blob: b6b99b6ac01c8e85f802e6cd41898a4ae26bee83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software
* License version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this
* distribution in the LICENSE.txt file. */
// Contibutors: "Luke Blanshard" <>
// "Mark DONSZELMANN" <>
// Anders Kristensen <>
package org.apache.log4j;
import org.apache.log4j.DefaultCategoryFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter;
//import org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetterException;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.OptionHandler;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.Configurator;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.RendererSupport;
import org.apache.log4j.or.RendererMap;
import org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog;
import org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter;
import org.apache.log4j.helpers.FileWatchdog;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Hashtable;
Allows the configuration of log4j from an external file. See
<b>{@link #doConfigure(String, LoggerRepository)}</b> for the
expected format.
<p>It is sometimes useful to see how log4j is reading configuration
files. You can enable log4j internal logging by defining the
<b>log4j.debug</b> variable.
<P>As of log4j version 0.8.5, at class initialization time class,
the file <b></b> will be searched from the search
path used to load classes. If the file can be found, then it will
be fed to the {@link PropertyConfigurator#configure(}
<p>The <code>PropertyConfigurator</code> does not handle the
advanced configuration features supported by the {@link
org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator DOMConfigurator} such as
support for {@link org.apache.log4j.spi.Filter Filters}, custom
{@link org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler ErrorHandlers}, nested
appenders such as the {@link org.apache.log4j.AsyncAppender
AsyncAppender}, etc.
<p>All option <em>values</em> admit variable substitution. The
syntax of variable substitution is similar to that of Unix
shells. The string between an opening <b>&quot;${&quot;</b> and
closing <b>&quot;}&quot;</b> is interpreted as a key. The value of
the substituted variable can be defined as a system property or in
the configuration file itself. The value of the key is first
searched in the system properties, and if not found there, it is
then searched in the configuration file being parsed. The
corresponding value replaces the ${variableName} sequence. For
example, if <code>java.home</code> system property is set to
<code>/home/xyz</code>, then every occurrence of the sequence
<code>${java.home}</code> will be interpreted as
@author Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;
@author Anders Kristensen
@since 0.8.1 */
public class PropertyConfigurator implements Configurator {
Used internally to keep track of configured appenders.
protected Hashtable registry = new Hashtable(11);
protected LoggerFactory loggerFactory = new DefaultCategoryFactory();
static final String CATEGORY_PREFIX = "log4j.category.";
static final String LOGGER_PREFIX = "log4j.logger.";
static final String FACTORY_PREFIX = "log4j.factory";
static final String ADDITIVITY_PREFIX = "log4j.additivity.";
static final String ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX = "log4j.rootCategory";
static final String ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX = "log4j.rootLogger";
static final String APPENDER_PREFIX = "log4j.appender.";
static final String RENDERER_PREFIX = "log4j.renderer.";
static final String THRESHOLD_PREFIX = "log4j.threshold";
/** Key for specifying the {@link org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory
LoggerFactory}. Currently set to "<code>log4j.loggerFactory</code>". */
public static final String LOGGER_FACTORY_KEY = "log4j.loggerFactory";
static final private String INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME = "root";
Read configuration from a file. <b>The existing configuration is
not cleared nor reset.</b> If you require a different behavior,
then call {@link LogManager#resetConfiguration
resetConfiguration} method before calling
<p>The configuration file consists of statements in the format
<code>key=value</code>. The syntax of different configuration
elements are discussed below.
<h3>Repository-wide threshold</h3>
<p>The repository-wide threshold filters logging requests by level
regardless of logger. The syntax is:
<p>The level value can consist of the string values OFF, FATAL,
ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, ALL or a <em>custom level</em> value. A
custom level value can be specified in the form
level#classname. By default the repository-wide threshold is set
to the lowest possible value, namely the level <code>ALL</code>.
<h3>Appender configuration</h3>
<p>Appender configuration syntax is:
# For appender named <i>appenderName</i>, set its class.
# Note: The appender name can contain dots.
# Set appender specific options.
For each named appender you can configure its {@link Layout}. The
syntax for configuring an appender's layout is:
<h3>Configuring loggers</h3>
<p>The syntax for configuring the root logger is:
log4j.rootLogger=[level], appenderName, appenderName, ...
<p>This syntax means that an optional <em>level</em> can be
supplied followed by appender names separated by commas.
<p>The level value can consist of the string values OFF, FATAL,
ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, ALL or a <em>custom level</em> value. A
custom level value can be specified in the form
<p>If a level value is specified, then the root level is set
to the corresponding level. If no level value is specified,
then the root level remains untouched.
<p>The root logger can be assigned multiple appenders.
<p>Each <i>appenderName</i> (separated by commas) will be added to
the root logger. The named appender is defined using the
appender syntax defined above.
<p>For non-root categories the syntax is almost the same:
log4j.logger.logger_name=[level|INHERITED|NULL], appenderName, appenderName, ...
<p>The meaning of the optional level value is discussed above
in relation to the root logger. In addition however, the value
INHERITED can be specified meaning that the named logger should
inherit its level from the logger hierarchy.
<p>If no level value is supplied, then the level of the
named logger remains untouched.
<p>By default categories inherit their level from the
hierarchy. However, if you set the level of a logger and later
decide that that logger should inherit its level, then you should
specify INHERITED as the value for the level value. NULL is a
synonym for INHERITED.
<p>Similar to the root logger syntax, each <i>appenderName</i>
(separated by commas) will be attached to the named logger.
<p>See the <a href="../../../../manual.html#additivity">appender
additivity rule</a> in the user manual for the meaning of the
<code>additivity</code> flag.
You can customize the way message objects of a given type are
converted to String before being logged. This is done by
specifying an {@link org.apache.log4j.or.ObjectRenderer ObjectRenderer}
for the object type would like to customize.
<p>The syntax is:
As in,
<h3>Logger Factories</h3>
The usage of custom logger factories is discouraged and no longer
<p>An example configuration is given below. Other configuration
file examples are given in the <code>examples</code> folder.
# Set options for appender named "A1".
# Appender "A1" will be a SyslogAppender
# The syslog daemon resides on
# A1's layout is a PatternLayout, using the conversion pattern
# <b>%r %-5p %c{2} %M.%L %x - %m\n</b>. Thus, the log output will
# include # the relative time since the start of the application in
# milliseconds, followed by the level of the log request,
# followed by the two rightmost components of the logger name,
# followed by the callers method name, followed by the line number,
# the nested disgnostic context and finally the message itself.
# Refer to the documentation of {@link PatternLayout} for further information
# on the syntax of the ConversionPattern key.
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r %-5p %c{2} %M.%L %x - %m\n
# Set options for appender named "A2"
# A2 should be a RollingFileAppender, with maximum file size of 10 MB
# using at most one backup file. A2's layout is TTCC, using the
# ISO8061 date format with context printing enabled.
# Root logger set to DEBUG using the A2 appender defined above.
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, A2
# Logger definitions:
# The SECURITY logger inherits is level from root. However, it's output
# will go to A1 appender defined above. It's additivity is non-cumulative.
log4j.logger.SECURITY=INHERIT, A1
# Only warnings or above will be logged for the logger "SECURITY.access".
# Output will go to A1.
# The logger "" inherits its level from the
# logger hierarchy. Output will go to the appender's of the root
# logger, A2 in this case.
<p>Refer to the <b>setOption</b> method in each Appender and
Layout for class specific options.
<p>Use the <code>#</code> or <code>!</code> characters at the
beginning of a line for comments.
@param configFileName The name of the configuration file where the
configuration information is stored.
void doConfigure(String configFileName, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream(configFileName);
catch (IOException e) {
LogLog.error("Could not read configuration file ["+configFileName+"].", e);
LogLog.error("Ignoring configuration file [" + configFileName+"].");
// If we reach here, then the config file is alright.
doConfigure(props, hierarchy);
void configure(String configFilename) {
new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(configFilename,
Read configuration options from url <code>configURL</code>.
@since 0.8.2
void configure( configURL) {
new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(configURL,
Read configuration options from <code>properties</code>.
See {@link #doConfigure(String, LoggerRepository)} for the expected format.
void configure(Properties properties) {
new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(properties,
Like {@link #configureAndWatch(String, long)} except that the
default delay as defined by {@link FileWatchdog#DEFAULT_DELAY} is
@param configFilename A file in key=value format.
void configureAndWatch(String configFilename) {
configureAndWatch(configFilename, FileWatchdog.DEFAULT_DELAY);
Read the configuration file <code>configFilename</code> if it
exists. Moreover, a thread will be created that will periodically
check if <code>configFilename</code> has been created or
modified. The period is determined by the <code>delay</code>
argument. If a change or file creation is detected, then
<code>configFilename</code> is read to configure log4j.
@param configFilename A file in key=value format.
@param delay The delay in milliseconds to wait between each check.
void configureAndWatch(String configFilename, long delay) {
PropertyWatchdog pdog = new PropertyWatchdog(configFilename);
Read configuration options from <code>properties</code>.
See {@link #doConfigure(String, LoggerRepository)} for the expected format.
void doConfigure(Properties properties, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
String value = properties.getProperty(LogLog.DEBUG_KEY);
if(value == null) {
value = properties.getProperty(LogLog.CONFIG_DEBUG_KEY);
if(value != null)
LogLog.warn("[log4j.configDebug] is deprecated. Use [log4j.debug] instead.");
if(value != null) {
LogLog.setInternalDebugging(OptionConverter.toBoolean(value, true));
String thresholdStr = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(THRESHOLD_PREFIX,
if(thresholdStr != null) {
(Level) Level.ALL));
LogLog.debug("Hierarchy threshold set to ["+hierarchy.getThreshold()+"].");
configureRootCategory(properties, hierarchy);
parseCatsAndRenderers(properties, hierarchy);
LogLog.debug("Finished configuring.");
// We don't want to hold references to appenders preventing their
// garbage collection.
Read configuration options from url <code>configURL</code>.
void doConfigure( configURL, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
Properties props = new Properties();
LogLog.debug("Reading configuration from URL " + configURL);
try {
catch ( e) {
LogLog.error("Could not read configuration file from URL [" + configURL
+ "].", e);
LogLog.error("Ignoring configuration file [" + configURL +"].");
doConfigure(props, hierarchy);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal stuff
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Check the provided <code>Properties</code> object for a
{@link org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerFactory LoggerFactory}
entry specified by {@link #LOGGER_FACTORY_KEY}. If such an entry
exists, an attempt is made to create an instance using the default
constructor. This instance is used for subsequent Category creations
within this configurator.
@see #parseCatsAndRenderers
protected void configureLoggerFactory(Properties props) {
String factoryClassName = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(LOGGER_FACTORY_KEY,
if(factoryClassName != null) {
LogLog.debug("Setting category factory to ["+factoryClassName+"].");
loggerFactory = (LoggerFactory)
PropertySetter.setProperties(loggerFactory, props, FACTORY_PREFIX + ".");
void configureOptionHandler(OptionHandler oh, String prefix,
Properties props) {
String[] options = oh.getOptionStrings();
if(options == null)
String value;
for(int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(prefix + options[i], props);
"Option " + options[i] + "=[" + (value == null? "N/A" : value)+"].");
// Some option handlers assume that null value are not passed to them.
// So don't remove this check
if(value != null) {
oh.setOption(options[i], value);
void configureRootCategory(Properties props, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
String effectiveFrefix = ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX;
String value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX, props);
if(value == null) {
value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX, props);
effectiveFrefix = ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX;
if(value == null)
LogLog.debug("Could not find root logger information. Is this OK?");
else {
Logger root = hierarchy.getRootLogger();
synchronized(root) {
parseCategory(props, root, effectiveFrefix, INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME, value);
Parse non-root elements, such non-root categories and renderers.
void parseCatsAndRenderers(Properties props, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
Enumeration enumeration = props.propertyNames();
while(enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
if(key.startsWith(CATEGORY_PREFIX) || key.startsWith(LOGGER_PREFIX)) {
String loggerName = null;
if(key.startsWith(CATEGORY_PREFIX)) {
loggerName = key.substring(CATEGORY_PREFIX.length());
} else if(key.startsWith(LOGGER_PREFIX)) {
loggerName = key.substring(LOGGER_PREFIX.length());
String value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(key, props);
Logger logger = hierarchy.getLogger(loggerName, loggerFactory);
synchronized(logger) {
parseCategory(props, logger, key, loggerName, value);
parseAdditivityForLogger(props, logger, loggerName);
} else if(key.startsWith(RENDERER_PREFIX)) {
String renderedClass = key.substring(RENDERER_PREFIX.length());
String renderingClass = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(key, props);
if(hierarchy instanceof RendererSupport) {
RendererMap.addRenderer((RendererSupport) hierarchy, renderedClass,
Parse the additivity option for a non-root category.
void parseAdditivityForLogger(Properties props, Logger cat,
String loggerName) {
String value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(ADDITIVITY_PREFIX + loggerName,
LogLog.debug("Handling "+ADDITIVITY_PREFIX + loggerName+"=["+value+"]");
// touch additivity only if necessary
if((value != null) && (!value.equals(""))) {
boolean additivity = OptionConverter.toBoolean(value, true);
LogLog.debug("Setting additivity for \""+loggerName+"\" to "+
This method must work for the root category as well.
void parseCategory(Properties props, Logger logger, String optionKey,
String loggerName, String value) {
LogLog.debug("Parsing for [" +loggerName +"] with value=[" + value+"].");
// We must skip over ',' but not white space
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
// If value is not in the form ", appender.." or "", then we should set
// the level of the loggeregory.
if(!(value.startsWith(",") || value.equals(""))) {
// just to be on the safe side...
String levelStr = st.nextToken();
LogLog.debug("Level token is [" + levelStr + "].");
// If the level value is inherited, set category level value to
// null. We also check that the user has not specified inherited for the
// root category.
if(INHERITED.equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr) ||
NULL.equalsIgnoreCase(levelStr)) {
if(loggerName.equals(INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME)) {
LogLog.warn("The root logger cannot be set to null.");
} else {
} else {
logger.setLevel(OptionConverter.toLevel(levelStr, (Level) Level.DEBUG));
LogLog.debug("Category " + loggerName + " set to " + logger.getLevel());
// Begin by removing all existing appenders.
Appender appender;
String appenderName;
while(st.hasMoreTokens()) {
appenderName = st.nextToken().trim();
if(appenderName == null || appenderName.equals(","))
LogLog.debug("Parsing appender named \"" + appenderName +"\".");
appender = parseAppender(props, appenderName);
if(appender != null) {
Appender parseAppender(Properties props, String appenderName) {
Appender appender = registryGet(appenderName);
if((appender != null)) {
LogLog.debug("Appender \"" + appenderName + "\" was already parsed.");
return appender;
// Appender was not previously initialized.
String prefix = APPENDER_PREFIX + appenderName;
String layoutPrefix = prefix + ".layout";
appender = (Appender) OptionConverter.instantiateByKey(props, prefix,
if(appender == null) {
"Could not instantiate appender named \"" + appenderName+"\".");
return null;
if(appender instanceof OptionHandler) {
if(appender.requiresLayout()) {
Layout layout = (Layout) OptionConverter.instantiateByKey(props,
if(layout != null) {
LogLog.debug("Parsing layout options for \"" + appenderName +"\".");
//configureOptionHandler(layout, layoutPrefix + ".", props);
PropertySetter.setProperties(layout, props, layoutPrefix + ".");
LogLog.debug("End of parsing for \"" + appenderName +"\".");
//configureOptionHandler((OptionHandler) appender, prefix + ".", props);
PropertySetter.setProperties(appender, props, prefix + ".");
LogLog.debug("Parsed \"" + appenderName +"\" options.");
return appender;
void registryPut(Appender appender) {
registry.put(appender.getName(), appender);
Appender registryGet(String name) {
return (Appender) registry.get(name);
class PropertyWatchdog extends FileWatchdog {
PropertyWatchdog(String filename) {
Call {@link PropertyConfigurator#configure(String)} with the
<code>filename</code> to reconfigure log4j. */
void doOnChange() {
new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(filename,