "" or
<p><em>You are totally free in choosing the names of your
categories.</em> The log4j package merely allows you to manage your
names in a hierarchy. However, it is your responsibility to define
this hierarchy.
<p>Note by naming categories by locality one tends to name things by
functionality, since in most cases the locatility relates closely to
<a name=className><h4>How do I get the fully-qualified name of a class
in a static block?</a></h4>
<p>You can easily retrieve the fully-qualified name of a class in a
static block for class X, with the statement
<code>X.class.getName()</code>. Note that <code>X</code> is the class
name and not an instance. The <code>X.class</code> statement does
<i>not</i> create a new instance of class <code>X</code>.
<p>Here is the suggested usage template:
<font color=BLUE><pre>
package a.b.c;
public class Foo {
static Category cat = Category.getInstance(Foo.class.getName());
... other code
<a name=customLayouts><h4>Can the log output format be customized?</h4>
<p>Yes. Since release 0.7.0, you can extend the <code>Layout</code>
class to create you own customized log format. Appenders can be
parameterized to use the layout of your choice.
<a name=NDC><h4>Can the outputs of multiple client request go to
different log files?</h4>
Many developers are confronted with the problem of distinguishing the
log output originating from the same class but different client
requests. They come up with ingenous mechanisms to fan out the log
output to different files. In most cases, this is not the right
<p>It is simpler to use a nested diagnostic context (NDC). Typically,
one would <em>NDC.push()</em> client specific information, such as the
client's hostname, ID or any other distinguishing information when
starting to handle the client's request. Thereafter, log output will
automagically include the nested diagnostic context so that you can
distinguish logs from different client requests even if they are
output to the same file.
<p>See the <code>NDC</code> and the <code>PatternLayout</code> classes
for more information. The <code>NumberCruncher</code> example shows
how the NDC can be used to distinguish the log output from multiple
clients even if they share the same log file.
<p>For select applications, such as virtual hosting web-servers, the
NDC solution is not sufficient. As of version 0.9.0, log4j supports
multiple hierarchy trees. Thus, it is possible to log to different
targets from the same category depending on the current context.
<p><a name=rm><h4>Category instances seem to be create only. Why isn't
there a method to remove category instances?</h4>
It is quite non-trivial to define the semantics of a "removed"
category which is still referenced by the user.
<p>Future releases <em>may</em> include a remove method in the
Category class.
<a name=filterByPriority><h4>Is it possible to direct log output to
different appenders by priority?</h4>
<p>Yes it is. Setting the <b>Threshold</b> option of any appender
extending <a
(most log4j appenders extend AppenderSkeleton) to filter out all log
events with <em>lower</em> priority than the value of the threshold
<p>For example, setting the threshold of an appender to DEBUG also
allow INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL messages to log along with DEBUG
messages. (DEBUG is the lowest priority). This is usually acceptable
as there is little use for DEBUG messages without the surrounding
INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL messages. Similarly, setting the threshold
of an appender to ERROR will filter out DEBUG, INFO and ERROR messages
but not FATAL messages.
<p>This policy usually best encapsulates what the user actually wants
to do, as opposed to her mind-projected solution.
<p>See <a
for an example threshold configuration.
<p>If you must filter events by exact priority match, then you can
attach a <a
to any appender to filter out logging events by exact priority match.
<p><a name=many21><h4>How do I get multiple process to log to the same file?</h4></a>
<p>You may have each process log to a
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/net/SocketAppender.html"><code>SocketAppender</code></a>.
The receving
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/net/SocketServer.html"><code>SocketServer</code></a>
<a href="api/org/apache/log4j/net/SimpleSocketServer.html"><code>SimpleSocketServer</code></a>)
can receive all the events and send them to a single
log file.
<p><a name=timestamp><h4>If I have many processes across multiple hosts
(possibly across multiple timezones) logging to the same file using the
method above, what happens to timestamps?</h4>
<p>The timestamp is created when the logging event is created. That is
so say, when the <code>debug</code>, <code>info</code>, <code>warn</code>,
<code>error</code> or <code>fatal</code> method is invoked.
This is unaffected by the time at which they may arrive at a remote
socket server. Since the timestamps are stored in UTC format inside
the event, they all appear in the same timezone as the host creating the
logfile. Since the clocks of various machines may not be synchronized,
this may account for time interval inconsistencies between events generated
on different hosts.
<p>While this is the intended behavior, it only recently became so due to
a bug discovery between version 1.0.4 and 1.1b1. Versions 1.0.4 and before
had their timestamp regenerated in the converter. In this case the timestamps
seen in the log file would all appear in order, generated at the time they
arrived at the log server host according to its local clock.
<p><a name=tax><h4>Why should I donate my extensions to log4j back to the
Contrary to the GNU Public License (GPL) the Apache Public License
does not make any claims over your extensions. <em>You are free to do
whatever you wish with your proprietary log4j extensions.</em> In
particlular, you may choose to never release your extensions to the
wider public.
<p>We are very careful not to change the log4j client API so that
newer log4j releases are backward compatible with previous
versions. We are a lot less scrupulous with the internal log4j
API. Thus, if your extension is designed to work with log4j version
<code>n</code>, then when log4j release version <code>n+1</code> comes
out, you will probably need to adapt your proprietary extensions to
the new release.
Thus, you will be forced to spend precious resources in order to keep
up with log4j changes. This is commonly referred to as the
"stupid-tax." By donating the code and making it part of the standard
distribution, you save yourself the unncessary maintanance work.
<p>If your extensions are useful then someone will eventually write an
extension providing the same or very similar functionality. Your
development effort will be wasted.
<p>Unless the proprietary log4j extension is business critical, there
is little reason for not donating your extensions back to the project.
<a name=help><h4>What should I keep in mind when contributing
<li>Stick to the existing indentation style even if you hate it.
<p>Alternating between indentation styles makes it hard to
understand the source code. Make it hard on yourself but easier
on others. Log4j follows the <a
href=>Code Conventions for
the JavaTM Programming Language</a>.
<p><li>Make every effort to stick to the JDK 1.1 API.
<p>One of the important advantages of log4j is its compatibility with
JDK 1.1.x.
<p><li><b>Throughly test your code.</b>
<p>There is nothing more irritating than finding the bugs
in debugging (i.e. logging) code.
<p><li>Keep it simple, small and fast.
<p>It's all about the application not about logging.
<p><li>Identify yourself as the contributor at the top of the
relevant file.
<p><li>Take responsibility for your code.
<p>Authoring software is like parenting. It takes many
years to raise a child.
<p><li>Did I mention sticking with the indentation style?
<a name=bugCorrection><h4>How fast do bugs in log4j get fixed?</h4>
<p>Rather than wait for the next release to be ready, we get bug fixes
out of the door as soon as possible. Moreover, once a bug is found or
reported, it is treated as <em>fire in the house</em>. All other
activites stop until the bug is fixed.
<p>Consequently, confirmed bugs are fixed after a short period
following the initial bug report.
<a name=history><h4>What is the history of log4j?</h4>
The first ancestor of log4j was written for the <a
href="">SEMPER</a> project. Jose-Luis Abad-Peiro
wrote the initial 30 liner version that was picked up by Ceki
G&uuml;lc&uuml; and enhanced by Andreas Fleuti. Michael Steiner,
N. Asokan, Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml proposed category/priority based
evaluation which has remained conceptually the same since 1996.
<a name=bugs><h4 id="bugs">How do I report bugs?</h4>
Report bugs using the <a
href=>Apache Bug Database</a>.
<p>Please specify the version of log4j you are using. It is helpful to
include log configurations files if any, plus source code. A short
example reproducing the problem is very much appreciated.
<a name=download><h4>Where can I find the latest distribution of log4j?</h4>
<p>The log4j project is hosted at <a
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