blob: 98a4b044028e511e4a005994a2fd81aa1f35aaba [file] [log] [blame]
package examples;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.NDC;
Example code for log4j to viewed in conjunction with the {@link
examples.Sort Sort} class.
<p>SortAlgo uses the bubble sort algorithm to sort an integer
array. See also its <b><a href="doc-files/">source
@author Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml; */
public class SortAlgo {
final static String className = SortAlgo.class.getName();
final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(className);
final static Logger OUTER = Logger.getLogger(className + ".OUTER");
final static Logger INNER = Logger.getLogger(className + ".INNER");
final static Logger DUMP = Logger.getLogger(className + ".DUMP");
final static Logger SWAP = Logger.getLogger(className + ".SWAP");
int[] intArray;
SortAlgo(int[] intArray) {
this.intArray = intArray;
void bubbleSort() { "Entered the sort method.");
for(int i = intArray.length -1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
NDC.push("i=" + i);
OUTER.debug("in outer loop.");
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
NDC.push("j=" + j);
// It is poor practice to ship code with log staments in tight loops.
// We do it anyway in this example.
INNER.debug( "in inner loop.");
if(intArray[j] > intArray[j+1])
swap(j, j+1);
void dump() {
if(! (this.intArray instanceof int[])) {
DUMP.error("Tried to dump an uninitialized array.");
}"Dump of integer array:");
for(int i = 0; i < this.intArray.length; i++) {"Element [" + i + "]=" + this.intArray[i]);
void swap(int l, int r) {
// It is poor practice to ship code with log staments in tight
// loops or code called potentially millions of times.
SWAP.debug( "Swapping intArray["+l+"]=" + intArray[l] +
" and intArray["+r+"]=" + intArray[r]);
int temp = this.intArray[l];
this.intArray[l] = this.intArray[r];
this.intArray[r] = temp;