blob: 8ed550c17d7f7264c1af838c6694d5df75b9765a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.log4j;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.log4j.util.SerializationTestHelper;
import java.util.Locale;
* Tests of Level.
* @author Curt Arnold
* @since 1.2.12
public class LevelTest extends TestCase {
* Constructs new instance of test.
* @param name test name.
public LevelTest(final String name) {
* Serialize Level.INFO and check against witness.
* @throws Exception if exception during test.
public void testSerializeINFO() throws Exception {
int[] skip = new int[] { };
"witness/serialization/info.bin", Level.INFO, skip, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Deserialize witness and see if resolved to Level.INFO.
* @throws Exception if exception during test.
public void testDeserializeINFO() throws Exception {
Object obj =
assertTrue(obj instanceof Level);
Level info = (Level) obj;
assertEquals("INFO", info.toString());
// JDK 1.1 doesn't support readResolve necessary for the assertion
if (!System.getProperty("java.version").startsWith("1.1.")) {
assertTrue(obj == Level.INFO);
* Tests that a custom level can be serialized and deserialized
* and is not resolved to a stock level.
* @throws Exception if exception during test.
public void testCustomLevelSerialization() throws Exception {
CustomLevel custom = new CustomLevel();
Object obj = SerializationTestHelper.serializeClone(custom);
assertTrue(obj instanceof CustomLevel);
CustomLevel clone = (CustomLevel) obj;
assertEquals(Level.INFO.level, clone.level);
assertEquals(Level.INFO.levelStr, clone.levelStr);
assertEquals(Level.INFO.syslogEquivalent, clone.syslogEquivalent);
* Custom level to check that custom levels are
* serializable, but not resolved to a plain Level.
private static class CustomLevel extends Level {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Create an instance of CustomLevel.
public CustomLevel() {
Level.INFO.level, Level.INFO.levelStr, Level.INFO.syslogEquivalent);
* Tests Level.TRACE_INT.
public void testTraceInt() {
assertEquals(5000, Level.TRACE_INT);
* Tests Level.TRACE.
public void testTrace() {
assertEquals("TRACE", Level.TRACE.toString());
assertEquals(5000, Level.TRACE.toInt());
assertEquals(7, Level.TRACE.getSyslogEquivalent());
* Tests Level.toLevel(Level.TRACE_INT).
public void testIntToTrace() {
Level trace = Level.toLevel(5000);
assertEquals("TRACE", trace.toString());
* Tests Level.toLevel("TRACE");
public void testStringToTrace() {
Level trace = Level.toLevel("TRACE");
assertEquals("TRACE", trace.toString());
* Tests that Level extends Priority.
public void testLevelExtendsPriority() {
* Tests Level.OFF.
public void testOFF() {
assertTrue(Level.OFF instanceof Level);
* Tests Level.FATAL.
public void testFATAL() {
assertTrue(Level.FATAL instanceof Level);
* Tests Level.ERROR.
public void testERROR() {
assertTrue(Level.ERROR instanceof Level);
* Tests Level.WARN.
public void testWARN() {
assertTrue(Level.WARN instanceof Level);
* Tests Level.INFO.
public void testINFO() {
assertTrue(Level.INFO instanceof Level);
* Tests Level.DEBUG.
public void testDEBUG() {
assertTrue(Level.DEBUG instanceof Level);
* Tests Level.TRACE.
public void testTRACE() {
assertTrue(Level.TRACE instanceof Level);
* Tests Level.ALL.
public void testALL() {
assertTrue(Level.ALL instanceof Level);
* Tests Level.serialVersionUID.
public void testSerialVersionUID() {
assertEquals(3491141966387921974L, Level.serialVersionUID);
* Tests Level.toLevel(Level.All_INT).
public void testIntToAll() {
Level level = Level.toLevel(Level.ALL_INT);
assertEquals("ALL", level.toString());
* Tests Level.toLevel(Level.FATAL_INT).
public void testIntToFatal() {
Level level = Level.toLevel(Level.FATAL_INT);
assertEquals("FATAL", level.toString());
* Tests Level.toLevel(Level.OFF_INT).
public void testIntToOff() {
Level level = Level.toLevel(Level.OFF_INT);
assertEquals("OFF", level.toString());
* Tests Level.toLevel(17, Level.FATAL).
public void testToLevelUnrecognizedInt() {
Level level = Level.toLevel(17, Level.FATAL);
assertEquals("FATAL", level.toString());
* Tests Level.toLevel(null, Level.FATAL).
public void testToLevelNull() {
Level level = Level.toLevel(null, Level.FATAL);
assertEquals("FATAL", level.toString());
* Test that dotless lower I + "nfo" is recognized as INFO.
public void testDotlessLowerI() {
Level level = Level.toLevel("\u0131nfo");
assertEquals("INFO", level.toString());
* Test that dotted lower I + "nfo" is recognized as INFO
* even in Turkish locale.
public void testDottedLowerI() {
Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
Locale turkey = new Locale("tr", "TR");
Level level = Level.toLevel("info");
assertEquals("INFO", level.toString());