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<div id="overview"><a href="../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/async/AsyncQueueFullPolicy.html">View Javadoc</a></div><pre>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L1" href="#L1">1</a> <em class="jxr_comment">/*</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L2" href="#L2">2</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L3" href="#L3">3</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L4" href="#L4">4</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L5" href="#L5">5</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L6" href="#L6">6</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L7" href="#L7">7</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L8" href="#L8">8</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> *</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L9" href="#L9">9</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>0</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L10" href="#L10">10</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> *</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L11" href="#L11">11</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L12" href="#L12">12</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L13" href="#L13">13</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L14" href="#L14">14</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * See the license for the specific language governing permissions and</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L15" href="#L15">15</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * limitations under the license.</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L16" href="#L16">16</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> */</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L17" href="#L17">17</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">package</strong> org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async;
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L18" href="#L18">18</a>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L19" href="#L19">19</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L20" href="#L20">20</a>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L21" href="#L21">21</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L22" href="#L22">22</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Policy for deciding whether to discard the event, enqueue it or log the event on the current thread when the queue</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L23" href="#L23">23</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * is full.</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L24" href="#L24">24</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p&gt;</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L25" href="#L25">25</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * The asynchronous logging queue may become full when the application is logging faster than the underlying appender</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L26" href="#L26">26</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * can keep up with for a long enough time to fill up the bounded queue. When this happens, the logging subsystem has to</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L27" href="#L27">27</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * choose what to do with the event:</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L28" href="#L28">28</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;/p&gt;</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L29" href="#L29">29</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;ul&gt;</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L30" href="#L30">30</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;li&gt;Enqueue the event. This will block until the background thread removes a log event from the queue and space for</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L31" href="#L31">31</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * new events becomes available in the queue. There is a risk of causing deadlock here when the new logging call was</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L32" href="#L32">32</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * made while processing another logging call, for example when Log4j calls {@code toString()} on a message</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L33" href="#L33">33</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * parameter, and the parameter object makes a logging call from its {@code toString()} method.&lt;/li&gt;</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L34" href="#L34">34</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;li&gt;Bypass the queue and send the event directly to the underlying appenders. This is the default policy used by</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L35" href="#L35">35</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Log4j since 2.7: see {@link DefaultAsyncQueueFullPolicy}. The benefit of this approach is that</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L36" href="#L36">36</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * events will not get lost, but the disadvantage is that the resulting log file will be confusing for users,</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L37" href="#L37">37</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * since log events will appear in the log file in random order: new events that are directly logged are followed</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L38" href="#L38">38</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * by older log events taken from the queue.&lt;/li&gt;</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L39" href="#L39">39</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;li&gt;Discard the event. Log4j offers a variation of this policy where log events that are more verbose than</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L40" href="#L40">40</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * a certain threshold are discarded, and other events are sent to the underlying appenders.</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L41" href="#L41">41</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * See {@link DiscardingAsyncQueueFullPolicy} for details.&lt;/li&gt;</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L42" href="#L42">42</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;/ul&gt;</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L43" href="#L43">43</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p&gt;</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L44" href="#L44">44</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * See {@link AsyncQueueFullPolicyFactory} for how to install a custom policy.</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L45" href="#L45">45</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;/p&gt;</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L46" href="#L46">46</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L47" href="#L47">47</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @see AsyncQueueFullPolicyFactory</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L48" href="#L48">48</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @since 2.6</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L49" href="#L49">49</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L50" href="#L50">50</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">interface</strong> <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/logging/log4j/core/async/AsyncQueueFullPolicy.html">AsyncQueueFullPolicy</a> {
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L51" href="#L51">51</a>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L52" href="#L52">52</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L53" href="#L53">53</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Returns the appropriate route for the current log event, given the specified parameters.</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L54" href="#L54">54</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L55" href="#L55">55</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param backgroundThreadId the thread ID of the background thread. Can be compared with the current thread's ID.</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L56" href="#L56">56</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param level the level of the log event</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L57" href="#L57">57</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the appropriate route for the current event</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L58" href="#L58">58</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L59" href="#L59">59</a> <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/logging/log4j/core/async/EventRoute.html">EventRoute</a> getRoute(<strong class="jxr_keyword">final</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">long</strong> backgroundThreadId, <strong class="jxr_keyword">final</strong> Level level);
<a class="jxr_linenumber" name="L60" href="#L60">60</a> }
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