blob: d19b14b68c93627575259b632becd9bfc7b6808d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the license.
package org.apache.logging.log4j.kotlin
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level
import org.apache.logging.log4j.MarkerManager
import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.*
import org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.ExtendedLogger
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString
import org.mockito.kotlin.*
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
data class Custom(val i: Int)
interface Manager {
fun fetchValue(): Int
typealias LoggerStubbingFn = KStubbing<ExtendedLogger>.() -> Unit
class LoggerTest {
companion object {
val msg = ParameterizedMessage("msg {}", 17)
val entryMsg = DefaultFlowMessageFactory().newEntryMessage(msg)
val cseqMsg: CharSequence = StringBuilder().append("cseq msg")
val objectMsg = Custom(17)
val cause = RuntimeException("cause")
val marker = MarkerManager.getMarker("marker")
val result = "foo"
val managerValue: Int = 4711
class Fixture(stubbing: LoggerStubbingFn? = null) {
val mockLogger = mock<ExtendedLogger> {
on { getMessageFactory<MessageFactory2>() } doReturn ParameterizedMessageFactory()
if(stubbing != null) stubbing()
val manager = mock<Manager> {
on { fetchValue() } doReturn managerValue
fun withFixture(stubbing: LoggerStubbingFn?, level: Level, returning: Boolean, block: Fixture.(KotlinLogger) -> Unit): Fixture {
val f = Fixture(stubbing)
val logger = KotlinLogger(f.mockLogger)
block(f, logger)
return f
fun withLevelFixture(level: Level, returning: Boolean, block: Fixture.(KotlinLogger) -> Unit): Fixture {
return withFixture({
on { isEnabled(level) } doReturn returning
}, level, returning, block)
fun `Logging works!`() {
val f = withLevelFixture(Level.ERROR, true) {
verify(f.mockLogger).logIfEnabled(anyString(), eq(Level.ERROR), isNull(), eq<CharSequence>(result), isNull())
fun `Level fatal enabled with String message`() {
val f = withLevelFixture(Level.FATAL, true) {
it.fatal("string msg with value: ${manager.fetchValue()}")
verify(f.mockLogger).logIfEnabled(anyString(), eq(Level.FATAL), isNull(), eq<CharSequence>("string msg with value: $managerValue"), isNull())
fun `Level fatal disabled with String message`() {
val f = withLevelFixture(Level.FATAL, false) {
it.fatal("string msg with value: ${manager.fetchValue()}")
verify(f.mockLogger).logIfEnabled(anyString(), eq(Level.FATAL), isNull(), eq<CharSequence>("string msg with value: $managerValue"), isNull())
// one might expect times(0), but we just delegate so times(1), we don't have any extra macro-based logic like the Scala api
// use the lambda approach to not evaluate the message if the level is not enabled
verify(f.manager, times(1)).fetchValue()
fun `Lambda functions are evaluated if the level is high enough`() {
var count = 0
fun lamdaFun(): String {
return result
val log = logger()
log.error { lamdaFun() }
assertEquals(1, count)
fun `Lambda functions are not evaluated if the level is low enough`() {
var count = 0
fun lamdaFun(): String {
return result
val log = logger()
log.debug { lamdaFun() }
assertEquals(0, count)
fun `CharSequence messages are logged`() {
val f = withLevelFixture(Level.INFO, true) {
verify(f.mockLogger).logIfEnabled(anyString(), eq(Level.INFO), isNull(), eq(cseqMsg), isNull())
fun `Object messages are logged`() {
val f = withLevelFixture(Level.INFO, true) {
verify(f.mockLogger).logIfEnabled(anyString(), eq(Level.INFO), isNull(), eq(objectMsg), isNull())
fun `Markers are logged`() {
val f = withLevelFixture(Level.INFO, true) {, result)
verify(f.mockLogger).logIfEnabled(anyString(), eq(Level.INFO), eq(marker), eq<CharSequence>(result), isNull())
fun `Run in trace with no result`() {
var count = 0
val f = withLevelFixture(Level.INFO, true) {
it.runInTrace(entryMsg) {
assertEquals(1, count)
fun `Run in trace with result`() {
var count = 0
var returnedCount = 0
val f = withLevelFixture(Level.INFO, true) {
returnedCount = it.runInTrace(entryMsg) {
assertEquals(1, count)
assertEquals(1, returnedCount)
verify(f.mockLogger).traceExit(eq(entryMsg), eq(1))
fun `Run in trace with Exception`() {
var count = 0
val f = withLevelFixture(Level.INFO, true) {
assertFailsWith<RuntimeException> {
it.runInTrace(entryMsg) {
throw cause
assertEquals(1, count)
verify(f.mockLogger, times(1)).traceEntry(any<EntryMessage>())
verify(f.mockLogger, times(0)).traceExit(any())
verify(f.mockLogger).catching(argThat { message == "cause" })