blob: 832ed958423a37fd470628cef5d36cac8cae1f72 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software
* License version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this
* distribution in the LICENSE.txt file.
package examples.lf5.UsingLogMonitorAdapter;
import org.apache.log4j.lf5.LogLevel;
import org.apache.log4j.lf5.util.LogMonitorAdapter;
* This class is a simple example of how use the LogMonitorAdapter to
* bypass the Log4JAppender and post LogRecords directly to the LogMonitor
* using customized LogLevels
* To make this example work, ensure that the lf5.jar and lf5-license.jar
* files are in your classpath, and then run the example at the command line.
* @author Richard Hurst
// Contributed by ThoughtWorks Inc.
public class CustomizedLogLevels {
// Constants:
public final static LogLevel LEVEL_ONE = new LogLevel("LEVEL 1", 1);
public final static LogLevel LEVEL_TWO = new LogLevel("LEVEL 2", 2);
public final static LogLevel LEVEL_THREE = new LogLevel("LEVEL 3", 3);
public final static LogLevel LEVEL_FOUR = new LogLevel("LEVEL 4", 4);
public final static LogLevel DEFAULT = new LogLevel("DEFAULT", 0);
// Protected Variables:
// Private Variables:
private static LogMonitorAdapter _adapter;
static {
// The first LogLevel in the Array will be used as the default LogLevel.
_adapter = LogMonitorAdapter.newInstance(new LogLevel[]{DEFAULT, LEVEL_ONE,
// if a different log level is to be used it can be specified as such
// _adapter.setDefaultLevel(LEVEL_THREE);
// Constructors:
// Public Methods:
public static void main(String[] args) {
CustomizedLogLevels test = new CustomizedLogLevels();
public void doMyBidding() {
// tell the LogMonitorAdapter which LogLevel is the severe Level if necessary
String levels = this.getClass().getName();
// will used the default Level
_adapter.log(levels, "Using the customized LogLevels");
_adapter.log(levels, LEVEL_FOUR, "This is a test");
_adapter.log(levels, LEVEL_THREE, "Hmmm fobidden doughnut");
_adapter.log(levels, LEVEL_ONE, "Danger Danger Will Robinson",
new RuntimeException("DANGER"), "32");
_adapter.log(levels, LEVEL_TWO, "Exit stage right->");
_adapter.log(levels, LEVEL_FOUR, "What's up Doc?",
new NullPointerException("Unfortunate exception"));
// Protected Methods:
// Private Methods:
// Nested Top-Level Classes or Interfaces: