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== Where are changelogs stored?
Changelogs are stored in xref:src/changelog[`src/changelog`] directory.
{log4j-changelog-ref} is used to generate AsciiDoc-formatted changelog files during Maven `pre-site` phase and export them to xref:target/generated-sources/site/asciidoc/changelog[`target/generated-sources/site/asciidoc/changelog`] directory.
These exported AsciiDoc files are not committed, since they are only relevant for the website, and they cause merge-conflicts between feature branches.
`./mvnw site` command can be used to manually generate these files.
See {log4j-changelog-ref} project for further details; how to use this changelog system, what steps are needed while making a new release, etc.
== I am about to deploy a new release. What shall I do?
Just before a release, three things need to happen in the changelog sources:
. *changelog entry files needs to be moved* from the _upcoming_ release changelog directory `src/changelog/.<releaseVersionMajor>.x.x` to the _new_ release changelog directory `src/changelog/<releaseVersion>`
. *`.changelog.adoc.ftl` needs to be copied* from the _upcoming_ release changelog directory to the _new_ release changelog directory, unless it already exists in the target
. *`.release.xml` needs to be created* in the _new_ release changelog directory
Due to the nature of release candidates, above steps might need to be repeated multiple times.
Log4j _releases_ and _release candidates_ all get deployed to the same[_staging repository_].
Their `pom.xml` files all contain the same release version, e.g., `1.0.0`.
There are no `-rc1`, `-rc2`, etc. suffixes in the version of a release candidate.
Once a release candidate voting reaches to a consensus for release, associated artifacts simply get promoted from the _staging_ to the _public_ repository.
Hence, there are no differences between releases and release candidates.
How to carry out aforementioned changes are explained below in steps:
. Populate the `src/changelog/<releaseVersion>` directory (e.g., `src/changelog/1.0.0`) from the upcoming release changelog directory (e.g., `src/changelog/.1.x.x`):
./mvnw -N -P changelog-releaser
`changelog-releaser` Maven profile obtains the new release version from `Log4jReleaseVersion` property.
If needed, you can override it to point to another release version:
./mvnw -N -P changelog-releaser -DLog4jReleaseVersion=6.6.6
. Verify that all changelog entry files are moved from `src/changelog/.<releaseVersionMajor>.x.x` directory (e.g., `src/changelog/.1.x.x`)
. Verify that `src/changelog/<releaseVersion>` directory (e.g., `src/changelog/1.0.0`) is created, and it contains `.changelog.adoc.ftl`, `.release.xml`, and changelog entry files
If `src/changelog/<releaseVersion>` directory (e.g., `src/changelog/1.0.0`) already exists with certain content, `changelog-releaser` profile will only move new changelog entry files and override `.release.xml`; `.changelog.adoc.ftl` will not be touched, if it already exists.
This allows one to run `changelog-releaser` profile multiple times, e.g., to incorporate changes added to a release candidate.
. Edit the populated `.changelog.adoc.ftl`
. `git add` the changes in `src/changelog` and commit them