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This project ships a Maven plugin providing access to the xref:../log4j-changelog/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/changelog/exporter/[`ChangelogExporter`] and xref:../log4j-changelog/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/changelog/releaser/[`ChangelogReleaser`] of xref:../log4j-changelog/README.adoc[`log4j-changelog`].
== Exporting changelogs
_Exporting_ changelogs is the act of feeding provided changelog and release information into {freemarker-link} templates to generate certain files; e.g., release notes for the website.
There are two types template files supported:
xref:#changelog-template[Changelog templates]::
These templates are rendered with the release and changelog information of a particular release.
These are generally used to generate release notes for a particular release.
xref:#index-template[Index templates]::
These templates are rendered with the release information of all releases.
These are generally used to generate the index page referencing to release notes of each release.
See xref:../log4j-changelog/README.adoc#export[the `log4j-changelog` documentation] for further details.
You can use the `export` goal as follows:
.`build > plugins` block entry of `pom.xml`
<!-- Export AsciiDoc-formatted release notes -->
`export` goal by default runs during the `pre-site` phase and accepts the following configuration:
`changelogDirectory` (parameter)::
Directory containing release folders composed of changelog entry XML files.
It defaults to `${project.basedir}/src/changelog` and can be set using the `` property.
`outputDirectory` (parameter)::
Directory to write rendered templates.
It defaults to `${}/generated-sources/site/asciidoc/changelog` and can be set using the `log4j.changelog.exporter.outputDirectory` property.
`indexTemplates` (parameter)::
List of xref:#export-template-type[template]s that will be rendered with release information of all releases.
See xref:../log4j-changelog/README.adoc#index-template-file[the index template file documentation] for details.
`changelogTemplates` (parameter)::
List of xref:#export-template-type[template]s that will be rendered with release and changelog information of a particular release.
See xref:../log4j-changelog/README.adoc#changelog-template-file[the changelog template file documentation] for details.
`Template` (type)::
An object composed of following fields:
`source` (parameter):::
the {freemarker-link} template file
`target` (parameter):::
The output file.
If not provided, it will be derived from the `source`: if the `source` is `.index.adoc.ftl`, the `target` will be set to `index.adoc`.
If the value contains a `%v` (e.g., `%v.adoc`), it will be replaced with the associated release version.
`%v` substitution is only allowed for changelog templates and will not work for index templates.
`failIfNotFound` (parameter):::
Indicates if export should fail when the source cannot be found.
Defaults to `false`.
== Populating a release changelog directory
You can use the `release` goal wrapping xref:../log4j-changelog/README.adoc#qa-deploy-release[`ChangelogReleaser` to populate a release changelog directory].
An example usage is shared below.
.Populate `src/changelog/2.19.0` from `src/changelog/.2.x.x`
./mvnw -N log4j-changelog:release -Dlog4j.changelog.releaseVersion=2.19.0
Note that above we are using `-N` (`--non-recursive`) to avoid visiting submodules, which also makes the run faster.
`release` goal does not have default phase and accepts the following configuration parameters:
Directory containing release folders composed of changelog entry XML files.
It defaults to `${project.basedir}/src/changelog` and can be set using the `` property.
The version to be released.
It can be set using the `log4j.changelog.releaseVersion` property.